MTL - They All Say I Encountered A Ghost-Chapter 26 New work (3)

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"How come you are here?" I said with a calm face.

"This..." Mu Huaiqi was thinking of excuses in madness. I stared at her and saw what reason she could come up with.

"I am driving, this man said that he is physically weak, kidney deficiency, so I found me to do the driving." Mu Huaiqi looked innocent and simple, "teacher, people are doing serious work ~~~"

I opened the door in the back seat of the car and explored the breath of Manager Lu, and determined that he was still alive, which was relieved.

"Edit, then edit." I looked at Mu Huai.

"I really am driving on behalf of you~" Mu Huai said sincerely.

"Oh, that mobile phone order, and your driver's license gave me a look." I reached out.

Mu Huaiqi didn't talk, and his expression became very serious: "Shen, you don't care."

"The teacher will not care about other people's business, but you are not others, it is my student." I sighed and went to Mu Huai, "I was scared by Mr. Lu yesterday, is the person who wants him to illusion and suffocate?"

"People's words are not me." Mu Huai's eyes are fearlessly flattered. I believe she, this is not a girl who is good at lying, just a little naughty.

"But you must know, right?"

"Yeah, I knew about the last night, but I didn't participate yesterday." Mu Huai whispered, "I know how Shen may be at that company."

"What about today?" I pointed to the unconscious manager Lu. "How did he faint?"

"Frightened, no interest." Mu Huai said disdainfully, "There are no people in the world who are scared, no, except for Shen."

I am only a little relieved. If yesterday's incident, Mu Huaiqi did not participate, today she is only scared of Lu Manager, and I want to stop when I drive, then her behavior is a mischievous nature, not enough to file a case. When the police encounter this kind of situation, at most, they are verbal education. If they do not change their education, they will be fined or administratively detained for 10-15 days. The problem is not big.

After silently recalling the legal provisions that I recited, I decided to replace the police comrades in the education of Mu Huaiqi. I will not care about her first offense. If I dare to commit another crime, I have to be administratively detained for three days to warn me.

"Where are you going to get him?" I asked.

"Just drive and sneak around." Mu Huai's eyes flickered, and at first glance it was not a good idea.

"What happened yesterday? Why do you want to scare Lu and ask for medicine?"

"There is no medicine, the police will not find anything in the coffee cup," Mu Huaiqi explained. "It’s just a cleaning aunt who accidentally broke the socket while packing his office. She won’t fix it herself. The erroneous erroneous erroneously broke the power supply. The mid-night murder of the TV screen is a mischievous nature. It will scare the dizzy that he has a ghost in his heart. Are you dizzy with Teacher Shen?"

I really didn't feel dizzy, Mu classmates seemed to make a lot of sense.

"What kind of hatred does Auntie and Mr. Lu have to be scared in this way? What is there in the heart of Manager Lu?" I continued to ask, Mu Huaiqi seems to know something.

Mu Huai's sweet and smiling face suddenly became gloomy: "I am a girlfriend, killed by him."

Killed? Manager Lu is very good, and will patiently teach me some experience in this new workplace. There are very few people who can do this.

"What happened, you elaborate." I asked.

"It is a girl named Yin Yaqiu who was a lover with him at the university. After work, the two stayed in the city of H, trying to raise money to pay the down payment and get married, but suddenly one day Yaqiu disappeared. Her family is patriarchal. Yaqiu had a bad relationship with her family. When she graduated from college, she asked her to return to her hometown to marry her brother. She did not agree. Since then, she has had a close relationship with her family. Apart from Lu Guangxi’s absence of other relatives, she is missing and no one knows. "Mu Huaiyu said, "Three years later, her mother came to h city to find her daughter. Only then did she discover that her daughter had disappeared. She suspected that Lu Guangxi knew the inside story and scared him in the middle of the night, and wanted him to say in shock. The truth."

"The mood can be understood, but there is no evidence that this cannot be done. If it is not done, it will be regarded as a handle, and the testimony obtained by this method cannot be proved." I am very worried about the legal consciousness of Mu Huaiqi and Yaqiu's mother. too weak.

"Is it really solved by law?" Mu Huai licked his long black hair. "If you kill it directly, you won't have it. This man is not enough to die."

This can't be done. I said righteously: "Mu classmate, your thoughts are very dangerous. I told you and the aunts that the correct means should be to report the disappearance first. The police will start investigations from the close relatives of Yin Yaqiu's disappearance. Really has a relationship with Lu Guangxi, he is impossible to escape the legal sanctions!"

"Can I trust you?" Mu Huai looked at me and said, "Mr. Shen, I never believed in men."

I remembered her past experiences and understood the maliciousness of Mu Huai's men. Men do have many shortcomings, they are creatures that use the lower body to think, but I always believe that the intangible things of justice, justice, morality, and law can make humans bind the wild desires and become an innocent conscience.

At least I have always asked myself this way.

"Mu classmate, at this moment I am not an ordinary male, but your teacher. Before you go to the society, I am willing to stand in front of you and become your big tree to protect you from the rain, so you can Trust me."

"Well, I will believe you once." Mu Huai's eyes showed a pointed tiger's teeth. "I believed in men for the last time. If Shen teacher disappoints my expectations, I am dead and crawling out of the grave, it is the danger of flying away from the soul. Also drink your blood and eat the meat!"

The hate in her tone is very boneless, but I don't feel scared, but I feel a little bit distressed by the girl who suffered tremendous damage at a young age.

"I tell you, three years ago, Yin Yaqiu was pregnant. She told Lu Guangxi that she wanted to give birth to this child. She could marry in a rented house. She didn't care if she had a house of her own and just wanted to give her a complete home. Lu Guangxi disagreed, let her have abortion, the two disputed, Lu Guangxi pushed her, Yin Yaqiu bleeding, she asked Lu Guangxi to call an ambulance to save the child, Lu Guangxi felt that this can directly abort, want to wait for the child to completely fall off and then call the ambulance. Who knows that he missed the best time to save, Yin Yaqiu died like this, and died under Lu Guangxi’s eyes."

Mu Huai's voice echoed in the underground parking lot. I am so hot-hearted and feel that it is full of cold.

"Lu Guangxi found that Yin Yaqiu was panicked after he died. He did not call the police, but chose to conceal. He dealt with the body of Yin Yaqiu. After being cooked at home, he was wrapped in leftovers and secretly buried in the garbage dump in the middle of the night. Can you find it in the past year?" Mu Huaiqi asked.

"Of course!" I said firmly, "China's garbage disposal methods are mainly landfill disposal, and we go to the garbage dump."

"Mr. Shen, do you know how big the garbage dump is?" Mu Huai smiled. "How do you dig alone? And if I lie to you? I was the first time I met and I was cheating on you. I lied." I have to take a long time to dig the garbage dump, make the whole body stink and tell you that I am editing, will you be angry?"

"Cheat on deception," I said with a calm smile. "Then I should do physical exercise and exercise. If you can get rid of it, graduate from school, it will be better to integrate into society as soon as possible."

Mu Huai’s eyes were red, and she lowered her head and said, “Teacher, drive, let’s go.”

“Hey? What about the manager of Lu?” I asked.

"Take him with him and let him see it with his own eyes." Mu Huai said sullenly.

I actually think about Xiaoning, but it is more important now that Mu Huai’s things are. I sent a message to Xiaoning: [I wanted to go to the hotel to see you, but Mu Huai asked me to go to the garbage dump to dig the bones. I will take time to see you tomorrow, wait patiently for me. Never accept any bad information during this time. Look at some books with positive energy. I will take time to see you tomorrow.

Hey, I am really worried about Xiaoning.

I drove to the garbage dump, and I didn’t know how much the manager Lu was frightened. I didn’t wake up all the way.

At 2 o'clock in the morning, 90% of the city has been sleeping, and I have dug the landfilled garbage in the garbage dump. It is really sad. I have not slept for several nights, my hair...

I distressedly touched the hair that was getting scarce on my head, picked up the tools and digging hard, and Mu Huaiqi looked at me from afar.

Digging and digging, the phone suddenly rang, it was Xiaoning’s phone.

"Where are you?" asked Xiaoning.

"Because some of the reasons for not being able to determine the truth, I am destroying the labor results of sanitation workers in the garbage dump," I sighed long. "You go to bed early, although still young, but you will lose hair when you sleep late. Your thick black hair is the face value." Part of it must be protected."

"I will go here, you wait for me."

When Xiao Ning finished talking, he hung up the phone. I wanted to stop playing it again. When I think about it, it’s not good to let Xiaoning stay alone. Come and exercise with me.

The garbage dump is really big and big, and the way of landfill disposal is to dump, flatten, compact, and cover the reservoir area. I don’t know how thick it is. I have to dig it out. I am afraid it will not be another three years.

After about an hour or so, at 3 o'clock in the morning, Xiaoning also rushed to the garbage dump. Seeing that I was digging in a goalless way, he walked over to me, not to abandon me dirty, pat on my shoulder.

"Are you coming?" I was sweating. "I originally wanted you to dig with me, but it is really stinking. You are still far away. I will come alone."

Xiaoning hurriedly hugged me, and did not despise me. He buried his head on my shoulder and whispered: "I have never seen anyone like you, every moment is subverting my past. Every move makes me respect."

"You, do you want to abandon me, do you want to dig with me? It's really tired." I said with a smile.

Xiaoning took out the compass and said, "I can help you find it. There must be grievances in the position of the bones. It can be found with the compass."

Then his compass began to spin up again, without stopping at all.

Ning Tiance: "..."

"Probably... the bones are too scattered, I can't find them at all." Ning Tianze looked up at me innocently.

I was teased by his expression, and almost laughed at him.

"I know where it is." Tou looked at Mu Huai, who had dug for more than an hour, suddenly said.

The author has something to say: Teacher Shen: I don't particularly understand why you are worried about the relationship between me and Xiaoning. I like Xiaoning so much. He hooks the fingers and we are together!

Ning Tianze hooks his fingers.

Teacher Shen: Hey? Xiaoning, your hand cramps, and quickly went to the hospital.

Ning Tiance: No need, I am just...

Teacher Shen (single-handed Xiaoning like a ramie bag on his shoulder): You can't be sick and sick, you have to be cured, I will send you to the hospital to film.

Ning Tiance: Say good hooks! (╯‵□')╯(┻━┻