MTL - There Will Always Be Protagonists With Delusions of Starting a Harem-Chapter 143 Beastmaster counts a diao

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After the day was completely dark, Yumu slipped back to keep the animal-type Tong Jia.

"He met the little orc of the turtle family in the mountains. He didn't pull people to hunt for treasures, so he was late." Yumu grew up watching Tong Jia, saying that his tone was helpless and petting. "If it wasn't me." Going to find, he is also preparing to spend the night with the little orcs in the mountains, saying that there may be a meteor tonight."

Tong Jia, who was caught in the ear, licked his leg and refused to speak.

"Jiajia." Ye Zhizhou slammed his face and slammed the table. "How many times have I told you that I can’t play with the little orcs I don’t know, and I can’t stay in the mountains at night, even though there are patrols, What if something goes wrong?"

Tong Jia shook his short tail in a difficult way, trying to mix and sell.

"This trick is useless." Ye Zhizhou's detective used to lick his fat face, black face, "three days in prison, these three days, you go to the blessing hall to bring the children to the sheep orcs, remember, do not hold the little orcs Play, understand?"

Tong Jia nodded hard and still did not speak.

Ye Zhizhou frowned, and looked at him up and down carefully, suddenly pinching his gang to force open his mouth.

Hey, a small black fruit fell out of Tong Jia’s mouth.

"Painted fruit." Ye Zhizhou felt that the forehead blue veins had a tendency to burst. "Although this fruit tastes sweet, it can't be eaten! If you eat too much, you will be paralyzed! When you come, you can kill a beast." These often recognized by the three-year-old orcs know that you don't know!"

Yumu was helpless. He put him on the table and knocked on his head. "I said how you didn't talk all the way. It was afraid that I found this. Jia Jia, this can't be eaten, don't commit it again."

"I'm sorry..." Tong Jia carefully licked the hand of Yu Mumu, and looked at the pitiful look of Ye Zhizhou. The three petals moved. "I saw a little orc wanting to eat it and ran. In the past, Jin Yang suddenly ran out. I thought that Uncle Yumu had come. Just put the fruit in his mouth and hide it..."

Ye Zhizhou heard a word, and after seeing Yumu, he caught Tong Jia on his lap and frowned. "You said you saw Jin Yang? On the mountain?"

"Well, not only Jin Yang, but also a few young orcs of the Fox family, they said they are going to catch ostriches." Tong Jia said that this is exciting again, the ears look very cute, "Jin Yang I also invited me to go! But I didn't agree... He was too scary, I was afraid he had eaten me." The ear was afraid of falling down.

Ye Zhizhou's brow wrinkled more tightly, once again looked at the feathers, and then licked Tong Jia a few words and let Yu Mu take him away.

Jin Yang is always in the city, how come today suddenly went up the mountain, but also with the fox wolf orcs...

The breeze blew, and a beautiful red bird flew in and landed into a human form.

“The meeting is over so soon?” Ye Zhizhou took his thoughts away from Jin Yang’s affairs and got up and greeted the Eastern books. “What did you say at this meeting, how so urgent?”

"Talked about the preparations before the winter season." The Oriental book hugged him and kissed his forehead, and asked him to raise his hand and dialed his hair. "I saw Yumu and Tongjia on the way back." When did they come back?"

"Just come back." When it comes to this Ye Zhizhou's expression sinks again, "Jia Jia said that he met Jin Yang on the mountain, accompanied by the young orcs of the fox wolf. There are also ancient formations on the hill near the temple. Will this Jin Yang go to step on it? Yumu is right, Jin Yang is indeed suspicious, and he has changed too much recently."

"Don't worry, the ancient array of law is surrounded by me, and people who don't understand the law can't get in." The Oriental book kept his eyebrows and seemed to inadvertently ask, "What did Tong Jia do on the mountain? Why are you coming back so late?"

"It is said that the turtle is a small orc." Ye Zhizhou said that Yumu said it again and again, and it is difficult to hide his worries. "Would you like to spend more time with Jiajia in this autumn, he runs alone?" Safety."

"The sky is getting colder. The mountains are full of beasts that reserve food for the winter. It is too unsafe. Don't let Tongjia go up the mountain recently. Jinqiu is busy arranging the collection of hunting for all ethnic groups. It is estimated that he has no time to accompany him all day. "Oriental book took him to the bathroom and calmed down. "You don't worry too much. Tong Jia is an adult male orc. After all, there is still self-protection ability."

Ye Zhizhou nodded and couldn't help but sigh. "Then let me let him know more about it. I will stare at the golden side and let Jin Yang get closer to the people around us."

The Oriental Book looked at the five senses that he appeared softer under the light, and tightened his hand. "Reassure, things will soon be solved."

After three days, Tong Jia has been very embarrassed, no longer rushing to go out, Ye Zhizhou finally put a snack. After paying attention to Yajia and Jin Qiudu to pay attention to Tong Jia, he asked Yu Mu to monitor Jin Yang's life and began to stalk all day.

Jin Yang did not find himself being stared at. He should eat and drink every day, and then change the law to contact the orcs. The more he watched Ye Zhizhou, he felt suspicious. After considering it, he simply pushed all the work of the temple to the oriental book, and he became a *monitor with one heart and one mind.

After the three-day confinement of Tong Jia, the rabbit patriarch suddenly found the temple, saying that the rabbits had to hold an annual sacrifice, and the manpower was not enough. I hope Tong Jia will go back and help. The book of the East and Ye Zhizhou raised this matter. Ye Zhizhou remembered that the rabbit family was closed and comfortable. It was also a good environment for the rabbit girl. If he didn’t think about it, he nodded and then forced the boy who didn’t want to leave the temple to return to the animal. Plugged into the arms of the rabbit chief.

"Please make him help!" Ye Zhizhou took the hand of the rabbit patriarch, and his eyes were sincere and sincere. "It is best to arrange for him to work with a single rabbit girl! If not, single rabbit brother can do it!"

Tong Jia protested lameness, but he was afraid of the terrible dragon pressure that Ye Zhizhou did not consciously exude.

The timid rabbit patriarch was flustered by Ye Zhizhou. He nodded and agreed, and then ran with Tong Jia.

The book of the East puts down the law book, and looks at Ye Zhizhou, who is still reluctant to look at the back of the head of the rabbit tribe. He smiles with a smile. "You rushed back to swear it? Who do you let Jin Yang over?" is you?"

"Yu Mu, other orcs have no hands and feet." Ye Zhizhou walked up to him, bent over and took away the book in his hand, and looked at him in a rare way. "You have been a little strange recently. I don't come back all day, you actually Not jealous is not trouble, how, seven hundred years of itching?"

"Just want to make you easier." The Oriental book hugged him and quickly shifted the subject. "Is there any new discovery on the side of Jin Yang?"

"Yes." Ye Zhizhou's attention has actually shifted. He took out a pen and paper from the space to draw a map of him. "These are the orcs who have recently been closer to Jin Yang. The five of them are the direct blood relatives of the harem. Three are among the four major families, and two are related to the temple."

Then he took out a map and clicked on a few places where he painted the red circle. "This is where he used to go recently, all related to the ancient formation method. Recently, the annual festivals of the major families have continued. To begin, by this afternoon, Jin Yang has already promised the invitation of the annual festival of the Turtles and the Snakes. I suspect that he will go to the forbidden land of the four major ethnic groups during the annual festival."

The Oriental book agreed to nod and asked, "Do you need to catch him in advance?"

"No." Ye Zhizhou did not hesitate to refuse, clenched his palm. "I want to personally arrest him, and I haven't figured out who the ten soul flags have been transferred to. I need to observe it for a while."

"According to you." The Oriental book held his hand and pulled him into his arms and hugged him. "If there is a need to help, I will help you."

"You have helped me a lot." Ye Zhizhou smiled and hugged him, and looked up and kissed him. "This time is hard for you."

The Oriental book smiled and bowed to give him a gentle kiss.

After half a month, the annual festivals of the major tribes began to unfold. Due to the identity of the beastmaster, the annual festival of the four majors, Ye Zhizhou, must appear on the scene. In desperation, he had to temporarily transfer the work of monitoring Jin Yang to Yu Mu.

The first to start the annual sacrifice is the snake family, followed by the turtle family, and then the tiger family. After the tiger family is over, it is the most familiar plume of Ye Zhizhou. The territories of the four major ethnic groups are not close to each other. This year's ceremonial round is down, and Ye Zhizhou has no time to pay attention to the situation of Jin Yang.

A month later, the sacrificial ceremonies of the various tribes finally ended, and the sacrifices of the temple began.

"It's too tired." Ye Zhizhou spread out on a bed covered with feathers. There is no love in his face. "How do you feel that this year's annual festival is particularly tired? Four majors are about to make an appointment, but they have all changed their years." The sacrifice time has made us always on the road."

The Oriental book put his hand on his forehead and gave him some animal power. "You can rest after the sacrifice of the temple, and there are two days."

"Don't lose." Ye Zhizhou took his hand, and some of his distressed pinch his fingers. "You haven't had a rest recently, how are you thin? You don't care about the temple, let me go, take a break. ""

"Nothing, I will accompany you." The Oriental book held his hand and waved the light in the room. "I am not thin, I don't believe you touch."

"Why are you turning off the lights... Hey, I still have something to tell you, don't you... bastard!"

Two days later, the sacrifice of the temple was successfully completed, and Ye Zhizhou finally had time to care about the situation of Jin Yang.

"How, did he go to the forbidden place?"

Yumu glanced at the oriental book sitting on the sidelines and read the French book. He replied, "Yes, but it was blocked by the outside of the forbidden land. After the end of the annual festival, he quickly returned to the city to go around the temple. Several hills turned and they failed."

Ye Zhizhou is more and more sure that the new protagonist is Jin Yang, and continues to ask, "Have he recently been exposed to outstanding young orcs of other races? Not those who have known before, but new ones."

"This..." Yumu hesitated for a while, and secretly looked at the Oriental book and shook his head. "There is no new understanding, but I have known for a long time. Recently, I suddenly got a familiar..."

Ye Zhizhou saw him vomiting, and he groaned in his heart, and asked, "Does the orc who suddenly matured in Jin Yang know us?"

Yumu nodded silently, "know."

Ye Zhizhou instinctively frowned, "Who is this?"

"Younger brother, younger brother!" The familiar cry came from outside the door, and then a fat rabbit quickly rushed in and slammed into Ye Zhizhou's arms. Excited, "Younger brother, just Jin Yang asked me to marry me, I promised. He is! He is so cute!"

Ye Zhizhou stunned and then shocked. He reached out and grabbed his neck and swayed. "Who are you talking about? Jin Yang? He is marrying you? You actually promised?!"