MTL - There is a Problem with This Online Game Planning-Chapter 674 The FPS circle participated in the grand event

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  Chapter 674 The FPS circle participated in the grand event

  The day when the CG of "Titanfall" was announced.

   A bunch of professional players began to help Linmu Studio to promote the game spontaneously.

   This was actually beyond Lin Yao's expectation.

   Not to mention other colleagues.

  At the beginning, Lin Yao decided to send emails to these players, mainly because she saw many familiar players retire, and then they all looked like jade during the live broadcast.

  Thinking that one release is one release, I decided to give these players a copy of the game. On the one hand, it is an announcement, and on the other hand, it can be regarded as comfort.

   As for the extra CDK, it is mainly because most of these players are live broadcasting, and Linmu Studio must consider the players when they send them games.

   I need it even if I mean it.

  So she added some more CDKs and let the players give them to the players. Although the CDKs given by a single player are not many, so many players add up to a lot.

   In short.

  A large part of the reason for this operation is that Lin Yao wanted to do it herself.

   Not to mention any strategy.

   But judging from the results...

  This is definitely a strategy...

  Linmu Studio’s FPS-related e-sports projects can be said to have no rivals in China, not a single one.

  In this case, the influence of the relevant professional players is of course also great.

   Simply put.

   This group of domestic FPS players, even if they retire, are still orphans from the glory days.

  As long as you are a player who likes FPS games, even if you don't like watching games, you probably have heard of the name.

  Even if you haven’t heard of the name, you’ve heard of related stalks, such as Rong in Lin Yao’s previous life, and Yi Dashan and the like…

   With so many professional players, it can be said that almost all players who like FPS are covered.

  In addition, "Titanfall" itself is not an online celebrity game.

  The promotional video is really attractive.

  The spontaneous promotion of former professional players, coupled with the quality of the game itself...

  The popularity of the game...exploded instantly.

   And not only domestically.

  The e-sports festival of Linmu Studio has not been limited to China for a long time. Since the first edition, it has not only been participated by domestic teams.

  So the emails from Linmu Studio were not only sent to domestic players, but also overseas retired players.

  So this wave.

   This wave is highly anticipated...

   It would be silly for colleagues to directly look at it.

  They never expected that the "Modern Scrolls" that they thought would come to an not the end yet!

   There is even a "Titanfall" in the middle.

   Let the entire FPS circle join in the grand event...


  What exactly does Linmu Studio want to do...

   Tell the truth.

   All major peers have collapsed.

   Will you give me a way out! Will you give me a way out!

   You have a few tricks with "Climbing to the Top"!

   But we haven't got in the car yet!

   Stop bombarding the players like crazy, please!

   Come a few more "Titanfall", not to mention the mobile game, players will go back to the past!

   Among the many colleagues, the only one who can be regarded as calm is Tianhu who broke the defense first.

  Although Mou Feng did not expect that there would be a "Titanfall" in the middle.

  But "Titanfall" made Tianhu embarrassing, and he took the title of "unlucky guy".

   Players ridiculed Tianhu intensively, but the MOBA mobile game under Tianhu successfully spread along with "Titanfall". Although it is not a good reputation, players do remember...


  Mou Feng and Li Guangsheng broke the defense at that time.

  But after thinking about it carefully, I still accepted it...

   If you are ashamed, you will be ashamed.

  Better than impotent rage.



   There is another very important reason.

  That is, Mou Feng also watched the promotional CG of "Titanfall"...

   After reading it, while he was shocked, he fell silent.

   This time she wasn't silent because of frustration.

  He is silent mainly because...the CG is so handsome!

  He wants to play too! !

  Although he is middle-aged, he is not really old, after all, he is in the game industry.

  And what happened to the middle age, what happened to the bald head, he also has the second soul!

   The CG of "Titanfall" is really cool...

  Really, the promotional video alone almost satisfied all his fantasies about future fighters and future mech warfare.

  Don't say mecha warfare is unrealistic.

   This is a game! It's really handsome!

   After watching the promotional video.

   He even wanted to pre-order it!

   At the end of the day.

  Mou Feng actually likes games, which is also the fundamental difference between him and Li Guangsheng. Otherwise, he would not have returned from overseas, gave up his original position, and wanted to make domestic games.


  He really did enough for Sky Fox.

  Under the leadership of Mou Feng, Tianhu has stabilized the second position, and its games have been changing, and the number of players has been increasing.

   Moreover, although they are unlucky every time and are crazily ridiculed by players, their new products are actually quite successful.


   It is impossible for old friends Mou Feng and Li Guangsheng to stay at the decision-making level and firmly control Tianhu.

  The reason why they looked so embarrassed was because there was a more dazzling existence in front of them.

   Let alone Tianhu.

  Dreamland, where he worked before, is the younger brother in front of Linmu Studio.

   There is really no way.

  However, no matter how much he likes it, Mou Feng feels a little ashamed... so he keeps silent.

   "Just play if you want, your tm eyes are shining."


  Li Guangsheng was a little speechless, and complained.

   "What's showing off, I just envy them too much."

Mou Feng recovered and looked at the computer screen: "It's really great, isn't it? I've always wanted to make a similar game, but the difficulty is really too high... Don't you think this game is great? Come and go like the wind Soldiers, huge mechs... It's really exciting!"

  He recounted with envy.


  But Li Guangsheng couldn't empathize.

  He just thinks that CG is very handsome, and Linmu Studio is very powerful.

  But if you really want to say how much you like it and how excited you are, that would be a lie.

   "Forget it, you don't understand."

  Mou Feng also knows that everyone thinks differently. He has been overseas for so many years, and he really likes FPS a little more.

   Among them, the FPS of science fiction is his favorite.

   "I really don't understand."

  Li Guangsheng spread his hands and sighed: "I know now that Linmu Studio is crazy... When will this day be big? Why is there another "Titanfall"..."

  But Mou Feng no longer paid attention to him, but looked at the screen again, and looked at the promotional picture of "Titanfall".

at last.

  Mou Feng secretly pre-ordered the game.


  Day by day.

  With the unremitting efforts of professional players and Linmu Studio, coupled with the extremely shocking CG of the game itself.

   "Titanfall" has successfully become the game that players are most looking forward to at the beginning of this year.

  Countless players shouted that they would die without "Titanfall".


   Followed by, there are countless discussions.

  For example, how will the iron pilot play, and what are the conditions for driving the mecha.

   Xuanfa CG is handsome, but that's it.

   But the players just relied on a promotional video and chatted for a whole month!

   This is outrageous.

   Among them, the happiest chatter is of course the domestic players.

  Because the Lunar New Year is coming soon.

  Linmu Studio is an advantage of domestic companies and has been fully utilized.

  Game released before the Spring Festival!

   This time period is the time when most domestic players have time and want to relax.

  This is why "Titanfall" has received so much attention.

   Such a suitable release time.

  Linmu Studio really understands it too well.

   And in the eyes of all.

  The holiday time nodes of major companies.

  New Year's Eve twenty-seven.

   "Titanfall" ushered in the release date.

  Sky fox.

  Mou Feng finished work early and returned home. After spending time with his wife and children, he returned to his study when he saw that it was about time.


  He didn't say play games.

   Just say work.

  But as soon as he entered the study, he locked the door, put on his earphones, and entered the state directly.

   Gearing up.


   During this period of time, he also paid close attention to this game.


   A more accurate statement would be that he is exactly like an ordinary player... He has been in the player community for a long time, discussing the specific content of this game with the players, and even getting red-faced.

  There are many games in Linmu Studio. Before playing, he would convince himself that he was studying, but after playing, he became addicted.

   That's the price of learning...

  But this time, he really couldn't lie to himself.

   learn ass...

  He just wanted to play.

   "Five minutes to go..."

  Mou Feng opened the Vaporwave game platform, then checked the unlock time, and went to the forum to browse.

  The game is nearing the release.

   There are more related discussions.

   The expectations of the players are almost overflowing.

   And for the specific gameplay of the game.

The players have discussed it for so long, and the discussion has been exhausted. Of course, there is a conclusion, and the conclusion that is generally accepted by all players is that the player should control the iron pilot most of the time, and only under certain conditions or get some items, To drive a Titan in certain levels.

   Mou Feng also agrees with this point.

  Because he knows how difficult the level is if the player is allowed to drive the Titan Mech and switch between the iron pilot form and the Titan form at will.

  You can’t let the pilot do mechs, can you?

   Or just let the mecha sweep over?

   It doesn’t feel realistic or interesting enough.

   And no matter which one, it can't take advantage of the characteristics of the two demonstrated in the promotional video.

  So the biggest possibility is that the iron pilot is the focus, and the titan is just a tool for specific levels and certain links.

  For example, if you encounter an enemy mecha, you can perform our airdrop of Titans at this time, and then let the players experience the mechs fighting each other.

   To put it simply, the mecha is most likely just to bring players a different combat experience.

   is equivalent to a swap.

   But this is enough.

   This rare FPS with mecha elements was produced by the well-known Linmu Studio.

  Even if the huge mecha is a tool for certain levels and certain links, Linmu Studio should not disappoint, right? The level design should not be bad, right?

  Mou Feng looked at the game on the screen, thinking expectantly.

   And at this time.

  The game is also officially unlocked.

   The play button just lights up.

  Mou Feng clicked immediately.


   The game starts.

  The logo of Linmu Studio appeared.


  After a brief black screen.

  The main menu of the game popped up.

  The background of the main menu is the vast starry sky.

   Countless huge warships are sailing to a certain planet.

   Very shocking.

   "Damn it..."

   See this game menu page.

  Mou Feng got excited, couldn't help rubbing his hands again, then held the mouse, and clicked to start the battle.

  The game menu page fades away.


  CG playback.

  On the battlefield, the iron pilot is flexible and fast, using various means to kill the enemy, elegant and powerful.

   It can be said that one person is half an army.

   And at the same time.

   Rifleman Jack Cooper's voice sounded.

  Combined with the scene of the Iron Pilot killing special kills, he began to explain this special unit and what makes them different from all infantry—Titans.

  Mou Feng looked at the opening cg that was completely different from the promotional film, and couldn't help but gasped.

  Linmu Studio is really willing...

   And, this is really handsome!

  Tie Pilot constantly uses various props and uses various methods to deal with enemies, attacking them head-on, deceiving them, surviving in dangerous’s so cool, it can be said that all of them directly hit the excitement of the players.

   And the final mech battle.

   is even more sublimated!

   directly raised the player's expectations to the point where they couldn't be higher!

   while on the screen.

  The opening CG is still playing.

   After introducing Pilot and Titan.

  The narration changed.

   explained the background of the story.

  【Since I was sensible, the border has been my only home. 】

  【IMC for so many years, has been forcibly seizing our resources... polluting and destroying our planet, and slaughtering all those who resist. 】

  【Although they have won consecutive battles on Ceres recently, they are still a long way from defeating IMC. 】

  【Right now, I am a rifleman in the rebel army, fighting for the freedom of the frontier. The day I become a pilot is still far away. 】

  【But when I become a Pilot, I hope to... deserve it! 】


  The general story background is actually not complicated.

   It is the battle between the IMC and the rebels.

   And a rifleman, through his own perspective, talked about his understanding of this war and his envy for the iron pilot.

   Mou Feng heard this.

   I was stunned.

  The player is a rifleman?

   Isn't it Iron Pilot?

  But soon, he reacted.

  No, this should be suppressed first and then raised.

   And at this time.

   With Jack Cooper's last words out.

  Two Titans are about to fight on the battlefield.

  The screen goes black.

   Bottom right corner.

   A line of words appeared.

   Exactly the same as COD.

  【Pilot Trial】

  【Aboard 'James McAllen'】

  【Close to Typhon Star—IMC Territory】


  The screen lights up.

  The player is in a cockpit-like environment.

   Looking out from the inside, you can see a pilot without a helmet and a Vanguard Titan.

   At this time, the iron pilot also called out the name of the character played by the player.

  【Rifle Hyokubo...】

   Sure enough, he was playing infantry.

  The plot of the first act is the iron pilot training Kubo.

  He felt that Cooper had the potential to become a pilot, so he used the simulation cabin to let him experience the pilot.

  The purpose is actually to teach players how to operate.

  Mou Feng still understands this.

   And it is true.

  As the door of the simulation cabin is closed, the nerves are connected, and the screen changes.

  The iron pilot named Lastimosa began to teach the rifle soldier Kubo, or the players how to control the character.

   At first it was just a simple run.

   There is nothing to say about this.

  Mou Feng followed Lasi Timosa all the way forward, and then came to a virtual scene that was said to be based on the latter's hometown.

   And the next step.

  The game teaches the player to slide on the wall.

  The operation is also very simple, just press the space, and then move forward against the wall.

  With the mentality of giving it a try, Mou Feng jumped up and leaned against the wall.

   Under his control, the character slid over very smoothly.

   It is exactly the same as in the promotional video.

   Followed by slides, jumps, guns...

  Teaching all the way.

  Mou Feng probably understood the mechanism of the game.

   And the only feeling is smooth.

  Linmu Studio obviously adopted another way of thinking to do FPS.

  After adding mechanisms such as sliding shovel, jumping and gliding on the wall, the FPS game "Titanfall" is really different from other FPS games.


  At this time, Mou Feng still didn't have an accurate understanding of the word 'difference'.


  He played the "Iron Pilot Audit" in the prologue.

  This link is equivalent to the novice level of COD. In simple terms, players need to break through a simple level within two minutes, kill enemies, and reach the end.

   And in this link.

   Players need to use all the operations just learned.

  Mou Feng knows the purpose of the game setting link, this can be regarded as the helplessness of game practitioners when playing games. Every time they play, they will think of the purpose of the game producer...

   And just because he knew the purpose, Mou Feng didn't pay much attention to this level at the beginning. He wanted to end it as soon as possible, and then officially entered the game.

  Operation he has learned!

  He is also a game producer, he understands!

   No need to test at all!

   Well...he did learn.

  However, when the first actual combat.

Mou Feng controls the character, with the mentality of trying, one jumps off the wall, glides away, shoots and kills the enemy during the period, then turns around and double jumps, steps on another wall, and continues to glide... directly completed The cool operation demonstrated in a wave of promotional videos!

  He was dumbfounded.

   For the first time, I have an accurate understanding of the 'difference'.

  He can even kill the dummies below without landing!

  Experience the entire teaching level.

   So easy! So smooth! So pleasing to the eye!

   "...Damn it!"

  Mou Feng stopped the action directly, even manipulated the character, looked back at the road he ran just now, with an expression of disbelief.

  At this moment, he directly put aside his identity as a game producer, and was so excited.

   Damn it!

   This is too smooth! !

   This is too handsome! !

  (end of this chapter)

Read The Duke's Passion