MTL - There is a Problem with This Online Game Planning-Chapter 672 Unlucky Egg Announcement

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  Chapter 672 Unlucky egg style announcement

  After the e-sports festival ended this year, Lin Yao paid special attention to the situation of e-sports players in each event.

  Because there are few projects in the early stage of the forest e-sports festival, she also does it herself, so she also knows most of the well-known e-sports players in the early stage.

  But this year's e-sports festival.

   Tell the truth.

   Not many familiar faces.

  The two teams that impressed her the most.

   NO.1 and FEIREN in "Breakout", although the core personnel are still there, but there are indeed a lot of people missing. Lin Yao paid special attention to their whereabouts.

   It’s not that they have transferred, but they retired to sell meat muffins... and went to live broadcast.

  For FPS-related competitive events, age has the greatest impact.

  The members who retired, the reason why they retired...basically has a lot to do with their age.

   Of course, it also has something to do with the live broadcast battle some time ago.

  At the beginning, all major live streaming sites were burning money to find anchors and discover new anchors at the same time.

   In theory, when it comes to being an anchor, who else is more suitable than an e-sports player who can appear in the main competition of the Linshu E-sports Festival and has a huge popularity among players?

absolutely not.

  On the one hand, I feel powerless with age.

  On the one hand, it is the temptation of high salaries from live streaming sites.

  Many e-sports players chose to retire during that time.

   Among them are the members of NO.1 and FEIREN, the two famous teams of the "Breakout" project. The core members of the two teams, Lu Tai and Chen Xi, have not retired, but each of the two teams has two veteran players who have chosen to retire.

   And it is for this reason that they are going through a painful period this year.

  The grades are not good.

  When Lin Yao opened the live broadcast website, she saw those familiar faces not sitting in the soundproof room of the arena, but sitting in her bedroom playing games.

   I feel a little melancholy...

These e-sports players can be regarded as the earliest e-sports players in China, and there is no shortage of talent and hard work. A young rookie emerges.

  Maybe only a few milliseconds of reaction time, in the increasingly mature FPS e-sports project, it is enough to decide life and death.

   This is why they retired.

  However, retirement is retiring, and the skills they have honed in the professional arena for many years are still there.

  So it’s no problem to play rank and kill easily.

   And every time after a big kill, there will always be players asking through real-time comments-'You are still so good, why should you retire? ’ ‘If you don’t want to play professionally and make a name for yourself, become an anchor here? '

   And every time they see such real-time comments, these players who were top professional players before retiring will be silent.

  If you have a bad mentality, your next operation will be deformed.

  Lin Yao can barely understand them.

   After all, this is not her previous life. The period of chaos in the e-sports industry is extremely short, at least the e-sports projects of the games under Linmu Studio are not chaotic.

  A famous professional player can not only enjoy the cheers on the stage, but also has a high commercial value. The salary alone is a lot of money.

   Not to mention, the share that Linmu Studio brings to the prop skins made by the champion every year, as well as the prize money of the competition.

  If possible, they all want to continue to enjoy the cheers on the stage, instead of being anchors in the live broadcast room.

   But the reality is so helpless.

   Didn't retire, but no one wanted it.

   This sentence is very interesting to ridicule.

   But for e-sports players who really want to continue to compete in the arena, it can be regarded as murderous.

   "Miss Mu, sometimes I feel that time passes very slowly, and I feel that we have only established Linmu Studio for a short time. After all, Linmu Studio's rise is really too fast."

Lin Yao moved the mouse, swiped a gift for the e-sports player on the screen who should be named Qi Xiao if she remembered correctly, and said softly at the same time: "And whenever I look at these people at this time, I have another It really feels like a long time has passed..."

   "Well, it's been a long time indeed."

  Mu Wanqing's memory is not as good as Lin Yao's, and she can memorize the names of so many e-sports players.

  However, some players in the "Breakout" project retired, and they are still top professional players whose names can be remembered by Lin Yao.

   Not one or two yet.

  This incident itself represents the passage of time... You must know that "Breakout" has not faded away, and it is still the most important event of the e-sports festival, and the annual championships will only increase.

   "... a little melancholy."

  After delivering the gift, Lin Yao put her hand on her cheek and said softly.


  Mu Wanqing looked at Lin Yao's fair side face and smiled gently.

  She really doesn't look like a boss sometimes.

   Like this moment.

  But she doesn't dislike Lin Yao's emotional side.

  She felt that it was because of her emotional side that Lin Yao was not far away from her.

  Rather than as the scale of Linmu Studio is getting bigger and bigger, it is gradually being mythologized and turned into a creative tool person hanging above Linmu Studio.

   "What are you laughing at?" Lin Yao noticed the smile on Mu Wanqing's face.

   "It's nothing... You haven't changed at all, although time has passed quickly."

  Mu Wanqing shook her head, then chuckled lightly and said, "It really hasn't changed at all, it hasn't matured much at all."

   "Go away, which pot is not open and which pot is lifted!"

  Lin Yao became angry when she thought of this, and gave her an annoyed look.

  Mu Wanqing couldn't help laughing.

  Lin Yao stopped talking to her, but looked at the screen again.

On the screen, after the anchor named Qi Xiao thanked the gift briefly, and was about to continue ranking, a person broke into the black channel he was in. It was the current captain of FEIREN, his former teammate and university student. Friends, Lu Tai.

  As soon as Lu Taiwan entered the black channel, it immediately said: "Qi Xiao! Open me a box, let me be happy with your name, and see if there is any miraculous effect."


   Hear a familiar voice.

  Qi Xiao, who was a little silent just now because of the real-time comments, immediately came to life, cursing.

  In the real-time comment area, players also began to post real-time comments such as 'FEREN's captain and deputy captain combined', 'blatant superstition', 'playing rank together' and so on.

  Lin Yao smiled, did not continue watching, but turned off the live broadcast website.

  She doesn’t actually like watching the live broadcast very much, but just happened to see the news of Qi Xiao’s retirement.

   "Miss Mu, there is no problem with the publicity plan for "Titanfall", so let's implement it accordingly."

  Lin Yao picked up the information on the desktop and handed it back to Mu Wanqing.

   "Okay." Mu Wanqing took the file and responded.

"in addition."

Lin Yao glanced at the screen out of the corner of her eye, thought of something, and smiled softly: "Give these retired professional players of "Breakout" a copy of the game, and it will be regarded as a game announcement to some extent, and it is also ours. Forest Studio still remembers the proof of these professional players.

  Although the forestry e-sports festival is large now, we should not forget how the e-sports festival came about.

  As the pioneer of the "Breakout" project, the e-sports environment at that time was not good. We are credited, but this group of e-sports players who did not hesitate to come to participate in the competition was also a member of the e-sports festival.

  I don’t want to get involved in the Linmu e-sports branch, and I don’t need to mention the Hall of Fame. We will do what we can, such as sending an email to send money for games and the like.

  I estimate that these e-sports players who like FPS will also like this game. "


  Mu Wanqing smiled lightly when she heard the words, and then said, "Okay."


   New year, January.

   "Assassin's Creed" release is considered a big event.

  But such a big event happened in the game circle.

  Because other game peers are avoiding it...

  So, "Assassin's Creed" was able to kill and kill without any opponent at all...

  However, no matter how good a game is, there will always be a day when it will be fully played, and although "Assassin's Creed" is almost impeccable as an entry-level stand-alone game, the popularity was once higher than "Left 4 Dead".

   But this type of game also has a fatal flaw, that is - online experience.

   No matter how you do it, the multiplayer part of this type of game is not comparable to Left 4 Dead.

   But there is no multiplayer mode, or the multiplayer mode is not fun, which means that the player's desire to continue playing is reduced, which means that the popularity of the game will not last long.

  This is why Lin Yao had to add a multiplayer mode to many games in her previous life. She didn’t even do stand-alone plots, and directly made buyout games into multiplayer games.

   This can be regarded as a sequela caused by the blurred boundaries of single-player online games.

  At the same time, this is also the basis for Mou Feng to judge that Tianhu needs to announce the news fifteen days after the release of "Assassin's Creed".

  Because he also knows that this kind of game is not easy to do multiplayer mode. At this time, the popularity of "Assassin's Creed" is gradually dissipating, and the perfect time for "Modern Scrolls" has not yet been announced.


  January 15th.

   They were on time.

   Same as their previous "Under the Dark Night".

  Tianhu just started to use the self-media publicity plan...

【Shock! Tianhu new mobile game! The investment has doubled again, up to 500 million! It is the highest in the history of mobile games. 】

  【The sword points to Linmu Studio! It is rumored that Tianhu has urgently transferred some production staff of "Under the Dark Night" to its MOBA mobile game project team, aiming at Linmu Studio's "Climb to the Top"! 】

  【Tianhu’s MOBA project concept map outflow...】

   Tianhu's routine is not new.

   It can even be said to be old.

  But I can't hold back the shock body is really easy to use...

   This is the highest, the sword finger, and the outflow.

   No matter how disdainful the player is, they will be a little interested when they see the title, so click on it and take a look.

   And as long as they click to open it.

  That day the fox will be considered a success.

After all, they have accepted the position of the second child, and their goal now is not to compete with Linmu Studio, but to surpass other competitors except Linmu Studio, to be deeply bound with Linmu Studio, and to be the second .

In this situation.

   Players can remember their mobile game without much ill feeling, it is considered a great success.


  Although the players could see that Tianhu wanted to touch porcelain.

  But thinking that during this period of time, Linmu Studio produced games like taking medicine...

  At the same time, I thought about the game quality of Linmu Studio during this period, and thought about the situation of domestic game companies...

  Especially the situation of the second child of Tianhu, whose reputation is second only to Linmu Studio...

  They really felt that this unlucky guy was pitiful... They met such an opponent as Linmu Studio.

  So although they knew that Tianhu was touching porcelain, the players didn't have much resentment.

  Tianhu is not easy...


  Tianhu's strategy is quite successful.

   At least the first day was a success.

  Many players were still attracted attention, even if they were teasing Tianhu for being pitiful, they could only survive in the cracks to avoid its edge. It was more than ten days after the release of "Assassin's Creed" that they dared to announce it.

   That's also popular!

  Because these players remembered their MOBA mobile game after teasing Tianhu.

  Although many players have complained on the forum that they are too far behind Linmu Studio.

  Linmu Studio is doing 3A, and Tianhu spends 500 million to make mobile games...

  Mou Feng also saw these complaints.

   But he doesn't mind.

  He has realized his weakness, he is invincible.

   And if you make complaints, you can make complaints, as long as you can remember Tianhu's mobile game, other colleagues don't have such treatment!

  Mou Feng let go of the mouse and sighed: "Sure enough, this is the best timing."

   "Yeah, although I was complained about, my colleagues probably gritted their teeth with envy."

  Li Guangsheng also sighed: "At least our mobile game can still be remembered by the players in the cracks, and they will complain about it, and other colleagues will announce the news without even splashing water!"

   "Well, let's keep working hard."

  Mou Feng stood up: "Taking advantage of this golden time, we will try our best to impress the players!"


  Tianhu began to announce its own MOBA mobile game.

   This can be regarded as injecting a mudslide into the game market of Dianyu, which was originally only Linmu Studio.

  Although it pollutes the clear stream.

   But somehow there has been a change.

   It is no longer the Linmu Studio family making trouble in the fish pond.

   Players are also willing to discuss, although the number is not many, most of them are complaining.

  But Tianhu’s mobile game can at least be remembered as the name of the game after the launch of “Climbing the Top” and Linmu Studio frantically launching traditional games.

   This is not easy.

   So the next day.

  Tianhu will continue to work hard and increase related announcements, hoping to let more players deeply participate in the discussion and let more players remember their MOBA mobile game.

  But the effect is not very good.

  The main reason is that the tastes of players have been spoiled recently, and remembering the name of the game is already the limit. Not many people are willing to let them discuss the mobile game that is still in the state of cake like discussing stand-alone games.

  Mou Feng also noticed this situation, and began to urgently think of a solution.

  He has already begun to consider whether to enlarge the move, such as directly making a hero whose strength is exaggerated to the point that it can instantly kill other players, and then deliberately leak it to the players for discussion.


  His idea was not finalized, nor could it be implemented.

  Because the problems he encountered were solved by others...

  The predicament of Tianhu did not last long...

   That night.


   After finishing dinner, Kong Bo opened the Vaporwave game platform as usual, preparing to play the chicken-eating game "BattleRoyale".

   But he just sits down, puts on his headphones, and gets ready for everything.

  Updates of 10 gigabytes.

   directly extinguished half of his enthusiasm.

  He just happened to be updated.

   "Is BattleRoyale also updated? It seems that this was not disclosed at the e-sports festival!"

  Kong Bo was a little helpless, but his network was okay, so he didn't break the defense too much, but he was a little confused.

   Logically speaking.

  The major version updates of such large-scale online games have already been disclosed at the e-sports festival.

  But he followed up the entire e-sports festival last year, and didn't think of an update about BattleRoyale for a while.

  But this game was suddenly updated on this day, and it wasn't a small update, it was more than ten gigabytes.

   "What the **** is this update..."

  Kong Bo clicked on the update announcement out of curiosity.


  He was dumbfounded.

  The entire announcement took a lot of space to tell the background of the story that Linmu Workshop will complete the update of "BattleRoyale".

  The announcement is very long.

  He also struggled to see.

but why?

   Kong Bo thought of a question while watching it.

  He couldn't figure out the reason why Linmu Studio did this. The story background of this game is quite complete.

  The main stage of the game takes place on the frontier of space. There used to be two factions fighting for hundreds of years. They seem to be called the IMC and the Rebels. When they left, they took everything of value and left the frontier in chaos.

  Many frontier people had no way to survive, so they were forced to leave their hometowns, while some brave people went to the frontier.

  The so-called frontiers are the remote star clusters far from the frontier, where there is no war and full of resources and opportunities, but human life is worthless there, and dangers are hidden in every corner...

  At the same time, the pioneers, explorers and bandits there are constantly fighting, so they use competition to resolve disputes.

  The so-called competition.

   Exactly ‘BattleRoyale’, battle royale.

  The players controlled by the player, either for money, or for fame, or for glory, come from all over the border to compete...

  He figured out the background of this story when the game was first released.

   He has played the game for nearly a thousand hours now.

  Linmu Studio suddenly wanted to complete the background story, which he did not expect.

  Kong Bo continued to pull down with curiosity.

   Look for specific game content updates.

   Then, I was stunned again.

[New map - "Old Battlefield Typhon Star", the legendary Iron Pilot Jack Cooper has officially become the battlefield where Iron Pilot is located. , and there are still dangers here...]

  【New weapons—wingman auxiliary pistol, powerful revolver; Hemlock burst assault rifle, extremely fast-firing triple burst assault rifle...】

  【Newly added legend—Valkyrie, the winged avenger, she somehow inherited her father's Titan and gained the ability to fly. Passive skill: Vertical take-off and landing jet; Tactical skill: Missile drop from the sky; Unique move: Sky dive...]

   Kong Bo looked at the newly added map introduction, weapon introduction, and new hero introduction, and was even more confused.


  Who is Jack Cooper?

  What is a Pilot?

   What is a Titan?

  He was very confused, he couldn’t understand the purpose of Linmu Studio’s sudden addition of so many characters and setting goals…


  Kong Bo suddenly trembled, thought of something, and opened his mouth slightly.

   Then, as if his instinct had been triggered, he switched directly from the library to the home page of the Vaporwave game platform.


   After a few seconds.

   Kong Bo looked at the content on the homepage of the Vaporwave game platform, and his eyes widened suddenly.

  On the homepage, it is exactly the same as when "Left 4 Dead" and "Assassin's Creed" were announced, and a new promotional image appeared...

   And the first to catch the eye.

   is the main body of the promotional image.

  On the battlefield, flames and smoke were everywhere, and a huge mecha stood in the center of the battlefield.

   It knelt on one knee, maintaining a descending posture, holding an exaggerated and mechanically beautiful giant sword in its right hand.

   In front of the mecha, stood a soldier in a jet suit, whose face was unclear because he was wearing a helmet full of technology.

  The only thing that can be seen is the flashes from the head of the huge mecha, and the flashes from the helmets of the soldiers.

   One person and one mecha stand on the battlefield.

   Stand in front of the smoke and fire.


   So handsome!

  The publicity picture is reflected in the pupils.

  Kong Bo felt that his long-sealed mecha soul, the second soul, all rushed up.

   And at this time.

  He just saw the text in the promotional image—"Titanfall"!

no doubt.

   This is a new game!

   And it's a new game with mecha elements!

   "Damn! Fuck! Fuck!!"

   After Kong Bo clicked on the store page, he yelled three super-loud shit.

   Shocked beyond control.

  Linmu Studio! !

   Lin Yao's appearance appeared in his mind.

  Just as usual, she was about to ask herself if she was an angel.


  The name of another company broke into his heart.

  Sky Fox…

  He also saw the news about Tianhu Pengci yesterday, and complained about it.

   So I was more impressed.

   And yesterday, he said on the forum that he had succeeded in stealing chicken from Tianhu.

but now…

  Kumbo looked at the promotional image of "The Fall of Taita", his expression slowly became weird, and then... a few seconds later.


  He couldn't hold back anymore.

  I couldn't help but burst out laughing.

  He didn't laugh at Tianhu, really not, he just couldn't help it...

   And this moment.

   Players who think like him.

a lot of.


   So unexpected.

   That night.

  The words that are frequently mentioned in major game forums, in addition to "Titanfall", there is actually Tianhu...

   And here we are.

  Mou Feng no longer has to worry about players not discussing Tianhu and their mobile games.

  Because they are mobile games announced yesterday.

   And Titanfall was announced today... just a day later.

   This is too much comedy!

  Players have begun to call their MOBA mobile game announcements as "unlucky announcements"...

   Players are very impressed with Tianhu's mobile game and Tianhu itself...

  The game name is remembered.

  But I didn't remember it completely.

   Strategy is a success.

   But not in the way they envisioned.

  Sky fox.

   During the break, Mou Feng saw the grand occasion on the forum, and quickly opened the Vaporwave game platform...

   Then, he opened his mouth and froze in place.

   After a long time.


this day.

  Both Mou Feng and Li Guangsheng broke their defenses.

  Break the defense.

  (end of this chapter)

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