MTL - There is a Problem with This Online Game Planning-Chapter 665 relay

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  Chapter 665 Relay

  After the first peak sales of "Left 4 Dead" arrived, I saw the sales data of this game.

  Many colleagues really think that the game company Linmu Studio is really handsome.

   There is no restraint.

   There is also a boss who can do everything, and a large group of the most powerful production staff in China.

the most important is.

  Their boss, who can do everything, is willing to let the production staff below mess around...or she herself is willing to mess around.

   If you want to make a mobile game, do it!

   If you want to do stand-alone, do it!

   And no matter what they do, they can be successful... no existential pressure, no too many considerations.

  You can do whatever you want, you can make mobile games with your peers, and you can make stand-alone games yourself, and then impress the players.

  Doing mobile games at the same time can also lead the trend...

  Which of these colleagues doesn’t think he’s handsome, and doesn’t envy him.

if you can.

  All game companies want to be Forest Studios.

  Especially the producers of other game companies.

  But reality really doesn’t allow…

  Because there is no game company with the wealth of Linmu Studio, let alone other things, their online games are all terrifying gold-swallowing behemoths!

  One month's income from one of their online games is estimated to be equal to the annual income of a small game company!

   Not to mention that they also have a game platform that can continuously bring in commission income, and there are countless IPs of great value.

   Even more outrageous.

  Linmu Studio has come to this point, and the entire company is still firmly in the hands of Lin Yao.

   They have virtually no worries!

  Who has such a condition... and everyone doesn't like that they can be popular in any game!

  As for asking why Linmu Studio has such a strong family background? Why can't all games be popular like them?

   Then Lin Yao cannot be avoided...

  In short, this is an unsolvable problem.

  So although most of the colleagues think that Linmu Studio is handsome, they are very envious.

   But that's all.

   Soon, they corrected their mentality.

  Start to wait for the popularity of "Left 4 Dead" to drop, so that I can continue to promote my mobile game project.

  As for general games, especially stand-alone games, the popularity will indeed gradually decrease after a week of release.

  Although it will not fall off a cliff.

   But there will definitely be a pullback.

This is inevitable.


   "Left 4 Dead" is a special game...

  The peers waited for the popularity of the game to drop, but finally waited for the news of the opening of the "Left 4 Dead" creative workshop...

at the same time.

   In the second week of the game's release, not only did the sales not drop as quickly as ordinary games, but they even went up!

  Creative Workshop is one aspect.

  More importantly, the fun of online customs clearance battles is well received by players who have played it.

   Even gave "Left 4 Dead" the title of "Dark Soul Tour".

  These players pass the game on and off.

   Then it attracted more players to start the game.

  And these players don’t buy games alone, they usually call friends…

in addition.

   The confrontation mode of "Left 4 Dead" is also highly rated, which is one of the reasons for the increase in sales.

   A start.

   Players are indeed here for the cooperative customs clearance campaign.

  Most of the players play the confrontation mode, they have cleared the final battle, and they play with the mentality of trying.

   Not many players were interested in the confrontation mode at the beginning.

   After all, zombies are fighting against survivors.

   Isn't this the biochemical model?

   Everyone has been playing for so long.

  I'm familiar!

  However, when they actually started playing, they realized how different it was from biochemical mode... How big is it?

  This is in the words of sand sculpture players—【There is a rough aesthetic feeling】.

   Talk about dogs.

  Compared with dog players, AI is really nothing.

  Ordinary zombies, these dog players can play well, not to mention the special infected with various abilities.

   Confrontation mode.

   The special sense of player manipulation, as long as you can play a little bit, it is really hard to guard against, and the party playing the zombie can also communicate.

  This is much more difficult than the special feeling of the battle.

  Players who play special sense find it interesting, after all, they are controlling zombies that are completely different from the normal biochemical mode.

   Players who play the role of survivors find it more interesting. After all, it is no longer the silly AI that controls the special sense, but the players who are as alive as themselves.

  Once PVE becomes PVP, the feeling will be completely different.

not to mention.

   The confrontation mode of "Left 4 Dead" emphasizes efficient cooperation and a strong sense of rhythm.

  At the beginning, everyone may be playing around.

   But slowly, over time, players will understand how interesting the game's versus mode is.

  Whether it is a survivor or a special sense, in the confrontation mode, they can perform impressive operations, and they can even play a set of combo when they cooperate.

   This is a gameplay that ordinary biochemical modes do not have.

  Many players just eat this set, and after finishing the battle, they switch seamlessly and become addicted to the confrontation mode.

   This further increases the stickiness of the game.

   drives more players to buy the game.

  The final result is.

   In the second week, the popularity of "Left 4 Dead" was even comparable to the first week of the game's release!

   This directly silenced the colleagues who were waiting for the popularity of "Left 4 Dead" to pass...

   "...I suspect that Lin Yao was designed."

  Li Guangsheng looked at Mou Feng's computer screen, and said helplessly: "After the launch of "Climb to the Top", "Left 4 Survival" was launched immediately to attract the attention of players and block the way for newcomers. They want to eat alone!"

   "Can you design one for me?"

  Mou Feng cleaned up the zombies with the sunset red spear technique, and said without turning his head: "It's not that you haven't played this game, just because of our crap? Release such a game? You think too highly of yourself."


  Li Guangsheng was silent for a moment, and then said helplessly: "But this is outrageous, it's been two weeks! Why is it getting more and more popular! Why!"

   "Because the game is good, why else?"

Mou Feng finally stumbled to the safe house with a few AI teammates relying on the setting sun red spear technique. He raised his head and continued: "I didn't believe the remarks made by the experiment at the time. Linmu Studio should have planned it a long time ago. It is impossible for the game to block the way of latecomers, they cannot do it, and it is impossible to do so.”

   "Then what do you think they are for?" Li Guangsheng continued to ask, "And what should we do now? Are we going to announce the news of making MOBA mobile games?"

   "In order to launch a new game, what can it be for."

  Mou Feng breathed a sigh of relief: "As for the news... Postpone the announcement, jumping out now is for players to compare it with Linmu Studio, it's thankless... let other warriors do it first, we wait.

   "Left 4 Dead" is indeed popular, but it is a buyout game after all. No matter how good the game is, its popularity will inevitably decrease over time. Let's wait until then! "


at the same time.

  Linmu Studio.

  Lin Yao was also typing "Left 4 Dead" in her office.

  However, she didn't play alone, but formed a random team, and then pretended that she didn't have a microphone, and acted like a little dumb the whole time.

   I am quite happy.

  Because she specifically said that she is Mengxin.

  So the three big brothers in the team took good care of her. They were afraid that she would fall behind along the way, and they would remind her every time they encountered difficult roads.


  In disregard of the advice of her elder brothers, Lin Yao rushed to the witch and killed it with a single shot from the shotgun.

   Then the next switch, still the same operation.

  The first one can still be attributed to luck, but the second one is so easy, then it must not be.

  The three big brothers took a deep breath, and then became more careful when speaking.

   Some people cautiously asked Lin Yao if she was a boss pretending to be cute...

   "Hahaha, Ms. Mu, do you see that, this is calling people to show their holiness!"

  Lin Yao heard her teammate's cautious voice, tilted her head and leaned on Mu Wanqing's belly, laughing wildly.


  Mu Wanqing looked down at Lin Yao, who was sitting or not, leaning on her body, and said amusedly, "Is it fun? The boss of Linmu Studio pretends to be cute..."

"It's fun."

  Lin Yao nodded vigorously, then straightened up, tapped the keyboard quickly, and explained to her three teammates that her brother was playing just now.

   And after the explanation.

  She left the keyboard with both hands, pulled Mu Wanqing who was next to her, let her sit on her lap, and directly stuffed the mouse into her hand.

  Mu Wanqing: "..."

  She was a little dumbfounded, but still took over the control of the game character and started to follow her teammates.

  Because she is not good at it, and she is not very interested in this kind of games with certain horror elements, so the operation is very lame.

   The zombies were not hit.

   On the contrary, he frequently shot black shots at his teammates.

   I just walked for a while.

  The blood packs of the four characters are all gone.

  This is still playing on normal difficulty...

   The three teammates couldn't bear it anymore.

   "Brother, how's better to replace your brother? I don't think you can't do it, I believe in you, but if you continue to shoot black guns like this, we will all die halfway."

  As soon as the teammates said this.

  Hear their sincere tone.

  Lin Yao, who was behind Mu Wanqing, couldn't hold back immediately, and stretched out her arms to hug Mu Wanqing, and buried her face in her neck, her shoulders kept shaking.

  Because I was too carried away.

  She didn't think too much about it.

  Mu Wanqing noticed it, looked down, her fair face was slightly flushed, she didn't know whether it was from embarrassment or shame.


   It was Lin Yao who took over the control.

  Accompanies three teammates to clear the third chapter.


  After clearing the level.

Lin Yao exited the matching room, let go of the mouse, and rested her snow-white chin on the shoulder of Mu Wanqing who was still sitting on her lap, couldn't help laughing again, and repeated the words of the teammates just now: "How about Or let your brother come?"

   "I would never have played!"

  Mu Wanqing turned her back to Lin Yao, being infected by her, she couldn't help but smiled lightly: "You want me to play... shame on you."

   "Don't be afraid, don't be ashamed."

Lin Yao barely stopped her smile, and said: "You will learn if you keep playing, and there is still me? You can let me save the game at that time! One of us pretends to be cute and the other pretends to be a boss, shocking the players! "


  Mu Wanqing was noncommittal, but just smiled lightly.

   Although she really can't play games.

   But she had to admit it.

  She likes this feeling very much...

   "Okay, get up, my legs are numb."

  Lin Yao teased Mu Wanqing for a while, and after the joy passed, she finally realized that her thigh was about to lose feeling, so she quickly raised her leg, urging Mu Wanqing who was sitting on her lap to get up.

  Mu Wanqing supported the table and stood up.

  Lin Yao rubbed her plump thighs, then stood up, moved a little, and sighed: "As are the best way to relieve stress."

   "Actually, there are not many girls who think like you."

  Mu Wanqing looked at Lin Yao, who was bouncing around in place like a bunny, feeling a little helpless, and hurried over to hold her arm: "Ordinary girls can't relieve stress like this at all."

   "Then how to relieve it?"

  Lin Yao stopped jumping, a little curious.

  Mu Wanqing thought for a while, and replied uncertainly: "Looking for a friend to chat with? Sing? Eat delicious food?"

   "You are not sure!"

  Lin Yao was a little amused, took a step forward, reached out and pinched Mu Wanqing's soft face: "So why don't you play games with me to relieve stress."


   Mu Wanqing looked at Lin Yao's pretty face near Chi Chi, although she had a lot to say, but in the end she just responded with a good word gently.

   Then, she thought for a while and added: "But next time I will sit in the back."

  Lin Yao asked curiously: "Why?"

  Mu Wanqing didn't answer, but walked around behind Lin Yao with a reddish face, and returned the favor.


  Lin Yao was stunned, and then said furiously, "Damn it, what about it? Why do you hold grudges so much..."


   The two quarreled for a while.

   This is the separation.

  Lin Yao sat down again, then turned off the game, turned to open the game forum, and took a look at the topics that players were talking about recently.

   Sure enough.

  As more and more players clear the official campaign of "Left 4 Dead".

  More and more players have begun to study the confrontation mode of "Left 4 Dead".

  Most discussion posts on the forum have also changed from discussing battles to discussing confrontation mode.

  This is actually what Lin Yao wants to see.

   The battle will get tired of playing one day, and good mods cannot be endlessly produced.

   But when fighting against others, no game is repeated.

   The confrontation mode is also one of the magic weapons to prolong the life of the game.

  Lin Yao saw the players enthusiastically discussing how to cooperate in the confrontation mode and how to play the special infected well in the post, so she smiled slightly.

so good.

  This kind of feeling of encountering a new game of interest, and then discussing the feeling of getting familiar with the game together.

  She flipped through the post carefully, read the replies from players on the hundredth floor, and then closed the post.

   Then, she browsed the forum for a while, but she didn't find any posts she was interested in.

  She is about to close the forum and get back to work.

   But finally hit the next page.

  Lin Yao was about to move the cursor to the fork in the upper right corner, when she suddenly saw an interesting post out of the corner of her eye.

【hint! ? What do the easter eggs in "Left 4 Dead" represent? 】

  【Fighting a difficult battle today, I found the shopping mall at the last level of the first chapter of the game. There are two posters pasted on the opposite side of the elevator, these two [picture] pictures]】

  【I can’t see what it is on the top, I can barely make out what’s written on it, 'a brand new fighting game', 'the characters are revealed' and 'a virtual reality game that belongs to the future', it seems to be something amazing]

  【And most importantly, I found that when I control the character to pass by, it will also trigger the character's lines! They are 'Ha, this is a good game' and 'My favorite'! 】

  【Is this a hint from Linmu Studio! ? Are they preparing big projects that we don't know about! ?】

  When Lin Yao saw the title of the post, she gave up the idea of ​​closing the page, but clicked into the post to take a look.

   And after reading it.

  She has only one feeling—players are so sensitive.

   Actually, the easter eggs on the first game were not obvious, but they were still found.

   And it was discovered when everyone was playing the game, not when the popularity of the game returned to calm.

  Lin Yao read the details of the post, then turned the mouse wheel with great interest, pulled it down, and glanced at the players' replies...

   "Fuck? There are easter eggs here? Why didn't I find it?"

   "Impossible, right? This should be just a simple interaction set up to match the game levels, right? It's normal to have posters in shopping malls, and the host thinks too much."

"I think it's possible! What if Linmu Studio is really secretly accumulating big moves!? And considering the release time of the game "Left 4 Dead" which doesn't play cards according to the routine... Damn, I'm starting to get excited. "

"Don't dream, how can it be possible! 'This is a good game' I think it is meant for players! It is also aimed at the game "Left 4 Dead", just using two damaged posters to say it, don't Thinking too much! How could it be possible to pave the way for such a big move! It's almost unheard of!"

   "I also think it's impossible. Maybe the staff in Linmu Studio don't know what these two posters represent. It's probably a random addition by a staff member [funny], just to increase the sense of substitution."

   "I'll re-enter the game to see if there is this easter egg? I didn't even know it!"

   "After the appraisal, the landlord made a fuss... I thought it was something! I'm so excited about this crap!"


  Lin Yao flipped through two pages of responses from the players.

In general.

  Most players think this is just an interactive design added by the production team of "Left 4 Dead" to increase the sense of substitution. What is the specific content of the poster? Maybe even Lin Yao doesn't know.

   To put it bluntly, it means nothing.

  Only a small number of players feel that this thing represents a game that is being produced by Linmu Studio, and the interaction of "Left 4 Dead" at this moment is to pave the way for that unknown game.

  The players who stand in front account for the vast majority.

   After all, it is a bit unrealistic to think about it.

  How can one masterpiece pave the way for another masterpiece...


  Seeing this, Lin Yao let go of the mouse, leaned back on the back of the chair, suddenly smiled slightly, and said, "Miss Mu, in the next game, we will bury the Easter eggs more secretly."


  Mu Wanqing was handling the work information in the group with her mobile phone, when she suddenly heard Lin Yao calling her, she raised her head in astonishment: "Can you bury the eggs more secretly?"

  Lin Yao nodded: "Well, players certainly don't believe this easter egg when they see it for the first time, but if they can see the same easter egg in the second game, it will be different..."

Speaking of which.

  She paused for a moment, then stood up directly, walked quickly towards the door, and said, "Forget it, I'll talk now."

   When Mu Wanqing reacted.

  Lin Yao has already run out.


  Mu Wanqing was at a loss.

the other side.

  Lin Yao quickly found the project team leader of the second game of "Love Letter Project", and chatted with him.

  The two quickly reached an agreement to hide the original easter egg poster more secretly.


  Linmu Studio is even preparing a second game.

   What Mou Feng said is correct, as time goes by, the popularity of buyout games will inevitably decrease.

   But what about a relay?

  (end of this chapter)

Read The Duke's Passion