MTL - There is a Problem with This Online Game Planning-Chapter 663 play with a smile

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  Chapter 663 The game must be played with a smile

  November eleventh.

   "Left 4 Dead", officially released.

  This day is not like Lin Yao's previous life, which was forcibly endowed with the attributes of a shopping festival. Because of the special date, this day is also called Singles' Day.

   And on a day like this, is there anything more beautiful than calling another single dog friend to play games?

there is none left.

   "Fuck, playing games on Singles' Day, you want to be single forever, right?"

  Open black software.

  In the private channel established by Cheng Lei.

  A slightly shrill voice sounded, complaining about Cheng Lei.

   "It's as if you have other entertainment besides playing games today."

   Cheng Lei heard what his friend said, and replied angrily: "Which year did you not stay at home? What are you talking about being single all your life, and you stay at home alone on Valentine's Day! Let alone today! Jing Chao."

   “Old years are old years.”

  A young man named Jing Chao replied: "Last year, the fortune teller said that my peach blossoms will be very prosperous this year. I will definitely meet a lady with long hair and a superb figure. The other party will love me to death!"

  Cheng Lei was a little dumbfounded: "Come on, you believe the words of the magic stick, hurry up, is the game ready?"

   "It's fine, it's fine, but new games are really expensive."

  Jing Chao stopped talking and replied.

  He also plays stand-alone games, not a player who has never been exposed to stand-alone games, but he usually spends most of his time playing online games, and usually only buys stand-alone games at a discount.

   This is the second time he has purchased a stand-alone game for the first time.

   "It's not bad, more than two hundred yuan, but you can reap the joy of a day, and enjoy all the fun of the game half a year in advance."

  Cheng Lei is different from Jing Chao. He is the first to buy most of the games of Linmu Studio.

  As long as it is a game type that suits him, he has never been disappointed.

  Of course, the main reason is that he likes buyout games.

  Jing Chao joked, "I'll blow my head off if I'm not happy."

  Cheng Lei replied: "Okay, it's definitely not bad, the game of Linmu Studio."

   "That's true... But didn't some people say that this thing is an experimental work?"

  Jing Chao also surfs high-intensity, he has also heard about it.

   "Impossible, it is impossible for the experimental work Linmu Studio to sell, that buddy is about to be sprayed out."

  Cheng Lei hesitated for a moment, and retorted: "You will know after playing."

   But just saying so.

  When my friend said this, although he firmly believed that it was impossible, he still hesitated for a while when he saw the game and played the game as soon as possible.

the other side.

  Jing Chao didn't continue talking, but just responded.

  He also just wanted to chat for a while to pass the time.


  The two of them are chatting, and the game is ready.

   The two entered the game together.

  The game officially begins.

  The opening CG is finished.

   Then enter the menu page.

   "I'll study how to create a room."

  Cheng Lei looked at the various modes of the game, and then clicked on the campaign mode.

  Start to study how to create rooms, and play online battles with friends.

  This gameplay store page has introduced it.

  Up to four-player co-op.

   It is also possible for two people to cooperate, and the other two characters will be controlled by AI.

   "This CG is really cool."

  On the other side, Jing Chao sighed: "I just don't know how the game plays."

   "I know how to open a room, I invite will know after playing."

  Cheng Lei quickly found the option to open a room, and then directly invited Jing Chao who was online.

  Jing Chao entered the room.

   "You choose a character, I'll study the difficulty..."

  Cheng Lei studied for a while, and finally chose the normal difficulty. Then the two chose the characters and started the game.

  The loaded page appears.

   Not for a while.

  The game screen came out.

  The game follows the opening CG. The four protagonists worked hard to get to the top floor of the apartment, but the fact that the rescue helicopter left to greet them.

  The protagonist foursome yell for the departing rescue helicopter to come back, but to no avail.

   And it looks like the rescue helicopter is heading to the evacuation center over there at the mall.


  The four-person group of protagonists is going to fight back to the shopping mall.


  The game officially begins.

   "The picture is great."

   It was the first time for both of them to play this game, so they didn't change weapons immediately, but took the initial weapon, a small pistol, and fired randomly for a while.

   "Indeed, but there is no plot, just say that the four of them missed the rescue helicopter..."

   To be honest, Cheng Lei was a little worried.

   This is not uncommon. it really an experimental work?

  He wasn't sure.

  But it's useless to think so much now.

  He heard the conversations of several characters and came to the small table where weapons and medical kits were placed.

  Because there is no main weapon at the beginning, only melee weapons and small pistols are available.

   "Fuck, crowbar, fire axe."

  Jing Chao also came to the small table where the weapons were placed, looked at the two melee weapons above, and said, "It's quite an idea."

   "It seems that you can't hold a pistol if you take a melee weapon, let's use a pistol."

   "No, I'm going to try the fire axe."

  Jing Chao directly refused, and picked up the fire ax enthusiastically: "I want to see how this thing can kill zombies."

   "Okay, I'll take the pistol."

  Cheng Lei didn't object either. He originally played games for fun, and now he couldn't wait to play this game to see if it was an experimental work, so he couldn't care less about it.

the other side.

  During the dialogue with the four protagonists, they have already started to urge them to go downstairs.

  Cheng Lei and Jing Chao took a pistol and a fire axe, and went downstairs first.

  The environment becomes dark.

  The round flashlight light source is on.

  The two came to the eighth floor of the apartment.

   Can't go any further.

  The door on the eighth floor was closed.

  Cheng Lei did not hesitate, and immediately opened the door, and a long corridor appeared in front of him.

  Not far away, two walking dead zombies were standing sluggishly.

  Cheng Lei shot immediately.

  Accompanied by the pouring bullets, orange flames lit up, and the corpses in the distance twisted, and the blood sprayed on their bodies, splashing onto the wall behind them.

  Finally fell to the ground and couldn't get up.

  And a zombie farther away heard the gunshot and turned around to charge.

  Cheng Lei immediately moved the muzzle of the gun and continued to shoot, directly hitting the opponent staggeringly and flying back.

  Huge gunshots, perfect recoil performance, the tongue of flames when the bullets are fired, the attitude of the zombies when they are hit, and the blood spray, the bullet holes on the wall behind the zombies...

   There are details in all aspects.

  As soon as he fired a shot, Cheng Lei felt a subtly cool feeling.

   "Oh roar." He couldn't help but exclaim.

   Jing Chao followed closely behind, saw two zombies fell to the ground, and immediately yelled: "Only two? You leave one for me, I'll try..."

   As he spoke, he walked straight forward, and then saw that the door on the left was open out of the corner of his eye, and turned his head immediately.

   There is a room full of zombies standing inside.

  His eyes lit up, and then he directly pressed the right mouse button, and swung the fire ax in his hand.


   Accompanied by a slight cracking sound.

   The ax slashed at the rushing zombie.


  The head of the zombie flew out directly, and the blood stained the originally clean fire axe, and also stained the lens red.

  It was as if the eyes of the characters controlled by Jing Chao were covered with blood.

  Jing Chao didn't think about it any further.

  Follow the teaching prompts to push away the next zombie that jumps up, and then swing the fire ax again, one ax at a time.

   Directly cut down the zombies in the entire room to the ground.

   And wait until Cheng Lei comes in.

  He's finished.

   "Oh hoo!"

  Jing Chaokong waved the axe, also exclaimed, and then excitedly said: "Is this cool tour? Damn it! This is too cool!"

"I have no idea…"

   Cheng Lei saw that the zombies in the room on the left had been cleaned up by Jing Chao, so he immediately went out and walked forward, and then entered a room similar to a conference room.

   Then open doors everywhere, and shoot when you see zombies.

   Accompanied by tongues of flames.

  Countless zombies sprayed blood mist, flew back, and fell directly to the ground.

"but I know."

   See this scene.

  Cheng Lei's tone gradually became excited: "I feel so good now!"


  Jing Chao also started to run forward, and when he entered the door, he saw a **** zombie with an axe, like a **** of war! At the same time, his tone became agitated.

  A good zombie-themed game is that even if you have never played it, it can make you decide to continue playing when you shoot the first shot or hit the first attack.

  Although the "Left 4 Dead" series has endured for a long time, many people attribute most of the credit to the creative workshop.

  But in fact, even leaving aside the creative workshop, more than 10,000 people are online in the official campaign of Left 4 Dead for more than ten years.

   It is a fact that the official campaign will be boring.

  This cannot be changed frequently like third-party mods, and it will really get tired of playing continuously.

  However, if you are tired of playing and say that the official campaign is not good, then you will look down on the series of Left 4 Dead.

   For players who are new to this game.

  The official campaign is like a god.

   This is the best channel to experience the charm of the game!

   Like Cheng Lei and Jing Chao now.

   As soon as they started playing, they felt the charm of the game!


  Jing Chao chopped down three zombies again, yelled, and was about to go to the next location.

   But as soon as he went out, he saw a fat, bulky, pus-covered, grunting vomiter standing in front of him.


   Accompanied by a shout from the character.

  Music suddenly blared.

   Originally only the background sound of gunshots and zombies moaning and screaming was replaced by sharp and piercing music.

  The vomiter leaned back slightly, and then vomited a mouthful of bile on the black man controlled by Jing Chao.

  Green pus smeared his face, obscuring his vision.

at the same time.

   The game reminds him that the Boomer spit on him, which will attract a lot of corpses.

  Jing Chao's vision was blocked, but he vaguely saw countless zombies rushing up.

   Not far away.

  Cheng Lei and two AI teammates shouted and shot at the vomiter.

   It's confusing.

   It's like being there.

   "Help, save!"

  Jing Chao saw that his blood volume had dropped a little, and frantically pressed the attack button, waved the fire ax in his hand, and shouted for Cheng Lei to save him.

   "It's over, the blood volume is healthy, save me."

  Cheng Lei replied.

   At this time, Jing Chao's sight also returned to normal, and the harsh music disappeared.

  He swung his ax and cooperated with Cheng Lei, chopping down several zombies who rushed to him.

   Then, I couldn't help asking: "What is that?"

   "Special infected people are more powerful than ordinary zombies. There are settings on the store page, but I didn't expect to meet them at the beginning."

  Cheng Lei replied.

  Not only did he not feel less refreshed because of this sudden situation, but he became even more excited.

   "Fuck, interesting..."

  Jing Chao is the same.

   But he wasn't done yet.


   The character exclaimed again.


  Jing Chao watched helplessly on the other side of the corridor, a huge figure rushed towards him, it directly overturned the ordinary zombies along the road, and then rushed in front of him, knocking him to the ground directly.

   Then, it roared, grabbed his character with one hand, and smashed it hard to the ground.

  【Being attacked, need help from teammates】

   "Help, save!!"

  Jing Chao fell to the ground, saw the prompt, waved the mouse vigorously, and shouted again.

the other side.

  Cheng Lei witnessed Jing Chao's character being thrown into the air with his own eyes, and then the huge blaster who appeared in the promotional film grabbed Hei Ge played by Jing Chao with one arm and smashed it to the floor repeatedly.

   And there are a bunch of small zombies around.

  Teammates are trapped and zombies are coming.

   The scene was chaotic for a while.

   Cheng Lei saw this scene, and his adrenaline began to soar.

  His eyes widened, he frantically pressed the left mouse button, and together with his AI teammates, he poured ammunition on the huge stormtrooper.

  The bullets kept pouring in, leaving bullet holes in the storm rushers.


  The opponent fell to the ground.

  Cheng Lei actually laughed.

"Ha ha ha ha."

   "Fuck, are you laughing?"

  Jing Chao was dizzy by the special sense of the second combo, because the adrenaline also soared because of the tension, he would get up and hear Cheng Lei's laughter, and immediately cursed.

   "I think you are so unlucky, and the game is so fun, hahahaha..."

   Cheng Lei couldn't hold back when he heard Jing Chao's words.

  If you keep feeling cool.

   Sure to get bored quickly.

   Peerless zombies are really cool.

   But it's just cool, and the addition of special senses increases variables and confusion, and makes the game more interesting!

  Because unknown!

  The feeling of overturning this special zombie and rescuing teammates is even better!


  Jing Chao cursed angrily when he heard what Cheng Lei said, but soon he also laughed.

  He also thought it was very interesting.

  Because of stimulation!

   Suddenly, an inexplicable special zombie appeared!

   This is what it feels like to play a zombie game!

  Left 4 Survival! It's not difficult to ask for a living!

   "Forget it, go!"

  Jing Chao picked up the ax and chopped down a few ordinary zombies in front of him, and then excitedly manipulated the character to move forward: "I'm going to find a gun. Although close combat is cool, there are too many restrictions!"

   "Change! Go!"

  Cheng Lei also yelled, and rushed forward with two guns in his hand.

  The two cleaned up ordinary zombies all the way, and re-experienced the refreshing feeling at the beginning of the game, killing gods and Buddhas after gods.

   Then, the two got lost...

   It took a while before they found their way from the edge of the building to the other side.

  During the period, the two threw bile props downstairs, and saw the scene where ordinary zombies were attracted by bile and jumped downstairs one after another.

   "Hahahaha, Linmu Studio is really a tm genius, what the **** is this prop."

  Jing Chao looked at the zombies who jumped down the stairs like dumplings, and couldn't help laughing: "It can also be outsmarted."

   Cheng Lei also laughed out loud when he saw this scene.

   But when he re-entered the room from the edge of the window, the laughter stopped abruptly.

  Because once in.

  The strange laughter that did not belong to the two people sounded.

   A hunched monkey-like zombie jumped, flew up at an extremely fast speed, and then rode directly on his head.

   Dazzling red filled the eyes.

  Cheng Lei lost control of his character, and could only watch his character sway from side to side as he walked towards the edge of the building.


   Until then.

  The character's shout sounded.

   "Stop laughing, I'm going to jump too!"

  Cheng Lei found that Jing Chao was still watching zombies jumping off the building, and immediately yelled.

  Jing Chao's laughter also stopped abruptly.

  Seeing the situation on Cheng Lei's side, he raised the ax in a panic, aimed at Cheng Lei's character, and chopped as soon as he came up.

   "Don't cut me! There are friendly troops hurting! My blood! Blood!"

   Cheng Lei panicked even more when he saw Jing Chao swinging an ax in front of him.

   Finally relied on two AI teammates to shoot and kill the special infected.

  Cheng Lei found that his blood was yellow, and he was thinking about shooting Jing Chao.

   "Hahahahaha, I almost saw you jump off the building, exciting!"

  Jing Chao was very happy, laughing.

  Cheng Lei fired a shot at him and smiled.

  The situation keeps going!

   And this is just the first level.


   It's so much fun!

   The last trace of worry dissipated.

  Experimental works?

  Cheng Lei just wants to say, fart your mother! !

   If this is an experimental work.

   Then come a little more! The more the merrier!


   The two moved on.


  The two of them took the other two AI teammates and walked to the intact elevator on the next floor.

  Four people take the elevator down.


  The four protagonists in the game also introduced themselves.

  Of course the two players didn't bother to watch.

  They saw the elevator slowly descending, and the flames and thick smoke seeped in, so they immediately looked at the elevator door.

  Pry open the elevator door.

   Sure enough.

   There is a sea of ​​fire below.

  【They are coming...】

   And as soon as he stepped out of the elevator, a reminder appeared.

   I don't know where.

  Suddenly there was the howling of thousands of corpses.

   Corpse wave!

  Countless zombies broke through the flames, bathed in flames, and rushed towards the four survivors.

   "Gun, here is the main weapon."

  Cheng Lei picked up the spear on the floor at the elevator exit and reminded Jing Chao at the same time.

   "I found it."

  Jing Chao replied, then aimed at the front, pouring ammunition crazily, shooting the bullets at the zombies that were bathed in raging fire and kept pouring in.

   This is also the first wave of corpses that the two have faced since entering the game.

   Zombies are literally everywhere.

  Under the dazzling firelight, thick smoke choked your nose, and zombies kept rushing, as if they would never be killed.

   "Damn it! Kill a **** path."

  Jing Chao moved forward with difficulty, pushing away the zombies while shooting.

   "Indeed! It's cool! The atmosphere creation is really great."

  Cheng Lei kept changing magazines and shooting.

   A little nervous, but more amazed.

   "Left 4 Dead".

  What exactly does this game name mean... He understood after seeing this scene.

  The four of them walked through the sea of ​​flames, shooting down the rushing zombies, and breaking through the siege all the way.

   Then walk out of the flames.

  The eyes suddenly opened up.

  After finishing off the last wave of dense zombies, the four entered the safe house smoothly.

  The moment the safe house door closed.

  Dynamic music sounded.

  【We are safe...for now】

   A prompt like this pops up, and a settlement panel appears at the same time, showing the number of infected people who committed suicide for each of the four characters.

   "Killed 52 general infected people and 3 special infected people, awesome, right?"

   Cheng Lei saw that his statistics ranked first, and immediately started bragging.

  Jing Chao cursed and said: "Fuck you, two of the three special feelings are riding on me, or you have your share? Blow off."


  The air is full of joy.

   And laughing and laughing.

  Death Center-2 is also loaded.

  The second level of the first chapter, open!

  The two replenished the medical kit in the safe house, healed themselves, replenished ammunition at the same time, and selected their main and secondary weapons.

   After everything is done.

  The two opened the door of the safe house.

   This time it’s not an indoor scene.

   Instead, the outdoor scene.

   This is a new feeling again.

   The two walk out of the safe house and start shooting the common infected wandering around.

   "And a samurai sword! I found a samurai sword!"

   At this time.

  Jing Chao suddenly shouted excitedly: "Melee weapons."

   Cheng Lei looked back.

   Sure enough, Jing Chao's character was wielding a samurai sword. He was a little curious and envious: "Play with me."

   "Go away, talk about it later."

  Jing Chao refused without thinking, and then went to chop the zombies with a samurai sword.

  Cheng Lei followed behind cursingly.

  The two rushed all the way to the main road.

   "It's cool, melee weapons are cool for ordinary zombies!"

  Jing Chao happily chopped while advancing.

   But suddenly.

   woo woo woo —

  The faint cry of a woman rang out.

  Mo Yang very sad.

   But the cry, the more you hear it, the weirder it becomes...

  【What the **** is crying? 】

  Below the game, the protagonists also expressed doubts.

   And the farther you go, the louder and clearer your crying.

"…What the hell?"

  When Cheng Lei heard the crying, he suddenly felt panicked.

   "It's over!"

  Although Jing Chao also felt panicked, he still rushed forward recklessly.


  He found the source of the crying.

  It also seems to be a zombie, female, with almost no clothes on her body, with a pair of bright red eyes and blood red claws.

  She covered her face and walked around crying.

   Facing the player's footsteps, he didn't react much.

   And as Jing Chao approached.

   The cry became louder.

   Accompanied by harsh, disturbing background music.

   Makes people feel creepy.

   "Fuck, what the hell."

  Jing Chao felt terrified, and wanted to solve it quickly, so he raised his samurai sword and pointed at Witch with a single blow.



   Accompanied by a scream.

   Covering her face, Witch was startled awake. She opened her blood-red claws, and the eerie music burst out.

   "Ah..." Then, Jing Chao also screamed.

  A yellow prompt indicating a warning instantly appeared on the game screen of another player, Cheng Lei.

  【Coach alarmed Witch】

  Cheng Lei was also terrified at the moment the music played, and then looked back to find that Jing Chao was knocked down by a blow.

  The blood bar returns to zero directly.

  Witch was still riding on him, scratching her with blood red claws.

   "Damn it!!"

   Cheng Lei's adrenaline was so high that he immediately raised his gun and poured ammunition wildly at the witch.

  Three gun lines, fired for a few seconds, and then killed Witch.

   "This is down!? What the **** is this tm!? And this infected person!?"

  Jing Chao survived the catastrophe. After being pulled up by his AI teammates, he bandaged him and said with lingering fear: "This tm is too scary."

   "Should also be a special infected person, Witch...witch."

  Cheng Lei came to Witch's body, also feeling lingering fear.

   But it's a game after all.


  The excitement brought by the unknown game mechanism has replaced the lingering fear.

  Cheng Lei even wanted to meet such a monster again, and try to hack it himself...

At the same time, he carefully looked at the Witch corpse on the ground, and suddenly thought of something, he held back a smile and said, "Jing Chao, you have long hair and a great figure, and the other party will love you to death... The fortune teller says you are lucky Wang, this is what you don’t want to say, right?”

   "...Ganlin Niang!"

  Jing Chao was stunned for a moment, broke the defense in an instant, did not need the medical kit, and rushed towards the character controlled by Cheng Lei with a knife in his hand.

   Cheng Lei laughed loudly, and quickly controlled the character to run forward.


  The two plunged into the pile of zombies.

   "Zombie zombies, tm's stormtroopers are here!"

   "Bullet bullet, watch the bullet, don't hit me."

   "Help, help, my throat is locked with a tongue..."

"I'm coming."


   The two continued the game amidst laughter.

   Continue the refreshing and exciting road to survival.

   Laugh happily, bury each other, and enjoy the game.

   Such a day.

  Is there anything more beautiful than calling another single dog friend to play a game?

there is none left.

  (end of this chapter)

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