MTL - There is a Problem with This Online Game Planning-Chapter 654 press conference

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  Chapter 654 Press Conference

  What will this press conference of UMedia, a subsidiary of Linmu Studio, bring?

   It has recently become the most concerned thing for users and even practitioners from all walks of life.

  As long as it has something to do with the mobile Internet, it is almost impossible to avoid the FutureS1 mobile phone.

  Although the FutureS1 mobile phone has not been on sale for a long time.

   But think about what their mobile phones have brought to the market in just two years.

  They suddenly emerged, stepping on Jiaming Alliance, a giant like existence, to stand out. In a short time, they became evenly matched competitors under the eyes of the latter, turning the market structure into a duo competing for hegemony.

  They announced a real mobile game at the press conference, bringing a brand new operating system that all users have never experienced before.


   There is also Futurestore, which can be called a mobile Internet incubator.

   Without FutureS1, mobile games might still be in the exploratory stage, mobile applications would not emerge so quickly, and subsequent live broadcasts, food delivery, and taxi-hailing battles would not happen so quickly.

more importantly.

   There is no Linmu Studio, Youmedia Technology, and FutureS1.

  The Jiaming Alliance may still be doing badly, living in its own comfort zone.

   Not to mention.

  Follow-up, UMedia also launched FuturePods and FuturePAD.

You can say that.

  FutureS1 is a mobile phone that has changed the trajectory of history.

   And now.

  They released the promotional video again, and played a completely different slogan from the previous two conferences.

   It is no longer seeing the future.


  【Once again, change everything! 】

  How can this not make people daydream.


  As soon as the news of this press conference is announced.


  Whether it is FutureS1 or Jiaming Alliance's smartphones, sales immediately stagnated.

  Because the vast majority of users who plan to buy a mobile phone plan to wait.

  The impact on Youmedia Technology is not too big. After all, the launch of new products is to replace old products.

   This does not mean they give up FutureS1.

  But the introduction of new products will indeed shift the company's focus and resources.

  Because no matter where you start from, this is the optimal solution.

  So users are willing to wait for new mobile phones, which is in line with UMedia Technology.

  But for Jiaming Alliance, this is not the case...

   This is completely a disaster.

   It should be.

  FutureS1 has been on sale for two years, and its influence has gradually declined. The Jiaming Alliance has barely stopped the decline by virtue of its cost-effective style of play.

   Then coincided with the start of live broadcasting and other battles, users had a strong demand for smartphones. Although Jiaming Alliance’s mobile phone was a little worse than FutureS1, it was much cheaper.

  So there are still many users who choose Jiaming Alliance mobile phones.


   There was a snap.

  With UMedia Technology announced a new press conference.

   These users have all disappeared.

  I want to see how the new generation of Future is, I want to see if the price of FutureS1 will be reduced, and I want to see if Future phones will have more attractive functions...

   In short.

  Users are suddenly not in a rush to buy a phone.

  Every member of the Jiaming Alliance knows that after the press conference of UMedia Technology, no matter what the result is, many users will be able to choose Future mobile phones.

   This is almost certain to happen.

  What can Jiaming Alliance do? It seems like it's too late to do anything...

  Even if they could do it, it would be difficult for them to predict what this company led by Linmu Studio would produce.

  So, the only thing they can do now is to pray that they don't do too much work.

  Give me a way out...


   Countless people are looking forward to the upcoming conference.

   And UMedia did not make people wait long.

  The end of September.

  The penultimate day of Golden Week is coming.

  YouMedia Technology’s press conference was held on time.

  The same venue.

   But the difference is that after participating in the two press conferences of UMedia Technology, the media and users who went to participate this time are all in a different mood.

   The first FutureS1 press conference was held, and most of the media actually had some doubts.

   After all, what was the situation at the beginning?

  Linmu Studio is a pure game company.

   As for Youmedia Technology, this company did make mobile phones before, but basically they didn’t specifically check it out, and they didn’t even know that such a company existed.

  Eight unbeatable game companies, plus a failed mobile phone company.

  In the end, FutureS1 was brought out.

  Who would have thought of this before the press conference?

   Not to mention before the press conference, even after the press conference, many people still questioned the existence of mobile phones like FutureS1.


   The time has come to the present.

  After the FutureS1 press conference, most people have used their mobile phones for two years, and they also experienced another press conference of Youmedia Technology.

   It can be said that the mentality is completely different.

   Not so much skepticism.

   It’s better to say that everyone walked into the venue with the mood of watching the Spring Festival Gala in the tech circle.

  And when walking into the venue.

   Seeing the huge screen in the center of the stage, many people showed excited expressions.

   And among them.

  Including Tian Barrier, the person in charge of the 'Meal Delivery'.

  Because of the investment department of Linmu Studio, he finally got the invitation letter for the press conference.

   After all, the most important carrier for "meal delivery" is the smartphone.

  The PC side does not mean that you cannot order food.

   But everyone knows that this is just a transition, and the mobile terminal is the future.

  As the person in charge of a start-up company invested by Linmu Studio, he should pay attention to this conference that may change the smartphone market, and feel excited about it.

in addition.

  Start from the private level.

   He should be thrilled too.

   Tian Barrier remembers very clearly that he just graduated two years ago, and he watched the FutureS1 press conference through live broadcast.

  The moment he saw the appearance of the mobile phone, he was really shocked.


  The idea of ​​ordering food online came from the fact that he used the FutureS1, a mobile phone completely different from Jiaming Alliance's products, and was shocked by its smoothness and humanity.

  Follow-up, the idea of ​​ordering food online can be implemented, which is related to the incubator plan derived from Futurestore...

It can be said.

   This mobile phone is the starting point of his career.

   And two years later.

  He came to the venue, no longer had to watch the screen, but could see the new mobile phone at close range, how can this make people not excited.


   Tian Barrier looked at the stage and couldn't help sighing.

   "Yeah, it's really attracting everyone's attention."


  The person in charge of the marketing department who accompanied him looked around the venue: "Most of the technology media that can be named have come. When will we hold a press conference to have such a grand event..."

  Tian Barrier thought for a while, and replied: "Actually, according to our current market share, if we really want to make a big announcement, we can still do it."

"No, it's very difficult. Even if it is possible, the expectation value must be different." The person in charge of the marketing department is very clear about this: "After all, this is a new product of Youmedia Technology, not to mention that there will be more products later. The new products of Linmu Studio have been announced, and they are not of the same magnitude at all.”

  Tian Barrier didn't mind either, he laughed and said, "Then work hard, I hope one day I can be as eye-catching as them."


The person in charge of the marketing department nodded, and continued: "But I'm actually more concerned about what the investment department of Linmu Studio said, 'Don't worry about the exposure in first-tier cities, as long as you can do a good job of experience, there will always be a way out'" What's the meaning."

  Some time ago, "Meal Takeaway" began to implement the strategy of landing on the beach in third- and fourth-tier cities.

  The effect is good.

   But at the same time, the growth rate of "meal delivery" in first-tier cities has stagnated.

  After all, the entire market is full of competitors who are eyeing tigers.

  Their continuous high subsidies, continuous advertising bombing, and burning a lot of money, if this can't slow down the growth of "meal takeaway", attract users to their own software.

  Then their money is really wasted.


  The reason why "Fun Dian Takeaway" can continue to grow in first-tier cities instead of stagnant is because the traffic portal of WeChat is really too sloppy.

   After all, it is really too convenient.

   Without such a traffic portal, I can't even imagine it.

  Because of this, the person in charge of the marketing department of "Meal Takeaway" was very worried, and finally discussed with Tian Zong, and specifically consulted the investment department of Linmu Studio for opinions.

   Then I got such a reply.

   "Don't talk about this tonight, let's watch the press conference first."

   Tian Barrier looked at the stage, as if he had returned to two years ago, with light in his eyes, eager to try.

   Still young after all.

  Marketing Department Leader: “…”

  He was a little speechless.

   I hope Linmu Studio will not disappoint...


eight pm.

  The press conference officially opened.

  When the light source above the auditorium disappears, the stage spotlights turn on.

   Zhang Youjie, dressed in casual attire, walked onto the stage.

   Cheers immediately rang out.

  Although most ordinary users don't know this person at all.

  But most of the media at the scene still know it.

  The current helm of UMedia Technology—Zhang Youjie!

  In the live broadcast room, most of the mobile phone users were a little disappointed because they didn't see the familiar beautiful girl, but in the end they still looked forward to the mobile phone.

   Now that the press conference is about to start, some unpleasantness quickly disappeared, and they brushed up words like 'OHHHHHH'.

   The only really sad one.

   Probably users who use FutureS1 and are loyal players of Linmu Studio games.

  At the forest carnival, Lin Yao did not appear.

   Originally thought that Lin Yao would appear at least at the mobile phone press conference.

   But look now.

  She didn't come to the press conference...


  In a way.

  This is also a good thing for the players.

   After all, Lin Yao didn't untie the game for the sake of UMedia Technology, she treats them equally.

   Subtly, many players actually think this is acceptable... Even because of the live broadcast, the players are a little lucky.

But at the same time.

   Not because of UMedia Technology.

  What exactly Lin Yao is going to do has become a point of curiosity for the players...

  But now is obviously not the time to pay attention to these.

the other side.

  In the venue.

"Hello everyone."

Zhang Youjie stood on the stage, waited until the cheers were not so loud, straightened the microphone, and said with a smile: "Maybe you don't know me, after all, Lin Yao came to introduce new products to you two years ago, and now I suddenly changed Personally, let alone you, I am not used to it myself."

   "But there is no way, Lin Yao thinks it's time for me, the 'helmsman', to practice, and I can't refuse, so I can only show my face."

  Hearing his words, the audience immediately burst into laughter.

   "My name is Zhang Youjie, the person in charge of UMedia Technology. Nice to meet you all."

   Zhang Youjie saw that the effect was good, and after reporting himself as his family, he bowed to the audience.


   Again there was a huge cheer.

   "So, now let's get back to the press conference."

  Zhang Youjie straightened up, and after a brief self-introduction, he officially entered the topic.

  He began to pace the stage, introducing the achievements of YouMedia Technology after releasing FutureS1: "The year before last, FutureS1 redefined the mobile phone in our minds, letting everyone know what a smartphone should be.

  We have a free application market, no need to endure inexplicable freezes, and we have also added many cool features. "

   “Since FutureS1 appeared, the situation has really changed. This phone has changed everything.”

  Zhang Youjie stopped: "We have done a lot before, and now, after we launch FutureS1, it is another biggest leap since smartphones."


   Hear what Zhang Youjie said.

   Everyone held their breath.

   "So, today."

   Zhang Youjie looked at the expressions of the audience, smiled lightly, and then came to the edge of the stage, making all the audience look at the screen: "We are going to launch...FutureS2! The second generation of Future!"

   He just finished speaking.

  The stage lights dimmed instantly.

   Then the main screen suddenly lit up.

  Accompanied by the turmoil of the audience, a white line flew across the center of the screen and disappeared in a flash.

  Like a ray of light before dawn.


  The camera moves up slowly.

   Between light and dark.

  A mobile phone with sharp edges and corners was reflected in everyone's pupils.

   Everyone is familiar.

   This is the FutureS1 released two years ago.

   Not only familiar.

  Many people present could pull one out of their pockets immediately.

   And just when all the audience was a little confused, thinking that the appearance of the new mobile phone has not changed compared with the previous generation of mobile phones...

on the screen.

   The rotating mobile phone stops.

  The screen is facing all the audience.

   Then, amidst the music playing time after time, the screen in the center of the phone suddenly stretched in four directions up, down, left, and right, covering the black borders in the first-generation mobile phones, leaving only a little black border on the top.

  The audience immediately exclaimed.

   While on the screen, after changing the front of the phone.

   Move again.


  Like an invisible hand pressing down, the slightly thick body of the mobile phone instantly becomes thinner and lighter.


   The phone moves again.


  A camera fell from the void and squeezed into the raised back camera module, turning the original single camera into a dual camera.

   Finally, in the dynamic music.

  Colorful paint splashes on the brand new phone.

  The mobile phones with the same shape but with different color schemes fanned out and appeared in the center of the screen.

Below   , the product name appears.

  【FutureS2! 】

   So far.

  The promotional video has finished playing.


  The moment the lights came on, the audience burst into extremely warm cheers and applause.

   "Fuck! I knew it! Fully evolved!"

  Tian Barrier looked at the fan-shaped mobile phone on the stage screen, and looked at the rendering full of industrial beauty, and couldn't help but swear.

  The person in charge of the marketing department next to him was also full of surprise.


  Happiness is relative.

the other side.

  The leaders of the major members of the Jiaming Alliance, looking at the live broadcast, were ashamed...

   Damn it!

   Everyone imitated the appearance of FutureS1 for two years, and you have changed it! ?

  Although everyone knows that you will magnify your moves.

   But as for? It's only been two years! Such a design does not need to be changed in three or four years! ?

   Many leaders of Jiaming Alliance members are beginning to despair about the future.

   This opponent.

   It seems that it is not a flash in the pan, a trick that is eaten all over the world.

  They seem to... evolve faster than their serious mobile phone companies.

can only say.

  YouMedia Technology’s press conference came really suddenly, and the secrecy work was done so well that it caught all members of the Jiaming Alliance by surprise.

  The time left for them to react is too short.

  That's why this situation happened.

  They all guessed that Youmedia Technology would definitely announce a new mobile phone, but they didn't expect Youmedia Technology to move so quickly.

  In this case, it is really difficult not to look ashamed.

can only say.

  Hope it's just a big change in appearance...

the other side.

  In the venue.

   "This is FutureS2, our second-generation Future phone."

  Zhang Youjie was a little excited to meet the expectant gazes from the audience, even though he has been in charge of Youmedia Technology for some time.

   But it’s really different from standing on stage.

  ... There is a feeling of being pretentious in front of everyone.

   So it made his voice tremble a little.



   This is not a bad thing.

  With a little trembling, it made his voice more contagious.


   Cheers again.

   "This generation of FutureS2, compared with FutureS1, also has countless new features, but today's time is limited, so I will talk about a few of them."

  Zhang Youjie took a deep breath, barely suppressed the excitement in his heart, and said while pacing: "Then, first of all... a brand new design."

   "Don't doubt, this mobile phone will be the most exquisite item you have ever seen."

   “Glass front and back, stainless steel perimeter.”

   "It is thinner and lighter than FutureS1, a full 25% thinner...Look carefully."

   "This will exceed any consumer product we've seen."


   Following Zhang Youjie's words.

   On the main stage screen, the whole picture of the mobile phone begins to be displayed.

  Beside the new mobile phone, a FutureS1 was specially placed as a reference.

   really thin...

   Looking at the comparison, all the audience couldn't help but have such thoughts.

   "And next, let's look at the front."

   "I believe you can see the changes of this phone at first glance. Yes, its screen has become bigger."

   "Our engineers have been working on making the screen of this phone bigger for the past two years, so that users can be immediately attracted by the screen the moment they pick up the phone."

   "And we succeeded, the 6.1-inch screen, the left, right and bottom borders are only about 3mm."


   "Now in the industry, only this phone has achieved this. Believe me, as long as you pick up this phone, you will be instantly attracted."

   "Full screen! We think this is full screen."


  Many viewers gasped when they heard the words.

  Damn it! ?

  3mm! ?

   "Of course, you may be wondering about the frame and how to control the phone. We will mention this in the next system update."

  Zhang Youjie was very satisfied with the audience's reaction, and continued: "So let's put this aside for now, and let's continue talking about this screen."

   "This screen is not just as simple as its size, but its quality will also make people's eyes shine."

   "The 2K Super Retina screen...not only displays finer details, but also has a higher level of color."

   "Ultra-high color fineness will provide a look and feel that surpasses all mobile phone screens..."

   Zhang Youjie introduced the parameters of the screen in detail.

   Various parameters are almost at the top level now.

   Next, introduce the parameters.

  He changed the subject: "And... this screen has another great feature, that is - high refresh rate."

  "What is a high refresh rate? In technical terms, the refresh rate refers to the number of times the electron beam repeatedly scans the image on the screen.

   If it is more clear, it is the number of times the screen is refreshed per second. For example, what we see, 60Hz means that the screen refreshes 60 images per second; 90Hz means that the screen refreshes 90 images per second. "

"The higher the update frequency of the screen, the more stable the screen will naturally be, and the less likely it will be stuck. This is actually very simple. More screens can be displayed in one second, and the stability of the entire screen will be higher. , the smoother the picture will be.”


   "Future S2 will be the first mobile phone with a high-refresh screen. The 90Hz high-refresh screen will bring unprecedented precision touch and allow us to see more details!"

  “…Maybe you don’t have a clear idea about this, so let’s look at a set of comparisons.”

  Zhang Youjie looked sideways at the screen again.

   while on the screen.

   Two mobile phones appeared.

   Browse the same web page under different refresh rates.

   One view is normal speed swipe.

  One perspective is a slow comparison under a high-speed camera.

  But no matter what kind of contrast it is, it is very strong.

  See such changes visible to the naked eye.

   Audiences who are not clear enough about the concept of high brush.

  In an instant, their eyes widened.

  This thing...

  There is something.

  The members of the Jiaming Alliance gasped.

   Start to zoom in! ?

  The press conference just started! !And here it goes! ?

  (end of this chapter)

Read The Duke's Passion