MTL - There is a Problem with This Online Game Planning-Chapter 649 Promote MOBA mobile games

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  Chapter 649 Promotion of MOBA mobile games

  "Death by Daylight" became the first game that really took advantage of the live broadcasting wind.

  The high popularity and high quality of the game itself, coupled with the promotion of the live broadcast website, directly made this game, which itself is suitable for live broadcast, become a traffic password in a certain sense.


  This time, the colleagues felt that it was all in Lin Yao's calculations, and they really misunderstood her.

  Lin Yao never thought of using live streaming to bring goods to the game.

   The game "Death by Daylight" was announced at the carnival, and the exposure was enough. After the live broadcast, most of the influence has been eliminated.

  Whether it is the three new games released earlier or the "Death by Daylight" released later, they are all on the right track.

   Simply put.

  Regardless of whether the live streaming website helps to announce the game, the sales of this game will not be bad.

  What they are doing now is nothing more than icing on the cake.

   And soon.

   Colleagues are actually aware of it.

  Because the real live broadcast war started.

  After the release of "Death by Daylight".

  Bei Wenxuan's situation is not an exception.

  Because the horror atmosphere of the game is excellent, there are many players in Linmu Studio, the program effect is excellent, and the live broadcast website is fueling the flames.

   Soon, a group of anchors emerged because of this game.

  Some major anchors have also gained a lot of popularity because of this game.

  And many players may just be early adopters at first.

   But slowly, many players feel that live broadcasting is really interesting.

   Not only can you see your favorite games, but you can also see all kinds of anchors with distinctive personalities.

  At first, the players only watched the recent uproar "Dead by Daylight".

   But slowly.

  Many players don’t just watch such a game.

   They start looking for more different games to watch...

   And it starts from this day.

  The live broadcast industry began to rise.

  The heat of "Dead by Daylight" is the final blow.

  Live broadcast, secondary creation, and slicing allow more players to choose to play this game.

   At the same time, more people choose to watch the live broadcast.

on the other hand.

  With so many gamers flooding into the live broadcast field, of course it is impossible to watch one game forever.

   Soon, the popularity and popularity of other divisions have been significantly improved due to the influx of players.

   Among them, the games of Linmu Studio are the most popular, and games such as "Heroes", "Breakout", and "BattleRoyale" have begun to exert their strength.

   After all, no matter what type of game is mentioned, Linmu Studio cannot be avoided.

  The influx of more players brings higher popularity, more content is produced, and then attracts more players...

   Directly loop forward.

  The market expanded rapidly in a short period of time.

  When the major live streaming sites saw this scene, they soon stopped just promoting the game "Dead by Daylight".

   Instead, the packaging and announcement of Linmu Studio games started!

  For the anchor side, the related reward plan has been mentioned again and again. In one sentence, as long as the anchor broadcasts the games of Linmu Studio, especially the popular games, there must be resources and rewards.

   As for the player side, it is even simpler and rude.

  They tried their best to promote how many good anchors there are on their live broadcast website, and how many anchors there are who broadcast Linmu Studio games, in order to attract more players to their live broadcast website.

   And they did, and it paid off quickly...

  The live broadcast market is expanding rapidly.


  Anyone can see that this thing is the next outlet.

  The smell of capital is coming again.

  More capital began to enter the game.

  The leading live broadcasting websites, such as the old live broadcasting website that has been cooperating with Linmu Studio, were rumored to be acquired shortly after the release of "Death by Daylight".

  Other large and small live streaming sites have also become the new favorites of capital.

   Then there are many new live streaming sites appearing...

  The entry of capital often means a large amount of hot money.

  In addition to regular expenditures, what can this hot money be used for to best attack opponents and strengthen oneself at the same time?

   is very simple.

  Digging anchors...

  So, soon there was competition among the major live streaming sites.

   Extremely fierce competition.


   All of the above have little to do with Linmu Studio.

  After all, Linmu Studio did not do live broadcasts, nor did it invest in related projects.

  However, if you want to say that it has nothing to do with Linmu Studio, that's not right.

  Because the live broadcasting website wants to broadcast games, they can't avoid Linmu Studio. Not only can they not bypass it, but they also need to operate many popular games of Linmu Studio as key sections.

   After all, who doesn't know that the games under Linmu Studio have the most players.

   And as the market heats up.

   No matter how the live streaming sites compete.

  The games of Linmu Studio will always be the key promotion area of ​​these live streaming sites.

  Well, the game area of ​​Linmu Studio outside the game area...

  The live broadcast market is expanding.

   More users flood in.

   As the game area of ​​Linmu Studio, which every live broadcast website will focus on, it is of course the most popular.

   And this makes Linmu Studio the biggest beneficiary in this live broadcast battle...

   And this is the only relationship between Linmu Studio and the live broadcast field.


  Sky fox.

   "It's outrageous, how lucky they are! How come they are winners again."

  Li Guangsheng looked at the live broadcast topics that have been raging recently, and saw that a certain anchor has switched jobs again, which live broadcast website has announced how many new users have been added, and is a little helpless.

   As a game practitioner.

  Of course he can see the impact of this live broadcast craze on the game.

  Although the game popularity of Linmu Studio is itself exaggerated.

   But who wouldn't want to go one step further and put their game in front of players and viewers in turn?

  This must be beneficial.

   "That's because they are excellent. If they hadn't launched so many excellent games before, their games would not have become the darling of live streaming sites."

  Mou Feng sighed: "At the end of the day, others were good before, not because they are lucky now."

  Li Guangsheng subconsciously said: "There must be an element of luck, right? Our game can also become a division, but their "Death by Daylight" just happened to be released..."

  Mou Feng looked straight at him.

"…never mind."

  Li Guangsheng smiled sarcastically, and then said: "Just kidding, let's talk about the business, do you think the live broadcast is messed up?"

   "Yes, yes."

  Mou Feng nodded, and then asked curiously: "You also want to join the game?"


  Li Guangsheng responded, and then explained: "The main reason is that live broadcasting seems promising, and our game company must have an advantage over those laymen in live broadcasting, right? Our Tianhu games do not have as many audiences as Linmu Studio's games.

But there are also a lot of players. We can release more resources from the game side to the anchor through deep binding of live broadcast resources, such as the exclusive pre-emptive live broadcast qualification of the version of the whole network, game live broadcast interoperability and advanced data permissions, and then build a more A complete ecological chain.

   This is something that other live streaming sites do not have.

   This is the moat! "


Mou Feng thought for a while, then raised his head: "It's feasible, it's feasible, but you have to be mentally prepared. What you just mentioned can only keep the live streaming website alive. If you want to go further, you have to go live with other live streaming sites." The website is fighting hard, and the required investment will also increase exponentially.

   At that time, the so-called moat in your mouth will have no meaning. Ordinary players will definitely prefer to watch the live broadcast of Linmu Studio games. "

   "Don't worry, I can't bet on Tianhu for the live broadcast. I plan to acquire the existing live broadcast website and play with the capital."

  Li Guangsheng said with a smile: "Share the risk, and the live broadcast website that is deeply tied to the game company... I guess many people will be interested. Well, as long as Linmu Studio does not end, it seems that they are not interested.

   Otherwise, judging from the time they have been in contact with the live broadcast, they have already started planning for their end. "

   "You decide, I have no opinion."

  Speaking of this, Mou Feng had no room to object, and said directly: "Just don't make me responsible, I have no interest."

   "I will take charge personally, but I need your assistance."

Li Guangsheng smiled again: ""Under the Dark Night", should you take it out for a while? After burning so much money, "Day of Reincarnation" has been earned for so long. As a game against "Day of Reincarnation", It's time for us to recoup our costs, too.

  The game can just appear in the live broadcast, let the anchor try to play, on the one hand, attract traffic to the live broadcast website, and on the other hand, create a big anchor. "


  Mou Feng was stunned for a moment, then frowned slightly, and after a while, he breathed a sigh of relief: "Okay."


  Li Guangsheng was a little surprised: "I thought you would object, but I am ready to persuade you."

   "The game is indeed going to be released. Since it will be announced, the plan you just proposed is a win-win situation. I have no reason not to agree."

  Mu Feng explained: "Moreover, I guess that most of the mobile games imitating "Samsara Day" will be released soon, and we may be able to seize the opportunity by announcing them through live broadcast.

  Although Linmu Studio can't afford such a big market, too many games of the same type released in a short period of time will definitely cause players' aesthetic fatigue. "

Speaking of which.

  He paused, and then said: "Also, I'm a little worried about Linmu Studio."

  Li Guangsheng was slightly taken aback, then subconsciously took out a cigarette and asked, "What are you worried about them?"

   "I don't know, but now that the competition in the live broadcast market is so fierce, they haven't done anything. It's rare that they don't stand in the center of the stage as the protagonist, so I feel worried."

  Mou Feng spread his hands: "In short, in order to prevent accidents, it is a good thing for "Under the Dark Night" to be released earlier. This is my judgment."


  Li Guangsheng frowned when he heard this, and became worried.

  He turned his head and glanced at the window behind Mou Feng, and then whispered: "Yes, what the **** is Linmu Studio doing now..."


  What is Linmu Studio doing?

  They do so much...

  However, if there is any big move recently, it is probably that the investment department conveyed suggestions to the two entrepreneurial teams, which then caused the two entrepreneurial teams to speed up their pace urgently.

  Although it is mainly the actions of the entrepreneurial team.

  But they are all related to Linmu Studio.

   And at the same time when the live streaming site competition was heating up and the battle started.

  In most first-tier cities in China, a taxi-hailing app and a food-delivery app have quietly started promotion...

   "Order takeaway with your mobile phone?"

  A foreign trade company.

  Luo Chao stopped and looked curiously at the young girl in front of him.

   "Yes, I just saw that in the restaurant not far from the building, they said that you can scan this software, and then directly browse the menu to place an order, and someone will deliver the food, no need to call."

  Liao Jing fiddled with her FutureS1, and showed Luo Chaokan the currently rudimentary food delivery software, and said at the same time: "I heard from the boss that someone promoted it, and we can order food more cheaply, and they can also get subsidies.

  At first, he didn't want to agree, but the other party was very sincere, and he heard that it was a project invested by Linmu Studio, so he planned to give it a try. "

  Luo Chao was a little puzzled: "Linmu Studio? It's them again? But is this possible? Just pay the money directly, what if you don't send it?"

   "I don't know, but I heard from the boss that the promotion team of this software has reached cooperation with many labor service companies in the early stage, and there will be a special person to deliver it... But I haven't tried it."

  Liao Jing shook her head, then said with a smile: "Try it now, what do you want for lunch? I invite you."


  Luo Chao immediately shook his head: "No need."

   "It's just a meal."

  Liao Jing gave Luo Chao her mobile phone.

   "...Thank you, I will treat you next time."

  Luo Chao thought for a while, and didn't refuse any more, but looked down at the screen.

  A certain app is being displayed on the screen, and the layout is not too different from Lin Yao's takeaway software in her previous life.

  Luo Chao slid his finger, glanced at the dishes listed above, and found that it really looked like that... It felt like looking at the menu.

  He flipped through it for a while, then handed the phone back to Liao Jing, and said, "Let's just slip the egg and beef."

   "Egg beef, right? Then I'll place an order."

   Liao Jing nodded, and then began to place an order.


   Accompanied by the iconic payment sound effects of WeChat Pay.

  Luo Chao knew that Liao Jing had already paid, he smiled and joked: "If this is not delivered, we will starve."

   "Indeed, it says it will be delivered in thirty-five minutes, let's see."

  Liao Jing also smiled: "If it is not delivered, I will settle the score with the boss."

   Luo Chao shook his head, and then the two chatted about work.

   Thirty-five minutes, fleeting.

  Luo Chao felt a little hungry.

  He drank a glass of water, and was about to ask about the delivery situation, when he saw a middle-aged man in uniform appearing at the door.

   "Hello? Who are you looking for?" Luo Chao was curious.

   "Meal delivery."

  The middle-aged man glanced at the phone, and then replied: "The takeaway with the phone number 6822..."

   "My mine."

  Liao Jing turned around immediately, came to the middle-aged man in surprise, took the takeaway, and showed it to Luo Chao.

   Luo Chao was stunned.

   "Meal takeaway, I wish you a happy meal."

  Liao Jing took the takeaway.

  The rider who delivered the food was also about to leave, and before leaving, he said the slogan as required.

  Liao Jing thanked, and then came back to Luo Chao.

   "It's really delivered?" Luo Chao was a little surprised.

   "Yeah, I don't need to go downstairs to eat in the future."

   Liao Jing answered while happily unpacking the takeaway.

  Luo Chao glanced at the takeaway bag in front of Liao Jing, then at the mobile phone on his desk, and couldn't help sighing: "It's developing so fast..."

   "What?" Liao Jing handed Luo Chao's fried egg and beef rice, and asked curiously.


  Luo Chao took the Huadan Beef Rice, shook his head, and asked, "I just want to do you download that software?"

at the same time.

   It's just downstairs of the building where Luo Chao is located.

  A young man hesitated for a moment, then took out his mobile phone, and then pressed the button to place an order after inputting his current location and where he was going next according to the software reminder.

   After a few seconds.

   Prompt pops up.

   He was a little surprised.

   When the bus arrived, he was even more surprised.

  He opened the door of the back seat, and asked tentatively, "Are you going to the Guangzhou Trade Center?"

   "Yes, Mr. Li whose phone number is 9032, right?"

  The driver nodded, and said, "Get in the car."


  The young man sat in the back seat.

  The car starts to start.

  At the same time, the driver's mobile phone starts to broadcast the reminder that passengers have boarded the car...

  The young man was sitting in the back seat. After a brief shock, he listened to the beep coming from the front and watched the receding scenery outside the window. He opened his mouth and was about to speak.

   But without waiting for him to speak.

  The driver who was driving couldn't help feeling emotional first.

   "Technology really changes life."

  Young man: “…”


  Liao Jing and that young man are not alone.

  Because whether it is taxi-hailing software or food delivery software, the promotion is not low-key.

   And the team behind the two softwares played very simple at the beginning.

  In order to attract merchants and users, the strategy of two-end subsidies is directly adopted...

  Many young people have already started to try.

   Not used to it at first.

  But after trying it, the evaluations given are quite good.

   And the promotion and operation of the two softwares with such a big fanfare, of course, it is impossible to hide it for a long time.

  Now most of the users and capital are just opened earlier, and the live broadcast battle with more capital participation has attracted attention.

  But after a while, the two softwares began to take shape, and word of mouth fermented.

   Sure to catch all eyes.

   Still, that's enough.

  The most important thing for this kind of software is to promote it. It is a dream to make a fortune in silence all the time.

  This time, Lin Yao just wanted to make a time difference between the two software.

  As long as these two software can accumulate the first batch of users during this golden time, word-of-mouth will be formed.

  At that time, no matter how many people are optimistic about these two markets and how many competitors there are, then as a pioneer, you can also have an advantage.

   "Have you started promoting yet?"

  Lin Yao sat behind the desk, stopped writing and looked up at Mu Wanqing.

   "Well, I heard the effect is not bad." Mandy nodded.

   "I hope they can finally break out."

  Lin Yao smiled, and then blessed the start-up teams of these two softwares.

   Then she couldn't help.

  All that needs to be said has been said.

   After all, it is not a project of Linmu Studio, so she must not be too concerned about it, and she really can't spare more energy.

   At most, I just ask occasionally.

   As for these two fields, does she know how fierce the competition is.

   Mu Wanqing also knew about Lin Yao's situation, and added: "I'll let the investment department focus on it."

   "Hmmm... is there anything else that needs my special attention?"

  Lin Yao glanced at the character designs on the drawing paper, thought for a while, and decided to stop writing, planning to take a break.

   "Live broadcast?... You probably aren't interested. Let me talk about the internal situation. There are two things."

Mu Wanqing thought about it, but she still didn't talk about the live broadcast, but talked about two things that deserve attention in Linmu Studio recently: "The first thing is the feedback from Kang Yi, the internal testing of the MOBA mobile game has ended up.

  The second thing is that the trial production machine of FutureS2 has been sent to Kaishan Research Institute. "

  (end of this chapter)

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