MTL - There is a Problem with This Online Game Planning-Chapter 635 Is this a New Year's program? (Happy New Year)

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  Chapter 635 Is this a Chinese New Year show? (Happy New Year)

   Zhang Tian's voice just fell.

  The lights on the stage dimmed down one by one.


   There was a snap.

  The screen lights up.

  The soft violin sounded.

   Then the playing speed gradually increased, and the soft violin sound became passionate.

  The iconic BGM "hornet" of "Hollow Knight" sounded.


  Stage screen.

  The title of the game slowly emerged—"HollowKnight" (Hollow Knight).

   Immediately afterwards, a creature that looked like a wasp or a butterfly gradually appeared under the title as if it had spread its wings...

  The screen changes.

  A little bug wearing a black cloak and carrying a broken bone nail suddenly fell from the sky.

   Accompanied by the increasingly high-pitched violin playing.

  The game screen appeared in the sight of the players.

how to say.

  When the game screen first appears.

   Many players exclaimed.

  In fact, compared to the 3A masterpieces in the traditional sense, the picture of "Hollow Knight" is not close to reality, not even 3D.

  The picture is only 2D.

   This is also in line with everyone's impression of the horizontal version of the game.


   Although not close to reality.

  But whether it is a live player or a player in the live broadcast room, as soon as they see the screen, they are immediately attracted by the exquisite and unique style of painting...

  Horizontal version of the game is a very old game type.

  As Zhang Tian said, there are countless excellent games in this genre before.

   But it is also because there are too many excellent games of this type before.

   This caused all players to hear the word "horizontal version of the game", and subconsciously use the game with the deepest memory to overlap with the new game of Linmu Studio.

  This is human nature.

  You can't ask players to imagine a game they've never played before.

  But most of the 'horizontal version clearance games' that players remember deeply were launched earlier.

  The golden age of this type of game has long passed... Screen music settings, etc., have actually been out of touch with the times.

   Players use the old game to overlap the new game of Linmu Studio.

  Although they are all 'horizontal version of the game', they soon found out.

   overlapped for half a day.

   Didn't stack up...

  Because "Hollow Knight" is really not like the old game before.

  The violin sounded.

   Players feel wrong.

   Waiting for the little knight to descend from the sky, the game announcement stage will most impress the players.

   is even more wrong.

  The painting style of "Hollow Knight" is very simple, with few and simple lines and not very rich colors.

   As soon as the protagonist, the little knight, falls, the player discovers it.

  The image of the protagonist is like a villain in a pillow picture book, which is different from the feminine Japanese anime and the rough American cartoon.

   Very special.

  Simple and cute, harmless to humans and animals.

   And with the more passionate violin sound, this feeling is even stronger.

  The little knight started to move forward.

  He set foot on the green land, walked through the mine, went deep into the fungus field, and came to the lake...

   The map is constantly changing.

  The scenery is constantly changing.

  But the only thing that remains the same is the special style of painting.

  It makes people feel that there is a kind of...shocking beauty.

   Yes, impact.

   Very special beauty.

   Until then.

  The player suddenly realized.

  Although this is a 'horizontal version of the game', although it is 2D, it is really different from the previous games... completely different.

   This is a new age game!

   And the follow-up of the promotional video made the players feel that they guessed right.

  Although it is a horizontal version, the world view of the game is not simple at all. It seems to be a society made up of bugs.

  The protagonist is a bug, and the NPC seems to be a bug too.

  A story that happened in the microscopic world.

  But it didn't simply fool it, or directly make it linear.

  Exquisite maps, completely different scenery, and enemies of various shapes, all tell the player... This world is very deep and huge.

   A large map also appeared in the promotional film.

  The densely packed small rooms are strung together to form a large map that cannot fit on a screen.

   Tell everyone straightforwardly how big the game capacity is.

  The protagonist, the little knight, moves around.

   Jump, dash, slash, dodge...

   Every move reveals silky smoothness.

  Brings the aesthetic feeling of the classic 'horizontal version of the game', but more silky and smooth.

  Unique world view, exquisite and unique painting style, **** action...

  Watching the promotional video, the players all came up with the same idea, that is—Linmu Studio is using modern game production capabilities to produce a... classical game type.


   The word comes to mind.

   Li Yu under the stage immediately turned his head and looked behind him.

  The promotional image of 'classic and trendy'.

I see.

  He showed a suddenly realized expression, and then looked back at the stage.

   Watching the promotional video being played, looking at the game screen that makes people feel a kind of shocking beauty.

   Can't help but smile knowingly.

  This is Linmu Studio...

   Do you think this is a masterpiece?

  Actually, judging from the screen, this is not a masterpiece that most players recognize.

   This game isn't even a 3D game.

  But Linmu Studio announced such a game that seemed to be abandoned by big companies at the carnival...

  With the greatest sincerity and top-notch production ability, a classical game was produced.

   Who else is here?

  Which big factory would do this.

  There is only Lin Mu Studio.

on the stage.

  The promotional video has also reached the end.

  The little knight stood under the black dome, raising the bone spur in his hand like a knight.


  The game release date pops up.

  June 17th.

   “This is our first new game, Hollow Knight.”

  The stage lights come back on.

  Zhang Tian reappeared and spoke the opening remarks of his reappearance.

   And he just finished speaking.

   Cheers broke out.


  Zhang Tian froze again.

  Because he can feel the expectations of the players even if he is far away...

   This is really... so overwhelming.

   In fact, before he came on stage, he had already made sufficient mental preparations.


  When the game is actually announced, it will be displayed in front of all players.

  And the players cheered for this, expressing their expectations for the game.

  He still's too heavy.

  He inevitably fell into the self-doubt of whether the game he made could satisfy the players.

can only say.

   Fortunately, the players on the scene didn't shout out.

   If he shouted it out, or if Zhang Tian could see the comments of the players in the live broadcast room, he would probably be even more suspicious...

  In the live broadcast room of the carnival.

  Pay more attention to atmosphere than live players.

  Because there are real-time comments in the live broadcast room, players are more open.

  The discussion about the game also started the moment Zhang Tian took the stage.

  "? I also said why I mentioned the old game before, so it is like this!"

   "This tm is a 'horizontal version of the game'? It doesn't match the old game in my memory at all!"

   "It's really beautiful... The art style is the same as before. Even if it's a 2D game, Linmu Studio can also use their perverted art quality."

   "The world of bugs... This painting style, this action, this huge time of glimpse, even in 2D, the sense of anticipation is full."

   "I've wanted such a game for a long time [crying], it's really not only 3A masterpieces that are playable! Linmu Studio! You are my father!"

   "This is too good-looking! I usually don't watch games like this at all. But now that I've watched the promotional video, to be honest, I want to buy it."

   "This is Linmu Studio... always do what you want to do, dig out every game type, and actively try every game type.

  Even if this type of game does not have such a huge audience as traditional 3A masterpieces...

   This may be the only game company that dares to do this.

  Actually, this is right. Games are meant to bring happiness to players, not limited to investment, scale, and graphics... As long as players want to play and bring happiness, it is a good game.

   And now, I tm want to play this game! "


   These live comments.

   Without exception, they are all expressing expectations.

   And anticipation often represents high expectations.

   Tell the truth.

  This is really a lot of pressure for the producer.

   Fortunately, Zhang Tian couldn't see it.

  The audience cheered and slowly stopped.

   This allowed him to temporarily suppress his deep self-doubt.

   Continue to speak.

   "Thank you for your kindness."

   “This is an action-adventure game.”

   "Derived from an interesting side-scrolling game."

  “This game is not just as simple as a horizontal version, it also includes our thinking about this type of game.”

   "In Lin Yao's allows players to explore more freely in the world created by the game."

   "At the same time give the character a higher growth attribute."

   "There is also the addition of... the soul element."

   Zhang Tian said the last sentence.

  The players in the audience were all stunned.

  They understand everything before.

  But the soul element...what is it?

"The so-called soul elements are high storytelling, high level difficulty, high sense of game experience, and high art design... These are the few characteristics we summed up when thinking about making "Dark Soul", and we will these characteristics, Also added to Hollow Knight."

   "Next, I will introduce to you."

  Zhang Tian smiled narrowly, and directly answered the players' doubts.


   Some players immediately realized that something was wrong.

   They looked at the cute little knight on the screen, and suddenly felt that it was not so cute.

   Soul! ?

  2D game adds soul elements! ?

   This works too! ?

   That is to say... "Hollow Knight" will not be easy! ?

  On the live broadcast website, countless players also raised question marks.

   "However, before that, I need to invite my colleagues to introduce another game to you."

  Zhang Tian didn't give the player too much reaction time.

   Just dropped a sentence and looked at the entrance gate.


  Wang Mang came out from Long Studio.

  Although the players were a little confused by Zhang Tian's words, they still cheered.

   "I am Wang Mang from Long Studio."

   "Then, I will introduce the next game to you."

   "How to make new ideas for classical game types."

Wang Mang and Zhang Tian passed by, replaced each other and stood in the center of the stage, and then said to themselves: "This is a question, and the answer to this question, the conclusion we have reached after thinking, except for "Hollow Knight"...Actually There is another direction."

   "That's the game I'm about to announce."

   "A more classical game, let's call it... Dead Cells."

   Following his voice fell.

  The stage lights dimmed again.

  Accompanied by brisk music, the screen lights up.

   A short video in the style of American comics begins to play.

  The plot is simple...

  In the bunker, a headless corpse suddenly stood up, and a cartoon cell appeared on its head.

   And this cell attached to the headless corpse has not yet figured out the situation.

  The vendor who was sharpening the knife next to him threw a dagger at him and motioned him to go out.

  The cell went out obediently.

  He kicked the door open.

   Then I found that the exit was very far away, and there were murderous monsters everywhere along the way.

   Instantly confused.

   Then there is his constant death, constant rebirth, new weapons, and constant challenges.

   The short film is not long.

   Just one minute.

  In the short film, the cell attached to the headless corpse goes out for the last time, and the promotional film also seamlessly switches to the game screen.

  Continuously changing fascinating levels, rich weapons and equipment, and exciting action gameplay.

  The most notable features of these "Dead Cells" began to appear in front of the players.

   Compared with "Hollow Knight", this game is indeed more classical.

  Because the characters on the screen are all pixel art style, an extremely familiar feeling rushes to the face in an instant,

  Although the game screen is not as stunning as "Hollow Knight", which makes people feel beautiful at first glance, it also reveals a feeling of a "new era" game everywhere.

   What surprised players even more.

   The action of this game... is really cool!

   In the promotional video, the rhythm of the entire game is full of action!

   Yes, motion!

  The protagonist rampages through various dungeons, cutting enemies like melons and vegetables.

   Use different weapons, different operation methods, and different methods.

   But the only constant is... cool!

   It's cool to look at!

  So smooth!

   It's so refreshing!

  Even after watching the game, players have the illusion that I can pass the level without injury.

   And every time a character dies and comes back again, the level will change, giving players a familiar and fresh feeling...



  The promotional video is over.

  But the players in the audience couldn't slow down.

   They didn't expect either.

  Linmu Studio will launch two games with different styles in the same genre!

   "This is Dead Cells, a new game that combines Roguelite and builds on many predecessors, allowing players to explore more freely, giving characters higher growth attributes, and adding soul elements."

   “In this game, players can experience refreshing battles, challenge many guards along the way, and explore a huge castle with constantly changing rooms in the repeated cycle of killing and death.”

   He just finished speaking.

the other side.

"In "Hollow Knight", players will be placed in a huge game world, exploring deep caves, ancient cities and dangerous ruins, fighting infected creatures, meeting friendly and strange insects, and going deep into the heart of the kingdom to reveal Unravel the truth of the ancient mysteries."

   Zhang Tian walked to the stage again, passed Wang Mang again, and said.

   "Here are two games we bring to you."

   “They have a lot of interesting characteristics.”

   "For example, a smooth motion system."

   "Another example, rich game content."


  On stage.

  From Wang Mang of Long Studio and Zhang Tian of Xihan Studio, the duo started.

   began to introduce the characteristics of the two games.

   while on the screen.

   With the introduction of the two, the game screen also kept popping up.

  There are two people playing duets on stage.

  The game also started Errenzhuan.

  The player was dazzled and looked confused.

   After a while.

   Live streaming site.

  A real-time comment popped up.

   "Damn it... Brothers who like this type of game! It's really Chinese New Year... Happy New Year!"


  The morning meeting is over.

  Linmu Studio finally released two new works that pay tribute to the classics and are full of new ideas.

   Hollow Knight and Dead Cells.

  The audience at the scene did not realize that 'classic and trendy' actually represented two meet-and-greets until they exited the venue...

  It is classical music to hold in the morning.

  The one held in the afternoon is Shintaku.

   Tell the truth.

  After learning about this, the player really felt that the slogan of this meet and greet was quite apt.

  Whether it is "Hollow Knight" or "Dead Cell", you can see the shadows of the old games before... Regardless of the form or type, you can also find similar works in the past games.

However, Linmu Studio used a brand-new production concept in the production, added a lot of new things to the classical game genre, and used the current technology to produce games, which is equivalent to redecorating an old house that has lost money. again.

   Or luxury decoration!

  During the intermission.

   Or, more accurately, as soon as the show is over.

   On the player forum, a corresponding post appeared.

  【Linmu Studio released a new game—"Hollow Knight"! "Dead Cells"! A combination of classic and trendy! A combination of old games and new age! 】

  This is a reposted post.

   It is probably equivalent to the text version of the meeting, so it was pushed to the top by the administrator as soon as it was sent out.

   It was probably because we finally saw the new game, and everyone raised the hope that Lin Yao would be on stage at the closing ceremony.

  So the players who seemed a little sluggish because Lin Yao didn't appear in the opening ceremony will also be revived.

   "It's amazing! Linmu Studio can always play tricks! The first session was a stand-alone blockbuster, the second session suddenly released a large-scale client game, and the third session...they directly paid tribute to the classics!"

  “I’m so looking forward to the press conference of “Hollow Knight”! The art style is really strong! I’ve never seen such a beautiful 2D game, I would call it a god!”

"Both games are awesome, and the trial play at the meeting looks really cool! Whether it is "Hollow Knight" or "Dead Cell", although it is not a masterpiece in the traditional sense, I also felt that it was horizontal at the beginning. It may not be fun to pass the level, but after watching the meet and greet, I am really looking forward to it!"

   "Why is the same game made by Linmu Studio differently! It seems that the investment and difficulty of this kind of game are not as big as 3A in the traditional sense, and it feels like anyone can make it.

  But why do I look at other similar games with a blank face, and want to rush when I see the games of Linmu Studio? "

   "Because the quality is so different... It seems that this game is very simple to make, but two producers spent half an hour on it! The content is really too much!"

   "Wow! This amount of content is only sold for 49!?...Is this a person or not?"

   "Now I am even more looking forward to the trendy meeting in the afternoon..."


  The players are very excited.

  The popularity of these two games is even greater than some traditional 3A games.

   Mainly because players feel fresh.

  If Linmu Studio is bombarded every year, everyone will gradually get used to it.

   But every year they spend some time...

   This year, a tribute to the classics came, which indeed exceeded the expectations of many players.


  However... Since a 3D masterpiece in the traditional sense can become the best-selling game, it also proves that the universality of this type of game is indeed the strongest.

  The two games announced this morning are really good.

  But not everyone accepts such a game...

   After all, 3D games are the mainstream now.

These people won't come out and say some nasty things. After all, Linmu Studio didn't ask everyone if they have mobile games... but made two games that combined classic and new technology with great sincerity, and then brought a full Show your full sincerity to everyone.

   There are also many players who are looking forward to this.

  Because each player's favorite type is different.

  They can also see that these two games are of extremely high quality, but they just feel that the genre is not suitable for them.

   At this time, if you want to say "what kind of garbage is produced", it is equivalent to denying an entire game type and the corresponding audience, which is equivalent to saying "only perverts play soul games", which is very disrespectful to others.

  Seeking common ground while reserving differences Most players still understand.

  But they didn't come out to say it, it doesn't mean they have no idea...

  For example, Li Yu.

  He really rarely plays similar games.

  In the beginning, he was deeply attracted by the art style of "Hollow Knight", but when he heard the word 'soul', he was shocked and immediately dismissed the unrealistic thoughts.

  Because he is really handicapped...

  Although he likes the fragmented narrative technique and art style of "Dark Souls" very much, he can't beat it at all. The first generation is all cloud clearance.

  He guessed that he should not be able to play this kind of game...

  So, compared to the classic meeting in the morning, he is looking forward to the afternoon meeting called "New Wave"...

   And the rest of more than two hours, in the trial play, passed quickly...


  The second meeting will start on time.

   It was also full of seats.

  Li Yu finished the trial play of "Breakout" early, sat in his seat, and looked at the stage with full expectation.

  And this time, the heads of the two first-party studios are still on stage.

  The first one to come up is Zhang Tian from the Xihan Studio.

   Probably because of the experience in the morning.

  He was less nervous.

   "Hi everyone, we meet again..."

  Zhang Tian stood in the middle of the stage, smiled slightly, and continued: "Welcome everyone to the meeting in the afternoon. This time, I will still bring you our new game."

   "And this time, what we want to bring is... multiplayer co-op."

   "Multiplayer cooperation... This is actually not a new trendy concept. When Jiu was a child, he used 1P and 2P to clear the level together on the arcade. In recent MOBA games, teammates play together as a team."

   "So I won't go into a long story about the development of multiplayer cooperative games."

   “I wanted to tell you guys straight about our new game coming out…a game that’s perfect for sitting on the couch with friends! It’s called Overcooked, aka… Overcooked.”


   Zhang Tian just finished speaking.

  The promotional video of the game began to play.

   The first thing that catches the eye is the cute style of the game.

  The painting style of "The Kitchen" is really pleasing, the overall color is relaxed and bright, the Q version of the character image is cute, and the visual effect is very friendly.

   It is easy to make players feel good.


   is a gameplay that can be understood at a glance.

   The gameplay of this game is very simple.

   Simply put, it is cooking.

   Cook in a kitchen full of obstacles and dangers!

  The player needs to play the role of a chef and make as many dishes as possible within the specified time.

   Collect materials, cut vegetables, process, plate, serve, wash dishes...

  The cooking process follows reality, and no one falls behind.

  This also means that one person can't do it at all.

  So these things need to be arranged reasonably with other players or AI to arrange time and work together, and to complete as many catering orders as possible with a programmed assembly line.

   This seems simple enough.

  But there are efficient and extremely strict requirements for the division of labor and cooperation between players.

  Because the promotional film is just an orderly picture at the beginning, but after that... it's all kinds of funny chaotic scenes.

  Vegetables and meat were thrown all over the floor.

   There are freshly cut vegetables on each cutting board.

   The pot can't be found.

   And amidst the chaos, the one who burned the kitchen...

  In addition to various magma, lifting platforms and other mechanisms that increase difficulty in the game.

  In short, if the cooperation is not in place, after frantic operation, various funny mistakes will follow.

  Combined with the cute painting style, players can feel the fun of the game through the screen.

   Well, the fun of multiplayer...

   Or to put it more clearly, the fun of friends and brothers "cutting each other" and lovers "turning against each other"...


  The promotional video is over.


  Li Yu stared at the promotional video the whole time, seeing all kinds of funny and chaotic scenes in the promotional video, he couldn't help but smile knowingly.


  The first game of the afternoon meeting was announced.

   Not as trendy as he imagined...

  You say he is not disappointed, that is false...

  Although "Overcooked Kitchen" is still interesting, and it is very innovative to use cooking as an entry point to allow players to cooperate in cooking...the theme is very novel.

   Looks really happy too.

   But sadly... Li Yu has no friends to hang out with, let alone a girlfriend.

  This is embarrassing...


  The new trend he imagined should be...a more unique game.

  Although the theme and design of "Overcooked Kitchen" are very novel, it does differ somewhat from his imagination.

   This will of course be disappointing...


   Soon, he adjusted his mentality.

never mind…

   In fact, this is also a good thing.

   Li Yu sighed.

  As for why you say that...

   is very simple.

   Although he may not be able to play such a game.

   But for players who like this kind of game, it is indeed the Chinese New Year...

  And this year, Linmu Studio is obviously making new attempts.

  He just didn't happen to be the right audience.

   But what about next year?

  Linmu Studio will make new attempts, new tricks, and what is the type of game you like?

  So there is no need to be disappointed at this time...


   It is indeed a bit disappointing.

  Cooperative game... no one can play together.


   "Congratulations to the players who like this type of player. It is true to celebrate the Chinese New Year in place."

  Li Yu thought of this, raised his head again, sighed, and said softly.

   And this time.

  He just found out.

  Wang Mang from Conglong Studio also took to the stage.

  At the beginning, Zhang Tian stood aside.

   "Hello everyone, we meet again, so I will introduce the next game to you."


  Seeing this scene, Li Yu showed an expression of "as expected".

  The classic mentioned in the meeting in the morning should refer to the type of tribute to the old game.

   And the new trend mentioned in the afternoon meeting refers to the new direction of cooperative games...

  For example, "Overcooked Kitchen" cooperates to cook...

  The next announcement will also be a cooperative game, just like "Dead Cell" and "Hollow Knight" in the morning.

   respectively represent the two directions that Linmu Studio thought about.

  This is why he said that players who like this type belong to the Chinese New Year in situ.

   "Just now we introduced the cooperative game "Overcooked Kitchen". Of course, cooperative games cannot be as simple as cooking easily. There are more possibilities, such as..."

   And this time.

   Wang Mang's words on the stage also confirmed Li Yu's thoughts.


Speaking of which.

  He changed the subject suddenly, and said with a bright smile: "Cooperate to escape."

  When Wang Mang said 'for example'.


   Countless options flew through Li Yu's mind.


  He never expected that the other party would spit out the phrase "cooperative escape"...

   Li Yu was dumbfounded.

   While on stage.

  Wang Mang has slowly walked towards the edge of the stage, and left a last sentence.

   "So, allow me to introduce you to our next new game... Dead by Daylight."

   His voice fell.

  The stage lights are turned off instantly.


   thump thump...

  The creepy piano sound suddenly sounded!

  The iconic music when Michael Myers, the protagonist of "Moonlight Panic", appeared on the stage! !


   The screen lights up!

  A beam of moonlight suddenly fell, and dust flew in the air.

  A man in a blue jumpsuit, a mask, and a kitchen knife in his hand slowly walked over from the darkness.

  Standing under the beam of moonlight, watching all the players on the scene...


  Li Yu was shocked suddenly.

  Looking at the character on the screen who is nearly 2 meters tall, the huge body alone gives people a sense of oppression, and listening to the BGM that seems to be a murderer pressing on every step of the way.


   I got goosebumps all over my body!


   Damn it!

   This thing is from the same world as the previous game! ?

   This tm is a Chinese New Year program! ?

Happy New Year.



  (end of this chapter)

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