MTL - There is a Problem with This Online Game Planning-Chapter 631 What are the players looking at! ?

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  Linmu Studio is no longer the unknown person it was before.

  It’s like some game companies who always feel that their games are still a necessity, but they don’t realize that they are just a bloated rich wife guarding the legacy of their predecessors.

  If you have been using the previous things to position yourself.

   There will be jokes.

  Lin Yao is not stupid enough for that.


  The attention paid to Linmu Studio's every move is beyond her expectations...

  Since the news that Linmu Studio still holds the copyright of at least four works broke out.

  The discussion on what Linmu Studio is going to use these copyrights for has never stopped.

  The player's mind is wide open.

  The peers also joined in the fun, showing their imaginations.

   An attitude of not giving up until he understands what Linmu Studio is going to use for so many copyrights.

   Very annoying.

   "Damn, isn't the carnival just announced, as for?"

  Linmu Studio.

  Lin Yao flicked her ponytail, glanced at the screen in front of her, and complained.

  I rely on it.

  The player guesses wildly.

  The more frequently it is said that Linmu Studio wants to make a game that integrates all well-known game characters.

  The more players you believe, the more you will.

  All players know it, so what kind of surprise is this? How can you surprise them?

  Although there are very few players who currently agree with this statement, it can't stand three people becoming a tiger.

in addition.

  The business department represented by Xi Qianyu had already had a hard time negotiating. At this time, the wolf ambition of Linmu Studio broke out... Didn’t it just make it more difficult for them? Did it make it more difficult for yourself?

  And what Linmu Studio has to do is not only games, but also a movie project...

   Also involves hundreds of IPs…

  When everyone knows about the bold idea of ​​Linmu Studio, and then the copyright holder sits on the ground and raises the price, Lin Yao feels scalp numb.

   "After all, the results of "Day of Reincarnation" are too dazzling."

   Mu Wanqing stood aside, thought for a while, and replied, "Maybe we can divert their attention..."

   "The diversion of attention is already being prepared, but we can't release the content of the carnival in advance, right?"

  Lin Yao turned her head, looked at Mu Wanqing, and said helplessly.

   "This is one aspect of..."

  Mu Wanqing and Lin Yao looked at each other, then hesitated for a moment, and said, "But before the carnival, we can mention something else to divert our attention..."

  Lin Yao asked curiously: "For example?"

  Mu Wan paused for a moment, and said, "...For example, the joint results of "The Day of Reincarnation"."

   "Is this a bit too exciting?" Lin Yao laughed.

   "Anyway, everyone knows that the linkage between "Day of Reincarnation" and comics is very profitable, so why not just tell them how much money they make."

  Mu Wanqing explained: "In addition, this can also be a reason for us to conduct business negotiations frantically. One IP linkage can make money so much, so it's normal to talk about more copyrights to be safe, isn't it?

   Then combine it with Carnival, and it all makes sense. "

   "Eh? Makes sense..."

  Lin Yao heard the words, thought for a while, and felt that this is really the case: "However, this exaggerated number is exposed...It may also increase the difficulty of IP negotiations."

   "Indeed, what if we really put on a preparedness attitude?"

Mu Wanqing smiled softly, and continued: "If you really encounter a difficult copyright owner, then give up first... In fact, no matter what we do, if we assume the attitude of insisting on the other party's copyright, we will not be able to please the other party. Yes, the copyright owner will always take the initiative.”

   “But if we can take the initiative, it’s going to be a different make them feel that it’s beneficial to work with us, instead of making them feel that we need them, and the situation will change dramatically.”

   ""Dark Engraving" is a good example, and the difficulty of similar copyright negotiations has begun to drop sharply."

"And Linmu Studio just saw that "Dark Engraving" is so profitable, so it wants to prepare more copyrights... It is a good way to say that it can take the initiative, and there are linkage works in the carnival, as long as "Death by Daylight" can also make The popularity of linked works has increased significantly."

   "Let's put on an attitude that you don't want to talk about it, and forget it. In most cases, we should be able to take the initiative."


  Mu Wanqing expressed her thoughts.

   And Lin Yao's eyes became brighter the more she listened, and after Mu Wanqing finished speaking, she immediately said:

   "That's it, Miss Mu!"


  Since Linmu Studio was exposed and talked about other copyrights.

  The entire domestic game circle, whether it is players or practitioners, is revolving around this matter.

   Or discuss or guess or brainstorm.

  The heat has been rising all the way, and it doesn't mean to reduce the fever at all.

   It went on like this for a while.


   And then they don't care about it...

  Because of an even more exciting news, it was announced through the channel of Linmu Studio.

  This time it’s not a guess, it’s not a colleague’s opinion, let alone a data agency’s calculation.

   Instead, Linmu Studio, the game producer, announced a set of data about the linkage between "Day of Reincarnation" and "Dark Engraving" comics.

   And this data.

   Leaving aside the hard-to-quantify parts.

   Leave those modifiers aside.

   Leave everything behind.

  Because neither the players nor the colleagues of Linmu Studio paid attention to these things.

  The only thing they care about.

   In other words, the only thing that caught their eyes suddenly was the last number.

  …The "Day of Reincarnation" linkage event has been online for one month, and the total monthly turnover of the game across all channels is 2.9 billion, nearly 3 billion!

  3 billion! a game! one month! ...a collaboration event!

  The moment you see this data.

  Everyone, why bother to discuss copyright!

  The 1.6 billion during the Spring Festival shocked everyone’s jaws.

   But now Linmu Studio tells them that there are even more exaggerated ones!

**** it.

  The turnover of one game is 3 billion a month!

   Two-thirds of Tianhu's quarterly revenue!

   What kind of second child is Tianhu!

  Your quarterly revenue can’t even match the turnover of a game of the boss!


   All peers see this number.

   felt a bang.

  My head is about to explode...

   My brain is shaking!


at the same time.

North America.

   Gilber Corporation.

  Frank stubbed out his cigar, leaned back, and picked up this month's report, heaving a sigh of relief and showing a little smile.

  Geber's game re-launched on the Vaporwave game platform.

  The situation becomes better.

  Vaporwave game platform is really powerful... Whether he is willing to admit it or not, this is the undisputed No. 1 game distribution and sales platform on the PC side.

  They have the largest player base, which is simply not comparable to that of Gameplayer developed by Gilber Company and Dreamland.

  The year before last, the two companies admitted defeat, and after paying the price, the game was re-logged on the Vaporwave game platform.

  The sales of its games have been significantly improved immediately.

   This is one aspect.

on the other hand.

  Last year, Linmu Studio, or more precisely, Lin Yao focused on UMedia Technology.

  There is also a wave of mobile game development in China.

  Although Linmu Studio has the best balance between traditional games and mobile games.

  But the energy in the second half of the year is still a little scattered.

   This also allowed Gilber Company and Dreamland, which are far older than Forest Studio, to seize the opportunity.

   Where is their size and reputation.

  As long as you don't kill yourself, there is no too strong external threat.

  They can still please the players and let the players pay for their games.

  Last year and the year before.

  The situation where two companies are overwhelmed by one company, Linmu Studio, is not normal at all!

  Anyway, Frank thinks so.

  And this year, data such as Giber's revenue finally returned to normal.

  He is very happy.

  In the new year, in the first quarter, not only did Gilbert's total revenue return to the normal level before the rise of Forest Studio, but it also increased by 10% year-on-year.

   This is really a good result.

   "Everything is on the right track."

  Frank put down the report, took out a cigar from the cigar box again, lit it, and began to puff comfortably: "It would be great if Linmu Studio has been making hardware..."

  Frank has also heard about UMedia Technology, a subsidiary of Linmu Studio, and he has even used the mobile phones they launched.

   Really amazing...

  The moment he picked up the phone, he understood why the Gilber Company was able to slow down this time.

to be honest.

  You say you are not envious, you are lying.

   But he knew very well that Gilber Company could not do such a thing.

  Don't talk about the phone.

  Game consoles, how many companies dare to enter the arena to fight?

  Giber company dare not anyway.

  As a listed company.

   No shareholder would support Frank in taking the risk.

  Frank doesn’t think he has the ability to be at the helm of Forest Studio either.

  So, although envious, he quickly adjusted his mentality.

  Hardware is none of Gilbert's business.

  Even if Linmu Studio becomes the richest man because of UMedia Technology, it will not affect Jiber Company, because these are completely two fields and there is no competition.

rather say.

  After adjusting the mentality.

  Frank would like Linmu Studio to focus on developing hardware. It would be even better if he could completely abandon the game market.

  As the helm of Gilber Company, he knows that the game market is currently in a period of rapid development, and there is no such opponent as Linmu Studio.

  The Gilber Company will live a more nourishing life.

  The value of the equity held by him will also be further enhanced.

   Last year and the first quarter of this year are proof.

   "I hope you can keep it up."

  Frank exhaled another puff of smoke: "Why don't you keep making hardware and mobile games... Hey, mobile games."

   He shook his head.

  He has also heard about the wave of mobile game development in Linmu Studio.

  But there is no such sign in North America yet.

   Mainly because there is no catalyst like FutureS1.

  Although FutureS1 has opened up the market in North America, the number of users is far from reaching a scale, and this is why Lin Yao chose to make "Grand Theft Auto".

  So Frank has never felt that mobile games are competitors of traditional games.

  After the Spring Festival running water of Linmu Studio's "Day of Reincarnation" was announced, he was taken aback.

   But later learned that it was because of the Spring Festival bonus.

  He didn't care.

   This short-lived dazzling achievement cannot last long and is meaningless.

in addition.

  It seems that mobile games are only popular in China where Linmu Studio is located.

   Europe and America still focus on traditional games.

   After realizing this.

  He didn't care even more.

   After all, he has no ambition to go to the east to compete with Linmu Studio for the market.

  Major overseas markets will not be affected.

  What does that have to do with Gilbert?

  So he wished that Linmu Studio would smash these two fields.

   As long as they don't make traditional games, that's fine...


   Suddenly there was a knock on the door.

   interrupted Frank's thoughts.

  He sat up, waved his hand to disperse the smoke, and said, "Please come in."

  The door is pushed open.

  The head of the marketing department of Gilber Corporation walked in.

   An expression of rushing to the execution ground.

"Is there a problem?"

  Frank didn't notice the abnormality of his subordinates. He bit his cigar and asked again while waking up his computer screen again and again.

   "...boss, I think there are some problems with the conclusion I gave in February."

  The person in charge of the marketing department hesitated for a while, and finally spoke.


  Frank picked up his cigar, frowned and asked, "February? Please be clear."

   "Um, should probably check this out!"

  The person in charge of the marketing department gritted his teeth, and with a mentality of dying, he took a step forward and handed the information directly to Frank.

  Frank bit the cigar again, then reached out to take the information, and flipped through it.


  Frank saw the number above, and stayed where he was as if he had been hit hard.


  He subconsciously opened his mouth.

   Jaws loosened, and the cigar he was biting fell off with flying sparks.

   A hot touch came.


  Frank finally came back to his senses, he stood up abruptly, and swept the cigar off his lap.


He also didn't care about the expensive custom-made trousers being scalded with a hole, and he didn't care about the pungent smell of burning fabric in the air, but stared straight at the person in charge of his company's marketing department, not daring to Zhi channel: "...Are you sure!? 600 million a month!? US dollars!? Did you get the unit wrong!?"

   "No, boss, it's 600 million." The person in charge of the marketing department shook his head: "This is also announced by Linmu Studio..."

   "Are they having the **** holiday again?"

  Frank widened his eyes and continued to ask.

"Not really...Although it doesn't mean that there are no festivals, but it is 'Qingming'. I specifically asked my Chinese teacher for advice. He said that this is not a festival for spending money, and people don't want to reward themselves on this kind of festival... "

  The person in charge of the marketing department shook his head again.

   "Then what the **** is going on with the data!?"

  Frank's voice became sharper: "It's only 300 million in February! It's already exaggerated! You said it was because of the festival, but now it's doubled!? This **** is the revenue generated by a game!?"

   "So I say there is something wrong with my conclusion."

  The person in charge of the marketing department was a little embarrassed: "This game may not have such a high revenue because of the festival, but it has always had such a high revenue...As for why it doubled, I will have a detailed report later..."

   He just finished speaking.

  Frank immediately lowered his head, then quickly turned the page, and found the description of the linkage event.

   "Linkage? Comics? Influence...?"

the other side.

  The person in charge of the marketing department spoke again and explained with a guilty conscience: "I noticed something unusual when their event was launched, and then followed up for a while and found that their mobile game... was unexpectedly popular.

   Not limited to their domestic.

  After the game and comics were linked, the popularity of the game began to radiate, and the Japanese market was the first to bear the brunt.

   Then most of Asia, followed by European and American markets..."

"Linmu Studio is already well-known, and the manga "Dark Engraving" is also very popular in Europe and the United States. Linmu Studio also circumvented the restrictions and provided all Jiaming League users with a channel to play. A new server was specially set up..."

   "In short, I asked the internal analysts to do the calculations, and I roughly came to a conclusion-about 40% of the revenue of "Day of Reincarnation" last month came from overseas."

   “That’s an extremely high percentage.”

"And now the popularity of this mobile game is still maintained very well. According to the current trend, analysts estimate that this mobile game, even if there is no linkage event, can bring three to four to Linmu Studio every month. billion in revenue."

   "BOSS... This may be a brand new game carrier, a brand new blue ocean market, a market that is vaster than consoles and PCs..."

   "And, it is very likely to have a certain impact on the traditional game market..."


  He briefly stated his conclusions.

  Frank finally raised his head and said with a look of astonishment: "Jesus..."

  He just said that it would be great if Linmu Studio could focus on mobile games and hardware.

   Now see this.

  The impact is huge.

   Almost lifted his celestial cover!

  Could it be... Linmu Studio didn't make mobile games because of the hardware?

   Such a thought suddenly popped up.


  Frank thought of the 'new market' and 'impact' that his subordinates just said, and suddenly had a clever idea.

   "Go get me the next mobile game."

Frank didn't care about slapping himself in the face anymore, and quickly ordered: "Then inform all the producers to go to the meeting room in the afternoon, and you go too, bring the materials you compiled, and bring the **** mobile game with you. !"

  The person in charge of the marketing department nodded immediately.

   "Also—you figure it out! What the **** kind of festival are they spending money on!"

When Frank said this, he finally couldn't control his emotions, and growled: "Don't push everything on the 'Spring Festival'! It has nothing to do with the Spring Festival! The Spring Festival is not a festival for their players to spend money at all. !"


  The person in charge of the marketing department opened his mouth in embarrassment, but he still didn't dare to say anything, so he could only nod again.


  Lin Yao didn't know.

  An announcement from Linmu Studio, a mobile game.

   Directly let Frank, the helm of the Gilber Company, have a deep misunderstanding about the Chinese New Year...

  She has been really relieved these two days.

  Because when the flow data of the "Day of Reincarnation" linkage event was announced.

  Whether they are peers or players, they can no longer care about any IP.

  All turned to discuss the running data of "Day of Reincarnation" that was ridiculed as "the sky fox can be acquired after a few linkages".

  Although there were also some disturbances.

   But the impact on Linmu Studio is far less than their discussion of IP.

that's enough.

  Lin Yao also felt relieved, and began to concentrate on preparing for the annual regular program after the relocation of Linmu Studio - Carnival.

  In fact, most things have already been settled.

   After all, it has been three years.

  The process is also proficient.

   But there is one thing, he needs to seek the opinion of the producer.

   "Preview promo?"

  Zhong Xiu looked at Lin Yao in surprise: "Grand Theft Auto is still some time away from its release, is it really going to be announced at the carnival?"

   "It's up to you."

Lin Yao smiled: "In fact, it is not the games that have been released recently that can be announced at the carnival. This is just the inherent impression that our strategy has brought to you over the past few years. Didn't we talk about the second year at the first carnival?" Is Call of Duty on sale?

  So if you think it is appropriate, you can announce it, and you can prepare it.

   After all, this game is quite suitable to be announced as a major axis. "

   "Large axis?"

  Zhong Xiu glanced at Lin Yao, then smiled and shook his head: "You are the main axis every year!"

  Lin Yao replied directly: "But I won't show up this year."


  Lin Yao is very calm.

But when Zhong Xiu heard her words, he jumped up from his chair, looked at Lin Yao in disbelief, and said loudly, "You didn't show up this year!? Why!? What are you watching!? What kind of carnival are you participating in?" what!?"

  Lin Yao: "...?"