MTL - There is a Problem with This Online Game Planning-Chapter 600 chaos and choice

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  Chapter 600 Chaos and Choice

   Facing the menacing WeChat, although many competitors do not want to admit it.

   Still want to struggle to the death.

  After all, they wasted so many resources to promote cooperative bank cards, so they were stillborn, and they were inexplicably seconded.

   I'm really not reconciled.

   But it's obvious.

   In front of the tide of the times.

  Those little resistances are tantamount to shaking a tree by a mayfly.

   Next, the pace of expansion of Weixin has not been affected in any way.

  After the launch of Weixin’s new cartoon mode, no matter how vigorously Weixin’s competitors try to promote cooperation cards, very few users choose to apply for them.

  Most users with stock cards will not consider this model at all.

   Those who know current affairs, such as Tianhu.

  Already actively embrace the cartoon mode created by Linmu Studio.

  Not long after the WeChat update of Linmu Studio, they were the second to imitate this model.

  Even if they were well-deserved payers not long ago.

   Thanks to the fact that Linmu Studio has contacted all mainstream banks before, the process of business negotiation between Tianhu and the bank is not difficult.

at the same time.

  Because he closely followed the footsteps of Linmu Studio, he was willing to put down his figure.

  Tianhu really saved many users.

   After all, the cooperative card issuance model does not get all fake users, which is still meaningful.

  Users have all applied for a card for Tianhu Pay.

  Of course I don’t mind binding an old card for Tianhu Payment.


  The number of users who bind the card with Tianhu Pay is vastly different from that of WeChat...

after all.

  Weixin’s cautious expansion speed along the way, and various security measures later in order to cooperate with the mechanism of Weixin’s payment card binding.

   Really gives users a great sense of security.

  This sense of security cannot be bought by publicity.


  The good reputation and scale of Linmu Studio itself have also become a catalyst.

  So it is really difficult to build up the trust of users.

not to mention.

  WeChat has accumulated a large number of users because of its ease of use.

   These add up.

   Let everything fall into place.

  Users subconsciously choose WeChat, and developers are willing to connect with WeChat.

  Weixin, which was left behind by other third-party payment platforms, once again became the leader.

  This fact can no longer be changed.

  So other third-party payment platforms headed by Tianhu also accepted their fate.

   Imitate it.

  Payment reminder, verification code settings for different devices, daily payment limit...etc.

  Every update on WeChat.

   Other third-party payment platforms headed by Tianhu fully accept and start to update simultaneously.

  This turned the entire market back into an environment where WeChat monopolizes the seven battles and other princes fight for the third battle.

  It is good for the whole market.

  Because the overall security of mobile payment is guaranteed, more and more users choose mobile payment, and the market size is also growing.


  Basically every user who uses mobile payment has WeChat...

   There is no dispute about this.

  And this also made many investment institutions and competitors start to wonder, how much is the current reserve fund of WeChat Pay?

   How much can you earn from the interest of the daily reserve fund and service fees?

  The service fee mainly comes from the service fee generated after the merchant accesses WeChat payment.

  After all, Internet business is essentially just rent collection.

   Don't look at how lofty the words are.

   But whether it is Lin Yao's previous Internet giant, or the current Linmu Studio.

  Most of the Internet industries involved are rent collection.

  The platform is for rent collection, and mobile payment is also for rent collection.

  The main source of income from mobile payment is also this.


   There is also interest on the reserve fund.

   But this, Lin Yao is not very cold.

  Because he knows very well that this thing won't last.

   Will be gone soon.

   This is the user's money, the name is not right, and it is suspected of violating regulations.

   But she doesn't catch a cold, it doesn't mean other people don't catch a cold.

  So many investment institutions and competitors are concerned about the size of Weixin’s reserve fund and the service fee.

  The main reason is to make this money.

  Weixin is now a unicorn in the industry.

   And after a pass simulation and model calculation.

  The final result exceeded many people's expectations.

  After the WeChat update, no matter how you look at it, it is extremely terrifying, completely surpassing the scope of a game company.

  The way WeChat operates, in their view, is still too conservative.

  This large amount of money...but it was basically paid once, and it was all paid out in one month.

  Obviously with so much capital, it is absolutely possible to occupy an overwhelming advantage in the process of negotiating with the bank.

   But there is no intention to use it at all...

  Now the mobile payment market is becoming more and more prosperous...

  Mobile payment is so close to money...

  Users also have daily access to…

   Followed by WeChat.

  Some different ideas began to appear in the minds of competitors and investment institutions.

  Some things may need to be taught by Forest Studio.

   But something.

  I don’t need Linmu Studio to teach at all…


  The major financial institutions began to actively contact the existing third-party payment platforms.

   Because they have an existing capital pool.

   Even, you can choose to do it yourself.


"Financial Institutions?"

  Linmu Studio.

  Lin Yao took the information handed over by Mu Wanqing, glanced at it for a while, then froze for a while, and said with a sullen face, "It's the same thing again."

   "Again?" Mu Wanqing felt a little strange when she heard this.


  Lin Yao shook her head, then threw the information in her hand directly into the trash can, and clapped her hands: "Don't worry about these, whether it's a loan or P2P, as long as you come to contact, all of them will hang up directly."

"it is good."

  Mu Wanqing nodded, agreed first, and then said: "However, I did a little research, and recently many third-party payment platforms have reached cooperation.

   I probably understand it too. Now, according to the conventional way, there is no way to surpass WeChat.

  And the related benefits, you have also seen, the estimates are very exaggerated. "

  “No matter what they do, we WeChat will only assume the responsibility of a third-party payment institution.”

  Lin Yao flicked her ponytail lightly: "No matter how much money I make, I won't be able to sleep that night... and the final price is far more than what I got.

  Wechat was already sensitive enough, but now it is unique, and if you do this kind of nonsense, you will be courting death. "

   "Miss Mu, no matter how the external environment changes, our WeChat will only insist on taking the responsibility of a third-party payment agency. At most, we will use the traffic portal as an application portal to earn a rent."

  “As for the others, we don’t touch them, whether it’s small loans, financial management, or selling insurance. These are meaningless to us.”

  Lin Yao started working on WeChat.

   I am not going to do this.

  Although it does make money, it is far higher than the income related to payment.

   But according to her superficial eyes, this thing... really cheats users, and with the expansion of ambition, it is extremely easy to get out of control.

  Here, once the leader position of WeChat is determined, it is not like the two worlds in her previous life.

  Even if Lin Yao makes some opponents, it is estimated that it will be difficult to have a scene of two heroes fighting for hegemony.

In this situation.

  Weixin still does this.

  The stick comes down.

  The entire forest workshop will be dismantled.

not to mention.

   Out of personal opinion.

  Lin Yao is also not interested in this thing, and if he overdraws the user's future, he is definitely a sinner.

  Lin Yao doesn't want to be nailed to the rack of shame.

  So from the very beginning, she was determined.

  In any case, Weixin will only assume the responsibility of the third-party payment institution.

   That is, only as a payment tool.

   Nothing else is involved.

   "To put it bluntly, although financial money can make money quickly, it has a disturbed conscience and is easy to be beaten."

  Lin Yao paused, and continued: "Rather than know how to change when it hurts, it's better to avoid these problems from the beginning, WeChat only needs to connect our ecology and play a role that is convenient for users.

   You can use some small tricks to please users, but more is unnecessary. Instead of continuing to cultivate mobile payment, it is better to continue to cultivate Youmedia. "

  “YouMedia’s launch of new products can not only make money, but also drive employment, and at the same time, it can facilitate users and drive the industry, which is much more meaningful than the money made by WeChat payment.”

   "It really is."

  Mu Wanqing smiled lightly.

  The real economy is the foundation of a country's economy.

  YouMedia produces products, and the production, distribution, and service of products form an entire industrial chain, and there are many people who benefit from it.

   Even if YouMedia can achieve the current position of WeChat, as long as it does not deliberately crowd out other competitors and use its dominant position to disrupt market competition.

  That is never at risk of disintegration.

  Because the disintegration of such a company has no meaning except to make it lose its competitiveness.

   "So, Youmedia is the safest."

Lin Yao turned the pen in her hand: "Instead of spending all my time on finance, it's better to manage the excellent media well, and the final income may be more. Even the game industry is less risky than finance. Our games It is very popular overseas, so it can be regarded as earning foreign exchange, right?

  Let’s prepare well for the press conference at the end of the year, let them play by themselves, we want to surprise everyone with our products...

   Of course, there are also games... Look, Ms. Mu. "

  Lin Yao was talking, and suddenly thought of something, and raised the original painting on the table.

  But Mu Wanqing glanced at the original painting that Lin Yao held up, and fell silent.

  Draw on.

  A middle-aged man with wrinkled face, disheveled hair, and a shiny forehead in the middle, who looks a bit wretched, is holding a baseball bat and jumping on the paper.

   There is another sentence below.

  【Things that can’t be seen in the light, there will always be a day when they will see the light—Trevor Phillips】

"How about it?"

  Lin Yao poked her head out from behind the paper, leaned forward slightly, and asked.

   "It's... very interesting."

  Mu Wanqing held back for a long time, and could only hold back this evaluation.

   Then, after saying this evaluation, she immediately asked: "Didn't you always draw beautiful girls before? Why did you suddenly draw a middle-aged man..."

   "New game."

  Lin Yao put down the original painting in her hand, smiled and replied: "He is one of the protagonists."


  Mu Wanqing moved her lotus steps lightly, walked to Lin Yao's side, then looked down.

  On Lin Yao's desktop.

   Sure enough, there are two different original paintings.

  In addition to the middle-aged man just now, there are two other characters.

  One is a black man with a strong street atmosphere, and the other is a middle-aged man who looks like a dog and looks more mature.

   "These are the three protagonists of our new game."

  Lin Yao handed over the other two original paintings to Mu Wanqing: "I'm going to make a story about Sin City..."

   "Why do you suddenly want to do this kind of subject matter?"

   Mu Wanqing took the original painting, flipped through it, then looked at Lin Yao's side face, and asked in doubt.

   "The overseas expansion of our mobile phones is still too slow."

Lin Yao raised her snow-white chin, and replied with a smile: "Mobile phones are slowly iterating, and it is estimated that they can occupy a place, but it is estimated that it will take several years... At this time, since our Linmu Studio has the ability, we might as well use our advantages to speed up this process. process!

   And a game that can be very popular in Europe and the United States, and may even become a phenomenon, and can also advertise on our mobile phones at any time... is the best choice! "

   "..." Mu Wanqing found that in the original painting, the three characters were all holding FutureS1, so she probably understood Lin Yao's words.

"in addition."

Lin Yao continued: "Miss Mu, please let the heads of the two first-party studios, Conglong and Xihan, come to the headquarters. Although this game is the best choice, the production is too difficult and the cycle is too long. It's been a long time. Before that, we can use some small-scale games and insert them into FutureS1 to continue to impress users..."


  Limwood Studio did not accept any invitation from any financial institution for negotiation.

   But under the leadership of Lin Yao.

  Began to prepare for game output advertisements and new product launches.

   But Linmu Studio was not interested and rejected all of them. It does not mean that other third-party payment platforms will also refuse.

   What should come, still came.

  Seeing that the conventional means can’t surpass the already dominant media.

  Many third-party payment platforms have begun to find new ways to invest in revenue.

   Simply put, it is no longer blindly pursuing market expansion, but focusing on making money.

   After all, no matter how much you try to expand the market, it seems that you can’t beat the WeChat of Linmu Studio.

  It’s better to find a way to make a profit first, and then recover the money invested before.

   And once you have this idea.

  The proposal of the financial institution will become very attractive...

   Small loans.

   began to appear on third-party payment platforms one after another.

  The application conditions are simpler than those of banks.

   But interest rates are much higher.

   When it comes to money, the market is huge...

   And too simple conditions.

   On the contrary, many users ignore the risks.

  Financial business makes money, of course it makes money.

   But it also made chaos start to breed.

  And the financial-related industries on the third-party platform can develop much faster than mobile payment.

   Once found profitable.

  As long as the third-party payment platform has existing users, there is no need to worry about money at all.

  This also leads to almost no barriers to entry.

  If you want to be a third-party payment platform, you still need to compare creativity and innovation with Linmu Studio’s WeChat.

   But do this business.

  But you only need an eye-catching advertisement and a simple application condition...

  This allows third-party payment institutions to enter the game.

more and more.

  Even Sky Fox got involved.

  As for this kind of financial products, at the current stage, users can’t say that they have rave reviews.

   It can only be said that half of the praise is half bad.

   It's still hard to tell whether this is bad or not.

  This has also become a catalyst for industrial development to some extent.

  Let more enterprises join in it.


   Currently the largest third-party payment institution in the market, Linmu Studio’s WeChat is still calm and has no intention of entering the game at all.

   It is exactly the same as in the previous cooperative card push mode.

  A look of no interest at all.

  But this time, many colleagues have learned to be smart.

  Basically, I didn’t think so.

   Instead, they began to worry that Linmu Studio was about to attack again.

   Even if.

  Many heads of financial institutions revealed that Linmu Studio didn't even let people meet them.

   But most competitors are still nervous.

  The funds held by Linmu Studio are even more exaggerated than some financial institutions!

  This cannot be evidence at all!

  So, while they were fighting in the new market, they also began to beware of the sudden attack of Linmu Workshop...

   It seems that there are psychological shadows.

   And in this case.

  The chaos is getting worse...

   I lost two thousand. I don’t know if I got caught or caught a cold. Since yesterday, there have been signs of a slight fever, and my whole body is so limp that I can’t lift my strength.

Feel sorry…



  (end of this chapter)

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