MTL - There is a Problem with This Online Game Planning-Chapter 596 charge

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  Chapter 596 Charge

   Face WeChat payment.

  Tianhu is indeed the fastest responding company.

  Probably because it has been in a state of competition with Linmu Studio for a long time.

  So they always pay the most attention to and are the most sensitive to the actions of their competitors.


   This is mainly due to Mou Feng's judgment.

  He has a really keen sense of the future.

  Although she doesn't see as far as Lin Yao, she can always feel the direction of the waves before the tide of the times arrives.

   This is really amazing.

   If there is no forest studio.

  Relying on Mou Feng's judgment on the mobile terminal.

   Tianhu may become the most dazzling new star in the new era.

  But the existence of Linmu Workshop... let them lose the opportunity to seize the opportunity.

   Of course, he missed the possibility of becoming the most dazzling star in the new era.


   This does not mean that it is all bad.

most of the time.

  The existence of Linmu Studio will make Tianhu miss the opportunity to seize the opportunity, but it can also help Mou Feng to sort out his thinking and let him see the future trend more clearly.

  For example, this time wechat payment.

  Mobile payment... Mou Feng never thought of it.

  He just vaguely felt that the current payment method was too troublesome.

  WeChat payment is really convenient and has great potential.

   Wait until WeChat Pay supports third-party apps and games.

  He finally saw the whole picture of the future.

  That's where the conversation started.

   To some extent, this can also be said to be a benefit.


  When Mou Feng talked with Li Guangsheng, he actually lied.

  Li Guangsheng asked him why Linmu Studio did it so obviously.

  In fact, he knew the reason.


   Always sensitive.

   This is not something that can stabilize Diaoyutai after a dominant company.

  Communication software occupying a dominant position in the market and mobile payment occupying a dominant position in the market are two different things.

  When Linmu Studio launched WeChat Pay, it first supported its own first-party products, and third-party products had to be supported in batches, just to leave time for other peers to react.

For what?

  In order to create an opponent, an opponent that can make WeChat get rid of its monopoly reputation.

  He actually thought of this after seeing the announcement of Linmu Studio.

  But he couldn't tell Li Guangsheng.

  Because Tianhu's board of directors is more complicated than imagined.

   Now that Tianhu's mobile game has opened up, it seems to be getting better and better.

  No one wants to take risks.

   What's more, this may be a dowry for WeChat.

   So instead of telling the truth and wasting your time trying to convince other people, you miss the opportunity.

   It's better to draw a big cake and tell Li Guangsheng directly that this is Tianhu's opportunity, and even an opportunity to overtake Linmu Studio.

   This is the best choice.

   Of course there are risks.

   But what to do without risk?

   Moreover, this mobile payment is the first entry of Linmu Studio.

  They're moving so slowly now.

to be honest.

   is waiting for a competitor who can compete with WeChat.

   And this also means that in the end, they will definitely let Weixin go to the last step!

   Otherwise they are doing useless work.

In this situation.

  Tianhu and Linmu Studio, the risk is the same.

   Let's gamble on a future with Linmu Studio.

  No matter how big the risk is.

  Mou Feng thought it was worth it.

  Because this is a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity.

  Although Tianhu has always claimed to be the second in the country, since Linmu Studio has produced stand-alone games, they have not really been side by side with Linmu Studio...

  Linmu Studio has always been unique.

  This time, it is rare for Linmu Studio to stand still and wait for other competitors.

  Tianhu is afraid to move forward, so there will always be others who will follow up bravely.

   Lost the bet.

   Of course there is nothing to say.

   But what if you win?

   What's more, Linmu Studio has never missed it!

  Mu Feng is very clear about this.

   So in his heart.

  This time, the opportunities completely outweigh the risks.

  This is why he doesn't want to tell the truth.

  Because not everyone thinks so.


to be frank.

  Mou Feng’s words, “After this battle, it is possible for us to surpass Linmu Studio”, although there are elements of exaggeration.

  But at a certain moment, he really thought so.

after all…

  Limwood Studio wants to create a competitor to stand on the same starting line as itself.

   It also means that there is a possibility of being surpassed by competitors!

  If their movements were slower.

   Skyfox really has the potential to surpass them.

   "I hope you won't play off."

  Mou Feng sat in his seat, read the announcement of WeChat Pay’s support for third-party applications again, and muttered to himself.


  After the advent of 4G.

  Mobile terminal, the situation is treacherous.

  First, FutureS1 was born, followed by mobile game development, and now WeChat Pay.

   And all this.

   are all related to Linmu Studio.

  Whether competitors admit it or not.

  Linmu Studio has indeed played a pivotal role in the development period of the mobile terminal.

  But what does the future look like in their eyes?

  Many people can't understand it now.

  For example, this time WeChat Pay supports third-party applications.

  The announcement just went out.

  Tianhu immediately ran out, saying that they would also launch a similar function, and because of Mou Feng's suggestion earlier, they also gave a specific date for the launch.

   It's next month!

at the same time.

  They also imagined the future of the online payment system of Tianhu Chat.

   introduced how convenient it will be then. is a replica of WeChat Pay.

   And immediately followed.

   Several companies also said that they will launch functions similar to electronic wallets.

   Also aimed at the wallet function of WeChat.

  Linmu Studio expressly states this.

   It really made many colleagues respond.

   But many ordinary users are confused about this.

  Why is everyone pursuing convenience in payment?

   Although convenience is indeed convenience, is there really no security issue?


  Users are starting to worry about peace of mind.

   After all, money is involved.

   This is also normal.

  Linmu Studio is actually okay.

   After all, reputation and scale are there.

   But Skyfox and others...

   It's indeed a little bit close.

   And for this.

  Mu Feng was really unexpected...

   Slowly behind.

  The issue of mobile payment security has even become a hot topic.


  WeChat payment bears the brunt.

   After all, it was the first to appear, and of course the most discussed.

  Linmu Studio.

   "This is too urgent... At least think about how to ensure account security before announcing."

  Lin Yao felt helpless.

  She was worried about this kind of thing. The heat was on, but under the mixed circumstances, if there was a safety problem, she would be thrown into the street.

   "Need to refute the rumor?"

  Mu Wanqing thought about it, and asked: "Most people are worried about security issues now, and more and more people will definitely worry about it in the future, and it may even affect the use of WeChat payment."

   "No, it's useless to simply refute rumors. It's better to explain to users how WeChat Pay works."

  Lin Yao thought for a while, then shook her head lightly: "How about this, let Li Qi come over, let's discuss it, try to use a simple way to explain to users the current operation method of WeChat payment.

  Essentially, we use a prepaid card mechanism, and the security can still be guaranteed. "

"it is good."

  When Mu Wanqing heard what Lin Yao said, she immediately turned around and went to call someone.

   After watching Mu Wanqing leave, Lin Yao immediately lowered her head and began to think about how to explain it.

  As a pioneer, it is really overcoming obstacles...


  Early October.

  Golden Week.

  The introduction of WeChat payment has set off the heat of third-party payment.

   And the security problem has become more and more serious.


  Users were just curious, how to ensure the safety of this thing?


  No one in the industry can answer this question.

   Most of them are vague.

  Because most of the peers just want to follow behind the **** of Linmu Studio...

   This made users more and more worried.

   And at this moment.

  Wechat news channel, a report came out...

   It was Li Qi, the person in charge of FutureOS and WeChat Pay.

  He stands in front of the camera.

  Began to explain in detail how WeChat Pay works with users.

   And soon.

  This report appeared on the hot searches on social media because of the huge user base of Weixin...

  "Weixin's wallet function is actually just a virtual account, and the money recharged by users is essentially in Linmu Studio's special corporate account.

   But how to let users see that their money is still in their own name? At this time, the wallet function is needed, and this is the meaning of the existence of the wallet function. "

   "This is a virtual account service that is different from a bank card physical account."

  "All the funds recharged by the user are in the public account of WeChat. Every time the user consumes, the balance of the virtual account is used to pay. When the currency in the virtual account decreases, it will also be recorded in the bill."

"For example, if a user recharges 100 yuan, the money will go into the public account, and the balance of the user's virtual account will also increase by 100. When the user buys a third-party application, it costs 100 yuan. At the end of that month, we will liquidate it. The public account will issue a bill to the developer and send money."

   "This is Weixin's virtual account system, which can be understood as an electronic wallet. Essentially, it is a prepaid card."

   "WeChat provides an online acquiring business service, but the money collected is first placed in the public account opened by Weixin in the bank, and will be settled uniformly to the developer after a period of time."

  “During this period, Weixin acted as a guarantor, connecting both platform developers and users.”

   "The biggest effect is to reduce the user's operation steps and improve the user experience."

   "Next, we will work hard to reach cooperation with developers, and try to introduce more online banking payment access, or do more..."

   "Of course, this is a long way to go..."


  In the report.

  Li Qi explained the operation of the entire payment system in an orderly manner.


   Actually, to put it bluntly.

  This is the mode of the early support service treasure...

  Linmu Studio holds the largest mobile terminal platform and the largest game platform.

  The original role is the platform side.

  As a company with two platforms in hand, it can of course become a guarantor.

  Although the two major platforms do not have as many merchants as Taobao, there are also many developers.

  And after the mobile phone platform is launched, various applications will be available.

  This is the greatest confidence of Linmu Studio.

  And this is also the mobile payment construction plan rewarded by Lin Yao and the system, which is considered to be the least risky plan.

  Because no matter what.

  When a user purchases an app or game on the Linmu Studio platform, the money needs to go to the public account of Linmu Studio.

  It is impossible for Linmu Studio to settle with developers every day.

  Basically, one settlement per month.

At this moment.

  In this existing operating system, adding a wallet system is really not a big problem.

  Because the user’s money is still paid to the public account of Linmu Studio, and then the settlement will be made by Linmu Studio and the platform developer.

  Under this system, even if Linmu Studio adjusts the balance of a certain account to 100 million.

  The forest studio also needs to pay this 100 million.

  Because after the money is spent, it must be settled to the developer at the end of the month.

   As for others? no.

  Because the transfer is not open yet.

   Turn out?

   Then you have to pay for the public account.

   To put it bluntly, as long as WeChat Pay is only limited to the platform under Linmu Studio.

  As the service provider, Linmu Studio itself has no possibility to convert the money in the WeChat wallet into real money. The virtual account is essentially just a prepaid card.


   If you take it a step's different.

   But so far.

  Limwood Studio has not gone further.

  So this report came out.

   Almost all users.

  I have a general idea of ​​WeChat payment.

   "So that's the case, this is equivalent to spending money in batches."

   "That's probably what it means. I may spend 1,000 yuan a year to buy games, and I recharge 1,000 yuan at the beginning of that year. I don't need to use online banking for the next year, and I can directly use the balance to buy games."

   "Why does this sound so much like a supermarket consumption card..."

   "It is essentially a prepaid card for supermarkets, but it does not correspond to physical supermarkets, but online supermarkets."

   "There are still risks, such as the bankruptcy of Linmu Studio..."

   "That is also the developer's business, and do you think Linmu Studio will go bankrupt?"'

"Understood, this is actually very good. It is indeed more convenient than using online banking to buy a game, just enter the password directly. Before, it only supported the first party, and now it also supports third parties. If the entire platform supports it, That would be more convenient."

   "Awesome, awesome."


   In fact, not only users understand.

  Many competitors who followed suit also understood the operating system of WeChat.


  New problems also appeared.

That is.

  Linmu Studio owns a 'supermarket' with two major platforms, FutureStore and Vaporwave.

  They don't have...

  That means.

  They can't use the same set of plans, because they can't play well.

  You can’t build a platform yourself, can you?

   This is not realistic either.

   Not to mention that no one uses it...


  The only way to break the situation is to...discuss with the developer and the bank individually.

   Allow banks to access, and allow developers' applications or games to access their own payment system.

   Become the liquidator yourself.

   And this is not a thing...

  WeChat payment still works within its own platform.

   And they are now one step further.

   It is closer to a third-party payment institution in the true sense...

  They started charging directly!

   Not nobody thought of it.

  Linmu Studio was so cautious in the early stage, in order to let others rush first...

  But just because you can think of something, doesn’t mean you have to give up.

  The report of Linmu Studio, in addition to explaining how WeChat works, also revealed the essence of mobile payment, which is similar to a prepaid card in a supermarket.

  The prepaid cards in supermarkets... generate a huge amount of redundant funds.

  The user uses a third-party payment institution to deliver, and the money is placed in the operator's public account, and this is the so-called mobile payment reserve.

   Huge reserve fund, the interest alone is not a small sum of money.

not to mention.

  Many companies don't close every month like Linmu Studio.

   More is still a quarterly settlement.

  This also means that the huge reserve fund can be stored for three months...

  Faced with such a temptation.

  You say you are not moved.

That's fake.

   So soon.

   Under the temptation of huge reserves, a large number of enterprises began to pour into the field of mobile payment, announcing that they would become payment institutions.


  Sky fox.

  Mou Feng also understood the reason why Linmu Studio let others go first.

  But he is really unwilling to let go of this opportunity to seize the opportunity and market.

   And they... are the closest company to Forest Studio.

  They are faster than those companies that talk about it.

Facing this circumstances.

   Do you have to wait?

  Mou Feng was not reconciled.

   So soon.

  Under his leadership.

  Tianhu contacted Jiaming Alliance...


  October 12th.

   Sky Fox issued an announcement.

  One stone stirs up waves!

   Tianhu announced that the wallet function of Tianhu Chat is officially launched!

  At the same time, they will reach a strategic cooperation with Jiaming Alliance.

  The App Store of Jiaming Alliance will list Tianhu Payment as one of the official payment solutions.

   And that bodes well.

  Linwood Studio's two major competitors.

   Strong alliance.

   The gameplay of Tianhu Pay is almost exactly the same as that of Linmu Studio's WeChat Pay.

   But it goes a step further.

   They opened up refunds.

  That means.

  The money in the user account can be withdrawn at any time.

   It doesn’t need to be like WeChat, but also needs to go through troublesome steps like product refund.

   Instead, you can return directly!

  Although the transfer function is not enabled, Tianhu also released rumors that it is under consideration.

   It's not as simple as a prepaid card or a guarantor.

  It is a third-party payment institution in the true sense...

  Tianhu became the first company to eat crabs!

   Faced with this matter, the user was stunned.

  This time... Tianhu is even faster?

   And forest studio.

  Lin Yao was also quite surprised.

   "It's so fast this time?"

   In fact, Tianhu will follow up.

  She is mentally prepared.


  They will move so fast, and they will unite with the Jiaming Alliance, she did not expect.

  And during this period, Tianhu did not contact Linmu Studio at all to discuss the idea of ​​connecting the mobile payment system to the Linmu Studio platform.

   It's as if Linmu Studio can't agree.

  Mu Wanqing replied softly: "Very bold."

   is indeed courageous.

  Because Mou Feng firmly believes that Linmu Studio will definitely enter the venue!

  Be a pioneer and be a pioneer.

  Opportunities are reserved for those who are sure.


  Lin Yao nodded: "Although it's a bit unexpected, the opponent does have one. This can be regarded as a layer of protection, and we won't form a monopoly.

  In any case, the combination of Tianhu Chat and Jiaming Alliance can become the second choice of users. "

   "Shall we hurry up?"

  Mu Wanqing looked at Lin Yao who was standing aside.

   "No, let Tianhu do it first."

Lin Yao shook her head lightly, then glanced at the woman in black silk glasses with a serious face, raised her snow-white lotus root arm and put it on her shoulder, and said with a light smile: "Third-party mobile payment is not fast, the real winner Negative, it will take a long time, our advantage is still very big..."

   She didn't fool Mu Wanqing on this point.

  Third-party payment is indeed not something that can be achieved overnight and the winner can be determined immediately.

  Past life.

  How many times have the two giants fought?

  From the Normandy landing of the New Year’s red envelope, to the follow-up battle of takeaway, taxi, and shared bicycles.

  In fact, there is a shadow of competition for the right to speak in mobile payment.

   Anyone who has experienced it knows.

  Enterprises invested by different giants also support different payment methods.

  At that time, the two dogs were almost out of their minds.

  In the end, the goose factory with higher frequency and duration of use barely won.

   But the other one is actually not bad.

   It is mainly other third-party payment institutions that suffer...

  After all, those two companies have tens of billions or even hundreds of billions of reserve funds, which makes them have strong strength in negotiating with banks, and the channel prices they get are far from what small and medium-sized institutions can match.

   Once the WeChat of Linmu Studio is released.

   Relying on a huge number of registered users...the scale of the reserve fund will not be small.


  Don’t forget, Linmu Studio also has Linmu Investment, and has an incubator plan…

  So no matter from which aspect, the advantages of WeChat are too great.

   This is Lin Yao's greatest reliance.

  She wasn't worried about Tianhu Kuai.

  What she was worried about was... Tianhu couldn't bear it.

   This is the end...

  Lin Yao doesn't want to be labeled as a paying oligarch.


   Mu Wanqing has been with Lin Yao for so long, and she already knows Lin Yao very well.

  Seeing her expression, I immediately knew what she was thinking, which was a little funny.

  Everyone wants to be faster than Linmu Studio.

  Lin Yao is worried that others are not fast enough...


  Lin Yao noticed Mu Wanqing's gaze.

   "Look at you."

  Mu Wanqing held Lin Yao upright, hugged her, and let her sit on the edge of the desk, watching her.

  Lin Yao “…”

  (end of this chapter)

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