MTL - The Young Master is a Girl-Chapter 1300 Yi Thirteen - Fever (2)

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  Chapter 1300 Yi Thirteen - Fever (2)

  As the body temperature gets higher and higher.

  The uncomfortable Yi Shisan instinctively began to seek coolness.

  On weekdays, it takes about half an hour to go home from Haixing, but now Dongfangyue shortens the journey to ten minutes.

  Push open the door and enter the room, but there is no sign of Yi Shisan.

  Dongfangyue, who clearly knew that something was wrong with Yi Shisan, also knew that it was impossible for him to leave the house rashly.

  The sound of running water in his ears instantly let Dongfang Yue know where Yi Shisan was now.

   Push open the half-closed door.

  The scene that caught her eyes caused Dongfang Yue's face to sink instantly.

  Stepping forward, he hugged Yi Shisan, who was already in a coma, and left quickly.

  The pungent smell makes it very clear where it is in front of you.

   "If you come one step later, I'm afraid your skills won't work."

  Ben Yi Shisan already had a fever, but now he ate those inexplicable things, which made the fire in his body run wilder.

   Dongfang Yue has the ability to bring the dead back to life, and Tian Mimi knows it.

  But in the current situation of Yi Shisan, even if Dongfang Yue had the ability to bring the dead back to life, she still couldn't save him a second time.

  In addition, if Yi Shisan died like this, Dongfang Yue would also disappear with her.

   Regarding Tian Mimi's words, the frown on Dongfangyue's clear face has never been smoothed away.

   Yi Shisan had a fever and she really didn't notice it at all.

  Yesterday he was obviously normal, why did he suddenly have such a severe fever today.

  Even if it is really sick, it is too exaggerated.

   Could it be because of special physical reasons?

   Worried, she asked Tian Mimi to give Yi Shisan a comprehensive checkup again.

  Even the blood was checked thoroughly.

  If Yi Shisan was sober at this time, he would definitely regret why he didn't just come to the hospital for an injection just now, and it would save a lot of trouble.


  Yi Shisan, who had been in a coma, finally showed signs of waking up.

  The pungent smell and the familiar white made Yi Shisan very clear where he was.

   Turning her head, she unexpectedly met that familiar face.

  Being worried about Yi Shisan's Dongfang Yue, she brought her work directly to the hospital. At this time, she was sitting on the sofa, concentrating on her work.

  Because of the VIP ward, there is no need to worry about being disturbed by others.

   Not long after Yi Shisan woke up, Dongfang Yue, who was originally concentrating on work, seemed to sense him waking up, and raised her downcast gaze.

   After that, he also met the eyes of Yi Shisan who had just woken up.

  The document in his hand was put down, and Qing Juan's figure followed.

   "Drink some water first!"

  Knowing that Yi Shisan, who just woke up, would be thirsty, Dongfang Yue poured water for him very thoughtfully.

  The thirsty throat became moist because of the water, and the voice was not so hoarse.

"What's wrong with me?"

  Looking at Dongfang Yue with some confusion, he clearly remembered that he was showering in the bathroom to reduce the fire, so why did he wake up in the hospital.

   "You had a high fever, and you fell into a coma after being drenched in the bathroom, so I sent you to the hospital. Fortunately, you were sent in time, and there was nothing serious."

  It was indeed delivered in time, otherwise, as Tian Mimi said, if he was so late, something serious would happen to Yi Shisan.

  Before Yi Shisan could speak, Dongfang Yue's hand also knocked on his head.

   Dongfang Yue is doing this for the first time.

   It can also be seen that she is not happy.

   "The next time you have a fever, remember to call me as soon as possible. Don't eat any messy things, let alone pour cold water to reduce the fire."

  How smart Yi Shisan is on weekdays, how could he become so stupid after a little fever.

   "Sorry Yueyue, I won't do it next time."

  Because he hasn't had a fever for too long, he thought he would get better soon.

  But who would have thought that it would end up like this.

   "You take a break first, I'll ask someone to prepare some porridge for you."

  Because of his illness, Yi Shisan definitely couldn't eat too greasy food.

   Regarding Dongfang Yue's arrangement, Yi Shisan nodded unconditionally.

  The illness came on fiercely, and it went away quickly. On the fourth day, Yi Shisan completely recovered his original appearance.

  (end of this chapter)

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