MTL - The Young Master is a Girl-Chapter 1292 Yi Thirteen - Memories

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  Chapter 1292 Yi Thirteen—Memory

  When recovering Ye Shen and Yi Shisan's memory, Yi Shisan always felt that his memory was not quite right.

  How can I say this feeling!

   It is clear that he has that event in his memory, but he always feels that that event is very strange to his experience.

  This kind of trouble was not explained until one day when I accidentally mentioned it to Yi Shisan.

  In this world, Yi Shisan really exists.

   It wasn't her fabricated identity by Dongfang Yue.

  Back then, Yi Shisan had indeed dropped out of high school, and he had indeed picked up a puppy from the trash feed.

  Two lonely lives also have warmth because of having each other.

  They are a ray of sunshine shining in the darkness of each other.

  The death of the puppy was indeed accidentally hit by a car.

   It's just that the accident wasn't just for the puppy, even Yi Shisan died on the spot.

  In order to fabricate an identity for Yi Shisan, Dongfang Yue also found someone to seal up Yi Shisan's memory by the way, and implanted some memories about "that Yi Shisan" by the way.

   It was precisely because of this that Ye Shen didn't notice any difference.

   After all, some memories of my life exist.

  In addition to the setting of his identity, he is a poor guy, so it is certainly impossible for him to think that someone will have any meticulous ideas for him.

   "Hate me?"

  Looking straight at Yi Shisan, he looked at himself with a calm gaze.

  After all, it was his own initiative at the beginning, that's why Yi Shisan's memory has so many strange memories.

   "When I first learned the truth, I was really angry in my heart, but it was not hatred, it was a kind of unacceptable for a while."

   When he figured it out later, he was very grateful to Dongfang Yue for everything she had done.

  If she hadn't erased her memory back then, as a night god, she might not have been able to treat her with shamelessness, let alone be shameless and playful in front of her every day.

  If it wasn't for all of this back then, the relationship between him and Dongfang Yue wouldn't be where it is today.

  Maybe he will marry Hongye, maybe she Dongfangyue will marry someone else.

  In the past, he never believed what the old man said: Everything is predestined by God.

   But now it seems that the relationship between him and Dongfang Yue has long been predestined.

   "Yueyue, thank you, thank you for choosing me."

  If he hadn't met Dongfang Yue, Yi Shisan felt that although his life hadn't changed much, he knew that he would regret it for the rest of his life.

   It was she who recreated Yi Shisan in this world, and made herself the Yi Shisan who belonged to Dongfang Yue, and it was also the chance for him to bring himself back from **** and give him a second life.

  How could he not love such an excellent her!

  Facing Shang Yisan's sincere look, Dongfang Yue lightly shook her head.

   In fact, to say thank you, she also needs to thank him.

  Because of his appearance, her cold heart started beating again.

   It was she who made him feel that there is still warmth in this world.

   She qualified him to be a mother, even a wife.

   "In the next life, in the next life, in the next life, please be with me."

   Made a promise of eternal life to Dongfang Yue.

  Facing Yi Shisan's serious promise, the corners of Dongfangyue's mouth curled into a thick arc.

  The two looked at each other affectionately.

  (end of this chapter)