MTL - The Young Master is a Girl-Chapter 1257 Yi Shisan with a smiling face

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  Chapter 1257 The Smiling Tiger Yi Shisan

   There were not many waves in the cold eyes, just looking at the person in front of him who took the initiative to meet him.

  Maybe it's because of staying with Dongfang Yue for a long time.

  The appearance of Yi Shisan at this time somewhat resembles Dongfang Yue.

  For Yi Shisan's indifference, Dongfang Qi seemed very indifferent.

  The corner of the mouth still had that slight curvature.

   Take your seat.

   It seemed a little awkward because of the silence of the two.

   Picking up the coffee in his hand, he took a light sip.

  When putting down the cup in your hand.

  Dongfang Qi finally spoke out.

   "You must have guessed the reason why I asked you out today."

  After all, the person in front of him is no longer Yi Shisan, but Ye Shen.

   That high and mighty night god.

  Facing Dongfang Qi's initiative to speak, Yi Shisan's pursed lips didn't have the slightest intention to speak out.

   Just looking at Dongfang Qi indifferently.

   Calculated, he and Dongfang Qi in front of him can be regarded as rivals in love, and Yi Shisan will definitely not have a good impression of him like this.

   "The hacked forces in my private life these days must be your masterpiece."

  The arc of the corners of the mouth remained undiminished, and the words that spit out seemed to be talking about what to eat today.

  She, Dongfang Yue, always thought that she understood Yi Shisan, but Dongfang Qi clearly understood that the Yi Shisan in front of her was much deeper than what they understood.

  Even Dongfang Yue may not really understand him, Yi Shisan.


  Faring to Dongfang Qi's words, Yi Shisan did not evade, and nodded openly in recognition.

  The expression on his face seemed a bit careless and arrogant.

  Such an arrogant Yi Shisan is somewhat strange.

   After all, he seemed so talkative in front of outsiders, especially in front of Dongfang Yue, he seemed so weak.

  But anyone who really knows Yi Shisan knows that this person is a smiling tiger.

  When he smiles, he always looks like a harmless animal, making people almost forget his true identity, thinking that he is just an ordinary tabby cat.

  But when the other party really wants to move the real grid, you suddenly remember the other party's real body. Unfortunately, by then, it will be too late.

   "No matter what you do, the wedding between Yue and me is inevitable."

  Looking at Yi Shisan confidently, the curve of the corner of his mouth is obviously much deeper than before.

   Such a confident smile made Yi Shisan feel very dazzling.

  There is such an uncontrollable restlessness in the body, as if something is about to come out.

  The more excited and unhappy he Yi Shisan became, the more manic his inner restlessness became.

   Trying hard to suppress the restlessness in his heart.

  The previous doubts have become more and more certain.

   "She will marry you, isn't it because of that thing in my body? Without that thing, do you think it is possible for you and her?"

  Already a monstrous face, because of the raised arc it looks very monstrous.

  At this time, he was somewhat tentative, and this was also a good opportunity to verify his guess.

  Dongfang Qi didn't seem to care about what Yi Shisan said.

  That thing would disappear so easily if it really existed.

   Then it is impossible for Dongfang Yue to agree to marry herself.

  Looking at the confident Yi Shisan in front of him, Dongfang Qi didn't take it seriously.

   "I hope you really have the ability to make that thing disappear."

  If he hadn't been 100% sure, he wouldn't have shot so easily back then.

  Dongfang Qi's words made Yi Shisan's eyes flash with a broken light.

  Since you already know what you want to know, there is no need to stay here any longer.

   "Then you have a look."

  The confidence on his face is impossible to ignore.

  The sitting posture also stood up.

   Facing Yi Shisan's departure, Dongfang Qi didn't want to keep him, just quietly watching the other party's figure disappear before his eyes.

  (end of this chapter)