MTL - The Wrong Way to a Demon Sect Leader-Chapter 52

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Chapter 52

Dagu gently knocked on the door.

The doctor has come to change the medicine for the teacher. He does not like others to watch. Zhao Jiangui has to wait outside the door.

Xiaolin and Daxie were waiting at the gallery. Zhao Jian thought about it and couldn't help but ask him two words: "Can I go down the mountain in a few days?"

Daxu hesitated: "This... Zhao Gongzi still ask the teacher."

Zhao Jian nodded. He thought that he was not a magician after all. Daxie was worried about his running down the mountain or giving news to the Haoran League.

Xiaolin curiously asked: "Zhao Daxia, what do you want to go down the mountain?"

Zhao Jianyi hesitated: "I...go to buy something."

Daxie said: "What is missing from Zhao Gongzi? I am going to buy it."

Zhao Jian squinted: "...all."

The doctor has changed the medicine. He has almost no communication with Ji Han. He stinks a face and walks out the door. He glances coldly and let her and Kobayashi clean up the blood of the gauze.

The two entered the house, and Zhao Jiangui also wanted to follow up.

When he walked to the doctor's side, the doctor suddenly said a word softly.

"I don't think you like him."

Zhao Jian stayed in his footsteps.

"You are against him... but out of guilt." said the doctor, "and he is only guilty and responsible to you."

Zhao Jian looked coldly at him: "What do you mean?"

Dr. Wei smiled slightly: "You two are really interesting."

Zhao Jiangui did not like this person originally, and now the disgust in his heart has increased a few points.

Xiaolin has ran out to Zhao Jiangui to beckoned: "Zhao Daxia, the leader will let you in."

Zhao Jian blamed the doctor and decided to stop thinking about him and turned into the house.

The season was cold and Dalin and Xiaolin retired, and suddenly he said to him: "I have heard it."

Zhao Jiangui: "..."

People with deep internal strength are more sensitive than ordinary people.

Ji Handao: "He is a weirdo, but the medical skills are indeed superb."

Zhao Jian asked: "He is also the one you teach?"

Ji Han shook his head: "He didn't teach. When the father was seriously ill, the teacher invited him to come from Yaoxian. Unfortunately, he said that he was medically ill and he couldn't save his father." Life."

Zhao Jian hurriedly said: "I should not ask this."

Ji Han sighed.

"I heard Xiaolin say that you want to go down the mountain to go shopping." Ji Han whispered, "I will not stop you, but the elders must not be assured, I may have to send a few people to go with you."

Zhao Jian nodded.

Ji Handao: "In fact, it is useless to send people to follow you. If you want to go, no one can stop you."

Zhao Jian does not say anything.

He really just wants to go shopping, why suddenly it seems that he is leaving.

Fortunately, he has integrated the two vocabularies.

Ji Han Zhang Lips seems to want to say something more.

Zhao Jian returned to grasp his hand.

Zhao Jiangui: "You can rest assured that I will come back on time."

Ji Han: "..."

Zhao Jiangui: "I promised you, I will come to accompany you every day."

Ji Han: "No need..."

Zhao Jiangui: "I will never leave you alone."

The cold action of the season wants to pull out his hand: "You are too nauseating..."

Zhao Jian returned to the road: "The words of the lungs."

He tightened the hand of Ji Han.

Ji Han is still struggling: "I don't want to hear what you say."

Zhao Jiangui: "Maybe you like to listen to some oily slips?"

Ji Han: "No, I don't want to listen."

Zhao Jian thought about it and said: "The people under the mountain are not as good as you."

Ji Han: "..."

Zhao Jian returned: "Even if they give me ten boxes of gold, I will never run away."

Ji Han: "..."

Zhao Jian’s sorrowful and deep feelings said: “I wish to have one heart, and the white head is not separated.”

Ji Han: "... shut up."

He has already let his own hand be stunned by Zhao Jian.

Zhao Jiangui said: "I have got it."

Read The Duke's Passion