MTL - The World Online-v3 Chapter 1347 Steel 铎

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The English Channel is a strait that separates the steel dynasty from the European continent and connects the Atlantic Ocean to the North Sea. It is 560 kilometers long and 240 kilometers wide, and the narrowest part is only 34 kilometers wide.

In reality, the two countries built a subsea tunnel in the narrowest part, called the European tunnel.

Because the English Channel is part of the North Atlantic Ocean and connects to the seas of the European land, it has been a strategic tactic of the military since ancient times. There have been many military conflicts and naval battles in history.

The Royal Fleet of the Steel Skull Dynasty, two of which are stationed here.

For the Royal Fleet, holding the English Channel is equivalent to holding the lifeline of the steel dynasty dynasty, so that the steel dynasty can advance and retreat in European affairs.

In view of the changes in the European war situation, recently, the Gangue dynasty has intentionally removed the troops remaining in the European battlefield, and insisting on the local government as the top priority.

At this time, the Royal Fleet cruise on the English Channel is more rigorous.

The accident still happened.

On the morning of April 1st, the Grand Summer Atlantic fleet was replaced by the Ironclad ship. Two of the formations raided the English Channel and set off a sea battle.

This is the first encounter between the Atlantic Fleet and the Royal Fleet.

On the strength of the forces, the level of naval warfare and the level of navigation, the two major fleets can be described as comparable. The commanding of the steel fleet of the Royal Fleet is also the historical naval battle Nelson.

The basics are quite equal.

The Atlantic fleet is strong and strong on weapons and equipment.

After the refit, the Atlantic Fleet formed a three-dimensional space three-dimensional combat system of armored ships, warplanes, and magic-powered submarines. It has already loomed the prototype of the latter aircraft carrier fleet.

In contrast, limited to resources and labor, half of the battleships of the Scorpio Royal Fleet are sail battleships, not all replaced with more advanced armored ships.

This is very understandable.

With the industrial strength of the full bloom of the summer, it took nearly a year for the Pacific Fleet to change. It has been quite good for the Steel Skull Royal Fleet to make such progress.

In the weaponry, the Atlantic fleet has an overwhelming advantage.

This is also one of the reasons why the Gangu Royal Fleet did not make any statement after the regaining control of the Mediterranean in the summer.

Because there is no enthusiasm for intervention.

The results of the naval battle can be imagined. In the face of the assault of the Atlantic Fleet, although the steel squad Royal Fleet has responded to it, Nelson is also a commander, but after nearly six hours of fighting, it is still defeated.

The danger and excitement are not described by pen and ink.

The collapse of the Steel Skull Royal Fleet, like a dazzling signal flare, crossed the European night sky, and it was necessary to have an immeasurable impact on the already turbulent situation in Europe.

In fact, the subsequent effects are already fermenting.

In the afternoon, under the cover of the Atlantic Fleet, Zeng Guofan commanded the Ghost Army and landed on the coast of the Gangu Dynasty. The military front pointed to the capital of the steel dynasty, Avic Fort.

The 300,000 Ghost Army is simply fatal to the steel shoguns of the moment.

Limited to the population weakness, the steel dynasty dynasty in the peak period, the total strength is only 400,000.

After the setbacks in Africa's pioneering land, the continued consumption of the European battlefield and the invasion of the Germanic dynasty, even if there were two conscriptions in the process, the actual combat army was less than 250,000.

As for the newly recruited recruits, don’t mention them.

To make matters worse, nearly half of the 250,000 troops of the steel dynasty dynasty, that is, the 120,000-strong army still stayed in the European battlefield, and the European strategy for the silver hand was "small and busy."

That is to say, the steel squad dynasty really left the local army, only the poor 130,000 people. Even with the addition of local garrison troops and recruits, the total strength of the steel dynasty dynasty in the country could not reach 200,000.

This is a very embarrassing number that completely exposes the Achilles heel of the steel dynasty.

Although the 130,000-strong army is well-equipped and well-trained, it is impossible to cope with the invasion of the Germanic army while still coping with the invasion of the Great Summer Army.

A big storm was swept over by the steel dynasty.

The land area is small, the strategic depth is basically no, the population is dying, and it is hanging overseas...

In this game-free game world, the steel dynasty dynasty does not copy the glory of the British Empire in history, and whether it can keep the old man, it must also look at other people's eyes.

Otherwise, William will not sell iron in the pot, and his teeth support the organization to attack the Germanic dynasty.

Only by ensuring the tranquillity of Europe can we have the safety of the steel dynasty.

It is a pity that the steel dynasty dynasty with less troops and weakness is unable to control the European war situation and can only sway with the wind.

William is now afraid that he still does not know that his 120,000 army left in the European battlefield has been quietly dedicated to the Germanic dynasty by Henry as a ritual in the future.


Under the investigation of the Black Snake, the soft ribs of the Gangu dynasty were naturally unreservedly exposed to Ouyang Yu, and this was the birth of the “Forged Steel Plan”.

The steel ruling dynasty is the best pedal for Daxia to influence the European continent.

If we can capture the steel dynasty dynasty, the significance of the big summer is not only because of an extra overseas territory, but also has greater strategic significance.

First, with the steel dynasty dynasty as the pedal, Daxia can control the English Channel and control the North Sea.

As a result, the estuary of the European dynasties was basically controlled by the Great Summer, and the Atlantic trade on which they depended would be locked up by the big summer, with no room for movement.

Even the Dawson Dynasty opposite the Atlantic has to look at the big summer face.

The Atlantic trade rules will be rewritten accordingly and incorporated into the summer's code of conduct.

Second, the steel dynasty dynasty can threaten the European continent at any time.

Among the five continents, Daxia has the weakest influence on the European continent. With the steel dynasty dynasty, it was just to fill this short board, and the tentacles reached into the five continents, playing a game of chess around the world.

Such a temptation, Ouyang Yi can not refuse.

The implementation of the "Forged Steel Plan" has a major premise that it cannot cause a rebound in the European dynasties.

If the European dynasties, together against the invasion of the steel dynasty dynasty by the great summer, it is difficult to conquer the steel dynasty dynasty in a short time with the strength of the ghost army.

Even without the participation of the Germanic dynasty, if the five dynasties of the European silver hand were still in their heyday, Daxia did not dare to attack the steel dynasty.

That is going to be angered.

At the moment, the Spanish dynasty is destroyed, and the Gaul dynasty is betrayed. It is the time when the silver hand is weakest in the European continent. This is the chance for the big summer to make a fatal blow.

Not at all late.

If the Germanic dynasty digested the Gaul dynasty and then launched a counterattack against the Romanov dynasty, the Germanic dynasty after the increase in strength would allow Daxia to capture the steel shovel?

I am afraid that it is the steel dynasty dynasty, which has long been regarded as a sac in Manstein.

This is exactly the case, Ouyang Wei will be greatly appreciated by the intelligence work of the Black Snake. It is this key intelligence that makes Daxia choose the most appropriate time to make the most deadly blow.

In the victory of the battle of steel shovel, intelligence must take the lead.


On April 2nd, the steel dynasty dynasty, Avic Fort.

In the study room of the kingdom, the atmosphere is dignified and scary. The air is like a solidification, which makes people suffocate.

The steel scorpion King William's face was blue and green, sitting in a chair like a wood, motionless, this is a dejected person, the appearance will appear.

Prove that William at this time has no way out.

On the day of the defeat of the Royal Fleet, William applied for a summit meeting of the five countries to request reinforcements from the organization. William knew what was happening to his family, and the steel dynasty was simply unable to face this crisis alone.

What embarrassed William was that, except for the Dawson Dynasty, no one was willing to lend a helping hand.

The Dawson dynasty was separated from the ocean. Even if Jack really had the heart, he sent a large army. When he arrived, he was afraid that the daylily would be cold, and it would not help.

What makes William more angry is that William proposed that the withdrawal of the European continent’s troops would be strongly opposed by Henry, claiming that the European battlefield is at a critical juncture and that it must not withdraw.

"I am going to die, and what is the European battlefield?"

William, who has always been a gentleman, is screaming at the meeting.

Seeing this, Henry could only nod his head and promised, but his eyes flashed and he couldn’t help himself.

In fact, after learning that Daxia invaded the steel dynasty, Henry and Manstein were too angry to think about This pair of conspirators couldn’t think of it, when they were preparing to harvest the fruit, it happened. Such a change.

The invasion of Daxia completely disrupted the plans of the two.

In desperation, they can only speed up the pace of mergers, first to eat the steel squad and the Spanish army, and then talk about countering the Romanov dynasty.

Otherwise, it is likely to be lost.

As for the steel dynasty dynasty, you can only let go, let the big summer account for the cheap.

William's heart is cool!

Early this morning, William tried to contact the European military commander and issued an order to withdraw. What shocked William was that the communication compass didn't even turn on, obviously it was a big change.

Next, William contacted several military generals, and without exception, they could not be contacted. William did not give up, trying to contact Henry, and Henry directly pulled him into the blacklist.

"It's over!"

William is stupid, and knows that the Gaul dynasty must be a ghost.

He did not know, just last night, the army of Gaul suddenly surrounded the steel barracks, and disarmed the 120,000 steel squad and became a prisoner of war without the defense.

Also being disarmed together, there is also the Spanish army.

The European continent is welcoming an unprecedented grand change. In this upheaval, the steel dynasty dynasty pitifully plays a weak, a role of abandoning the child.

"Brother, you have to cheer up."

Annie met across the face, and her face was gone, and she was worried.

"Get up?"

William’s mouth showed a smile of self-deprecating.

"It's already like this, how can you cheer up? Let them go!" William has decided to admit defeat.

Annie said anxiously: "Even if you can't win, you have to fight for the best result for the family. Don't let the big summers eat the bones that we eat."