MTL - The World Online-v3 Chapter 1292 Best summer profit

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When Ouyang Yu walked into the living room, he saw an old man standing in front of a pair of paintings by Wang Xizhi.

When I heard the steps, the old man turned.

"Chen old!"

Ouyang Yu took a big step forward and took the old man's hand.

Come, it is the former federal president.

After the dissolution of the Union, the old man disappeared into the eyes of the world.

Although the cooperation between the two had experienced twists and turns, and later it was interrupted cooperation, no contact, but for this wise old man, Ouyang Yi has always been awe.

This kind of meeting, the old man is obviously very emotional, for a while did not know how to call Ouyang Yi.

Ouyang Yu was very intimate, took the initiative to lead Chen Lao to the seat, followed by the female officer to tea. This is the second time that the two men talk face to face, and the status of the two sides has come to a tone.

In the face of modest and modest, the introverted Ouyang Yi, Chen Lao’s "Little Friends", can not be called.

Moreover, this time he came with a mission.

Chen is coming to be a lobbyist.

In the face of the siege of the silver hand, the blue badge has fallen into the biggest crisis since its establishment. Their power is too distracting to compete with the veteran forces like the silver hand.

Previously, the two camps picked up and joined forces to check and balance the big summer. The attitude of the blue badge was actually more positive. They know that only by turning contradictions to the outside can they gain peace.

Unfortunately, the growth of the big summer is completely beyond their expectations.

Those young people who once subverted Chen’s old school planted a big heel, and the prestige of the blue badge was gradually declining.

The Chen Laoyi faction has signs of rising again.

It is a pity that Chen Lao is exhausted and does not want to intervene in the specific affairs of the blue badge.

This visit to the big summer, it is really hard to organize the soft and hard foam, and can not bear the blue badge is really degenerate, Chen Lao, this is the old face, come to Beijing as a lobbyist.

When I saw Ouyang’s first sight, Chen’s confidence fell.

Compared with a few years ago, the man in front of him became more modest, could not see a trace of sharpness, but the eyes that occasionally flashed away, but the deep and shocking.

One hand, one shot, such as the flow of water, but also contains the general strength of the mountains.

In the youth, in Ouyang, it has long gone.

He is over 30 years old. It is the most energetic and powerful period of his life. All the hardships and obstacles have turned into the dust of the years and settled on his body.

At this time, Ouyang Yu was both energetic and calm, and was both aggressive and well-founded. It seems to be mild, but in fact it is a very aggressive helm.

Minister Wenwu feared him and revered him in his heart, treating him as a leader.

Mulanyue, Gu Xiuwen, Sun Yannong, Cui Shouqi, Zhou Haichen, Lin Yi, Shi Hu, Niu Da and other new empire ministers of civil and military affairs, also regarded Ouyang Yi as a mentor, born in the Son of Heaven.

In the face of such a legendary man, even if it is a worldly old, he feels a little pressure.

If you have a lot of words, you can't say it.

Ouyang Yu is very calm, "Chen is old, there must be advice, if you have anything to say."

Chen Lao nodded. If the weight is light, he will no longer have it. "When the world war broke out, there was no movement in the summer, and it would not be ready to sit on the mountain and watch the tiger fight?"

This is a temptation.

"When you sit on the mountain and watch the tiger fight, how many people dream of it, nothing bad." Ouyang is not on the set.

Chen Lao followed and said: "It is a leisurely time to sit on a mountain, but when a tiger is destroyed and a tiger is stronger, Daxia is not afraid of being hurt by a tiger?"

"There is a copper wall in the big summer, it can't hurt."

Ouyang 朔 oil salt does not enter, the atmosphere is solidified, the warmth of the talent, disappeared without a trace.

Chen Lao saw it, and he sighed in his heart. "Ouyang Yu, after all, is no longer the former Ouyang Yu." The emperor, all the wills are based on the interests of the great summer, and it is difficult to be private.

It is only for the benefit of being able to impress Ouyang.

“Can Daxia intervene in the European battlefield?” Chen Lao no longer bends around.

"Between us and Europe, there is no reason to participate in the war between the Persian Empire."

"you have!"

Chen Lao’s eyes are fascinating. “Don’t forget, the Moroccan province of Daxia was taken away by the hands of the silver. Now it is a province of the Spanish dynasty. This is the perfect opportunity for the big summer to regain lost ground.”

Ouyang Yu is a smile.

Chen Lao met, but shook his head.

Both of them are extremely intelligent people. Of course, it is clear that the current Moroccan province is a rib for the big summer. Even if you take it down, it is difficult to hold it as an enclave.

Not to mention Europe, only on the African continent, the Moroccan province faces the threat of the Egyptian dynasty and West Africa.

Since Chen Lao personally came, Ouyang Yi still has to give a face, can not be indifferent, a little revealed: "Morocco's hatred, we will certainly report, but what is, is not a province."

Chen Lao’s spirit was shocked and asked: “Is it ready for the Spanish dynasty?” If this is the case, it is already a solution to the Germanic dynasty.

Ouyang Yu shook his head. "I want the whole North Chen is speechless.

North Africa is the site of the Egyptian dynasty in the azure blue badge camp. This is not a big fire in the summer.

"Your request is too much, the blue badge can't be accepted."

Chen Lao refused.

Ouyang Yu is very confident. "Abandoning North Africa and keeping the Germanic dynasty, this sale is very cost-effective."

"How to say?"

"As soon as the big summer receives North Africa, the Arab Empire will naturally stop. The Caesar Dynasty has a sneak peek with the big summer. With Caesar's character, it is only one sea away from the big summer, and can concentrate on the European battlefield?"

Chen Lao brows a move, which means that Da Xia took two opponents.

Ouyang Yu continued: "Give North Africa, the Egyptian army can attack the Spanish dynasty, and remove an opponent. The Germanic dynasty has a dozen, and still has a chance to win."

"This is not enough!" Chen did not agree.

Of course, without the embarrassment of the Spanish dynasty and the Caesar dynasty, the situation of the Germanic dynasty was greatly improved. Only a Romanov dynasty can suppress the Germanic dynasty.

"Persian empire, big summer can also be taken care of, we and Persia, there is still an account." Ouyang Yu added another chip.

Chen Lao is somewhat moved, but still not satisfied.

Ouyang Yu sees this, and the corner of his mouth reveals a sly smile. "Chen Lao, I respect you and talk to you about the conditions. In fact, Daxia is in East Africa, there are millions of elites, some things, we can go by ourselves. take."


Chen Lao’s mind, sinking to the bottom.

Yes, strictly speaking, the Daxia and Azure badges are not only allies but also enemies. If Da Xia sent troops to Egypt at this time, is it worse for the blue badge? !

Chen Lao realized that in the face of the big summer, he actually had no chips in his hands.

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