MTL - The World Online-v3 Chapter 1281 Ram battleship

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The night empire does not involve the Javanese war, it does not mean that it will not make waves.

On January 15th, when the battle in Java was in full swing, the Dark Empire rushed to send troops to 150,000, crossed the Hawaiian Strait, and attacked the Daxia Dynasty in Hawaii.

It was in this battle that the Navy of the Dark Empire first appeared on the world stage.

The continent is vast and vast, and the largest lake in the interior, Lam Lake, is about the same size as the Caspian Sea. It is stationed in the original empire and is now the most powerful fleet of the Dark Empire - the Night Fleet.

The battleship of the Night Fleet is neither a wooden warship such as a sail battleship nor a railway ship, but the highest technological crystallization of the M Empire, a new type of warship.

The warship is not big, but the firepower is comparable to the armored ship.

As the saying goes, "the side of the couch, let others sleep," the more the night empire is taboo, the more you can't stand the Hawaiian county.

"In order to win Hawaii, we do whatever it takes," said the night emperor Honda Keisuke.

It is reported that 150,000 is still the vanguard of the night empire. In order to win Hawaii, the night empire is expected to invest millions of troops. "It is the consumption, but also the summer."

In this case, the cabinet suggested that Hawaii County be abandoned directly.

Ouyang Yu came to the interest, while letting the Hawaiian people evacuate as planned through the transmission array; while ordering the first army of the Tigers who had already entered Hawaii and the Pacific Fleet, they immediately faced the battle.

He just wants to measure the amount, and the night empire has a few pounds.

The intelligence that the black snake sneaked on, on the surface, the strength of the night empire, and the confrontation on the battlefield once, Ouyang 朔 basically has a bottom.

For this, this battle must also be played.

Another point, before giving up Morocco, Ouyang Yu has been very wrong, so far it is difficult to let go, if you can easily give up the Hawaii County, then how can the big summer people see the court?

Let the people of the world, how do you see the big summer?

Therefore, this war not only has to be played, but also the style of the big summer.

Even if you can't fight a long battle with the Dark Empire, you should also hurt the enemy and let a group of "losers" of the Dark Empire realize: "Your father, or your father!"

Don't think that you stick together, you can really be invincible.

It was in such a situation that the Battle of Hawaii broke out and shook the entire Pacific Ocean.


On January 16, the two sides' fleets took the lead in confrontation at sea.

The first, second and third formations of the Night Fleet, out of Lake Ram, entered the vast Pacific Ocean, along the coast of the mainland, heading north to attack the county of Hawaii.

The leader of the ministry is a naval lieutenant in the federal reality, and Ichiro Ichiro.

At the same time, Ichiro Eguchi is also the master of the Navy of the entire night fleet, and is also an important figure supporting the status of the Dongpu family in the night emperor.

After being destroyed, the history talents of all countries have completely missed them.

The current night empire, whether in the military or in the middle, is dominated by all-in-one, and it is also in the game world, opening up another dynasty model.

As for the aborigines of the mainland?

Those who have experienced slavery experience are naturally a tooth for a tooth, and they are all slaves.

The night empire has created a new world record, becoming the first blatant and servant of the slave world in the game world, and not afraid to become a target of public criticism.

The entire trial area, the number of aliens reached 300 million, even if there is no indigenous, it is enough to support the night empire. All combat professional players are incorporated into the army.

The fourth and fifth formations of the Night Fleet went all the way south, attempting to make a big bend and returning to the north of Hawaiian County to form a left and right attack on the county of Hawaii.

I never thought that the second formation and the third formation of the Great Summer Pacific Fleet did not intend to defend in place. After the war, they used the familiarity of the surrounding seas and went straight south.

The two fleets met on the mainland of the country and met unexpectedly.

The Dark Empire has a black technology Ram battleship, and the Daxia Navy is not a vegetarian. Especially the key construction of the Pacific Fleet, the flagship of the formation has been installed in the armored ship, and then with the magic power submarine and the fighter aircraft, the fleet completeness, faint can already be modern The navy is comparable.

With the development speed of the Daxia Navy equipment, the world's first aircraft carrier formation must be born in the big summer.

As the highest technological crystallization of the empire civilization, the Ram battleship is naturally not vegetarian. Just one battle, the most surprised by the Pacific Fleet Navy, is that the enemy ship has seen the ambush of the magic-powered submarine.

This is very powerful!

Prior to this, the magic-powered submarine has always been the biggest trump card of the Daxia Navy with its excellent stealth ability and super attack power. It has made great achievements and has no rivals in all previous naval battles.

This time, the magic power submarine encountered a nemesis.

The Ram fleet is equipped with a lightning system that directly pulls out the magic-powered submarine to make it look like nothing.

On the flagship dark night, Iguro Iguchi saw the enemy submarine eating, and the corner of his mouth showed a smile after revenge, and there was a trace of memories in his eyes.

In the battle of Dongpu, Jiangkou Yilang was the main general of the Dongpu Fleet. Under the attack of the Daxia Magic Power Submarine, the Dongpu Fleet was beaten.

Ichiro Eguchi also died in that battle, which is regarded as a shame of his life.

After two and a half years, he returned from hell!

"Now, it is time to pay blood debts!" ​​Ichiro Eguchi is happy.

Losing the first battle, did not shake the will of Shi, immediately commanding the fleet, ready to engage the enemy forces from the front. The artillery of the warships of both sides tilted out of each other and set off waves in the sea.

This confrontation, Shi Lang’s heart is a sinking.

Shi Yanran found that in addition to the armored ship, the Z1 warship was in the face of the enemy's Ram battleship, whether it was the firepower net or its own defense.

Only the Ironclad ship can compete with it.

Think about it, this is also normal. The mimetic aircraft acquired by the Daxia from the Atlantis civilization, the magic-powered submarine obtained from the Lemurian civilization, are in an auxiliary position in the naval formation.

The real core of the naval fleet is the main battleship itself.

The most fascinating black technology of the Continental civilization is the main battleship of the Ram battleship. Naturally, it will be a complete suppression of the Daxia Navy.

The strength of the main battleship basically determines the strength of the fleet.

Fortunately, the global technology tree has been unlocked to the second industrial revolution, and the armored ship will officially enter the historical arena. Otherwise, the Ram battleship is invincible.

If you appear in the early two years, you can even directly pick up the maritime hegemony of the big summer.

The opposite of Iguchi Ichiro met, and the smile on his face was even stronger. "Hey, the Ram battleship did not disappoint me. The group of indigenous people is still a bit of a skill."

Regarding the performance of the Ram battleship, Ichiro Ichiro is satisfied and can no longer be satisfied.

Then I thought of a new Ram battleship parked on Lake Lamb. Ichiro Ichiro couldn’t help but jump. It was the home of the Mum Empire, and now they are fully accepted.

Suddenly frustrated, Shi Yan’s face became dignified. He was too aware of the significance of this war. If he lost in this way, he could not explain to the court.

"Transfer, let the fighters all in place, ready to launch suicide bombing!" Shi Yan no expression.


The messenger also looked dignified, took a ritual and turned away.

With the firepower network of the Ram battleship, if the first-generation fighters adopt conventional tactics, there is a great chance that they will be killed by the enemy artillery and cannot achieve the expected results.

In the case of a limited number of fighters, if Shi Lang comes up, he will not give his own way back.

"Because there is no way out!"

In this battle, the Pacific Fleet must defend the glory of the Great Summer Navy. If defeated, it will not only be a blow to the Pacific Fleet, but may even shake the maritime hegemony of the Empire.

The chain reaction caused by this is what Shi Wei can't imagine.

Ten minutes later, a total of forty first-generation fighters, after the bombing, took off from the decks of different warships, and each pilot’s face was hanged with nowhere to go.