MTL - The World of the Pirate Consort-Chapter 182

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But, thinking about it, I couldn't figure out a thing.

The sound of even leaked far away, it is already two days, the white day in winter is very short, and the outside of it is dark like ink.

He started to rest, and there was a sound of footsteps outside the door. A guard whispered outside the door: "Girl, ya, the emperor is here!"

Wu Yazi stood up with a look of astonishment as she stood up, as if she hadn't expected it to be here at night.

The guard room door was opened by the guard, and the cold wind poured in, and the coldness seemed to be able to penetrate into the bones of a person. Ye Wuchen appeared in the doorway wearing a thick yellow cloak. Inside the cloak was a bright yellow dragon robe, flashing a dazzling light under the lamp, adding a bit of emperor's nobility to the night dust.

Xi Masa stepped forward and bowed to the ground. Ye Wuchen said flatly, and his black eyes looked straight to Seser.

"Jiang Seser, you are really here!" Ye Wuchen said in a deep voice.

"Emperor, I have been here for three days, do you not know?" Selly slowly got up from the couch and said in a quiet voice. The shimmering light of the candlelight distinguished the glorious brilliance in her pupils. Her eyes were so deep that it seemed to reflect all the starlights of the world.

Ye Ye Wuchen heard the ridicule in Seser's words, but he didn't take it for granted. He stood with his hand in front of Seser, and snorted coldly: "Come, put her in the prison of prison!"

Xi Yazi heard the words, and condensed: "Emperor, girl Jiang has a special status, I hope the emperor think twice!"

Ye Wuchen's face had a layer of gloom on his face, with a slightly frown on his face, and he sneered for a long time: "I forgot about it, you are the most beloved woman of the sixth brother. It's wonderful, wonderful!" He said twice. Awesome, paused, and squinted suddenly, "Jiang Seser, do you want to know what the sixth brother is doing now!"

Suddenly, her heart was stagnant, listening to Ye Wuyan's tone, it seemed that Ye Wuyan was not very well under her eyes. She tried to suppress the frantic heartbeat and said casually: "The emperor really tells jokes. Tobacco has nothing to do with it. I don't want to know whether he is alive or dead. "

Su Ye smiled and said, "No matter what, you can count as a spouse, and it's okay to listen. Guan Ning, tell the girl Jiang about the situation of the King!"

"Yes!" Guan Ning said in a bowed voice.

"The 150,000 soldiers and horses of the King of Kings have been besieged by the 500,000 soldiers and horses sent by the Holy Lord in Huangcheng. The King of Kings is afraid to fight, and the city is ready to capture the King!" Explorer, pointed his throat and exclaimed.

"Really, the concubine is going to congratulate the emperor." Although she was in a mess at the moment, she had a slight smile on her face.

Ye Wuchen glanced at his unshakable complexion, and there was a gloomy glance between his eyes. "What a ruthless woman, I'm so fond of love so fast. Brother Liu has a deep affection for you these years. Well, now you like it Who is it? "

Whether she's ruthless, or if she empathizes with love, what's the matter? He is a dignified emperor, who doesn't care about the war or the country and the people, but asks who she likes here? What is it like a king of a country doing! ? This is really funny.

"The private affairs of the people's daughters are really insignificant compared to the grand scheme of the country, and the emperor does not bother." Said coldly, thinking that it would be better to irritate Ye Duchen and send her to jail.

Ye Wuchen was obviously very angry when he heard the words. He pointed at them and said, "Jiang Seser, you dare to fight against him. Come, and take her to ..." "Nothing, I will leave you alive today."

He turned and strode away, Guan Ning hurriedly followed. After their figures disappeared in the courtyard, Masako got up and closed the door.

He sat on the couch and jumped upset.

Su Ye Ye was really besieged by half a million soldiers and horses? However, she still believed that the night was smoke-free. After all, he had fought for many years, and it was probably his plan not to fight, not to be afraid.

"Girl, rest early!" Masako said softly.

He gave her a slight glance, and got up to sleep. However, this night, I didn't sleep well, dreaming about the blood of the night without smoke. Several times woke up from the dream, a cold sweat broke out, and an unknown premonition rose in his heart.

Woke up for the last time, listen to more drums, and have reached the fourth.

She was embraced. Although the house was extremely warm, she still felt the chill rising from her heart. The complicated problems and worries seemed like a mess, and it struck in her mind, raising a layer Layers of waves.

In the dark room, Ruzi's accompanying Masako also woke up, and she stood up, like a hunter, sitting quietly, watching every move.

She sneered sneerly. She couldn't use her internal force at the moment. No doubt, ordinary people, Masako was still so alert. I'm afraid she won't be able to run out. Even if she passes this level, I'm afraid she won't be able to leave the hospital.

There was a lot of wind outside the window, and it seemed that there might be snow tomorrow, and he thought, and was about to lie down. Suddenly, the light suddenly stagnated, and I saw that the closed window was suddenly opened from the outside, a dark shadow jumped in from the window, and the speed was extremely fast, and it struck Masako like a flash of lightning.

Yun Yazi was also alert, and took the sword on her side to block the severe blow from the comer. At the same time, he shouted, "Come, there is ..."

Before he could say a word, he was stabbed by a comer, and his voice seemed to be choked suddenly and stopped abruptly. Obviously, the martial arts of the comer is much higher than Masako.

However, Masako's voice has alarmed the guards outside and the maid in the house next door. For a moment, someone outside came running.

It seemed that the Talai people hadn't expected Masako to be awake and attracted a guard.

He hurriedly rushed to Selse and said quietly, "Follow me!" He grabbed Selse, rushed out of the window, grabbed Selly's waist, and leapt to the eaves.

Through the dim moonlight and the lights in the palace, he saw that everyone was dressed in black, with a black scarf masked, and only a pair of eyes exposed outside were as clear and sharp as cold stars. The man gave a deep look, and his sharp eyes turned to stare at the Zhaoyang Temple.

The cold wind hit the face and the chill struck people. Seser looked around, only to see the Guards coming around, Seser knew at this time that the courtyard where she lived was a small courtyard in a palace. And this palace, actually facing the Zhaoyang Hall where the emperor lived, did not expect Mo Xunhuan to live in this palace.

Here, it is the most heavily guarded place in the entire palace. Nowadays, she cannot perform martial arts. It may be difficult for someone to take her away.

At this moment, in the main hall of the Zhaoyang Hall that I saw, a flame was blowing up, and by the wind, it burst out. For a moment, the Guards and the housekeepers were screaming for help, some were calling for help, some were calling for help, and some of the Guards who were about to run over rushed to Zhaoyang Hall.

的 The guards who had been encroached here did their utmost and still rushed towards them. It seems that these people are all Mo Xunhuan's dead.

The Tatars kept Selse behind, and with their swords out of their sheaths, they fought with the Guards. The moves were fierce and fierce, and they would never carry water. He pushed back a few people, performed meritorious deeds, and jumped from one eave to another eavesdropping, doing such a leap, and soon escaped the encirclement.

However, not far away, ten people suddenly appeared spookily on the road ahead. They seemed to be ghosts in the dark night, and they were incredible.

Is another bitter battle, the clash of soldiers' blades and the sound of wind are intertwined, forming a soul-seeking music.

"I can't think of a master ambush inside you in the palace, it really opened my eyes!" Mo Xunhuan's voice came from the dark night.

He glared coldly, only to see that he was wearing the Guard's clothing, but with a human skin mask on his face, covering his true face.

"I didn't expect me to turn around suddenly. I had expected that there were still smokeless people ambushing in this palace, but I didn't expect Wuyi to be so high. Say, who are you?" He asked quietly .

Heilai didn't answer, and he was very close to him. For a moment, he noticed that the muscles in his body suddenly tightened, and his cold-hearted killing intentions appeared. Sesu also wanted to know who was saving her, but the situation was not the time to reveal his identity. Seeing the current situation, I knew it would be difficult to leave tonight.

"Thank you for your help, but just because of the situation tonight, I'm afraid it's hard to get away. You go first!" Seiring said.

Here comes a closer look at the current situation, knowing that he can't save her tonight, it seems that to save her, he needs to find another way.

终于 He finally let go of the surly, performed his meritorious deeds, and got out of the encirclement. Mo Xun moved forward, grabbed Seser, and ordered the guard: "Be sure to catch him!"

"Sir, who is that person ?!" Mo Xunhuan turned and asked with a smile.

He whispered coldly, "How do I know!"

Tong Mo Xunhua raised her eyebrows, staring at the stars with a dazzling pair of stars, and said with a low smile: "You don't know? But he can't escape this palace, we will know who he is in a moment!"

He Mo Xunhuan said very firmly, and seemed to be very sure, which made Seorui very worried. The one who came to save her, no matter who she was, she didn't want him to be arrested.

However, things did not go as smoothly as Mo Xunhuan imagined. The Guards who went after him came back and reported that there had been another coordinating man in black, and his martial arts was very high, and he was rescued.

He hurriedly listened, but Mo Xunhuan was very angry, but he did not expect that there was another master in this palace. It seems that Selse's apartment should be changed. Right now, with a calm face, he reached out and seized Seul's wrist, and walked forward against the cold wind.

I was still in the palace where she was imprisoned before. As a result of the incident, the various palace lights in the palace bloomed brightly, and the illuminated courtyard was as bright as day. The majestic palace prince looked solemn and noble in the night. This time, Mo Xunhuan didn't let her go to the hut where she lived before, but pulled her straight towards the main hall.