MTL - The World of the Pirate Consort-Chapter 169

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Putianjiacun suffered such a big accident. A few days ago, Shen Yu said she went home to visit her father and mother. How come she never saw her when she returned? Secretly felt that something was wrong.

For example, if the destruction of Tianjiacun was caused by human calamities, then it is bound to be that the other party is hiding something. It may be to conceal the boy who rescued him, or it may be to conceal another thing!

Falcon's heart sank, his eyes filled with coldness.

"Is there any problem?" Feng Mian asked in a silent voice after seeing a groan for a long while.

He smiled and said, "Nothing, Feng Mian, you stay and observe again to see if there is anything that needs improvement. I'll go back first."

Wu Fengmian said "um", turning roundly.

做 了 Since becoming a Bihai Dragon Girl, Seorui has moved from Wangyou Island to "Water Dragon Island", with these pirates every day. She lives on the southernmost corner of the island, behind a branch of a cherry blossom forest, a three-story bamboo building.

He walked slowly across the forest, came to the small building, and saw Cheer practicing martial arts in the forest with Zi Mi, and the sinking fish was watching from one side.

"Mother-in-law is here! Mother-in-law sees how well Cheer is practicing?" Cheer saw shouting and shouted loudly.

She smiled after watching Che Er playing a set of swordsmanship and squinting at the sinking fish: "Sinking fish, you have been with me for four years, and you have also learned some martial arts to defend yourself. I wonder how martial arts progress today?"

Shenyu drew a flower petal and rubbed it there. He said for a long time: "Yuer has no mood to practice martial arts recently, so little progress!"

"What's going on? Fish!" Crowly asked, raising his eyebrows.

"I, I ..." Shen Yu suddenly lay on the trunk, and Yingying cried.

"I'm so shy, I'm so ashamed!" Cheer made a grimace and said crisply.

He gave a glance at Zi Mi and said, "Zi Mi, take Cheer to practice there, I have something to say to Yuer."

Selderly stretched his hand on the sinking fish's shoulder and asked with a smile: "Speak out if you have something! So you will feel better in your heart!"

Shen Yu whimpered and said what she saw when she returned to Tianjiacun. She wiped her tears at the end and said, "Fish, I really didn't expect that my father and mother were gone, and I have nightmares every day, but neither Dare to say to the lady, I see the lady is very busy, afraid ... to share the **** of the lady! "

Can't help but took out the handkerchief, wiped the tears in the corner of the eyes for the sinking fish, and sighed softly, "Fish, you are so stupid, how can such a big thing be held in your heart. In the future, I will be your loved one. , Everyone in this Water Dragon Island is your loved one, don't be sad! "

Shenyu looked up and stared at the sly with black eyes with tears.

"Miss, thank you, Miss!" Shen Yu said softly.

He shook his head and said, "Go and practice martial arts!"

Looking at the sinking fish disappearing in the flower forest, he squinted and stared for a while, called Beidou and Nanxing, and commanded: "You two, do nothing in the future, just watch the sinking fish. Be careful, don't let her Find."

Beidou and Nanxing nodded gently.

I wished that the Tianjia village was a natural disaster rather than a human disaster. She hopes that the sinking fish will always be an innocent sinking fish, not a fine work in her imagination.

Late at night.

In the palace, the man sat in front of the piano case, stroking the piano gracefully, and the sounds of the piano strings flowed in the quiet palace. On the red blanket in the middle of the hall, a woman in white is dancing to the music.

Her dance was light and graceful. A white cricket in her hand tangled around her as she danced. She was dancing to the place where the sound of the piano came to an abrupt end.

The man's jade hand held the strings, and the end sounds of the man dissipated in the temple.

His jade face fell, and in the dimly-lit temple, a layer of coldness was covered.

"Come on!" He said relentlessly, a faint glance of light gliding over the woman, showing a trace of cold chill.

Suddenly the woman took up the dance steps and stood stiffly on the red carpet. When she heard the man's words, her body trembled slightly, but she did not leave. Instead, he walked towards the man with his barefoot like a moon.

"Master, let the slaves dance for you again." The woman begged, with a bit of tenderness and sorrow between her eyebrows.

The man shrank his eyelashes, covering the light in the black eyes. He said lightly, "Even if you jump so well, even if this face resembles her, it is not her, after all, go on!"

There was a faint flash of light between the women's eyes, she bit her lip, her expression sullen, and she said, "Master, do you really like her?"

The stingy man heard the words, his eyebrows froze, and a smile arose from the corners of his lips, as if the knife and axe were engraved.

He got up, stretched out his fingers and raised the woman's beautiful jaw, his eyes gradually deepened, like a deep black hole, which could attract people's hearts.

The woman stared deeply at the bright eyes in front of her, she felt that her heart had fallen deeply, and she could no longer help herself. The breathing between the neck gradually became heavy, and the man's kiss fell gently on her delicate collarbone, and then moved down.

He reached out and overthrew the piano case in front of him, and on the red carpet in the temple, he tore off the white dance clothes on the woman.

"How can I like her? Never!" He said coldly, blowing in the woman's ear.

The cold voice was instantly drowned by a voice of ****.

The dark moonlight outside the window, the dark room, the man's face was buried in the woman's dark hair, and his eyes were cold and clear.

He sits alone by the window, and on the wooden case in front of him, there are teapots and tea cups. The tea in the cup is clear and transparent, and the light of the sun is shining in the sunset.

"Miss, there is a post to Yimai Island!" Zi Mi's gentle voice sounded outside the door.

I was a little surprised, but did not expect Mo Xunhuan will come to post.

"Send in!" Seoren said, holding a tea cup and taking a sip of herbal tea.

The door curtain was lifted, and Zi Mi came in slowly.

看看 "Look at what's being said?" Cather asked.

Zi Fan opened the post and looked at it carefully, saying: "Miss, Yi Monarch Mo Chuan invites Miss to come to Yimai Island to enjoy the flowers tomorrow!"

"Appreciation of flowers?" Secretly smiled, his eyes were dim with autumn water.

Mo Xun Huan is not as simple as inviting her to enjoy flowers.

Xishuilong Island and Yimai Island belong to the East China Sea and can be regarded as neighbors. In fact, they should visit Yimai Island. However, the warnings about the smoke-free day and night have never gone.

"Purple fan, do you say I should go?" Secretly whispered.

Zi Mi Ning Mei thought for a moment and said, "Zi Mi thinks it's okay for the lady to visit. No matter what, he is afraid to treat the lady at present. If the lady doesn't go, it seems that the lady is wary of him.

He shook his head, and Zi Mi said it makes sense, "You go down first, I think about it!"

Zi Mi stepped back slowly, leaving her alone in the room, she could face her own mind alone.

Twilight daylight reflected the blooming flowers outside the window, and the rich floral fragrance through the window smoked a little dizzy. She enjoyed the moment of leisure and loneliness.

Why, in the end, she has always been indifferent, still involved in these boring world disputes, it seems that she always wants to get out, but someone always pulls her in. She thought she would be free when she arrived in the East China Sea, but unexpectedly, the crisis may be with her all the time.

Since she ca n’t get away, she really played it again. In this chaotic situation, you have to look at it, she is not the kind who can easily lose!

She decided to go to Yimai Island. Even if Mo Xunhuan had any attempt, he should not have any action at this time. When she went to Yimai Island, she just took the opportunity to investigate.

On the second day, in the early morning, he took Zi Mi and Beidou Nanxing and took a boat to Yimai Island. Two hours later, they had reached the waters off Yimai Island.

Wu Yaoyao saw the moat and the towering tower, and the scene of the war that day came to mind again. Thinking of Mo Xunhuan's sister who had fallen from the tower and died, there was a sadness in her heart.

The shoucheng city saw the flag of Lingbo on the sea, and opened the water gate early.

He unexpectedly expected that the city of Yimai Kingdom was so orderly.

Wucheng Center is the palace room of the monarch. With the palace room as the center, it radiates eight roads and divides the entire city into eight areas. Layers of houses are built in each area, including bazaars, inns, pavilions, wine shops ... everything is in order.

I walked along the Qingshi paved road and soon arrived at Mo Xunhuan's palace room. I saw that Mo Xunhuan had already met her in front of the palace door.

Today, Mo Xunhuan is wearing a monarch's imposing manner, a large brocade, embroidered with dragons on the cuffs, a jade band with gold threads around the waist, a jade crown hoop, and a sparkling bead on the crown.

Mo Xunhuan, who has always been simple and simple, is so dressed. However, I have to admit that he looks noble and elegant, and has his own majestic kingliness.

Seeing Seisei, he strode forward, smiling slightly, his lips dazzling with gentle waves.

"Surther!" He called her name gently, saying nothing else. Big hand stretched out to hold her hand.

Falcon stared at the light, smiled and avoided his big palm, and said clearly: "Is this your palace?"

He Mo Xunhuan smiled and said, "Go, I will take you in."

The palace room of Mo Xunhuan is not towering, but it is full of noble spirits, pillars of white marble, and white marble walls, looking far away, like a cloud perched on the ground.

The two passed through the cloister Lishe and came to the temple.

Someone prepared a banquet for a long time, and the palace ladies presented delicious food. There are no other guests, only surly.

"I don't know what flowers the monarch made me appreciate?" Seiring Yingying smiled.

He Mo Xunhuan heard that he called his monarch again. Although his face was still indifferent, he could not see his emotions. However, the breath of the whole body was obviously cold for a moment.

"If you call me the monarch, then I will call you the King of the Dragon Girl." His mellow voice showed a slight dissatisfaction.

Read The Duke's Passion