MTL - The Wizard World-~ Chapter 628 Ground Trip 1

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Converging thoughts, Angley turned and continued to look down to the college, thinking for a long time.

It was only after the sun gradually went down, and the sky appeared a sickle month, and he only sighed softly.

Stretching out his right hand, holding a green jade column on his palm, crystal clear, like a test tube filled with green liquid.

This is what he received before the day before. Like the last invitation, it was also a sudden and inexplicable thing to fly. This thing Angile also checked, no function except the meeting shimmer.

But just after the arrival of the monster, this thing faintly began to produce power fluctuations.

He gently tossed the green jade column and let it float in front of himself.

Just as well, Yuzhu actually melted and turned into a group of green liquids. An invisible mental shock is transmitted from the inside.

"His Angley, I met for the first time, I am Atlanta." The voice paused and continued. "Or the name may be unfamiliar to me. But I said another name for me, you must know me. The identity of me. My other identity is the guardian of the world."

Angley has a pair of eyes.

"World Guardian? Are you sure?"

"I need to lie to you?" Atlanta couldn't hear the sex, smiled slightly. "I want to hold a party right away. If you are interested, you can come and see. I have been in the gem sea for so long. I saw a sorcerer who broke through the boundaries."

"Party? Then how can I get past?" Anglia chose to believe the other person's words for the time being. After all, this powerful mental shock can't be faked. He can feel that the other party should be at least around seven or eight.

"This liquid will guide the direction. The time of the party is five years later. You have already reached the limit. Some things that are too much to break the balance are still less. After all, our level is likely to cause the world to collapse, but it is The exclusion of the power of the world is not good."

Angrid naturally does not say that he has long been rejected by the power of the world. After sinking, I will reply.

"It’s time to get it in five years. In addition, your identity should be Haizu? So why didn’t you appear in the last Haizu war?”

Atlanta chuckled: "I have changed the body of more than a dozen races. Do you want me to take care of all these races one by one? For us, once we break the boundaries, life expectancy will be greatly extended. Disputes in local areas, even if all the creatures are dead, what is the relationship? We are guarding the world. Not a natural change in the world."

Angley did figure out what it meant.

"Another point, even if I break through the boundaries, don't you just ask me to invite a conversation? Or say"

"Or, do you think that the fluctuations that overflow when you start, I can't feel it? A little monster can feel it. Do you think that I don't even have it?" Atlanta laughed. "And the whole wizard world." There is a very strong old guy in the guardian, just as he has been here for me for hundreds of years."

"Understood." Angley is completely clear about all the reasons, "Invited me to take it, but before I go there, I have to go to the bottom, and I will come back and see if I can't catch up."

"This is natural."

The green liquid is re-formed into a jade column. Fall into the hands of Angli.

Anglia will mirror its income space. Digested the news from Atlanta and stood quietly on the balcony for a while.

"Your, dinner is coming, are you eating right away?" The crisp maid voice came from behind.

Angrid turned back into the tower.

“Is my information ready?” He sat down at the table and picked up the dark brown soup.

"Everything is ready." The maid was in a black dress and respectfully answered.

"That's good, I am going to leave this evening to inform Andy them."


While Angley is eating, he is sorting out the current situation.

Soon, Andy walked in with a roll of black paper. "Your, your map is ready, the information of all the organizations is listed, and the data is purchased from the White Wizard to make up for the defects. This is the most complete version."

He handed over the black paper.

Angliel took the silk scarf and wiped it clean, and the paper was gently spread.

In the rubbing of the pages of the book, the black paper slowly spread into a large map of more than one meter. The red line on the black bottom is densely lined with a large number of staggered and repeated routes, and it also marks many complicated place names and special dangers.

Angrid scanned it all and recorded it in the chip, and nodded with satisfaction. Roll up the map and put it aside.

"What about other things? Are you ready?"

"Yes, I can leave at any time." Andy answered with respect.

"When I am away, you have to rely more on the two great wizards of Mila, and my two friends will also help the college at key times." Angley sinks. "Okay, you can go down."


Anglia sat at the table and didn't want to eat or wave at all. The maid suddenly came over to start the table and clean up the dishes.

Anglia sat in the chair, his hand on the table, and his fingertips stirred to play with a light blue silk thread. The silk thread looked a bit translucent and slightly fluorescent.

"The power of time and space" Angrid hesitated. "This sudden emergence of the keeper, Atlanta, certainly has the work of monitoring the balance of the world. My appearance should have destroyed the balance of the world to some extent. So he came out. Although it is a little troublesome, he may also get information about him from time and space. These senior guardians must know more secrets. And my ancestor imprint may also be able to break through from him. There are only five years, during which time I can go to the bottom of the ground and see that there is hope in the dark mother tree."

After finishing, Angley got up and went down the minaret. Andy, with a group of high-level colleges, has been waiting under the tower, and there are many general wizards and apprentices.

Under the crowd of people, the group went out of the college and walked toward the original site of the original college that Ram had answered.

Andy explained as he walked. “The college has been attacked many times, so the migration distance is a bit far. The original school site is the ruins of the most primitive ancient city, but the ruins are very strange. It has stood for thousands of years. It is still intact. It is our Ram. A wonderful scene answered. In addition, this is also the place where you have traveled across the sea to study, and you must be familiar with it. Sometimes we need to experiment with black witchcraft, or"

Andy carefully introduced the situation here. Angrid nodded as he listened.

The rest of the wizards, especially the wizards who participated in the Battle of the Northern Alliance. Including Hillary, as well as the head of each department, the president of the branch. All of them are respectful to the extreme, all of them put themselves in the position of the subordinates of the younger generation, and from time to time they look at Anglia’s sight, they are full of awe and pride.

Only the wizard who truly saw the battle can personally feel the horror of the horror and defeat the attack of the Northern Alliance. Most of these wizards have become Angers' fanatics and advocates.

The group was under the protection of a large number of apprentices and knights. Smoothly came outside the sallow sand city.

The magical Moragugu has been waiting respectfully at the bridgehead. On his side, standing two beautiful girls, all dressed up exquisitely, revealing the slender thighs and the majority of the chest.

The three people saw Angels and his group coming over and quickly bowed down slightly.

The two women bent over at the same time. Suddenly exposed the white half of the chest.

Anglia frowned. "Don't do anything extra."

On the other side, Andy’s heart jumped and quickly made a look at the two girls. The two immediately left with some fearful resignation.

Mora摹gu laughed twice. "I have already said that adults do not need this kind of goods. The night elf empire is not a lot of goods, so you need to bring your own?"

Anglia swept a faint glimpse of him, and Mora was suddenly stunned and quickly converges.

"Let's go straight to the entrance. It's enough for me and Mora. The others are back."

"The adult night empire has always been to the surface people," Hilissa worried. "While you are strong, if there is no one to take care of, just be surrounded."

"I have my own plans." Anglia held his hand. Take the lead to the stone bridge.

The rest of the seniors quickly hurry up to catch up.

A group of people entered the ancient city, passed through the desolate and dusty buildings, and soon turned into a wide khaki square.

In the middle of the square, at the position of a square take-off point, several black robe wizards are waiting, and their hands are lifted up, releasing a circle of black ripples.

All the corrugated twists are combined into a round black hole with a faint black enamel inside.

When Angley and others approached, they felt the chill of the stocks that were constantly emerging in the black hole.

"You stay, it's enough to send it here." Angliel waved and stood in front of the entrance. "Who is responsible for the situation of the Dark Empire?"

"Back to the grown-up, it is me, Wellin." The prophecy was long, and a young wizard from the team stood up.

"Talk about the situation."

"Yes, sir." Welling sorted out the idea and slowly opened his mouth.

"The night elf empire is now in a period of division. There are three major forces competing for the supreme kingship. The strongest party is headed by the queen of spiders. The second is the night elf prince who is the singer of the scorpion, and the last is the orthodox supported by the dark tree. Prince Nonosey."

“Is the attitude toward the landmarks the same in all three aspects?”

"Not the same, in which Prince Nonosi hated the race on the surface, and the other two parties all have interests to cooperate. If there is no interest, there is no such thing as an attitude." Wei Lin continued. "The entrance you are about to enter is the occupation of the prince of the elves." The rumored elf prince holds the top artifact of the spider goddess."

"Continue to say something else." Anglia interrupted him. "What about her dark mother tree? What is her attitude?"

"The night mother tree is the most sacred existence of the entire empire, its status is infinitely lofty, and its attitude remains neutral. The specific location is also marked on the map. In addition to the night elves, you also need to pay attention to the **** aristocrats that have been handed down from the ancient nightmare world."

"Blood aristocracy? For example, such as a hundred eyes?" (to be continued.)