MTL - The Wizard World-~ Chapter 621 bottom gas 2

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Anglia hugged his hands around his chest and calmly looked at the scene below Purgatory.

"A simple wizard's hand heats up, and no one can resist this level?"

"Devil!! You demon!!" The female elf wizard on the side screamed palely. "There are hundreds of thousands of people below!! You actually got your hand!"

Angrid only took a glimpse of her. "It’s just a small tribute to the hospitality just now. So far, tens of thousands of people have died, what are you worried about?"

At this time, the sound that was amplified by witchcraft came from the bottom, and the voice of Saladin the Great trembled and asked loudly.

"Respected great powerhouse, what do you want? All that Saladin has to offer to you! Just ask you to quell your current anger!"

The entire Saladin was completely convinced.

Angrid showed a satisfied smile. This time, the shot was taken both to obtain the land and to show the level of power of the family to deter the security of the family territory.

After a long time in Saladin, Anglia and the Sea Elf Emperor set a flame treaty. The land of the original Rudin Kingdom was returned to the Leo family and peacefully coexisted in the next 100 years. Various materials for millions of gold coins.

Angrid was satisfied with the return. After the port was re-interpreted, the affairs of the family were arranged. After leaving a lion head, lurking to protect the family's safety, he flew directly across the sea to the gem sea.

This time, the return to hometown for more than three months has finally come to an end. He finally went to the college to look at it, and then went directly to the underground to find the night mother tree.

As for the hometown, if there is no problem, he will not come back within a few years.

After spending a few weeks, he went directly to the ancient city of Ram. Nearby, just once I went back, I was warmly greeted by the college wizards who had been waiting for a long time.

After entering the college, Angley learned about the situation at random, and as a graduate student, he participated in the graduation and back-to-school celebrations that were specially postponed by the college. At the same time, it is known that the underground channel is automatically opened once a year. Now that the time has not arrived, it is decided to stay in the college for a while and wait for the channel to open.


After a few months...

In front of a stone room at the back of the college, two black lights were slowly dropped. Turned into two black robe figures.

One person is a hawk head, while the other person has two heads directly, one male and one female.

"Andy, Hillary, ask to see Angris."

The two people shouted loudly. At the same time, the right hand shot, flying a little silver light into the gray stone room.

Suddenly, the stone chamber door slowly separated to the sides. A dark tunnel is exposed and extends downwards.

The two did not hesitate, went straight into the tunnel, went down, and followed the tunnel for a few minutes. The tunnel stone wall is getting redder. It is getting hotter and the temperature is rising.

The two released a deep blue cooling rune, which slowly swirled around the body and continued down.

quickly. In front of the tunnel exit, a glaring red light came in from the exit, almost people could not open their eyes, and a crowd of heat waves continued to face.

The two went out of the tunnel. Go straight into a small rotunda.

At the center of the hall is an elliptical red magma pool. On the edge of the pool, a young man with a top body is immersed in the Anglia.

He closed his eyes and seemed to be taking a nap. He heard footsteps. He slowly opened his eyes and swept the two people in.

"Is there something?"

Andy, the deputy dean of the college, hurriedly respected: "Angrid, because of the actions of the Saladin Empire, the people of the Sea Wizards Union are coming to the door. They said, I hope you give a reasonable explanation."

“Explain?” Angrid laughed, gently picking up a pour of magma on his body, and the skin was not burned. “What explanation do they want? How many people are there?”

Another college professor of destruction, Hillary, stood up and answered. "There are three wizards. The leader is the nine-headed sea snake blue moon. Because you let go of his apprentice, the Terin wizard, the attitude is not bad."

"In addition, the messenger of the Sixth Ring Tower, the messenger of the White Tooth Castle, and the representatives of the Northland Alliance, the Witch Cottage and other wizards of large and small organizations, all came to the college. All came to visit you." Di added. "There are too many representatives. Once there is a problem dispute... I hope you..."

Come and ask for Angri, Andy is also a bit uneasi as a deputy dean of the college. The Haizu Wizards Alliance and the Land Wizards have always been ignoring the rivers. Everyone is half-pounded, and everyone is not too far away, but this time because Angliel's movements in Saladin were too great, and many wizarding organizations actually joined forces to put pressure on Ram's academy. Many of his old friends have also come personally.

The entire college has reached a point where it is so stormy. Once there is a problem, even if he is a high-level associate, he will barely share the same color. However, once the war breaks out and there is no top suppression, the entire college may be destroyed.

However, this time the wizards gathered, it is good for the college, it is also good.

The return of Angile's incomparably powerful wizards faintly represents the powerful forces after graduation from the college. The impression of the graduation sorcerer of Ram’s college has changed dramatically and become more mysterious, unpredictable and powerful. There will be more taboos for the college that Ram has answered.

Who knows when this school will come up with a powerful wizard who doesn't know the level?

A slap in the face of thousands of people plus two knights, this feat, there is no level three to think about it. In this era, the second-level wizards are already the elite leaders of the major organizations, and the third level? It is the top of the organization, has been reclusive, all the old guys who have lived for hundreds of years.

In recent years, Ram has responded that the life of the previous generation has been exhausted and there have been signs of declining. Therefore, every few years, a move to convene a graduation wizard is held to strengthen the strength and stability of the college.

It’s hard to come out now and have a strong presence, just to be famous. In the future, in the land witch organization, recruiting students can also make a name for themselves. With students, there are resources, and with resources, the wizards have the hope of development. This is a virtuous circle.

Thinking of this, Andy's original low head is more respectful. For a horrible wizard who has lived for more than 800 years, his second-level liquefied wizard, who is only two hundred years old, is not worth mentioning. Moreover, if this gathering of Angrid succeeded in making a name, then the entire college was completely famous, and climbed from the second-rate organization to the first-class level. Having such a strong academic presence is equivalent to the best amulet of the entire college.

He understands these reasons, and everyone else in the college knows. Angile is naturally clearer.

He sank.

"What is the highest level of graduation sorcerers who are returning to the college now, except for me?"

"The strongest one. It is the West Delhi Kathy sorcerer who has just traveled back. The spiritual level is secondary gasification. I am coming back to the college to prepare for the impact of liquefaction." Andy replied quickly. “Need to summon them?”

"No," Angley glanced at him. "What else is there, let me say it all together, I will deal with it. The double-headed people can't hide things in their eyes."

Andy sneered.

"There are two more things, a necromancer of the college. It caused a lot of trouble in the Baixue Valley. When the Northern Alliance Wizards competed for an ancient magical device, it opened the seal of the ancient monsters. The high-level went. I couldn’t catch the released magic. Now the two human kingdoms on the edge of the entire White Snow Valley are suffering. We and several wizards set up a hunting alliance to jointly kill the monster. But many times Without success, the monster is getting stronger and stronger, and now we can't do anything about it."

"Another thing. It is also related to the Northern Alliance. They sent people to directly occupy the three star-shaped mines belonging to the college. And they clashed with our chief new wizard, Paramount, and now they are still crazy to send people to kill. Paramount, we need to define the attitude of our attitude..."

"Does this little thing have to be solved by myself?" Anglia frowned.

"No, in fact, the top of the college can also solve, but without your support, this is the bottom of the ..." Andy carefully explained.

Anglia knows what he means. This kind of thing is not very big to say, but it belongs to an attitude of the outside school, and if it is not helpless, they will not come to him with a thick face. The problem now is that the college can solve it, but once it provokes the other three levels of wizards, there is no way to resist it.

Thinking about it, Angley decided to clearly state his attitude. After all, here is the college that has trained him, the alma mater.

"When you go out to meet other representatives of the wizarding organization, you can solve it together. In addition, you send people to rescue the Paramount first. Our school's wizards, but no one else can discipline them! If there is blocking resistance, directly Kill the people. I remember the White Snow Valley on our site? Is there a problem?"

Andy and Hillary were overjoyed: "Thank you for Anglia."

"Nothing, I am also a part of the college. It is just getting me on the head of the college." Anglia waved his hand. "But my family has to worry about it."

"This is what it should be...should!" The two men continued to squat.

"Well, you go out first, I will take it out for a while."

The two quickly retire and quit, walked up the tunnel and quickly disappeared into the darkness.

Anglia is quietly immersed in magma. This magma is not a general stone melted, but a special red lotus fruit juice. The Chinese fruit juice has an amazingly high temperature. When the mixture is melted, the magma formed is the water that he is now soaking.

This kind of magma has no other effect except energy guiding. But it is suitable for Angile to dissipate the increasingly powerful spill energy.

Back in the college, he has officially become the backstage wizard of the entire college, rising to the level of strategic level. Some of the benefits that the original college had to retreat also regained strong support. All the trainees and mentors and sorcerers were all in high spirits, standing behind a top-ranking strongman. Everyone felt emboldened, and when they were dealing with other organizations, they spoke a lot louder. In the past 100 years, a backlog of resentment has finally got a chance to get a catharsis. For a time, the probability of conflicts between students from other places and other wizards is growing.

Finally, the wizard organization was brought together to confirm the true strength level of Angri. (To be continued)