MTL - The Wizard World-~ Chapter 619 blood 2

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Angrid did not expect the family to do this, but this is also a practice, and he is not good to refuse. Without leaving a trace of blood in the family, the family will not be assured, and it is also a proof for other surrounding power wizards.

Into the bedroom, did not let the maid light, he directly retired the two maids still arranged in the room, let them go out, this is directly lying on the white silk bed. Half-dreamed and asleep, I slept.

I don't know how long it took. When I woke up, he felt his hand fall into a soft, damp heat, and the girl's sighs were heard clearly in the ear.

Open your eyes, in the dark room, two girls who are squatting are kneeling beside them, one of them is holding his hand tightly underneath himself.

Even without light, Anglia's night vision ability can clearly see any skin of the two girls.

"Hey Phil? Still?"

"Julis, my name is Julie!" Another girl quickly said her name.

Angrid hasn't touched a woman for a long time, and her heart is hot. She gently puts the two girls in one hand, picks them up, and puts them on the big bed.

"You are not afraid of me?" He looked at the two girls with interest.

"Not afraid! You are the greatest person in our family! Why are we afraid of you!" Yan Feier firmly answered.

"Forget it, then look at luck, maybe you can leave a little proof for the family." Angley ripped off his clothes, first grabbed Phil, and slowly squeezed his hands on him.

Throughout the night, the sisters of the Philippine were all exhausted, without the slightest force, or Angile rattles the waiters to come in and help the two to leave. Although they have a lot of physical health resistance, they can't stay with him for a long time. If they stay for a long time, they will have problems.

This night he knew that this was just the beginning. Next, every night, two or three girls take turns to enter the room at night. They know that Angley has something to deal with during the day, so rest at night is the only chance.

Anglia has never been so ridiculously silvered, thirteen girls, and each of them has done at least three times in twenty days.

He himself actually wants to leave a trace of blood for the family. This is what he promised Vivi, not just the blood of the Leo family, but also the blood of Finnel!

But unfortunately, he is too strong, and the physical instinct is extremely powerful for the automatic control of energy. Even so many times, he feels little hope. Just the gambling probability. Can you be pregnant, everything depends on luck, and he can't stay here all the time.

After simply explaining the matter, Angley officially handed over the slate book that was opened to Vaena and other patriarchs to manage it together, and at the same time explained the danger and inheritance of the slate book. Those who do not have the blood of the family will fall into various dangers, hallucinations, spontaneous combustion, and poisonousness when they open them. Three kinds of dangers will make any wizard who spy on the book of slate learn the lesson. The above content is only eligible for family members to be seen, and at the moment of seeing, it will be forced to conclude a confidentiality contract, and it is not allowed to pass on to the second person to know the key content.

After all this has been done, people have revealed their whereabouts. The special book lets the people of White Castle know that Anglia has quietly left the port and headed straight to the first hometown. While exploring the countryside, you can also wait for the White Tooth Castle to see their reaction.

It is impossible for Karina to hand over, so in the end, where to succeed, it is necessary to wrench the wrist to see which side is hard. If there is no accident, the White Tooth Castle will definitely send people to contact directly. Angliel is very clear about this.

After all, he is a powerful wizard who has lived for more than 800 years. In order to make such a small thing provoke that the value is not worth it, this is a measure.

*********************** The pale yellow grass of the Anser Prairie stretches to the horizon. Like the vast, boundless yellow blanket, as the wind blows, the upper fluffs are layered with waves.

The sky was overcast, and thunderous sounds were heard from time to time.

Hey! !

A red meteor, passing over the grassland, dragging a long red tail flame, flew in the direction of the Kingdom of Ruding.

After more than ten minutes, the meteor descended and slanted to the boundary of the grassland below. There, there is an endless dark green sea.

The red light fell on a meadow in front of the woods, and the glow dimmed, revealing a man in a Chinese costume standing inside.

The man has a black red robes and a silver-red eye-catching figure on his left chest. A dark red long hair is soft and draped over the shoulders. The skin is pale and the face is not beautiful, but the eyes are faintly fascinating. As if two windows, connected to an unknown, bright and infinite dream world.

And in these eyes, there is still a stream of red light, giving a strange and mysterious feeling of femininity.

This person is from the port all the way, flying directly through the Anger column in Anse. He left the port three days ago, and there was no delay in eating and drinking in the middle, and he flew here directly. At the border of the Anser Prairie. Going forward is the endless sea of ​​the Kingdom of Rudin.

Standing in front of the tree sea, Anglia flashed a trace of nostalgia.

He walked slowly into the woods, slowly advancing in the forest, looking for. Soon, he found the place where he struggled with the two knights in the forest.

He was able to sense the strong emotional fluctuations that he had left here. The volatility that should have disappeared for many years, nowadays, has automatically condensed as it achieves its true body.

As an eight-level existence, their casual traces of every move are likely to last forever. Even the traces that were left when you were weak were the same. This is the power of the evil spirits, the power of the coherent pattern.

Anyone who enters the eighth grade will have this kind of time and space effect involving the past and the future. Even if it is the trace left by the weak hours, this special residue will occasionally occur.

The more powerful the real pattern, the more time it will affect, affecting the past. Angrid is now only because of the passive force to get a little such influence. When he truly understands time and space, no matter what the past and the present, all the traces related to him will change qualitatively and become something like the ancestor imprint. This influence is irreversible and will affect the functioning of the entire world.

This is why all the world resists the entry of other seals into themselves, not to mention the more powerful ancestor.

However, he does not have any feelings about time now. He just grabbed the power of time. The space comprehension only established the spatial structure model. This is the main role of the prostitute's blood talent. But this is the case, the distance completely meets the requirements of the ancestor level, that is, the realm of Xifan, at least two levels.

However, he did touch the edge of the ancestor of the achievement, so the real body pattern did start to change. Once the ancestor of achievement is achieved, all the traces of the past and the future will all gather up to the present and condense into one point. This is the true foundation of the ancestor.

Angrid only understands this step. After mastering time and space, it is the foundation of the ancestor. This is a stronger level above the peak of the eighth level. Only a little bit can break through.

And now he is only studying the space, it is still far away.

After returning to God, Angley turned a few laps in the place where he struggled in the past, and touched the big green tree. Although he knew that it was definitely not the woods of the year, Angrid only recalled it.

Leave here and fly along the forest road.

A few hours later, Ange listed it in a ruined stone ruin.

The ruins are all a pile of gray stone, it seems that a large building was built here.

Anglia’s strolling in the stone piles, this family castle, has now been ruined after hundreds of years of wind and rain. Recalling the life in the castle, Angile is still vivid.

After a few laps around the castle, Angley actually found several graves and set up a stone monument.

A total of three graves, like three half-headed hoes, stood three black stone monuments in front of the gray-white mound. The surrounding weeds are dense and the trees are dense.

Standing in front of one of the stone monuments, Anglia licked down the moss on the tablet, revealing the hidden text below.

‘The former best friend – Otis. ’

He went to the other two stone tablets and looked at it. The names on the moss were erased by the names of Kris and Lisa.

All three were the patriots of the baron.

"I didn't expect my father to come back and bury them."

Angley remembered that before he left, he told the soldiers to hang their heads on the top of the castle. I didn't expect the baron to quietly take it and bury it.

The sky was overcast, and soon the raindrops were slow and rushing.

In the woods of the rain, Angley stood in front of the grave, and all the raindrops disappeared on his body and disappeared. The rain hit the stone tablet and sputtered a tiny mist of water. In addition to the sound of rain, the forest heard any other sounds.

Re-standing on the land of his hometown, Anglia looked at the Otis grave in front of him, as if he could see where Odis was strong as a bear. This is a very wonderful feeling.

This land, the land under his feet, gives him a feeling of familiarity and strangeness. In the woods, in the grass, many plant bugs can be named casually, which is the information recorded in the chip when he left. I still remember it so far.

Leaving the graveyard and the original castle, Anglia crossed the border directly into the mirror of the Kingdom of Saladin.

Nowadays, Saladin has a huge momentum. The original elf empire of the elves has now expanded several times in size, annexed the kingdom of Luding, and several strong neighbors. The new generation of Saladin the Great claimed to be the Sea Elf King. It is said that the seas are behind the back.

This time Angley was the grievance of being forced to leave his hometown.

The Saladin Empire is a forest kingdom with a long marginal coastline and is therefore deeply connected to the sea.

Anglia went directly to the largest city of Saladin, ** Jiayun main city. It was already close to the sea, some distance from the Kingdom of Ruding, and Angler did not delay for a moment. When I met people directly, I asked for directions. I almost did not walk the road. Two weeks later, I arrived directly near the main city of Jiayun. Black dead wood forest.

(To be continued)

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