MTL - The Wizard World-~ Chapter 607 coming 4

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"It's no wonder that other people will not pass this. It still has this secret, but if it is all of this, it will be waste for a long time!" Angley finally looked at the wind and turned to walk to the West End.

"What do you want to do!!??" Xiwei moved his body in horror, but he was slammed by Anglia's ankle.

"Little guy, this is a lesson for you." Anglia bent over and pinched the neck of the West, and took the chicken like a hand. Directly thrown out of the boat, disappeared in the clouds in the blink of an eye.

In the vagueness, only the sharp screams of the West End can be heard.

The empty ship flew forward in the red light, dragging a long red tail flame in the sea of ​​clouds, and soon disappeared into the sky.

In the huge wind eye behind, the gray-white tornado is still spinning slowly and stably like a huge funnel. The surface of the funnel slowly emerged as a man's face tens of meters long, composed of countless gray dolomite gas.

The man quietly watched the empty ship disappear into the distant sky, leaving a faint red mark. This was a long sigh and re-entered into the eye.

"This person we can't afford, don't look for him again." A calm man's voice came out of the wind.

The two deputy leaders who followed the rapid flight in the back suddenly looked at each other and slowly stopped at the sea with a group of storm elements. Looking at the direction of the empty ship, the two looked at each other and saw a glimpse of the other side.

"Even the lord of the lord said that he could not afford it," said the male commander.

Others were silent, some storm elements clenched their fists, and their nails almost plunged into the palm. The atmosphere is dull and depressed.

"Receive the team!" The female leader raised her hand and flew straight toward the wind.

****************************After the number of clouds and seas, a group of three-headed eagle owls were surrounded by red halo, quickly turning black and head from Falling down at high altitude. Like the dumplings, hundreds of three-headed eagle owls died in an instant, and the rest of the horror turned away.

On the blue empty ship, Angley took back the red light of the body, faintly looked at the three eagle glances, the foot of the hull, the empty ship suddenly repaired forward

After a few miles, a blue empty ship flew past and another brown empty ship passed by.

A large group of snake lizards and birds flying around the brown empty ship were swept by a large red light, and suddenly turned into a charred body and fell down.

The apprentices and knights who were still struggling on the deck of the ship did not react. They saw that the snake lizard birds in front of them were all swept away by red light and burned themselves into a black body.

An old woman at the bow squats over the overhead of the blue empty ship.

Even with her blessings of witchcraft, she could only vaguely see that she was saved by a purple robes.

Angley has been at full speed for more than ten days, and did not stop at all. The mark on his body made his power climb sharply.

The original level of the middle level of the eighth grade, actually under the nourishment of the imprint, fiercely grow to the eighth level. There seems to be no limit to this increase in terror. There is no sign of looming.

The peak of the eighth level has reached the strongest level under the ancestor, and the next step is not that the improvement of power can be advanced, but that it requires a qualitative change. The ancestor is not the level that can be achieved by strength alone. They represent the source of no roots and represent the source of strength that never dries.

In order not to let the huge and powerful blood of the continuous disintegration collapse the body, Angley began to spontaneously exude its own power, let the power of the world help to suppress itself, and reduce the degree of strength of the body to a large extent. This will barely maintain a fragile balance.

In this way, although he may not be able to use the body to play the eight-level strength in the future, but this way, Angley always has a feeling, if the body is allowed to continue to be strong, I am afraid that the final result will be his own body. Die. The true body of one's own soul cannot withstand the constant flow of terrorist power.

Therefore, every time he encounters any opportunity to vent his power, he is not to be missed. Any object that encounters any polluting creatures or intercepts an empty ship on the way is burned directly by him in the high-heat field of the Son of the Sun.

The field of high heat is one of the fastest ways to consume power. As long as the temperature is high enough, the range is large enough, and the energy consumption rate will reach a very high level, which can be used to curb the growth of the body. .

Finally, a few days later, the empty ship looked down from the sky, and the vast and boundless gem sea in the west coast area was finally faintly visible. The blue sea of ​​gemstones, like a large piece of blue jade jade, crystal clear, reflected in the hot sun. Blue fluorescence.

Angrid's veiled face was faintly memorable, stepping on the deck, the empty ship tilting down, adjusting the bow, flying straight below.

"Finally home"

************************** Three large narwhal corpses floating in the blue waters of the sea somewhere in the gem sea, red blood and then The vast sea area is extremely bloody.

One of the white whales on the silver one-horned horn is standing firmly on a tall, translucent man.

His eyes were slightly closed, and there was a gray-and-white disc in the back. The black shadow cast by the pointer on the top was actually pointing directly above.

Suddenly, the shadow of the cockroach pointer whirls rapidly and makes a loud noise. After turning for dozens of laps, the pointer shadow suddenly stopped, pointing to the northerly position.

The man suddenly opened his eyes and the blue pupil shrank slightly.

"There was finally the man who took my key."

There are dozens of small faces on his face, including men and women, old and young.

"We also felt the person who stole the key to the shadows."

"Kill him! Kill him!!"

"Good hungry"

"Regain the key and regain control of the hourglass!"

"Nora! Time will prove that you are wrong."

The faces screamed loudly and each spoke their own words. Some are crazy, some are reprimanded, some are angry, some are hatred.

"Enough" the man whispered, "Time has proved that I am right. Can you not feel that I am strong now? This power has gone far beyond the most powerful period of our time. This is great Let us combine the power of time."

The faces on the faces of men slowly calmed down and restored their original normal faces and disappeared.

"The time will prove that I am right and will continue forever." His eyes glanced at the right hand side of the sea, his toes gently, and his body slammed into place, as if he had never appeared before.

After more than half an hour.

On the right side of the narwhal, two men suddenly emerged on the blue sea. They are all middle-aged people wearing black robes, and their faces are still unpredictable.

"I’m finally gone, he didn’t find us, is this madman not always active in the eastern waters?” How suddenly will he run here?” One of them whispered.

"I don't know when the axis was originally known as crazy blood. All the wizards who joined them were crazy. Who can predict the whereabouts of a madman?" Another person spit out the water in the mouth, but the direction of the guy’s departure seems to be Land, wouldn't it be ready to land? ”

"If it is really going to land, then it will be a big problem. No one can cure this monster on the entire West Coast."

The two looked at each other and saw a little worry from the other side's eyes.

************************* The gem sea is near the blue sea, a blue empty ship is flying straight down and slamming into the squat In the sea.

boom! !

The hull of a hundred meters on the empty ship plunged into the sea, stirring up a wave of white waves, and a wave of several meters high spread out. The water splashed and fell on the surrounding sea, like heavy rain, and a little water ripple.

The front half of the hull plunged into the sea, and the latter half was lifted high and was sinking down. On the deck of the ship, Anglia was wearing a purple robes, a purple veil, and a hood, showing only a pair of fluorescent red eyes.

With a gentle step on his feet, his whole person flicked a few meters high, and his right hand quickly painted several symbols in the air.

"Ai Bingsi (floating)!" sang a witchcraft sentence in the mouth, and Angley's body naturally floats in the air.

Looking down at the empty ship that was sunk, Angley turned to look to the left, where there was a golden beach with a dense black coconut grove.

The body tilted slightly forward and Angley flew straight toward the beach. But in half a minute, it fell gently on the beach.

"Where is it here? It seems that I am too fast, far beyond the normal route stop."

He stretched out his fingers and slowly drawn a red semicircle in the air, which automatically flashed a picture of the sun and a moon. The picture flashed, and then a translucent old man's face emerged.

"I haven't used the West Coast witchcraft for a long time, I really miss it." Angley looked at the face and smiled at the corner of his mouth. This is a simple little witchcraft that asks for the direction. It is the temporary condensing of the earthy rocky sea water under the foot. A spiritual surname asks for the information it needs and then compiles it into a readable language through a witchcraft model.

"Which direction is the kingdom of Ram's answer?" he asked softly.

The old man’s face hesitated. "The ships of the past have gone along there." His eyes looked at a coconut grove on the right hand side of Angri.


Anglia waved away the transparent face.

"Since the entrance to the school that Ram has answered, it is easy to find the kingdom of the college that Ram has answered. Just take a look at Lennon, and the family of Dimos and the little one don't know how it is. ”

He shook his head gently and smiled awkwardly. "I am getting more and more old." Toe a little, his whole person instantly turned into a flame, disappearing in the same place, between the coconut trees hundreds of meters away, vaguely another. The dark red flame of the group was fleeting.

(To be continued)