MTL - The Wizard World-~ Chapter 605 second coming 2

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The red-haired female knight and the male apprentice seem to have sensed that Anglia and another woman have not modified their bodies, and that the eyes of the two have also faintly deeper distance and rejection.

"There is still a long time from the destination. It is rare for us to get together. It is better for everyone to know? I will introduce myself first. My name is Caia, and I am currently a third-class apprentice." The male apprentice suddenly opened the way. . "The lower bunk, it's your turn." His lower bunk is the knight on the face.

The horsewoman opened her eyes and her arms were behind her head.

"Hey, knight." She whispered, her tone plain and natural.

The red-haired female knight inadvertently put on a sultry posture with a smile on her face. "Selena, third-class apprentice."

"I am Green. I don't need to mention the grade." Angile's faint self-introduction did not explain the order.

"Your eyes are very beautiful, and the clothes are also very tasteful." Serena was obviously interested in Anglia, who had a good temperament. She looked up and looked up, inadvertently revealing the deep groove of the chest, just from Anglia. The angle can be seen clearly.

Since she was found to be a wizard, she has always relied on her body to climb up step by step. The poor qualifications made her try her best to reach third-class apprentices, but it is no longer possible to expect to be promoted. So I plan to go to the West Coast and enjoy the rest of my life.

"Thank you for complimenting." Angliel smiled and his eyes were like the most crystal red jade crescent. "Your size is not bad."

Feel free to chat with the red-haired female knight for a while, then it is time for lunch.

Four people came out of the room. Turn around the corridor and enter a large cafeteria hall.

There are rows of metal tables and chairs in the hall, and some people have already sat in their seats to concentrate on eating. The cafeteria also has a window dedicated to selling food dishes.

Anglia lined up in a window to make a standard dish, big egg rolls, vegetable salad, stewed goose soup, and large portions of white bread and roasted double-headed pork.

Holding a large plate of food, I found a place to sit down and I was preparing to fork the food for dinner. The red-haired female knight Serena suddenly sat next to her, and the dishes in her hand were next to the Anglia plate. The food on the top was obviously much better than the Anglia.

The other male apprentice, the Asian, also sat opposite. There is also a standard plate in the hand. He recruited the female knight who was sitting in a corner not far away.

"Hey, how do you do it alone? Come and eat together."

The nephew looked at this side. "No. You eat." She bowed her head and swallowed her food quickly.

"It's all a companion to a room. It's not good to eat together." The whispered a few words.

"I am going to call her." Serena got up and rushed, and when she pulled up her nephew, she went to this side. Both of them were knights, but it was obvious that Serena’s power was much larger than her nephew. You must be strong. Although the latter continued to quit and broke free, it did not help to be dragged directly.

The two sat side by side, when Anglia and the Asians noticed the plates in the hands of the deaf children. There are only two black breads and a glass of water in it. The end of a loaf of bread has been bitten a lot.

This plate was placed on the side of the three-person plate, which was particularly dazzling.

Serena is obviously deliberate. She stood upright and took the shoulders of her nephew.

"Why are you going to eat this worst dish? This dish is the most nutritious, keep your body not like you? Come, these eggs are for you." She dumped all her eggs. Into the children's dinner plate. It is completely indistinguishable whether she is kind or malicious.

"Don't..." The nephew refused again and again, but still could not resist the enthusiasm of Serena.

Anglia and Caia looked at each other, did not speak, and each ate their own food.

After lunch, the four people returned to the room together, and Serena began to wander around Angrid to ask the question. The Asian continues to read books. Since the canteen, the nephew has a distressed blush on his face. He doesn’t know what to think when he is lying on the bed.

Anglia chatted with Selena casually and carefully sensed his physical condition.

He converges on all his breath and spirit, and the ancestor's imprint is suppressed. At present, the body is at most an ordinary person. Surprisingly, the ancestral imprint did not cause any damage to him. In addition to suppressing his transmission and shuttle to the world, he is still nourishing his body's strength. As time went by, he felt that his true body was inflated day by day, and his strength rose linearly. It seems that there is no end.

This crazy expansion, the speed even reached the point where he himself was somewhat worried. Because the six-armed snake demon sage gives him a custom-made body, there is a limit. Once the force breaks through the limit, the body will be directly blasted. When the world's intestines are damaged, the body has already received a lot of damage. Now With this increase, the body is likely to be directly blasted and broken.

The empty ship has passed for more than ten days.

Selena had been very natural and intimate when chatting with Angri, but no matter what she hinted, Anglia had no action on it. Instead, pay more attention to another female knight.

Since the day of the canteen, the deaf children have come back to the plate every morning and completely smashed the meal time with others. Some of the on-off snacks provided by the ship, as well as the convenience service, she refused, apparently the economic situation was extremely bail-out.

Sometimes because there is no hot water supply service, the baby washes clothes and bathes every time and it is cold and shivering. The temperature at high altitude is as low as an extreme level, and even the Cavaliers' physical fitness is hard to bear. In the end, Angrid let the empty ship staff supply her with hot water, which was calculated directly with her own account.

Angrid always felt that when she saw the nephew, she felt the feeling when she met Weilette. When I was on the boat to go to school, the same apprentice companion, the girl swordsman was so hard.

This incident also made the nephew look down at Angile every time, and his face was blushing. The high-altitude hot water supply is inherently valuable, and it is a small expense for Serena. Far above the food. This made the deaf feel unbearable, but she also knew that if she refused to continue to use cold water, she would probably fall ill directly on the boat, and no one would pay attention to her burden.

After such a hot water supply, a few days later, the nephew finally found Angri, alone, and he went to the deck of the ship.

There is no one on the deck. The extremely low temperature makes it impossible for anyone to idle and go to the deck. Only when the crew adjusts the hull will it come out several times.

Anglia and his nephew stood at the stern. The back of the cabin entrance.

"Don't help me with hot water, I can't afford it." She looked at Angrily calmly.

She spent all her savings and bought a ticket back to the West Coast, but she didn’t have much money. After boarding the ship, I did not expect the hot water supply to be so expensive. If the apprentices may be fine, you can use witchcraft to heat a small amount of water, but a knight does not have this convenience. Can only endure cold water. The special water provided on the ship is softened water that will never freeze. The temperature is as low as minus 40 degrees. After several consecutive times, the children are almost frozen. Just wipe the body with a towel and almost fainted in the shower.

"It doesn't matter, I just do what I want to do." Anglia's voice came from the masked scarf. He didn't expect a simple trip, he met a horsewoman who was very similar to his former companion. This is just a nostalgia for my memory.

At the beginning, he refused Willyette's midnight dedication because of his unbearable burden. Now, in retrospect, looking at the strong and stubborn girl in front of him, there will always be a sense of overlap in time and space.

"I can't afford it. For a character like you, I don't have anything you can see. What do you want to do?" The child was a little vigilant.

"You are like a companion of mine, a companion many years ago, nothing more. Well, don't think too much. Go to the main city of Storm Giants." Angrid smiled and turned away.

The nephew was behind him, biting his lip lightly, not knowing what he was thinking.

Three days later.

It is about to reach the scope of the storm vortex eye, which is the territory of the storm giant, and the empty ship begins to slowly detour to the right side.

Some passengers also decided to leave the boat from here and walk to the west coast. Anglia is also one of them. After bidding farewell to the baby and Serena. He went straight to the boat and took a tent in the woods to rest.

But he is not ready to walk, but is ready to see the storm giants who chased him to escape.

He waited for a long time in front of the wind, and soon waited for a smuggling empty ship. Prepare to venture through the wind. After all the people on the top were thrown away, Angley was alone in the empty ship and flew straight along the original route to the huge eyes of the storm giant.

The eye is a huge gray-white tornado on the sea level of the cloud. The huge spread is almost a little weaker than the abyss. It completely blocked the shortest path to the West Coast.

Anglia sat alone in a blue empty ship, rushed directly into the clouds, flew over the clouds, and slowly drove towards the gray-and-white tornado that was grounded in the sky. It took him two days and he finally approached the tornado. .


The white sea of ​​clouds is like a lot of white cotton laid on the ground. At the center, a huge gray funnel is slowly rotating, constantly stirring the surrounding white clouds.

On the left side of the funnel, the sea of ​​clouds, a blue fish-shaped empty ship is slowly coming, the surface reflects a touch of blue-gold sunlight.

Standing in the bow, a man in a blue-violet robes, standing with his hands, quietly looking at the huge tornado in the distance. The cold wind at high altitude continued to blow his robes and long red hair, and continued to roll backwards.

The man wears a purple-black veil and can only see a pair of fluorescent red eyes with a calm and calm look.

Hey! !

A blue lightning flashed through the tornado, and a small arc flowed over the surface, splitting out a group of spherical blue electric balls, swaying across the surface. Each electric ball has a football size.

One of the electric **** automatically flew to the blue empty ship and rushed to the robe man standing on the boat.


The man stretched his finger and flicked it. The electric ball burst like a soap bubble and the annihilation disappeared.

"Why is the alert mechanism?" The man slowly fell down the gauze, revealing Angley's pale face. Surprisingly, his face was covered with purple eyes, and each one was instigated and looked abnormal. Infiltrate people.

If he takes off his clothes now, you can see the whole body up and down. All the skin is covered with this kind of bean-sized purple human eyes. They grow on the surface skin as if they were living creatures. They can't dig them up and dig one. Two grow in length.