MTL - The Wizard World-~ Chapter 586 million bone tunnel 1

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"If, I mean, if someone can see this crystal ball, then it is my goal." The crystal ball swayed and the picture was aimed at the front of the wall.

The white tunnel looked forward, and there was a red-brown wooden door that was quietly embedded in the stone wall.

"Now, before I enter this unknown door, I need to make a record. Although I don't know when I can get out of the tunnel with the bone tunnel, it is a comfort and a thought." The woman's voice is hoarse and low.

The crystal ball screen is close to the wooden door, and the entire door is carefully and carefully photographed.

There are many people's mouths carved on the door, some are red, some are pale, some are black, the size is different, and dense.

These people have different mouth shapes, some seem to be screaming, others are crying and squatting.

"Okay, this is the location. This door is suddenly appearing. We are ready to go in."

The crystal ball picture is suddenly black.

Anglia brows slightly wrinkled and patted the surface of the ball without any reaction. The crystal ball was still dark.

After a few seconds, the sphere slowly turned brighter and replaced with a grayish black.

The woman’s hoarse voice was re-transmitted. Very rush, it seems to be breathing in the big mouth.

"Finally.... finally crystal ball is open?"

"Hit...opened." The voice of the little boy sounded, and there was a hint of panic in his tone. "Mom... what the **** was that?"

"Monster!, mom will protect you! Don't worry..." The crystal ball swayed a few times. It’s still dark, “Is the video ability broken? Just like this.... Now it’s the 345th day of entering the wooden door. I sent all my pets to stop the guy behind. Unfortunately, it’s useless, I I don't know how long it will last, but I am running back, maybe I hope I can escape from it before it catches up with us."


"Oh... baby... don't be afraid! There are mothers..." The hoarse female voice worked hard to calm the boy's fear.


The ball suddenly darkened.

After a while, the crystal ball finally lighted up. The woman’s voice also came out.

"That guy is coming again....It’s been two years... It’s still chasing after it... I don’t know what to do....may I just escape forever?”

The ball swayed a few times, aiming at a dirty gray-black woman, and the woman's head was scattered. The hair is gray and black, wearing a black coat, I don't know how long it has not been taken.

"Oh... don't be afraid of baby, mom is here...." The woman carefully held a little boy and comforted.

"Mom.... It hurts....." The boy was wrapped in black cloth, his face was pale, and there was no **** color. He was lying in the woman's arms.

"It's okay.... Mom is with you. Don't be afraid... Don't be afraid..." The woman shook her boy in her arms. "You are just a little sick, and it will be fine if you take a break."

"Mom..." The boy snuggled up on the woman's chest and fell asleep.

"It's okay.... Mom is by your side... Nothing... I won't let you have anything!! Absolutely!" The subtle white light faintly reflects the woman's face full of despair and fear.

Anglia frowned and looked at the picture in the crystal ball.

The picture went dark, and after a few more seconds, it turned on again. The sphere seems to be on the ground, just at one end of the channel.

The woman's head draped in the body of a stiff boy. Gently shaking, sing a lullaby softly.

"Shake, shake... shake and shake..." She slowly turned her back to the crystal ball, and occasionally bowed her head and bite something, then swayed toward the tunnel shadow.

Anglia clearly saw through the gap, she sang songs. While lifting the boy's arm, squatting, licking the residual shredded pork bones.

The boy's body is hands and feet. They were all left with bones, and even some bones were bitten in some places. The little boy’s eyes widened and his face was distorted with pain and despair.

The crystal ball was completely dark and there was no sound.

"What is this? From the sensibility to the madness of desperation?" Angley frowned and looked down the tunnel.

The straight Wangu tunnel was dark before and after, only the position where he stood, was illuminated by the fire of the shoulders for a distance of four or five meters.

The range of illuminating is all a piece of white bones, and the powdered bone powder is thick like sand dust, like snow without chill.

Put away the crystal ball, he went on, and the leather boots stepped on the bones carefully, constantly squeezing the bones.

Gradually, he speeded up, his body slowly floated and flew forward along the tunnel.


Two months later....


There was a sudden low humming sound in the tunnel.

Anglia had a brown leather armor and the surface was full of white bone powder. He slowly fell from the sky and looked at the dark tunnel shadow in front of him.

"Two months... How long is this tunnel? At the speed of my full flight, I haven’t seen the end for so long," he said to himself. "Fortunately, I set a timed tweet when I was eating. This kind of environment has been alone for a long time. I can't blame mental illness...."

There is still silence in the tunnel, only the voice of his own voice.

Falling to the ground bones, he began to look down at the bones to find useful relics.

The shields, weapons, and some jewellery and clothing that were submerged in the gray bone meal were thrown away by Angley. Suddenly white ashes were stirred up.


Anglia picked up a fairly good black silver belt and gently pulled it.

"It seems to be stronger than what was just started." He stroked the belt carefully, and the upper side slowly stimulated a thin layer of silver. Silver light was quickly absorbed into his hands. The belt is completely dimmed,

"Level 1 level..." Anglia flashed blue light at the bottom of the eye to determine the residual magic level of the item. "Good messy elemental energy.... If this is not the place to add elemental energy. How can I absorb this junk-mixed element that was previously invisible? The blood force must be supplemented by a lot of food. There are not many diets.... trouble..."

Lose the belt, and one of the cockroaches fell into the ashes, and a white bone powder was stirred up.

Angliel mirrored a few pieces of brown dried meat and a small lavender test tube from the waist space. Throw the dried meat into the mouth, chew it up, pull out the test tube stopper, and gently drink one or two.

After a few minutes of rest, he slowly floated up and flew straight toward the front tunnel.

The front channel is dark. It seems that there is never an end, straight ahead of the fellow country.

Unconsciously, it was two days passed.

On the left side of the front tunnel, there was finally a different scene.

A wooden door with a white border. It is quietly embedded in the white wall on the left side and is closed.

Angrid slowly fell in front of the wooden facade, his eyes slightly picked up. The body instantly ignited a dark red film.

He clung to the white doorknob and gently twisted it.


The crisp opening of the door slowly echoed in the tunnel.

The door reveals a seam that leaks out the red, **** blanket floor.

Gently push open the wooden door and a bright white light sprinkled on Anglia.

Behind the door is a spacious red carpet hall.

There was a faint sound of music in the hall, which seemed to be an old song from a dilapidated record player, and the intermittent female voice sang softly. It is a language that Angile can't understand at all, a bit low, a bit circumvent.

The melody is a soft love song, like a woman whispering something.

Anglia stood at the door and looked inside.

The wall facing the door is a huge wall mirror. It is clearly reflecting his own figure.

A young red-haired man stood by the door. Wearing tight-fitting leather pants that are dyed in gray and white, the long red hair is tied into a bunch of pony tails hanging behind his head. There is a silver cross sword at the waist. The edge slightly gave birth to some red rust.

Anglia glanced through the entire hall. Apart from the place where he came in, there were no other entrances or exits.

In addition to the sound of music around, no other sounds can be heard.

He slowly walked into the hall, pressed against the wall, and reached out and gently touched the wall of the pale yellow wallpaper.

The fine pattern on the wall looks a bit rough. He slammed and knocked.


It seems to be a hollow echo.

Taking a step back, Angliel slammed into the box.


The walls are not moving, not even a dent.

“Hey?” Angrid regained his fist and put it into a hand knife. His body was covered with dark red shimmer.


The hand knife stabbed straight into the wall and cut the air.


The fingertips slammed into the wall without scratches.

Angley looked dull. "It’s useless to use the power of the real body...." Suddenly he found a figure moving fast on the wall.

Looking back suddenly, in the middle of the hall, there was a set of walking clothes, as if wearing people. They are paired in pairs, and they dance together and move.

These humanoid clothes are red and blue, with gorgeous clothes and some with delicate lace edges.

In addition to the sound of music in the hall, only the rustling of the clothes rubbed against each other.

Angrid turned back and shouted back to the door, ready to turn and leave.

Suddenly, his eyes slammed into a familiar suit.

White dress!

The white dress of the woman in the mural!

He recognized it!

The white dress was standing quietly on the edge of the glass wall, standing with her, and a set of clothes that Anglia was equally familiar with.

White t-shirt and women's denim trousers.

"That's Li Xinyi...." Anglia's eyes flashed blue. "No. 0, immediately analyze the existing environment!"

‘Parsing starts... Converting the field of view is complete. ’

Read The Duke's Passion