MTL - The Wizard World-~ Chapter 579 Rescue 2

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Since the day of the heavy rain, Freila has revived the original lively and cheerful look. The two are still a sleeping tent and a sleeping car.

Occasionally, the night before Freire disguised down the mountain to buy seasonings, she ran to the tent and slept with Angri.

Anglia's analysis of the fascinating force field also has a new progress, reaching 6%.

Time passed slowly, and in a blink of an eye, it was a few months passed.

Anglia also finally cleaned the tombs opposite the creek. Some of the grievances and bodies inside were directly decomposed by the powder and turned into nutrients to feed the fish. The entire tomb was reopened with a few vents, which were cleaned by Freila and thoroughly cleaned.

The two also moved everything in, and the carriages and tents were removed and sent to the tent to hide. After sweeping away all traces of the creek, the two directly moved into the grave to live.

During this period, Hailia and Cynthia and others also came to find Angley twice, all for the purpose of healing, and each time was seriously injured.

There is also a tall, muscular giant in the ranks of the two, named Wanzhu, who is said to be a descendant of an ancient nation.

From the three populations, Angliel learned that they were seriously injured and were caused by a church paladin named Raytheon, almost all of them.

When it comes to this thunder, they are biting their teeth and hating them.

Gradually, after Angella moved into the grave, they came to the treatment more and more times, and everyone was used to it.


In the bedroom of the pale yellow tomb, a black semi-circular oil lamp hung on the wall, and the left and right sides of the thumb flashed the whole bedroom, which was a little dim.

Angley was lying on the gray bed in the middle, and he was in the midst of four years of high-intensity research, and finally could not resist the sleepy. Set the warning array, and go straight to the dizziness to sleep.

His side is leaning against Freila, and the little guy is still crying in his eyes. She is Angile's unrestricted access to free people, living in the tomb of the dead, even if she has always been a big shackle, she did not dare to sleep alone, had to go to Anglia to sleep together.

Hey! !

The wooden door of the tomb suddenly came knocking at the door, and it was so boring.

At the moment of the sound, the bedroom in the tomb suddenly filled with black smoke that could not be seen by the human eye. And quickly formed a black circle, slowly rotating around the Anglia on the bed.

A bitter chill was slowly passed to Anglia.

He slowly opened his eyes.

Hey! !

The knock on the door came again.

Freila also opened his eyes and stumbled a few times. "Again...."

Angliel looked at the little guy who ran to his side and slept, silently shaking his head and turning to get up. Quickly put on a gray cloth robes, open the door and go out, follow a small section of stone steps in the corridor, gently lift the door and open the door.

The cold outside air suddenly came in, and in the dense rain, stood three black cloaks.

"It’s got in trouble again...." The front black cloak raised his face. Showing the face of Hailia full of blood marks.


He slammed forward and rolled down the stone steps from the gap around Anglia. He turned over and fell to the ground with his eyes narrow. The hands and feet are constantly shaking, but they are still unable to move.

"Green....Do you know my sister?"

The other two also joined together in a trend that was about to roll forward, and was dragged in by Angley. The probe looked out at the gray sky outside, not completely dawn. This is the door to the wooden door.

Dragging Cynthia and the big thorns. Dropped directly on the ground and in a row in Helia.

"What happened to your sister? Is this so embarrassing, or is that thunder?" Anglia whispered around Helia.

"Yeah.... my sister was caught.... I hope you can help me!" Helia trembled. I want to hold it, but I can't do it all the time. "I didn't hurt anything this time. It was all tired and consumed too much."

There was a strange look in his eyes: "I never knew, I used to be protected by my sister.....until today...."

Angliel smiled. "Is your sister asking you to help me?"

"Yeah." Helia looked at Angri, revealing a trace of doubts. "I don't know why he didn't want to see you. Every time I let me talk to you. But this time, he said, no matter what you have. What purpose, as long as you help me this time, he will consider seeing you."

"He? Also consider seeing me?" Angliel smiled, his eyes flashing a scorn. "It seems that you made a mistake. I help you, not for him, but for you and your sister. It is just that. Maybe others will be very happy to see him, but that doesn't mean me. He Seeing no, I have no influence on me."

Heliah looked at him and couldn't speak for a while. "Do you know what I said about him?"

"Don't say this." Anglia interrupted him. "How can I help you!"

"How do I know?" Heliah smiled. "How are you going to help me?"

Angliel touched his chin and sank. "Take a break and come to the treatment room for a while." He got up and walked into the room deep in the tomb.

Helia is lying on the ground. "Anyone has a wish, anyone! If his sincerity is enough, I will consider seeing him." A cold voice rang in his ear.

"Green has helped us so much, isn't it enough to meet your requirements?" Helia reluctantly.

"Of course not." The voice responded. "It is already on your part to be able to promise to see him. Unless..."

"Unless what?! You said! What conditions can you promise to see Green! I will finish!" Hailia looked firm.


After half an hour...

Light yellow grave treatment room

The entire room of the tomb is a pale yellow stone brick wall, which is the same color as the ground. The treatment room is just a small square room, with four gray shelves placed side by side. As a hospital bed, a cabinet and a set of tables and chairs are all Furniture.

Heliah sat alone on a bed. Looking at the Angile on the chair, the line of sight shifted to the brown table on one side.

Four things were placed on the table, white scissors, silver balls, triangular red cards, and a brown metal ring.

"This time your situation is extraordinary. You need to go deep into the church to organize the rescue of the hostages. Seeing that your kid has always been a good friend, I have taken out the things at the bottom of the box!" Angley looked sore. Stroking four things on the table.

He picked up the white scissors and looked like the plaster was pinched out. Small and exquisite.

"This is the treatment tool for the quick connection of the broken ribs that I made. It can only be used twice. If you use the method, as long as there is a broken muscle in the place, use this to cut in the most painful injury! Quickly repair the broken tendons and tendons. In addition, the body is too heavy, and this thing is tied to the heart. Don't plunge into the deep, break the skin. You can stop your injury and an hourglass time, all the damage will be Stagnation. But after the time is up, all the injuries will erupt in an instant after the time has elapsed, and the episode will burst out. Be careful."


He cut the scissors at random and made a subtle sound.

"Sure enough, it's a good thing...." Helia swallowed. Looking at the scissors, the eyes are a little green.

Angrid picked up the second, a silver ball with an egg size.

"The only special explosives I made were only one. Just squat in a hard place. Then just throw them out in three breathing hours. Remember to throw them out and squat. Although the direction of the explosion I deliberately designed to avoid the direction of the thrower. But there will still be a ripple. Remember, the power is great..." Angliel gently put down the ball.

Heliah did not feel anything, and the power of the explosives he had seen. Not very good, but it can be used to cover the retreat.

Angley looked in his eyes. The heart sneered a little, and if Helia knew that the explosives had a range of hundreds of meters, the power would be thousands of degrees in this environment where energy is scarce. I am afraid this guy will jump up in shock.

Even if the ball is facing the church knight, the average paladin is estimated to be spiked in an instant. Anglia once played against the legendary Paladin Victor, and he did not open the Divine Light Column. He could not escape the level of injury.

He also inquired these days, although Victor can only be regarded as the middle of the reclusive paladin in the church, and it is still a little worse than the thunderbolt, but it is better for the ball to be used for clearing the field.

"Then is the third....the triangle card and the ring." Anglia picked up two things.

"Isn't this two?" Hailia asked with amazement.

"There are two pieces that can be used together." Angliel smiled. "The card can be used when it is lit. The aroma effect is that the release can increase your speed and strength by one time. The duration of one-fifth hourglass (12 minutes). When you put it on, it will continue to release a medicinal fragrance, allowing people around you to smell a certain amount of card aroma, double the recovery speed and skin defense, while increasing the overall duration of three hourglasses (three hours) ""

This Hyalia's eyes have been completely moved, and the nails are not removed from the cards and rings.

Angliel carefully replayed four things into the arms of Heliah.

"Give it to you, my precious inventory.... Hurry and go for two days."

Heliah carefully took the black bag with the stuff and stood up.


He actually fell to the ground, and his forehead gave Anglia a bang.

“It’s always been your care!”

Angrid did not expect that he would make such a move and quickly raise him.

"Don't be like this, I also have my purpose! You come back successfully, remember to give me enough blood samples, this time I will not pump your blood. So as not to affect the rescue."

He looked at Helia in front of him, and there was a hint of blue in his eyes.

Helia's body blood has been stronger than once. The last breath of Angley's blood from his body, after absorption, has successfully condensed the crystallization of the dawn wizard, but has not yet engraved the witchcraft on the top. And then the **** breath will have no effect on him.

Angley speculated that perhaps the blood concentration of Helia is too low.

He felt that as Heliah fought again and again, his blood was getting stronger and stronger, and more and more, almost to a critical point. As long as you come again, you should be able to produce a qualitative change.

As for the one mentioned in the mouth of Hailia, it is nothing more than another personality in his body, a collection of memories and personalities, the legendary doomsday personality. But this does not matter for Angri. What he wants is not the doomsday, but the blood of Helia's true awakening.

This time, he really took out all the things in the space mirror that were suitable for use in Helia. Try to make it foolproof.

"Then I will go to rest first." "Go."

Heliah looked at her baggage with joy and turned away.

Anglia sat in a chair with a faint blue glow on his eyes.

"Almost, can you see the hope of breaking through, see the next time he comes back....." (to be continued)

Read The Duke's Passion