MTL - The Wizard World-~ Chapter 568 Untitled 3

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"So powerful?" Angley jerked back his mental power, and the black water vortex slowly disappeared and his vision returned to darkness.

"Hey..." He snorted and squinted his head. "It's cold.. Freila, can you go to the caravan pharmacist to buy some medicine for me?"

Open your eyes, Freila is lying close to his side, and his eyes are in a state of disappointment.

"Furilla?!" Angrid repeated. He is just free to find an excuse to open her.

"Oh... I know, I will go right away." Freila reacted, climbed up and jumped over from the carriage, trotting to chase the front carriage.

Ang Liemu sent Furuila figure to disappear at the front corner of the carriage, which slowly took out a string of silver tooth necklaces from the bag.

"It is obviously not a general creature that can be summoned by the tides of time and space. It is not the strength of the spirit to be easily positioned, or the frequency is special, and it can resonate with the calling process."

Carefully take the necklace back into the jacket pocket, and Angrid closed his eyes and began to meditate slowly to restore the damaged spirit.

A smoky smog continued to spill from his mouth and sneak into the nostrils, but after a few seconds, the black smoke slowly faded and disappeared.

On the side of the carriage, Furila rolled up a taupe leather bag and climbed onto the van. Looking at Anglia's eyes closed and sleeping, she put a light move and carefully placed the bag on the wooden box next to Angley.

The sky turns from red to gray, and then slowly turns black.

The team stopped slowly and leaned against the red leaf forest on the roadside. Several horse carriages were formed into a circle. An orange bonfire is lit up in the middle.

The merchants of the team gathered around the campfire to eat the brown bread that was baked, and served the barbecue and mushroom soup. One by one red light. Some have eaten in advance to get together to drink and brag, and some teams have invited strong guards to wrestle and gamble.

Freila's beautiful face was smeared with Angrid's special herbs, and it has become a normal little girl with a ugly appearance. At this time, together with a guardian sister she met, she ran into the guard circle to see two muscular strong women. Guard wrestling.

The crowd was surrounded by a circle, and from time to time came and screamed.

Anglia was sitting on the wooden board of the truck, looking far into the middle of the crowd, two strong women twisted and fell.

drink! !

One of the dark golden short hair is like a lion. Slamming down and rubbing his arms, he crashed his opponent to the ground.

"Next!" She spit on her palm, rubbed her hands, and looked at the rest of the people with a tiger-like look.

"I am coming!" A big man stood up and pulled off the black vest a few times, revealing a dark and strong body. Moved down the shoulder and walked slowly.

The bronzed muscles of the two men shone in the fire and began to circle around each other slowly.

Angley shook his head and looked too lazy. Suddenly his eyes flashed a blue light, turning his head to the other side of the Great Lakes, where there were faintly a few silver-white figures. All are shrouded in the darkness. One of the front standings is unusually strong, the tiger's back is waisted, and there are two wide-bladed swords of different lengths.

"Come on?" Angley muttered, sweeping the crowd around the fire, and Freila was looking at the wrestling in the field.

Anglia stood up. Quietly turned over the truck and walked directly toward the Great Lakes.

Pass through a small piece of red leaf forest. When I came to the lake, the sound of the camp behind me gradually became smaller and farther. There are some dim blurs around.

The sky is not completely dark, and the sky is faintly visible with reddish clouds.

Angley looked across the lake to the other side, and the silver-white figure on the opposite side also looked.

"This time I can use Wu Li..." Angrid smiled and walked directly to the wide lake.


The brown leather boots stepped on the lake and swayed a circle of ripples, but there was no sign of sinking.

The silver swordsmen opposite the eyes have changed their eyes.


The leader of the man crossed the sword and made a crisp knock. "Sure enough, it's hot! Everyone, the demon squad!" He whispered, and the light sapphire ring on his right **** slowly glowed white.

More than a dozen people around the silver swordsmen have fanned out, standing on the shore waiting for Anglia to come over.

The swordsman with the head is shrouded in silver armor, and a few brown hairs are scattered under the helmet. He arched and stared at the black wizard man who was slowly approaching.

"Walking on the water.... At least the second level wizard.... This is troublesome..." He whispered, the white ring of the right hand ring screamed, circling him all over the body and wrapping it into a white In the light film.

"Head, do you want to withdraw first, wait for the big forces to catch up and then work together?" The deputy head behind him whispered.

"Now is not a question we want to play, but the other side is willing to let us go..." The swordsman of the double swords just fell, and when he saw the water, the black figure disappeared without a trace. Suddenly there was a chill in his back.

clang! laugh!

"Ah!!" "Hold the shield!! Shield!!" "Left!"

A series of rushing shouts and screams suddenly sounded in the ear.

The swordsman of the double sword couldn't think too much, and turned sharply. The two swords made a circle and cut all directions around him.

Hey! !

There were two violent shocks coming from behind.

"Oh? Actually blocked? Great!" Angrid slowly revealed his body from the darkness behind him, his eyes shimmering with dark red fluorescence. He held a silver round hand-guarded sword in his hand, and the sword was engraved with the pattern of the cross, apparently just grabbed from other swordsmen.

"Damn! Jason is dead!"

"He is too fast!"

"Pay attention to the formation! Concentrate!"

The remaining six swordsmen shouted together, cold and sweaty, staring nervously at the Anglo-series standing in place.

In just a few seconds on the ground, I lay down a silver swordsman, all of which were fatal to the throat. The incision of the throat is still pouring red blood from the outside, and the whole forest is getting blood.

The swordsman of the double sword is filled with white light. The body is like a tight spring, staring at Angrid.

"You guy...." His eyes were red. The finger joints holding the hilt are faintly whitish.

Angley shook the blood beads on the round sword, and the red light of the eyes re-emerged. A circle of invisible ripples centered on him and suddenly spread out in all directions.

"He disappeared again!!" "Everyone is careful!! Back to back in a circle!"

The remaining swordsmen rushed to get together, not far from the swordsman, and staring nervously around them.

Anglia stood in front of them, but no one saw his figure. He walked slowly to the swordsman who was gathered together, and the sword was free to draw.


The two swordsmen’s throats were cut by a sword. Take out the scarlet blood.

Angliel moved slightly to the left and flashed three round swords. The right hand flashed a silver slash.

The rest of the body was cut directly into two halves, and the blood was berthed on the ground.

It’s just a glimpse of everything, except for the Swordsman, who is all easily solved, so fast that even the sound is too late to be sent.

The swordsman had only had time to draw a cross sword mark at the original position of Anglia, and he saw his teammates fall to the ground. And he can't even see the shadow of the enemy.

"Henry...." He groaned, his eyes falling on the ground and being cut in half by a member of the team, his eyes full of bloodshot eyes.


He has a foot in the back. The whole person was smashed out and rolled a few laps on the grass, covered in blood.

Anglia no longer used the illusion to hide his figure, and walked a few steps to the next.


The swordsman let go of his side, and his long and short swords slammed into the Angley sword, making a harsh noise.

"The eye of God is watching me!!" The swordsman snorted. Rolling up from the ground, the two swords slashed into Angley's upper body, and the white halo covered the double swords. Each hit had a horrible force and speed. The double sword was waved by him into a group of silver ghosts, covering the body around Anglia.

Ding! !

There was a series of golden sparks between the two. Numerous long swords are connected in one piece, and only a continuous dense sound can be heard.

"Good!" Angile also had a low face at this time. "The speed power of this person is completely able to keep up with me! The small role of a church in the district..."

He jumped up lightly, avoiding the blade of his feet and falling back in front of a big tree.

"End it!" Anglia rushed straight out, his body was like a top, and a sword on the left slashed in the right hand sword of the swordsman. He was cut off from the right by a sword.


The white light of the swordsman's left arm suddenly dimmed, and a gray line emerged. He had no time to react, and he was repeatedly retreated by the blade that was constantly cut from the left and right.

The white light on the body began to fade quickly. He only felt that the man in front of him was constantly rotating around, and the sword took advantage of the next one to squat on his own sword. The bearing capacity of both hands is getting heavier and heavier.

Finally, a slamming sound, the swordsman's double sword was instantly shot, and the Angile in front of him was like a unidirectional gyro, madly slamming at his neck.

Hey! ! ....

The white light finally trembled and slowly disappeared. The swordsman began to slowly appear bleeding on his neck. His body violently vibrated and could not make any resistance.

The last sword of Angrid was full of strength, and then he did not look at it. He gently jumped back and landed on the dark red lawn. The red fluorescence of both eyes shines in the dark.

The swordsman of the double sword stepped back a few steps, and the back of the sword slammed into the trunk and slowly sat down.

He opened his mouth to talk, but he couldn't make a sound.

A large handkerchief was shot on his shoulder from the back of the trunk.

"You rest first, let me come." The low voice came out of the shade.

A tall figure slowly walked out of the shadows, looking at Angrid calmly. This is a farmer man in brown linen clothes. It looks like he is thirty or forty years old. His eyes are murky and dim. He has no temperament in his body. He is exactly the same as the ordinary farmer who works in the farmland.

A dark brown, short black hair, messy, I don't know how long it hasn't been washed, and the clothes on my body are full of worn patches, and the hands are full of rough calluses.

Anglia stared at the man who suddenly popped up. He didn't know how. He felt that this person contained too much white light fluctuations that were much stronger than the previous swordsman's head. A faint sense of danger emerged from my heart. This sense of crisis made him tremble slightly.

"How long has it not been this feeling...." The more the red light of Angley's eyes became brighter, his body faintly trembled with excitement, remembering the last time he faced such a feeling The same kind of excitement.

Ever since he achieved his second true body, he has not encountered such a feeling for a long time.

The middle-aged farmer calmly glanced at Angri, then scanned all the bodies around him. "My name is Victor. I didn't expect to encounter a big guy like you if I had a crusade. I thought it was a vacation...."

Read The Duke's Passion