MTL - The Whole World Wants Them To Get Divorced-Chapter 93

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Si Yu was born with fair and tender skin, and she could clearly see the slightest blemishes on her body. Under her stern warning, Lu Xi did not leave any traces, and the strawberry prints had been full for a week. completely eliminated.

The first thing to do after elimination is of course to take a magazine cover.

"Beauty" is the ace publication of Lisa Fashion Culture Communication Company, which attaches great importance to cover shooting. The process was delayed due to personal reasons, Si Yu felt very sorry, met with the editor-in-chief Qin Yue, and kept apologizing.

Qin Yue was very polite to her, and even asked her for her opinion on clothing and makeup.

Si Yu doesn't understand fashion, no matter what Qin Yue said, she nodded and said yes.

Qin Yue looked at her and said, "I founded "Hongyan" magazine, I have photographed hundreds of female stars over the past few decades, and no one has ever been as obedient as you. Cooperate."

Si Yu blinked his eyes and said with a joke: "You used to shoot some big shots, how dare a small artist like me not cooperate."

Qin Yue disagreed: "You are President Lu's wife and the daughter-in-law of the Lu family. These two identities alone have overwhelmed a lot of big names. It's rare that you don't have any air."

In fact, Qin Yue said this sentence had no other connotation, but Si Yu still couldn't help thinking about it.

With her current fame and celebrity status, she is not qualified to be on the cover of "Hongyan" magazine. Two dazzling halos. Qin Yue was so polite to her only because of her two identities.

It's not good to feel a little lost in my heart, but it's not too hypocritical to be lost and sad.

Si Yu smiled reservedly.

After communicating with her about the details, Qin Yue patted his **** and stood up and said, "We save a lot of trouble if the artist has no opinion, but knowing that you are going to take the cover of the monthly magazine, Mr. Lu has followed me in advance. dealt with."

Si Yu was astonished: "She still looked for you?"

Qin Yue smiled meaningfully and said, "The cover of "Hongyan" magazine has always been the theme of sexy/temptation, Mr. Lu asked me if I could not be so revealing in terms of clothing, so we put this time Some changes have been made to the clothes."

Speak: "…"

Qin Yue asked someone to bring the changed clothes for her to try on.

The white lace fishtail dress with fine workmanship, originally a deep V with a little chest line in the middle, was improved to only show above the ravine. The large halter at the back has also been changed.

Si Yu quickly changed his clothes, stood in front of the floor mirror and turned around, the corner of his mouth twitched.

If it was very **** before the change, only three or four points remain after the change.

Si Yu doesn't usually read magazines, so he knew a little about the scale of "Hong Yan" before he came to shoot. Those cover photos in the past are really **** and hot, and people see nosebleeds.

She tugged at her slightly conservative skirt and looked at Qin Yue embarrassedly: "Will this affect your magazine sales?"

"No." Qin Yue said, "it doesn't have to be sexy/tempting to attract people's attention. We plan to try another theme this time."

Before Si Yu asked her what the theme was, there was a commotion at the door.

Qin Yue's assistant respectfully led people in: "President Lu, please come in."

Si Yu glanced over and saw Lu Xi, who was tall and tall in a professional suit, and was stunned.

"What are you doing here when you're not in the company?" Si Yu looked at her in confusion.

Lu Xi smiled lightly and said, "Of course it's work."

"Work?" Si Yu didn't react.

"Mr. Lu." Qin Yue came over to shake hands with Lu Xi, and said with a decent smile: "Thank you for coming over during your busy schedule, we promise to finish the filming as soon as possible, so as not to waste your precious time. "

Lu Xi nodded slightly.

Si Yu glanced around between the two of them, and said unsurely, "Editor Qin, do you mean that we two shoot together?"

"Yes." Qin Yue's smile widened, "because the theme of our magazine has always been sexy/tempting, if we suddenly change the theme, the public may not buy it, so I asked President Lu if he would like to follow You shoot together. The two of you are in the same frame, which is more gimmicky than sexy. I believe our sales will be very good in this issue. "

Siyu was speechless.

Qin Yue's idea is feasible. After all, their relationship has not been public for a long time, and netizens pay a lot of attention to them. With this wave of traffic, it is impossible for the magazine to sell well.

It's just that Si Yu never thought that a busy person like Lu Xi would agree to come to shoot a magazine.

She secretly asked Lu Xi, "You don't even take pictures, why are you joining in the fun?"

Lu Xi smiled and said, "It's because I usually take too few pictures, so I want to take a few more pictures with you."

Si Yu pouted and said, "Don't come. You just don't want me to wear such **** clothes, so you agreed to Qin Yue? "

Lu Xi glanced over her slightly exposed collarbone and the dazzlingly white skin on her chest, her eyes were dim, and she said frankly: "The "Hongyan" magazine has a high exposure, I don't want you to give up Good opportunity, but I haven't been generous enough to let my wife sell her sex/look to attract attention."

This sounds a bit straight, but Si Yu is not angry at all, but very happy.

She has seen Lu Xi who is serious and rigid at work, and Lu Xi who has lost control in bed/sleeping, but this is the first time she has seen Lu Xi with such a strong desire for control.

An amazing discovery.

I don't want her to be too sexy, and I don't want her beauty to be spied on by more people, doesn't that mean that Lu Xi cares about her?

Lu Xi didn't understand why she was so happy, so she laughed.

"Can you two start?" Qin Yue came over and asked.

"Let's start." Lu Xi said.

Lu Xi put on a handsome suit, his hair was meticulously combed, and he looked like a cold and abstinent overbearing president. Si Yu was dressed in a white dress, showing a little **** in her charm, and under the guidance of the camera teacher, she did all kinds of things to tempt Lu Xi.

In fact, there is no need for guidance, this kind of thing is handy, but you still have to pretend to be reserved in front of the camera.

Lu Xi is not a star, and it is her first time to shoot a magazine. Originally, Qin Yue was worried that she would be unnatural when facing the camera, but she never expected her performance to be unexpected.

When Si Yu made various provocative actions to her, Lu Xi's eyes and expressions conveyed very well, the cold eyes were full of affection, and there was a little restraint in the affection /Nian, there is no expression on her face, but the slight curvature of the corners of her mouth shows her condoning and liking the person in front of her.

Not to mention Si Yu, a natural actor with a strong sense of camera.

The cooperation between the two is too tacit. The original plan may be to shoot at night, but it was finished in one afternoon.

Being able to invite the two most popular people on Weibo to shoot the cover, the filming process went so smoothly, Qin Yue was overjoyed, and the magazine had not been released yet, she could predict that the sales must be considerable. She diligently wanted to invite the two of them to dinner, but Lu Xi declined.

Leaving Lisa Fashion, Lu Xi did not return to the company immediately, she motioned Xiaoxia to go first, and then asked Si Yu: "Want to go on a date?"

Since they communicated with each other until now, there has not been a formal meeting.

Si Yu's eyes lit up and said, "Okay! Where are you going?"

Lu Xi raised his wrist to look at the time, and said, "It's still early, why don't you go shopping first, then go to dinner later?"

Although the filming went well today, but standing in high heels for a long time is still quite tiring, Si Yu didn’t want to go shopping, and said, “Why don’t you go to the movies.”

Lu Xi has no opinion.

Learning from the last time the restaurant was surrounded by people, they wore masks this time.

On weekdays, it's daytime again, and not many people watch movies. Si Yu picked a movie that Light and Shadow invested in last year, as a way to support his own industry, buy tickets, and check in.

I had little experience on the first date, so Si Yu chose two positions in a hidden corner in the back row, referring to other people's dating routines.

No one was there when I sat down, Si Yu was secretly overjoyed and felt that he had made the right choice. But as time passed, the people who bought the tickets came in one after another, and the couples walked back hand in hand, took their seats one after another, surrounded them in all directions, Si Yu was dumbfounded.

She stretched her neck and looked around quietly, thinking bad in her heart. With so many eyes, how could they secretly kiss?

When I come to the movie theater, I don’t secretly do something bad, I always feel that something is missing.

Lu Xi didn't know what she was thinking. Seeing her head kept turning, she asked her in a low voice, "Are your neck uncomfortable?"

Speak: "…"

This man's bed/sao broke his leg, why is he so confused now? ? ?

"Huh?" Seeing that her neck seemed to stiffen, Lu Xi said wisely, "Should I press it for you?"


Si Yu took her hand off her neck and said dryly, "I'm fine. It's about to start, don't make any noise."

There are so many people around, naturally they can't do bad things.

And the movie is very good, everyone is fascinated by it, and the couples probably forget to make out.

After watching the movie, they held hands, Si Yu felt somewhat regretful.

This is a love movie with blood and tears. The story starts from a beautiful campus, abuses the body and mind in the middle, and finally turns out to be a tragedy. Many viewers were moved to tears, and a small number of them were dissatisfied with the ending and scolded and walked out of the cinema.

Si Yu belongs to the kind of person who can seldom have sympathy outside of filming. She looked blankly at the audience who wiped away tears and thought numbly: Is it so good to cry?

The couples who surrounded them left one after another, Si Yu and Lu Xi remained steady, afraid of being recognized, they wanted to wait until they were gone before they went out.

There was a girl who cried very sincerely. I don’t know if it was too sad or too weak. She sat in the seat and refused to leave. She beat her boyfriend while crying and said, “Why did they finally separate? Ah? Just get back together after the misunderstanding is solved. Why does the female lead leave? Tie her to your side and love her for a lifetime! How can you men do this!"

The boy wiped her tears and coaxed, "My darling, the movies are all fake, so don't be so sad."

The boy was caught off guard, paused, and said, "No way."

"You hesitated!" The girl exploded, "Why are you hesitant? Don't you want to have a future with me? Are you kidding me? Don't dump me when you're tired of it Am I right?!"

"No, no, please stop making trouble, I'm serious about you!"

"You think I'm making trouble? Well, we've only been together for a month and you think I'm annoying. You guys are all the same. I want to break up with you!"

The girl ran away crying, and the boy chased after her.



Lu Xi pointed at the chasing couple, and said incredulously, "Can you break up even after watching a movie?"

Before wearing the book, Si Yu took over such a script and played a role like the emotional girl just now. She was not surprised by this situation, and laughed: "I should Just say it casually, it can't be divided."

"How can you say things like breaking up?" Lu Xi did not agree with this approach at all.

Seeing her solemn expression, Si Yu didn't know whether to laugh or cry: "That's a couple's business, why are you so worried."

Lu Xi pulled off her mask and stared at her: "Will you separate from me in the future?"

Si Yu was taken aback.

Lu Xi frowned and asked, "Will you?"


"The broadcast is over, why haven't you left yet?" The aunt in charge of cleaning came in and interrupted Si Yu's words.

Si Yu conditioned reflexively to help Lu Xi put on the mask, grab her hand, and say, "Let's go."

It was getting dark outside.

Out of the cinema, Si Yu clearly felt that Lu Xi was not very interested. She licked her lips and was about to break the eerie silence when the phone rang with a "ding dong".

Thinking it was just an ordinary WeChat message, Si Yu picked it up and saw that it was sent to her by Lin Yiyan, who had not been in touch for a long time, and clicked it.

Lin Yiyan: "Xiaoyu, tomorrow is my birthday. I want to spend time with some good friends. Do you have time to come out to play?"

After the misunderstanding with Lin Yiyan was resolved, Si Yu and her became friends again. Although they didn't talk much, they were half confidants in performance. A friend invited her to celebrate her birthday, but it made no sense to refuse.

"Who is looking for you, why are you in a daze?" Lu Xi touched her.

Si Yu raised his head and said, "Lin Yiyan."

Lu Xi's expression froze, as if struggling for a while, and then asked, "What is she looking for from you?"

"She has her birthday tomorrow and asked me if I wanted to go."

“…do you want to go?”

Si Yu felt that he should go. Looking at Shang Lu Xi's unpredictable eyes, he temporarily changed his mind and said, "I won't go, the weekend is so rare, of course I will accompany you."

Si Yu took her hand, crossed her ten, and said, "Actually, I don't have a very good relationship with her, it doesn't matter if I go or not, I'll just give her a birthday present already."

Lu Xi looked into her eyes, as if judging the truth of her words.

Si Yu rubbed against her, and said stickily: "A friend has a wife so important, I just want to accompany you."

Lu Xi looked at her for a few more seconds, and when she saw her eyes were firm and her tone sincere, her eyebrows relaxed.

Si Yu let out a long breath and changed the subject: "I'm hungry, let's go eat."

Lu Xi held her hand instead, and made a faint "um" sound.

Si Yu thought that Lu Xi would continue to ask the question in the movie theater just now, but Lu Xi did not.

In fact, if Lu Xi really asked, she didn't know how to answer.

Why did the good-looking Lu Xi ask that? Was it a whim, or was it influenced by the couple?

She was suddenly a little flustered and a little scared.

I couldn't tell what she was afraid of, Lu Xi's silence again made her feel anxious, and she started to look for something to say: "I forgot to buy popcorn just now, and I drooled when I saw others eating it. already."

Seeing her making a mouth-sucking gesture, Lu Xi's tense expression loosened, and said, "I'll buy you a bucket next time."

Si Yu rolled his eyes, gestured with his fingers, and said, "Buy a big bucket and let's eat it together."

Seeing that she was so excited, Lu Xi smiled again and said, "Okay."

In the evening, Qin Yue sent them the repaired pictures and told them which one to choose as the cover of the next month's issue.

Nine alternative photos, each of which is perfect, Si Yu can't put it down.

Sliding down and seeing another photo with a different style, Si Yu was startled.

The last photo was also of her and Lu Xi, but only after she and Lu Xi finished the cover. At that time, a piece of hair got into her mouth, and Lu Xi helped her get it out. In the photo, they all took off their heavy makeup and wore their own clothes. Lu Xi's expression was very focused, and the gesture of lowering his head seemed to be kissing her sideways.

It was a bland and sweet scene.

Qin Yue said that this was caught by the camera teacher inadvertently, and thought it was so beautiful that he was not willing to delete it.

"What are you looking at?" After Lu Xi came out of the shower, she saw Si Yu lying on the bed and holding a mobile phone silly.

Si Yu raised the phone and pointed the screen at her: "Does it look good?"

On the locked screen is a group photo of the two of them, which is the last one Qin Yue sent to Si Yu.

Lu Xi's eyes flashed, and he said with a smile, "It's beautiful."

"I sent it to you."

Lu Xi picked up her mobile phone and clicked on the photo that Kai Siyu just sent. The movements and expressions of the two people in the photo have not changed, but they are standing in opposite positions.

Lu Xi looked at her suspiciously.

Si Yu said with a smile: "I specially asked them to help make this happen."

Lu Xi didn't ask her who "they" were or how the photo came from. Fuzhi thoughtfully set the photo of the two as the desktop and screensaver, and showed it to Si Yu.

Si Yu put his mobile phone with hers: "Look, a couple's phone."

Lu Xi smiled knowingly, put the two mobile phones on the bedside table, leaned over and kissed her.

There is no need to go to the company tomorrow weekend, and the cover of Si Yu has also been filmed.

It was midnight.

Si Yu fell asleep in a daze and tired, and had a strange dream.

She dreamed of the white ward again, and dreamed that she was lying on the hospital bed like a vegetative state, surrounded by a group of people, their lips moved, but she could not hear what she was saying.

"Xiaoyu, Xiaoyu, wake up!" A familiar and unfamiliar person kept calling her.

Si Yu woke up abruptly, looking at Shang Lu Xi's anxious eyes with a phantom feeling of not knowing where she was, staring blankly at her.

Lu Xi brushed off the sweat on her forehead and looked at her worriedly: "Have you had a nightmare?"

Si Yu suddenly recovered and nodded.

"What did you dream about?"

Si Yu swallowed her dry throat and told her what she had dreamed about in a succinct manner.

Lu Xi frowned deeply: "How could you have such a dream?"

"I don't know..." Si Yu also felt very strange.

What's more strange is that this is the second time she has had this dream.

Like some kind of bad omen.

Lu Xi felt her palms were full of sweat, so he wiped her dry, kissed her pale face soothingly, hugged her tightly, and said warmly, "It's alright, you may It's too tiring."

Really? Si Yu's expression was blank.

Lu Xi touched her trembling lips again, and said, "I'm sorry, it's my fault, I can only do it once a day from now on."

There was a "buzz" in Si Yu's head, the string that was stretched was cut off by her words in an instant, and she slapped her with a blushing face: "It's almost dawn, you still drive!"

Lu Xi looked innocent.

Being interrupted by Lu Xi like this, Si Yu could finally fall asleep without any burden.

She stopped dreaming and slept until noon.

When she woke up, she remembered that she was going back to the Lu family's mansion today, and she was in a hurry to get dressed.

"Why didn't you call me!" Seeing Lu Xi pushing the door in, she couldn't care less about her clothes.

Lu Xi saw that the buttons on her underwear were all wrong, so she came over to help her and said, "There's nothing to do on weekends, what are you in a hurry."

"Don't you want to go home to see grandma?"

"You don't have to go back today." Lu Xi said, "There is a family banquet in the evening, so go out to eat."

It was said to be a family banquet, but it was actually eaten with the Tang family.

Last time it was Lu Zhennan who took care of the Tang family, this time it was a treat for the Tang family.

Today, both families are here, including Mrs. Lu, who is usually immobile, and Yuan Qiao.

Lu Zhennan actually arranged a blind date for Lu Xi and Tang Wen in disguise, so Lu Xi was very upset. This time, Lu Xi brought Si Yu by his side and formally introduced to everyone: "This is my wife, Si Yu."

Si Yu politely greeted the Tang family, and when he glanced at Tang Wen, he smiled coldly.

Tang Wen is slightly embarrassed.

After staying for less than half a second, Si Yu turned his eyes away, and his eyes collided with Yuan Qiao's deep eyes sitting next to Mrs. Lu.

Yuan Qiao just stared at her like that, without any intention of avoiding it.

Si Yu was puzzled, turned his head and asked Lu Xi, "Is there something dirty on my face?"

Lu Xi looked around, shook her head, and said quite seriously: "A few eyelashes were not brushed properly, and they turned into fly legs."

Si Yu was slightly embarrassed: "Really?"

"Really." Lu Xi said solemnly, "It's okay, no one pays attention to these details."

Si Yu thinks this is a big problem. Having dinner with the elders, and being a family member who had a blind date with Lu Xi before, what if the makeup is not done properly?

It's about face and aura, Si Yu doesn't want to admit defeat, she has to go to the bathroom to clean up.

Lu Xi wanted to accompany her.

Mrs. Tang had sharp eyes and asked them what they were going to do.

Si Yu didn't say she was going to touch up her makeup, she smiled and said, "I'm sorry, I want to go to the bathroom."

"Going to the bathroom and asking the wife and wife to be together is really loving."

Mrs. Tang had a smile on her face when she said this, but Si Yu felt that there was a trace of teasing and disdain behind her smile, as if she was mocking them as conjoined babies.

This made Si Yu feel a little unhappy.

She didn't know if Mrs. Tang didn't like her, or if she felt that her and Lu Xi's lack of divorce hindered the marriage between Lu and Tang's family, she didn't bother to think about it, smiled slightly, and broke free from Lu Xi's grasp of her hands and said, "I'll just go by myself, you can pay everyone to chat."

Lu Xi hesitated.

Si Yu gave her a reassuring look, picked up her bag and walked out of the private room.

This restaurant is decorated like a garden, and the road is winding. Fortunately, Si Yu had been here a few times before, and she found the bathroom with ease and twisted the door, but she didn't.

"Is anyone inside?" She knocked on the door.

After half a minute, the door was opened from the inside.

Si Yu subconsciously dodged to the side, wanting to wait for the person inside to come out and then go in, just took a small step, saw the person's appearance, and whispered: "Why are you?"

The man raised his head and saw that her facial features changed greatly.

Si Yu was speechless for a while, thinking: It's really a narrow road for enemies.

She hasn't seen Liang Yufei for a long time since she left the court, but she only occasionally learned from others that Liang Yufei is now in a poor state and dare not show her face in public, so she sells clothes on Taobao instead .

It's really depressing.

The youthful and harmless face that once deceived countless people is now bleak.

Si Yu watched her fleeing back thoughtfully.

Sneaky, maybe he stole something from the restaurant?

After hesitating for a moment, Si Yu caught up.

She followed Liang Yufei to a declination and saw Liang Yufei pick up her mobile phone to make a call.

"Yeah, it's me... Please don't hang up! Today is your birthday, I made a small cake for you, can you come out for a while?"

Lin Yiyan? small cake?

Shiyu stopped.

"I don't mean anything else, I just want to deliver cakes to you, and leave after delivery... If you don't come out, then I'll go in, I know which box you are in."

It turns out that Lin Yiyan is here for his birthday tonight? Siyu really doesn't know.

Then it can explain why Liang Yufei appeared here.

It's just that Si Yu can't figure it out. The two have broken up for a long time. Why is Liang Yufei still pestering Lin Yiyan?

But this is in line with Liang Yufei's character, she has been pestering Lu Xi for a long time.

This kind of person is the most prone to pervert.

Si Yu was worried that Liang Yufei was going to be a demon again, so he simply hid in the dark and waited for it to change.

A few minutes later, Lin Yiyan appeared.

Si Yu clutched his chest, heartbroken.

Lin Yiyan ah Lin Yiyan, can you be a bit more promising, and what is this green tea scheming **** doing? !

Lin Yiyan couldn't hear her voice and got closer.

"Also!" Liang Yufei ran over happily.

Lin Yiyan hurriedly took two steps back, opened a safe distance, and said coldly, "I didn't come out to want your cake, and I don't have time to talk nonsense with you."

Liang Yufei was stunned by her alienating actions and blunt words.

"My best friends are all celebrating my birthday tonight. After your accident, they all persuaded me to stay away from you, but I didn't listen at the time." Lin Yiyan said in a deep voice: " I'm so sorry now."

"Also said..." Liang Yufei trembled and burst into tears.

Lin Yiyan didn't ignore her at first, and said without hesitation: "Since we broke up, we should be well on our own, just pretend we never knew each other. I don't want to pursue the past, so you don't have to move threaten me."

"I didn't threaten you, I just wanted to see you too much."

I don't want to make it too ugly, please do it yourself."

"Yiyan!" Liang Yufei grabbed Lin Yiyan who was about to leave regardless.

Lin Yiyan seemed to hate her touch, frowned, and waved her hand.

With a "boom", the cake in Liang Yufei's hand fell to the ground and smashed.

Lin Yiyan didn't take a second glance, and left with big strides.

Liang Yufei squatted on the ground, as if trying to pick up the cake.


Seeing Lin Yiyan leaving in a dashing manner, Si Yu also planned to leave quietly, but accidentally kicked a small pebble and made a big noise.


Liang Yufei looked over vigilantly, and found that it was her, the pitiful expression on her face swept away, her eyes slightly condensed: "It's you again."

Si Yu simply did not hide, and stood up generously: "It's me."

"What are you doing with me?"

Si Yu's chin clicked on the cake that fell out of shape, and said, "I thought you were dirty and stole something before coming here, but I didn't expect you to be a demon again."

Liang Yufei's expression changed and she said, "I don't understand what you are talking about."

Si Yu clicked his tongue and said, "I saw it clearly just now, you want to stalk you, but it's a pity that Lin Yiyan doesn't eat your way."

"It's none of your business!" Liang Yufei was furious.

Si Yu folded her arms and looked at her in a relaxed manner: "A trash like you, who thinks about hugging this thigh and that thigh every day, is not worthy of her at all. Zhang's hypocritical face has long been seen through by everyone, so he can still deceive those brainless fans. Lin Yiyan is not a fool, she can't jump into the fire pit again. Want to play the emotional card to make Lin Yiyan change his mind? I advise you to give up as soon as possible. Bar."

Liang Yufei was furious: "Why do you accuse me!"

"I'm her friend."

"Friend?" Liang Yufei laughed coldly, and said in a strange voice: "You are not like me, a fake who occupies other people's bodies."

"...What did you say?" Si Yu was shocked.

"Family, friends, wealth, status, and Lu Xi, which of these belong to you? You lied to Lu Xi and everyone. Are you more noble than me?" I am full of bad water and say I am a waste, so what are you!"

Si Yu's body was frozen, his pupils dilated.

She knew! !

"Is there nothing to say?" Liang Yufei was delighted by her stunned appearance, and her smile became hideous, "You and I are both intruders, but you are luckier than me, you are wearing it The original female supporting role enjoys countless wealth, and a beautiful and rich wife like Lu Xi supports you. You are only able to stand in front of me with the halo of others. You are also a Thief, what right do you have to laugh at me! If we switch identities, I will definitely not be worse than you!"

Si Yu used the fastest speed to suppress the turbulent waves in his heart, a sneer slowly emerged from the corner of his mouth, and he said in a cool tone: "Even if we change our identities, you will also become a The trash being reviled by everyone."

"...Say it again!" Liang Yufei's eyes were cracked.

"Yes, I'm an intruder like you. But I'm not like you, who enjoys other people's things with peace of mind."

Si Yu did not have the time to investigate why she knew her true identity, and said slowly: "Do you think you are dressed as the original heroine without money and power, but I It's unfair to you to dress up as a rich and powerful female supporting actress?"

"Isn't it?" Liang Yufei gritted her teeth.

"Big joke."

Si Yu breathed a sigh of relief, and said without a smile: "The original Liang Yufei was lovely, pure and kind, and a good actor with a bright future. The original female supporting role, Si Yu, was not He is an extremely vicious cannon fodder that everyone hates with a tragic end. You have so many innate advantages over me, why is it unfair?"

"You know that as long as you make a little effort, you can continue to be the heroine surrounded by countless halos. But you didn't make good use of it all, you played tricks again and again You are scheming, do bad things, don't want to make progress, just want to use some conspiracy methods to find shortcuts, and you are to blame for today's end!"

Liang Yufei's eyes almost popped out, her teeth rattled, and she wanted to eat her.

Si Yu was fearless and said in a low and slow voice: "Do you know how much effort and energy I spent to make everyone's 'vicious' image of me change? Do you know How much scorn and abuse have I suffered here?"

"I've never complained about injustice, and I've never had the peace of mind to enjoy things that didn't belong to me. From the moment I knew I was wearing a book, I did everything I could. Live by yourself, you are just a despicable villain who just wants to sit back and enjoy the success, what do you compare with me? You are also worthy of me?"

"Liang Yufei... No, you don't deserve this name." Si Yu pointed to her nose and said word by word, "You, yes, one, laugh, talk."

Don't give the other party a chance to refute at all, word by word, killing people.

"Liang Yufei"'s body trembled like a sieve. I don't know if it was because of anger or too poor tolerance. Her face was as pale as a ghost, and she screamed and rushed towards her.

Si Yu was well prepared and flexibly avoided.

"Liang Yufei" jumped in the air and fell to the ground in embarrassment.

Si Yu looked at him coldly.

Footsteps approached behind.

Si Yu was alert, didn't want to make things worse, and turned around to leave.

"Xiaoyu, is that you?"

Qingyue's familiar voice came over, Si Yu's heart tightened, and his footsteps paused.

It's Lu Xi.

She didn't bring her mobile phone when she came out. Lu Xi waited for a long time and didn't see her back, so she didn't feel relieved to come out to find someone.

She tentatively shouted and got no response, Lu Xi hesitated. The light was not very good, she looked at the figure from a distance that looked like Si Yu, thought that the other party didn't hear it, and trotted over.

Si Yu sighed, regained his mood, and stepped up to meet him.

"Liang Yufei" suddenly got up quickly, rushed to Lu Xi before her, pointed at her, and said quickly, "Lu Xi, she is not the real Siyu, she is a fake goods!"