MTL - The Whole World Wants Them To Get Divorced-Chapter 72

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You are my wife…

This is the third time Si Yu has heard this term from Lu Xi.

She couldn't remember the tone and demeanor when Lu Xi said it two times before. At this moment, she only felt that these two words were particularly soft and pleasant, and they were densely inserted into her ears, and the whole heart They all trembled.

Lu Xi gazed at her like an abyss with eyes full of affection, her beautiful pupils shimmered with a shimmer, gently wrapping her little shadow.

Si Yu's heart skipped a beat and took a step back.

The woman is flirting with her.

It was so dangerous, I almost fell into it.

Si Yu put one hand on her beating heart, swallowed her saliva, didn't start in a panic, and changed the subject bluntly: "I still have something to do."

"Where to go?" Seeing her turn around to leave, Lu Xi stopped her.

"The police station."

"I'll accompany you."


Si Yu waved his hand, and Sa Yazi ran away.

Her relationship with Lu Xi.

Si Yu found Zhu Qi and the others, and the three went straight to the local police station.

The black man's post was deleted, and the outraged netizens moved to Weibo. Although the online public opinion was temporarily suppressed by the big melon lost by Lu Xi, all kinds of voices slandering Si Yu kept coming out. Regarding a person's reputation, the police station quickly accepted it.

Acceptance does not mean immediate results, the police told them to go back and wait.

Knowing that Si Yu and Xiao Xia are living together now, Zhu Qi was stunned and said, "Did you quarrel with President Lu?"

Speak: "…"

"What does this have to do with President Lu?" Xiao Xia couldn't understand what they were saying.

Zhu Qi ignored Xiao Xia, who was stunned, and looked straight at Si Yu: "In that hot search last time, I asked if you and Lu always had something to do, why did you lie to me?"

Si Yu knew that he was wrong, and said naively, "I didn't mean to hide from you, the main reason was that my relationship with her was too complicated..."

My artist got married three years ago, and Zhu Qi, as an agent, was completely unaware of it. She would have scolded others long ago, but when she thought that Si Yu was married to a company Big Boss, Zhu Qi instantly lost his temper.

At first she thought Si Yu was just a young lady, but she was the boss!

If Tieba is not handled well, will she be able to keep her job?

Zhu Qi suddenly felt Alexander, and was originally curious about the relationship between Si Yu and Lu Xi, but now he does not dare to ask.

The relationship is complicated, should it refer to the marriage of wealthy families? If it is an ordinary artist, Zhu Qi is bound to inquire clearly. The boss and the proprietress... forget it.

"I won't arrange work for you during this time, let's talk about it after this." Zhu Qi finally said.

There is a lot of scolding on the Internet now, and Si Yu is not in the mood to work.

The two sides were not in the way, they and Zhu Qi separated at the gate of the police station.

Flying and tossing for a day, Si Yu was exhausted, he put on his seat belt and wanted to squint for a while, when Xiao Xia next to him suddenly said "ah" and looked at her: "Boss Lu has a wife, then Why is she still chasing you?!"

Si Yu was cheered up by her, stroked his forehead, and said with a smile, "Your reflex arc is really long enough."

"Mr. Lu is cheating!"


"Wait, you didn't know that Mr. Lu had a wife before, did you?"

"I know."

"You know?!" Xiao Xia suddenly raised her voice: "You know you still like her?!"

"Who, who said I like her." Si Yu's eyelashes trembled quickly.

"You said it yourself, you chased after Mr. Lu when filming "Smile"! On the night of the banquet, you dressed very **** and said you wanted to lure Mr. Lu, you forgot ?"

“…” She almost forgot the stupidity she committed without mentioning Siyu.

Xiao Xia was startled and said: "You don't know that she has a wife when you are chasing President Lu, right?! Then you still... huh?"

Si Yu was so upset by her arguing that he covered her chattering mouth and said, "I am her wife."

"Huh?!" Xiao Xia's eyes widened.

Si Yu looked at her shocked eyes filled with pupils, and said helplessly: "We got the certificate three years ago, because it was an agreement to marry, so it was not disclosed to the public."

Let her go.

Xiao Xia took a deep breath and shouted in disbelief: "Oh my God—"

"I told you last time."

Last time? Xiao Xia tilted her head and tried to recall.

"What's your expression?" Si Yu elongated his face, "Do you think I am so white and beautiful that I am not worthy of your president?"

"No no no—" Xiao Xia shook her head again and again, and finally remembered that she had said it was Lu Xi's wife, and said in shock, "I thought you were joking with me that time!"

"No kidding, it's true." Si Yu said sternly.

God TM Wife Wife Love…

Si Yu suddenly felt tired, rubbed his temples, and said softly, "Drive, I'm a little hungry."

Seeing her lack of interest, Xiao Xia realized that she didn't want to talk more and kept silent.

Si Yu closed his eyes and fell asleep.

It's not that she doesn't trust Zhu Qi and Xiao Xia, so she doesn't want to say more, but she's just not used to being with people easily.

And the twists and turns between her and Lu Xi, how can they be explained in a few words?

She can't even figure it out herself.

When Lu Xi returned home, he didn't see Si Yu, he knew that Si Yu was hiding from her again.

Aunt Zhao asked her what she would like to eat at night, and Lu Xi waved her hand weakly and said that she did not want to eat.

She went up to the second floor, stopped in front of Si Yu's room, took a deep breath, and gently twisted the door like the previous few times.

No one was there.

The room was neatly tidy up by Aunt Zhao, and it was the same as when Si Yu left a few days ago. The scent in the air that belonged to her was so faint that she could hardly smell it.

A strong sense of loss came to her heart again, Lu Xi closed the door again, took out her mobile phone, and called out a certain number familiarly. After hesitating for a long time, she made up her mind to press it.

In case you don't pick up...

Lu Xi's heartbeat became as slow as a busy tone.

Time seems to be stretched.

When the dry word "Why" came from the other end of the phone, she sighed and clenched her phone: "Why haven't you come back yet?"

Si Yu just washed an apple for dinner, and hesitated: "You let out such a big melon, maybe a group of paparazzi are squatting near the villa every day, I don't want to go back and be a target."

Lu Xi didn't think about this question, paused, and said, "Then when are you coming back?"

Si Yu irritably shook the water stains on the apple and said, "Let's talk about it."

Hearing that she was perfunctory, Lu Xi was silent for a while, thought for a while, and then asked: "Then can you tell me where you live now? Just trying to make sure it's safe where you live."

Si Yu took a look at the post on Tieba before it was deleted. Most of them just followed the trend and scolded a few casually. Some extreme netizens spoke sharp and righteous indignation. If it weren't for the fact that he had been soaked in the big dye vat of the entertainment industry for nearly ten years before wearing the book, Si Yu would have been fainted by those comments.

Is Lu Xi worried that she will be attacked by those extreme netizens?

Si Yu's heartbeat suddenly became a little faster, and he cleared his throat, not as coldly as before: "I live with Xiaoxia now, and this community has security and surveillance 24 hours a day. , no one else can enter the elevator without access control. Thank you for your concern."



"Anything else?" Si Yu touched his ear unnaturally.

"Have you eaten yet?"

“…not yet.”

"Oh." Lu Xi couldn't seem to find any other topic, so he sighed and said, "You eat first."

Si Yu watched the screen of his mobile phone dim a little, and then he remembered to eat an apple.

Not sweet and not crispy enough, sour not tasty at all.

She still ate it.

I don't have to make announcements or filming recently, so I'm a little bored, so Si Yu can only play with his mobile phone in his room.

Zhu Qi was afraid that she would be influenced by online public opinion, and told her several times not to use Weibo, but Si Yu didn't take it seriously.

Click in and see 99's message prompt, she is not surprised at all.

Her private messages on Weibo have always been closed, these @ are probably scolding her, and Si Yu directly ignores them.

I don't know if I was attracted by Lu Xi's beauty, but this video has more than 50 million views.

Si Yu thought and clicked on the video.

The half-hour press conference was long and boring, what trainees, trainers... Si Yu heard it in a fog, and stared at Lu Xi's picture in the video no matter how you shot it, it looked good A face that can't be ignored.

In the last minute of the video, the reporter stood up and asked Lu Xi a personal question.

Although this interview has been watched with everyone when I was in the company, and I read it again, the mood seems to be different.

She pulled the progress bar forward and fixed it at the second when Lu Xi said "she is my wife".

Looking at the faint but stunning smile at the corner of Lu Xi's mouth, Si Yu was slightly lost.

This is the first time she sees Lu Xixiao, except beauty, she can't find any suitable words to describe it.

When she said that, Lu Xi's cold eyes seemed to be glowing, and she looked directly at the camera gently, as if she was saying to her...

Si Yu felt that something jumped out, danced and cheered in her heart.

Did not even read the 100,000 comments, she threw away the phone as if she was burned, clutched her chest, and lay on her back on the bed.

It took a long time for the heartbeat to return to normal.

Her expression was blank, but her mind was more awake than ever.

Thinking about Lu Xi, thinking about the awkward and inexplicable feelings between the two of them during this time.

She didn't feel Lu Xi at all.

When Lu Xi flirted and kissed her again and again, she was really moved.

Whether it was out of beauty or **** for tenderness, Si Yu had to admit that she liked Lu Xi a little.

But it's not enough to let her go.

When she came back, Xiao Xia asked her why she didn't go home, but Si Yu suddenly couldn't answer.

She often thinks of the dilapidated house where she lived with her grandmother for decades, although her grandmother is long gone, she will go back to see when she is not working, because it carries her too much What a happy memory. And everything here seems to be stolen by her, whether it's identity, or Madam Lu's family affection and Lu Xi's love.

It has been almost a year since she passed through, and she can feel very little warmth here, and she is not even sure if the world really exists.

She also wants to go home, but her home is not here.

It would be nice if you could be hard-hearted, the strategy is completed, and you can leave without a cloud.

Of course she knew that hiding was not the way to go, but facing Lu Xi every day would make her more chaotic.

Besides, the Tieba incident is out now, so she can't be in the mood to think about the love of these children.

The police station has the result.

The next day, Si Yu, Xiao Xia and Zhu Qi went to the police station.

They were also shocked when they saw the information found by the police.

The account registration information of the post showed that it was Zheng Xiaoyan, and the IP location of the poster found Liang Yufei.

Zhu Qi was surprised: "Could it be the same name and surname?"

Si Yu took a few more glances at the two names, making sure that she was not mistaken, frowning deeply, and said, "Liang Yufei's assistant is also called Zheng Xiaoyan."

So it can't be such a coincidence.

The police also found out the mobile phone number used to register the posting account. Xiao Xia hurriedly took out her mobile phone and entered all the eleven numbers. The words "Tiance Media Zheng Xiaoyan" immediately popped up under the number. .

Zhu Qi thought deeply and whispered, "It may be Liang Yufei's post using her assistant's account."

Si Yu pursed his lips.

In her impression, Zheng Xiaoyan is a docile and soft girl, hardworking and never complaining, with a smiling face to everyone. Even if she knew that she had a holiday with Liang Yufei, Zheng Xiaoyan was always polite to her.

Zheng Xiaoyan has absolutely no reason to black her, so it can only be Liang Yufei.

But how did Liang Yufei know about that incident?

Si Yu was forced to go through the novel after reading the novel. She was 100% sure that the novel did not mention that the original female partner bullied her classmates.

Does this Liang Yufei who wears books have some kind of golden finger, and can know the plot outside the novel? This also makes no sense. If Liang Yufei really had that ability, he would have released the black material long ago, so why wait until now?

In other words, Liang Yufei asked someone to investigate her?

Liang Yufei hates her to the bones, and it is not impossible to investigate her junior high school in order to black her.

But why didn't you investigate before, and have to wait until this time?

At first Liang Yufei tried her best to seduce Lu Xi, but Si Yu didn't know about Zhang Xiaotao, so it was the most suitable to black her, which would not only ruin her career, but also ruin Lu Xi's impression of her , can be said to kill two birds with one stone. Why choose at this time?

Because after the broadcast of "Your Smile", a second female lead stole the limelight of Liang Yufei, the heroine?

I originally thought that Lin Shuang was the most likely person who posted the post. If so, I would sue directly. With Zhang Xiaotao's chat record to testify, Si Yu will win and clarify the facts.

Now it is found out that the person who posted the post is Liang Yufei. If you want to sue the other party for slander, you can win, because Liang Yufei said in the post that she was a former classmate of Si Yu, which is a forgery. But in this case, it is still impossible to clarify that Si Yu bullied his classmates back then, because there are many real classmates in the post, and netizens will only feel that Liang Yufei is jealous of her peers before posting, and they will still believe the "truth" said by those real classmates.

Si Yu has a headache.

Zhu Qi asked her, "Do you want to sue?"

Si Yu rubbed his face and fell silent.

Zhu Qi added: "You can tell Liang Yufei first, and then let that Zhang Xiaotao come out to help you clarify."

Siyu still doesn't speak.

Liang Yufei must sue, but how can the rumors be clarified?

The rumor of bullying classmates is caused by Zhang Xiaotao stealing the watch of the original female partner. Regardless of whether Zhang Xiaotao is willing to come out and clarify in public, even if Zhang Xiaotao is willing to stand up, will netizens believe it? Those people must think that Si Yu bought Zhang Xiaotao to help him clean up.

Zhu Qi also knew that this was not a good solution. He paced a few steps in place and said, "Go back to the company first and discuss with them to see if there is a better solution."

The three left the police station.

Si Yu sat in the car and meditated.

Why isn't Lin Shuang the one who blackmailed her?

And Liang Yufei posted a post shortly after Lin Shuang inquired. Is this a coincidence, or is there any connection between the two?

Si Yu was so overwhelmed with anxiety that someone touched her arm a few times. She squinted at Xiao Xia who was playing with her mobile phone and said angrily, "Why?"

Xiao Xia kept taking pictures of her as if she had Parkinson's, and said while taking pictures, "It turns out that Lin Shuang and Liang Yufei knew each other, and Lin Shuang also posted on Weibo that they went shopping together."

Si Yu grabbed her phone and saw Lin Shuang's Weibo with Liang Yufei's shopping spree half an hour ago.

Lin Shuang and Liang Yufei not only knew each other, but they also interacted on Weibo four months ago.

Four months ago, it happened that Si Yu attended the fashion festival, met Lin Shuang at the festival, and was told by Lin Shuang about Zhang Xiaotao. She remembered that Liang Yufei also came that day.

Lin Shuang inquired about the incident back then, Liang Yufei turned around and hacked her on the post bar, these two people still know each other... How could it be so coincidental?

Lin Shuang could barely walk on his legs, so he sat on the sofa to rest.

Liang Yufei came over with a bag all over her body and asked her cheerfully, "Which one looks good? Help me choose one."

Lin Shuang made a serious comparison, pointed to one of them and said, "I like this."

"I like this too." Liang Yufei ran to swipe the card.

The last two people left the luxury store with big bags and small bags.

Most of the things were bought by Liang Yufei, Lin Shuang was so jealous that he said, "These cost a lot of money, right?"

"It's okay, it's only a hundred thousand."

Only one hundred thousand!

Lin Shuang heard her say it lightly, and couldn't help but ask, "Have you made a lot of money by playing so many female lead characters?"

Liang Yufei whispered a number in her ear.

Lin Shuang took a deep breath, and said sourly, "I really envy you, I haven't played the female lead for so many years after my debut. Let alone the female lead, I haven't acted in half a year, my agent Don't arrange announcements for me, and if you continue like this, you'll have to drink the northwest wind."

On this point, Liang Yufei felt the same problem as her, and sighed: "I haven't worked for a long time."

"But you have a girlfriend!" Lin Shuang said: "Your girlfriend has made so many movies, and they are all female protagonists, so she must be very rich."

Liang Yufei did not know how much savings Lin Yiyan had, but she knew that Lin Yiyan had three apartments in City B. In fact, it's good to have some people, but filming and so on is tiring and hard.

Thinking of Lin Yiyan, Liang Yufei was in a happy mood, and said to the dejected Lin Shuang, "Go, I'll treat you to dinner."

Lin Shuang's phone rang, and when she saw the words "Light and Shadow Entertainment Co., Ltd." on the caller ID, she thought she was confused, so she pulled Liang Yufei over: "Help me See what's written on it?"

"Light and Shadow Entertainment..." Liang Yufei stopped abruptly in the middle of reading, with a strange expression.

Lin Shuang didn't pay attention to her reaction, and pressed the answer before the ringtone ended: "Hello?"

"Is it Miss Lin Shuanglin?" The other party said, "Hello, I'm an assistant of Light and Shadow Entertainment, my name is Chen Yan. So, our company is preparing a costume drama , Now we are casting, we think you are a good fit for this drama, and would like to invite you to come to our company to audition. Do you have time now?"

"Audition?!!" Lin Shuang almost jumped up with excitement, and said without hesitation, "Okay, okay, I have time now! Are you going directly to your company?"


"I'm going!"

Lin Shuang hung up the phone, returned the large and small bags to Liang Yufei, and said excitedly: "I can't accompany you to dinner, I'm going to the audition for light and shadow. Let's make an appointment next time, Bye-Bye!"

Liang Yufei didn't hold her steady. Several bags fell on the ground. When she picked it up, Lin Shuang was nowhere to be seen.

It's been half a year that I haven't announced that there is no filming and zero income, and suddenly I was informed by the sight glass that Lin Shuang was crazy. She didn't care if it was true or not, it was illogical, she drove all the way to the Guangying Building, ran to the front desk After telling her name and purpose of visit, the front desk let her go directly, and told her with a smile on which floor and which room the interviewer was waiting for her.

Lin Shuang found the room, and when she pushed the door in, she saw Si Yu, Zhu Qi, and Xiao Xia Dalala sitting in it, she was stunned, thinking she was going the wrong way, and wanted to exit.

"Lin Shuang." Si Yu stood up and walked towards her, smiling gently: "You didn't go wrong, I called you here."

Lin Shuang was very puzzled: "No, it's obvious that someone called me to come to the mirror."

"The audition will be discussed later." Si Yu pointed to the empty sofa, "Please take a seat."

Lin Shuang didn't move, and said with an unhappy expression: "Why are you looking for me?"

Si Yu didn't force it, stood face to face with her, organized the language, and said, "Someone blackmailed me about Zhang Xiaotao, you should know?"

That incident caused a lot of uproar, and it was taken down after several hot searches. As a salted fish who is idle at home all day, Lin Shuang can see it every day when he scans Weibo. She raised her chin, pointed her nostrils at Si Yu, snorted coldly, and said, "You have done something wrong, now you know you're afraid?"

Si Yu thought her reaction was a bit intriguing, not guilty, but angry.

"Zhang Xiaotao told you that there was a misunderstanding, why do you still think I did something wrong?"

Lin Shuang choked, stalked her neck and said, "Who knows if you threaten Xiao Tao so she doesn't dare to say it."

Si Yu said slowly: "If I really did those immoral things, Zhang Xiaotao should hate me and be threatened by me, she can stand up and tell everyone, so she can take the opportunity to destroy Drop me. Don't you?"

"Now is a society ruled by law, and there is no high official in my family. What do you think I can use to threaten Zhang Xiaotao?"

"If those rumors are true, Zhang Xiaotao is equivalent to holding my handle. She should be threatening me, right?"

Lin Shuang felt that she had some truth in what she said. After a moment of silence, she still said stubbornly: "Then... it may be that you bribed her."

Si Yu laughed and said: "If I want to bribe her, I will do it more thoroughly, give her enough money, and let her come forward to help me clarify now, why bother looking for you? "

Lin Shuang opened his mouth, but could not find anything to refute, but grabbed the key words, frowned and said, "Then why are you looking for me? You don't think that the post is me. Did you post it?!"

"I know it's not you." Si Yu said, "The police have already helped us find the person who posted it, it's Liang Yufei."

"...What?!" Lin Shuang was very stunned, "Liang Yufei? How could it be her?!"

Si Yu did not let go of any changes in her expression, and could not see any trace of her performance. Instead, it was an instinctive reaction. She pondered a little and said, "So, you don't know that Liang Yufei wants to hack me."

"How would I know if she wanted to hack you!" Lin Shuang, like a cat that had stepped on its tail, pointed at her and scolded: "I really don't like you, "Your Smile" "After that, when I saw you playing the role of a bullying classmate, I thought of Zhang Xiaotao, and I chatted with her on WeChat. Do you think I wanted to black you when I asked her what happened back then? Bah! I'm not as mean as you are. !"

What did she do to be despicable? ? ?

Being scolded by the nose, Si Yu was not angry at all.

Lin Shuang said sour words to her at the fashion festival, and Si Yu knew that Lin Shuang was dissatisfied with her, but he didn't expect that Lin Shuang would be sour, but he was still a cheerful person.

But thinking about it carefully, Lin Shuang did not do anything to stab her in the back. Came to Guangying to interview Lin Shuang and was unsuccessful. She was selected. Lin Shuang rushed over to question her at that time. At the fashion gala dinner, Lin Shuang also directly asked her if she was hugging the thigh of a high-level executive in Guangying, and also asked if she remembered bullying Zhang Xiaotao back then.

So, it is your own villain's heart?

Looking at Lin Shuang who was blushing and thick-necked, Si Yu said embarrassedly: "I'm sorry, it's my bad attitude, don't be angry. In fact, I came to you to ask you about Zhang Xiaotao. Did you tell Liang Yufei?"

"..." Lin Shuang's face panicked.

Seeing her reaction, Si Yu felt that he guessed right, and said slowly: "It doesn't matter if it is you, it is not you who posted the post, and the accusation will not be brought against you. I just want to know , when you told Liang Yufei, did you mention that it was a misunderstanding?"

Lin Shuang is very vigilant now, and his mouth is pursed tightly and he refuses to speak.

Si Yu patted her shoulder and said patiently, "Have you not received a show for a long time?"

Lin Shuang thought she was going to ridicule herself, her face was ashen, she separated her hand and said angrily, "It's none of your business."

Si Yu was neither angry nor annoyed, picked up a contract on the table, handed it to her, and said, "If you can help me, I will give you a role right away."