MTL - The Whole World Wants Them To Get Divorced-Chapter 65

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Si Yu was refreshed and walked down the spiral staircase when he heard Mrs. Lu and the nanny discussing mosquitoes.

The nanny pointed to the mosquito bag on her arm and complained, "The weather is just getting warmer and these **** mosquitoes are popping up. Didn't you get bitten last night?"

"I have rough skin and thick flesh, so mosquitoes won't be able to bite." After joking, Madam Lu saw Si Yu and asked her: "Did any mosquitoes bite you last night?"

"No." Si Yu jumped up and ran over and said with a smile, "I slept soundly last night."

Although she couldn't sleep because of the smell of someone in the room at first, she had to turn on the light and play with her mobile phone, and fell asleep while playing.

Si Yu had no dreams all night, and it was a little strange when she woke up, because she deliberately turned on the light to sleep last night, and the floor lamp did not know when it was turned off.

Maybe she flipped the switch while she was half asleep?

Such small details were not taken into account.

She sat down to eat breakfast with Mrs. Lu.

"Yeah, Miss!" Another nanny who was cleaning upstairs exclaimed: "When did you come back?"

"Morning, Auntie." A cold voice said, "I didn't get home until three o'clock, didn't I disturb you?"

"No no, I went to bed early last night and didn't even know you were back."

Si Yu raised his head suddenly, and was a little surprised to see a tall figure in black and white casual clothes walking down.

Why is Lu Xi at home?

Then she thought: Lu Xi helped her turn off that light last night, right?

But when she woke up, she saw that the bed was as clean as new, apparently untouched. Where did Lu Xi come from?

Mrs. Lu was also very surprised by the appearance of Lu Xi: "Xixi, didn't you say you can't come back on business?"

Lu Xi glanced around casually, paused for a moment on Si Yu's face, then quietly moved away, and said, "I'll be back when I'm done."

"Then why don't you sleep more?" Mrs. Lu was a little distressed when she heard that she didn't get home until three o'clock, but looking at her mental state, she couldn't tell she was tired.

Lu Xi curled the corner of his lips and said, "I woke up from hunger."

The nanny behind Mrs. Lu hurriedly said, "I'll get you a bowl."

"Thank you, Auntie." Lu Xi walked halfway around the dining table, and naturally pulled the chair next to Si Yu and sat down.

"Qiao Qiao, why didn't you say Xixi when you came back?" Mrs. Lu looked at Si Yu who was opposite.

Si Yu glanced at someone sitting beside her, and said helplessly, "I didn't know she came back."

"Didn't you guys sleep together last night?" Mrs. Lu grabbed the point at once.

Si Yu's heart skipped a beat, and he looked at Lu Xi subconsciously.

Lu Xi looked at her softly, and said slowly, "I came back too late. I was afraid of disturbing her, so I went to the guest room to sleep."

Si Yu murmured in his heart: No wonder no one was seen, so he secretly went to the guest room.

But what's with Lu Xi's eyes and tone? Even if you want to show it to Mrs. Lu, you don't need to be so invested, right? !

Si Yu was really not used to her sudden gentleness, so she hurriedly stopped, picked up a boiled egg in the bowl, and was about to peel it when a thin white hand reached out.

Si Yu looked at Lu Xi who stole her eggs in disbelief.

Mrs. Lu is afraid of high cholesterol and does not eat eggs, but the nanny didn't only cook one, what happened to this person, she had to **** it from herself!

Is it possible that the eggs you have touched are more fragrant? ? ?

Seeing Lu Xi casually peeling the egg that was taken from her hand, Si Yu puffed out his cheeks.

Forget it, I don't bother to bother with her in front of my grandma.

Si Yu let out a sigh of relief, and was grabbed by the wrist when he reached out to pick up other eggs.

Si Yu was annoyed and glared at her: "What on earth are you trying to do?"

Mrs. Lu noticed something was different, put down the bowl and looked over curiously.

Lu Xi's expression remained unchanged, she put the half-peeled egg into her hand, and said, "Eat it."

Speak: "…"

Mrs. Lu covered her mouth and snickered.

The nanny came over and said, "Miss is more and more hurtful."

Lu Xi was noncommittal, took the bowl and spoon handed over by the nanny, poured porridge for himself, took a sip, and found the person next to him in a daze, and said, "Why don't you eat it? Still want me to peel it for you. Finish?"

"No... not anymore."

Si Yu straightened his body and took a sip of the egg whites under those eager eyes. He didn't taste anything, but his heart was full of mixed flavors.

It's her villain's heart.

She thought Lu Xi was going to **** eggs from her, but she didn't expect to help her peel eggs.

In the past, even if they wanted to show their affection in front of Mrs. Lu, they just pretended to be respectful to each other. It was the first time for Lu Xi to do a seemingly ordinary but intimate act like peeling an egg. .


Is it for Mrs. Lu, or because of her…

Si Yu's heartbeat suddenly accelerated, he didn't dare to think further, and swallowed the egg whole.


Eating so fast, she chokes on the egg yolk.

A glass of clear water appeared in front of her in time, Si Yu drank it without even thinking about it. After drinking it, she realized that the person who handed her the water was Lu Xi, her expression froze.

"Eat slowly." Lu Xi said.

To die...

Si Yu seriously doubted whether Lu Xi had been pierced by a human soul. Why did the iceberg character set up so suddenly become so gentle? ? ?

She finished her breakfast as fast as she could, wiped her mouth, and said, "Grandma, the weather is fine today, let me push you out for a walk!"

If she stays any longer, she will be looked upon by someone.

It had been raining a while ago, but the weather has turned fine today, and the peach blossoms in the yard are blooming.

Si Yu took off a peach blossom, not in Mrs. Lu's hair, took a photo of the old man with beauty and special effects, and said, "Grandma, you are so beautiful!"

It was the first time that Mrs. Lu took such a cute photo. She thought it was funny and pointed to the peach blossom beside her ear: "Is it the same as the magazine you took?"

Last night, Si Yuta brought the magazine back to Mrs. Lu to read. On the cover, she had a peach blossom pinned to her ear.

"Then I also wear flowers, let's take a picture together."

"Good good." Mrs. Lu said with great interest: "Grandma will pick the best one for you."

When she gets old, she becomes a child. Seeing her having a good time, Si Yu is also happy.

There were too many peach blossoms, Madam Lu was dazzled, she caught a glimpse of a figure walking over, and said loudly: "Come here Xixi, help your daughter-in-law choose the most beautiful flower !"

Si Yu, who was using the camera to capture the scene of Mrs. Lu picking flowers, was stunned, raised her eyes, and met Lu Xi's eyes across a pink peach blossom.

Lu Xi usually eats slowly, why did he finish breakfast so quickly today? Si Yu was a little puzzled.

Lu Xi looked at the peach blossom beside Mrs. Lu's ear, and at Si Yu's small ear, picked a budding peach blossom from the branch and said, "Then This one."

Mrs. Lu squinted her eyes and said with disgust: "This one is not fully opened, let you choose the most beautiful, why are you so perfunctory."

Lu Xi looked straight at the opposite Si Yu, without a trace of intrusion, the sunlight made it a little softer, and said, "No matter how beautiful the flower is, she is not as good-looking."

The corner of Si Yu's mouth twitched.

What the **** is going on with this woman!

First she helped her peel the eggs, and now she said these disgusting love words, is it really worn by people? !

After Lu Xi finished speaking, she also realized that something was not right, her cold white face was gradually stained with a touch of pink, she stopped her head and coughed dryly, and whispered: "I really think you are better than these flowers. Good-looking, no compliment meant."

Speak: "..."

No need to stress this again.

Compared to Si Yu's shock, Mrs. Lu was very happy, she pushed Lu Xi, and said, "Go put it on Qiao Qiao, I want to take a picture with Qiao Qiao."

When Lu Xi came over with the peach blossom, Si Yu instinctively wanted to step back, but was afraid that Mrs. Lu would be suspicious, so she held back.

Slim fingers rolled up her hair covering her ears, and when they touched her sensitive ears, Si Yu's body froze.

She didn't dare to move, she just wanted to end it quickly.

Lu Xi didn't linger for too long, and helped her fix the peach blossom in a few seconds.

Si Yu let out a long sigh of relief.

"Would you like me to shoot for you?" Lu Xi looked down at her.

Si Yuxiang took the hot potato, hurriedly threw the phone to her, ran away from her, ran behind the wheelchair, and surrounded Mrs. Lu from behind: "Grandma look at the camera."

"Okay." Mrs. Lu made a comparison.

The woman in the lens smiles like a flower, even more delicate than the peach blossoms in full bloom.

Lu Xi hadn't seen such a bright smile from her for a long time, and she was a little lost for a while.

"Okay, Xixi!" Mrs. Lu, who was all tired, urged.

Lu Xi suddenly came back to her senses, looked at the flowery face in the camera, and tapped the button with her finger.


"Quickly show me." Mrs. Lu, who was very interested in taking pictures, couldn't wait to say.

Lu Xi handed over the phone.

Mrs. Lu nodded with satisfaction and said, "It's okay, it would be more fun if you add those cat ears and bunny ears."

"What add ears?" Lu Xi didn't understand.

"It's just adding special effects." Si Yu explained: "It's okay, grandma, you can add it after filming."

Lu Xi looked at her skillfully posted photos, and added cute cat ears and whiskers, and understood: "It turns out that it can still be like this."

"Have you never played?"

Lu Xi shook his head and said solemnly, "I rarely take pictures."


Lu Xi's mind moved slightly and stared at her: "It seems that we haven't taken pictures together."

Si Yu gave a soft "ah", recalled for a moment, and said, "No."



"Take it! I'll help you take it." Madam Lu grabbed Siyu's phone, turned into a photographer in a second, and said cheerfully, "Xixi, hug Qiaoqiao's waist, It's more intimate."

Lu Xi: "…"

Speak: "…"

"Hug!" The old man became impatient.

The two of you are a little embarrassed when you look at me and I look at you.

"You've been married for so long, why are you shy?" Madam Lu teased.

Si Yu's heart swayed, he took the initiative to step forward and said, "Hurry up."

Looking at her generous expression, Lu Xi was silent, and whispered "sorry", wrapping her hands around her waist.

Although the other party deliberately did not let their bodies touch sensitive parts, Si Yu still felt awkward. Getting too close, she could even feel Lu Xi's breath brushing against her cheek, itching and burning.

Too annoying.

Lu Xi looked at the tips of her ears that were turning red a little, and her eyes changed slightly.

Want to pinch…


The sound of the filming interrupted Lu Xi's heart throbbing, she stabilized her mind, straightened her waist and looked forward.

Mrs. Lu helped them to take pictures, and said beautifully, "How do you see how I took pictures?"

Si Yu didn't dare to look carefully at the photo of the two of them on the screen, he opened his eyes and blew: "Grandma, you are awesome!"

"Then I'll take a few more pictures for you." Mrs. Lu said happily.

Still! !

"Ouch—" Si Yu covered his stomach, frowned and said, "Grandma, I'm in a hurry, I'm going to the bathroom!"

Before the other two could react, she smeared oil on the soles of her feet and ran away.

Si Yu ran straight into the bathroom, came out three minutes later, and saw a figure sitting on the sofa with a slight pause.

Lu Xi caught a glimpse of her, stood up, and handed her the phone: "Zhu Qi sent you a message."

Si Yu shook the water droplets on his hand, took the phone, unlocked it and checked the messages.

Zhu Qi told her to go to H city to record some precautions the day after tomorrow, Si Yu replied the word "received", pressed the phone, looked up, and met Lu Xi's compelling gaze, Staggering unnaturally, looking for something to say: "Where's grandma?"

"I'm outside with my aunt." Lu Xi said, "I'll go up and get some sleep, you can accompany her."

Si Yu said "um", and was about to walk out when he suddenly thought of something: "Did you enter the room while I was asleep last night?"

She thought that the light was turned off in her sleep, but now that Lu Xi came back, she was a little suspicious.

"No." Lu Xi said without changing his expression.