MTL - The Whole World Wants Them To Get Divorced-Chapter 43

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The drama of horseback riding is indispensable in making a costume drama.

Si Yu is only a supporting role, so she only has one horse riding scene in the drama "The Favorite Concubine II".

These two games with the heroine Linger.

The crew invited a special coach to teach the actors to ride horses. Among them, Siyu learned the fastest language and received the most praise.

Seeing her skillful movements, the coach asked her: "Have you learned it before?"

Before wearing a book, Si Yu had done a lot of costume dramas. For her, riding a horse is as easy as riding a bicycle. She smiled and nodded.

The accompanying action director thought she was going to learn horseback riding for the purpose of filming this drama, and praised her for her dedication and dedication.

Si Yu smiled and did not explain.

Lu Wei, who was watching beside her, was very surprised by this, and bit her ear secretly with Liang Yufei: "It's strange, why didn't I know she could ride a horse."

"You don't know, how can I know." Liang Yufei muttered, feeling foggy in her heart.

She remembered that in the novel, the author set Si Yu's character as a vicious female partner, a worthless and enterprising trash, guarding the hundreds of millions of family properties left by her parents and waiting to die.

But this Siyu can ride horses, perform well, and act very well.

If Siyu is trash, what is she?

This is the world outlined by the novel. The characters of other people, Liang Yufei can match the characters in the novel. She can't understand why the characters of Duduyu are the same as those described in the book. So much in and out?

Is Si Yu a bookworm like her? ? ? ! !

Liang Yufei was frightened by her inadvertently daring idea, her body quivered, and her back felt cold.

"What's the matter with you?" Lu Wei noticed the strangeness of the people around her.

Looking at Si Yu not far away, who was exchanging riding skills with the coach, Liang Yufei clenched her hands into fists, her lips trembled slightly, and said in a trance: "Nothing..."

At this time, the outdoor temperature was less than ten degrees, but there was a layer of cold sweat on her forehead.

Seeing this, Lu Wei thought she was ill, so she hurriedly pulled her to a sheltered place.

Si Yu, who is seriously practicing Sakuraji's riding movements with the action guide in the play, doesn't know that his vest is about to be ripped off.

All relevant actors have mastered horse riding skills, and the director arranged to shoot the more difficult horse riding group scenes in the play.

It is better to shoot when the horse is jogging and the still scene, and the actors have to go into battle in person. Once the horse starts running, it is dangerous for the actors to show various horse skills, so the crew prepared stand-ins for the actors.

Siyu insists on not using a substitute.

David Jiang asked her again and again: "Are you sure you don't need a substitute?"

Si Yu never used a stand-in before filming, and she practiced Sakuraji's horseback riding skills very well before going on stage, and the action guide kept praising her. "No, I can do it myself," she said confidently.

Liang Yufei, who had a direct rivalry with her, was more afraid of death and gave her horse to a stuntman.

Lu Wei pulled Liang Yufei aside, watched Si Yu swiftly get on her horse, and said disdainfully, "What can this woman do?"

Liang Yufei didn't follow up, she was thinking about the incredible question: Is Si Yu a book-wearer?

"The 108th scene of "The Favorite Concubine II" has two scenes, start!"

After the script was finished, Si Yu, who was wearing a costume, let the horse walk slowly first according to the reminder of the action guide, clamped the horse's belly with both legs, and gradually accelerated.


The horse ran, Si Yu's body moved rhythmically, the cold wind scratched her face, and she completely forgot.

Liang Yufei's stuntman rode alongside her on a horse.

"Si Yu is very good, keep this speed, run to the flagpole and let the horse turn around, don't panic!" Jiang David held the loudspeaker to instruct outside the field, "Don't get too close to the battery car, Don't scare the horses."

The voice just fell.

The horse under Si Yu suddenly let out a shrill scream and rushed towards the crowded place like crazy.

The accident happened so suddenly that everyone panicked, including Si Yu on horseback.

Go any further and hit the monitor.

Si Yu tried his best to tighten the reins in a panic, trying to lead the horse to a place where no one was around.

The horse seemed unhappy to be restrained, her two front hooves were raised high, and her body shook violently and threw her out.

"Hmm—" Si Yu let out a grunt when his body fell heavily on the ground, his eyes darkened.

A group of people rushed to surround her.

Several people chased the galloping horse, and the scene was out of control for a while.

"Don't move, lie down, do you feel any discomfort?" the accompanying doctor asked her.

There was a buzzing sound in Si Yu's head, she was held down by the shoulders, she breathed slowly, and said with a painful expression: "I feel a little dizzy and want to vomit."

"Did you just fall on your head?" the doctor asked again.


The doctor motioned others to come and help, and carefully carried her onto the stretcher. After checking, no skin injuries were found. But Si Yu kept saying he wanted to vomit, and the doctor wasn't sure what the internal damage was, and suggested that it's best to go to the hospital for a brain examination.

The last time I was filming in City H, I was hit by a rocker and got a concussion. Si Yu didn't dare to be careless and went to the nearest hospital nearby.

After the inspection results came out, it was confirmed that there was no problem, and Si Yu returned to the crew.

It took more than two hours.

David Jiang told her that when she went to the hospital, she had arranged for a double to finish the filming of her fast horse riding scene.

Although the shooting progress was not affected, Si Yu still felt ashamed: "I'm sorry Director Jiang."

"You'll be fine." David Jiang said.

Zhu Qi, who came over after hearing the news, frowned, looked at David Jiang, and asked angrily, "Why not let a professional stand-in perform in such a dangerous action scene?"

Si Yu said embarrassingly: "Sister Qi, Director Jiang asked me if I needed a substitute, but I insisted on not using it myself."

Zhu Qi stared at him and said angrily: "There is no need for a substitute, are you stupid!"

Speak: "…"

"I can't blame Si Yu for this, it's the horse that went wrong." Jiang David said: "We found a pushpin on the inside of the stirrup of the horse Si Yu was riding. It may be that the pushpin stuck into the horse's body when kicking, and the horse would run wild when it hurts."

Si Yu's breathing stagnated.

Zhu Qi was shocked: "How come there are pushpins in Ma Deng? Don't your staff check first before shooting?"

"The horse was borrowed. Before the shooting started, our staff even gave the horse a bath, and we didn't find any pushpins on the stirrups." David Jiang said.

Zhu Qi's brain ran fast and said: "Then it is possible that someone has manipulated the horse and deliberately framed Si Yu. The place where the horse is placed should be monitored. Check the monitoring to know who did it. of."

"There is monitoring, but..." David Jiang hesitated.

The cheerful ringtone rang.

Hang up the phone, he said quickly: "Mr. Lu is here, I'll go take a look. We'll talk about the horse later, Si Yu, go to the dressing room to change clothes first, wait a minute And you two games."

Jiang David did not dare to delay for a moment, and ran away in a gust of wind, leaving Si Yu and the other three to look at each other.

There is no doubt that the person David Jiang is talking about is Lu Xi.

Si Yu thought to himself: Lu Xi came to visit the class again? Is the President of Light and Shadow so busy?

Zhu Qi interrupted her thoughts with a sentence: "This matter is strange, I will find someone to help check the surveillance, you go and change your clothes first."

The horse Si Yu used for filming is the one she rode during training, and she has a very docile personality. At first, she thought it was because there were too many people at the filming site, and there was a tram next to the camera with the camera teacher following him.

It wasn't until she heard Jiang Dawei said that a pushpin was found on the inside of Ma Deng, and she realized that it was not that simple.

There are two people in the crew who have conflicts with her, Lu Wei and Liang Yufei. Both of them hated her to the point of itching their teeth.

Could it be that these two people couldn't help but want to attack her?

Use a horse? The intention is really vicious enough, and it might kill people.

Thanks to her life.

Thinking about these complicated issues gave her a headache.

Since Zhu Qi is here, let Zhu Qi handle it.

Si Yu walked towards the dressing room.

At the same time, David Jiang hurriedly ran over and saw Lu Xi who was standing in the chaotic studio. He wiped the sweat on his forehead and smiled to please: "Mr. Lu, what are you doing? coming?"

Lu Xifeng swept her eyes, but did not find the target, and asked directly, "Where's Si Yu, are you seriously injured?"

David Jiang's heart skipped a beat, and said, "She fell off the horse and went to the hospital for examination. She was not injured."

"Director Jiang." The assistant ran over suddenly, paused when he saw Lu Xi, and said, "Mr. Lu."

Lu Xi nodded slightly.

Jiang David blamed him for his lack of vision and glared at him: "What's the matter?"

"The agent Siyu wants to check the surveillance, do you want to show her?" the assistant said.

Jiang David glanced at Lu Xi, his face hesitant.

Seeing the strangeness in his eyes, Lu Xi asked, "What kind of surveillance does Zhu Qi want to check?"

After all, the investor is too big, and the assistant said hesitantly: "She suspected that someone did something to Ma and wanted to frame Si Yu..."

"Framed?" Lu Xi's eyes were slightly cold, "Director Jiang, what's going on?"

David Jiang had no choice but to tell the story of the pushpin found on the inside of Si Yu's stirrup, and he hesitated a little later, and his voice unconsciously softened: "Actually, we have already seen the surveillance, before the shooting. , in addition to the staff responsible for managing horses, Liang Yufei and Miss Lu Wei have also been to the stables."

The surveillance can only be photographed outside, but not in the stable. If someone really did something to the horse, it means that Lu Wei is also a suspect.

The entire crew knew that Lu Wei and Si Yu were enemies, and they would argue seven or eight times on the set every day. In this way, Lu Wei's suspicion is the biggest.

But Lu Wei is the investor's sister after all, even if she is suspected, Jiang David dare not question it casually.

Lu Xi came at the right time, and simply left this problem to her. Jiang David asked cautiously, "Mr. Lu, how do you think this matter should be handled?"

Lu Xi pursed her thin lips tightly, and her charming phoenix eyes were full of frost.

Powder room.

Si Yu didn't expect that Lu Wei and Liang Yufei, their friends, were also changing clothes.

When other makeup artists saw her coming in, they came over to greet her: "Si Yu, are you okay?"

"It's fine." Si Yu smiled and said, "Thank you for your concern."

A makeup artist sighed: "It's not easy for you to be an actor. Not to mention the hard work, it's so dangerous."

Others have different expressions.

Everyone knows that the two of them are in conflict, and they scolded each other when they met, and they didn't dare to help.

Xiao Xia couldn't help but said: "Miss Lu Wei, Xiaoyu doesn't need a substitute because she is dedicated, how can you say that about her."

Lu Wei threw the headdress in her hand and said displeased, "She doesn't need a substitute to be dedicated, so I'm not dedicated, right?!"

Xiao Xia's face was red and white: "I..."

Si Yu gave Xiao Xia a look, signaling her not to waste her words.

The atmosphere was tense, and several makeup artists were silent.

Liang Yufei, who had changed into a costume, hurriedly stood up to make a rescue: "Weiwei, Si Yu was almost injured, please say a few words less."

Seeing this harmless white lotus image pretending to be in front of her, Si Yu almost vomited.

Lu Wei stood up, pulled the "simple and kind" Liang Yufei aside, and said with hatred: "She hurt you like that, why do you still speak for her!"

Everyone: What the hell, did Si talk hurt Liang Yufei? What kind of melon is this? !

Finding that everyone looked at Si Yu with questioning eyes, Liang Yufei felt relieved in her heart, with a pitiful expression on her face, she tugged at Lu Wei's sleeve and said, "Weiwei, stop talking."

"Why don't you say it?" Lu Wei was angry at her submissive appearance, pointed at Si Yu's nose, and said indignantly: "She almost caused you to drown, so vicious, from the She deserves to fall down immediately! Retribution!"

Si Yu put down his hands slowly, his eyes narrowed, and said, "So, you did something to the horse?"

Lu Wei was angry on her head, and no matter what she said, she said, "I should let that horse throw you to death!"

The door of the dressing room was suddenly pushed open, and someone walked in quickly.

Lu Wei turned around when she heard the movement, and before she could see who was coming in, her face was slapped in the wrong direction.


Crisp slaps resounded through the dressing room.

Everyone took a deep breath.

Have Lu Wei ever suffered this kind of grievance since she was a child, she was shocked and angry, and was about to curse, when she saw the person in front of her, her eyes widened in disbelief: "Sister... why are you hitting me? ?!"

Lu Xi was enveloped by the threatening cold air, looking at the clear slap print on her face, and said coldly, "The Lu family can't raise such an uneducated and vicious daughter."

Everyone in the dressing room, including Jiang David and his assistant who came in later, and Zhu Qi, were shocked by Lu Xi's slap.

Mr. Lu beats his sister with his own hands, if it spreads out, it will definitely make the headlines on Weibo!

For fear of causing trouble, David Jiang made a decisive decision, motioned his assistant to take the makeup artists out, and locked the door by the way.

Lu Wei pulled away from the shock, only anger and dissatisfaction remained in her heart, pointed at Si Yu, and looked at Lu Xi: "Sister, are you crazy, you actually beat me for this vicious woman ???"

Lu Xi's expression and eyes remained the same, ignoring her accusation, and said calmly, "Did you do something to that horse?"

"What horse, I don't know what you're talking about!"

"Director Jiang, tell me."

Jiang David, who was named, was nervous, inserted/entered between the two, and talked about the pushpin and monitoring.

Lu Wei later realized why Lu Xi said she was vicious, and blurted out: "I didn't do it! I don't know what pushpins!"

Si Yu said lukewarmly: "It's not you, that's your good girlfriend."

Liang Yufei's face turned white with a "swoosh", she shook her head, and said, "It's not me...nor Weiwei. We just went to see the horses, you have no evidence, how can you say that we framed you ?"

"Yeah, the surveillance camera can't capture it, why do you say we did it!" Lu Wei refused to admit it, and slapped her: "You vicious woman, don't even think of slandering me and Yu Fei. Maybe it was you who acted on the horse yourself, and then framed it for me and Yu Fei!"

"I hurt myself and framed it for you?" Si Yu laughed at her brainless logic.

"Anyway, there is no surveillance camera, and there is not enough evidence, you are slander!"

Liang Yufei had tears in her eyes, and Ai Ai said: "Siyu, I know you hate me, but you can't slander me and Weiwei like this."

"Yes!" Lu Wei hurriedly echoed.

Si Yu sneered.

The surveillance can't really capture who did something to Si Yu's horse, this incident can only be regarded as an accident.

The argument came to an end, and Lu Wei remembered that Lu Xi slapped her for Si Yu, and wanted to make trouble again.

Lu Xi glanced over with a cold look, successfully shut her up, turned to Liang Yufei and said, "Miss Liang, take a step to speak."

Liang Yufei followed Lu Xi tremblingly, left the dressing room, and went to a hidden place.

If it was before, Lu Xi would have been so happy to find her alone, but Lu Xi's expression was so cold that she shivered.

She has a bad feeling.

"You did it." Lu Xi said straight to the point.

Liang Yufei's back froze, pretending to be innocent: "It's really not me."

"Lu Wei doesn't dare to lie to me, Si Yu is not that stupid." Lu Xi looked at her blankly, his tone was colder than the cold air: "The first time I saw you , I thought you were a real and pure person, but after the last event in the H city's youth banquet, and you deliberately fabricated false questions about the "Goddess" game to talk to me, I found that you are really fake."


"Lu Wei is my younger sister, she is a stupid person, if you dare to use her again, don't blame me for being rude to you."

A gust of north wind blew Liang Yufei's thin body to the brink.

Lu Xi left.

Liang Yufei seemed to be nailed to the spot, her blood was frozen, like falling into an ice cave.

That day, Lu Wei rushed to tell her that Lu Xi and Si Yu were just doing a show for Mrs. Lu. When Lu Xi still hated Si Yu, hope rekindled in her heart.

But when she thought about Lu Xi and Si Yu not getting divorced for Madam Lu, the light in her heart dimmed.

At the end of the novel, Mrs. Lu is not dead yet. Lu Xi is so filial. If she would rather suffer grievances than divorce Si Yu for Mrs. Lu, how can she afford to wait?

The only way is to make Siyu disappear.

She deliberately lured Lu Wei to accompany her to see the horse, and while Lu Wei was not paying attention, she put the pushpin on the stirrup of Si Yu's horse.

When she saw the horse running around in pain, she was afraid while praying that the horse would trample Si Yu to death in a panic.

Si Yu escaped easily.

Fortunately, she kept a hand, knowing that the surveillance camera couldn't capture the scene in the stable, and as long as she refused to recognize her, Si Yu couldn't do anything to her.

It's just that she didn't expect Lu Xi to come, and she didn't expect Lu Xi to call her out alone and point out that it was her.

When Lu Xi's words were half a warning and half a threat, Liang Yufei knew that she could no longer recover.

Under the coercion of Jiang David, the makeup artists did not dare to reveal that Lu Xi beat Lu Wei, and the studio looked peaceful.

After changing her outfit, Si Yu was immediately called to the studio to shoot the remaining two scenes.

It was dark after filming.

The weather is getting colder and the actors are getting warm in their nanny vans. Hearing the knock on the door, Si Yu, who was playing Xiao Xia with his head down, thought it was Xiao Xia who came back with his lunch, put down his phone and opened the car door.

There is a tall figure standing outside the door, at first glance it is not Xiaoxia.

The light was dim, Si Yu could not see the man's facial features, and smelled a familiar cold fragrance.

In a daze, I heard the man's cold voice: "Can I go up?"

It's Lu Xi.

Being blown by the cold wind, Si Yu's brain suddenly became numb, staring at her slightly exposed half collarbone, his throat tightened, and he said, "Come up."

The man got into the car with the cold air in between, and the space became smaller.

Si Yu covered his mouth and nose and sneezed, moved inside, his eyes flickered: "Why are you looking for me?"

Lu Xi looked straight at her and said in a low voice, "Lu Wei is reckless, I apologize to you on her behalf."

Si Yu didn't expect Lu Wei to come to apologize to her, but she didn't expect Lu Xi to come, she was surprised for a moment, and said, "Oh."



Damn silence.

After a while, Lu Xi said, "Are you scared today?"

Si Yu was taken aback for a moment, thinking it was a hallucination: "Are you concerned about me?"

There is a night show at night, Si Yu is wearing a cherry-colored court dress tailored for Sakuraji. In order to look good on the mirror, the makeup of ancient costumes is generally heavier than modern makeup. Her facial features are already publicized, and the makeup and clothing make her more gorgeous.

The slightly raised eyebrows and eyes were deliberately drawn to make her look like a seductive fairy.

Lu Xi was a little distracted by her straightforward eyes. She staggered her gaze and said coldly, "You are an artist signed by our company. As a leader, it's just a routine greeting."

Leadership? Routine greeting?


Si Yu's eyes disappeared, and he said dryly, "Thank you for your concern."

"...I'm leaving."

"Leader walk slowly." When her hand was on the door lock, Si Yu didn't know what was wrong and said, "By the way, leader, I have a small piece of advice. "

Lu Xi looked at her suspiciously and motioned her to continue.

"As a leader, don't get into your entertainer's nanny car in the future, especially at night." Si Yu said jokingly: "If you are seen, you will suspect that you are trying to hide the rules. "
