MTL - The Whole World Wants Them To Get Divorced-Chapter 26

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Dating? ? ?

The sun must be so bright that her eyes are dizzy.

Si Yu rubbed his eyes, wishing he could put the phone screen in and look hard.

On the white chat background, there are two standard black fonts, black and white, which is a date!

It has been a week since I joined the group, except for the first video, Si Yu and Lu Xi have not had any communication. Someone said that she "had no eyes to see", and Si Yu has always been brooding about this, and thinks that their relationship has been strained after that video. She was busy filming, and her love was temporarily put aside. Before she could figure out how to ease it, Lu Xi caught her off guard.

Si Yu felt incredible, and quickly typed a line with his finger: "Have you been hacked?"

If it wasn't for the account being hacked, could it be because of her **** last time that it had an effect, and Lu Xi couldn't hold back and wanted to turn the tables on the customer? ? ?

A cheerful bell rang.

Lu Xi called her directly.

Si Yu conditioned reflexively to press the screen on his chest so that no one will notice, avoid Zhu Qi and Xiao Xia, and go to a place where no one is.

The tree is chirping and screaming happily.

Si Yu adjusted his emotions and pressed to answer: "Hmph, it took so long to call someone! I thought you forgot me!"

"That's right, that's right, it's me!" Seeing that he was about to hang up, Si Yu finished his tricks, changed back to his normal voice, and asked, "Why are you looking for me?"

"Today's Chinese Valentine's Day, I'm looking for you on a date."

Si Yu scratched his ears in disbelief.

Lu Xi thought she was hesitating and said, "You don't want to date me?"

The clear and crisp voice came through the current, and it seemed to be softer than usual. Si Yu felt a little itchy in his ears.

The wind blew down a leaf and floated past my eyes.

Si Yu blinked, her heart pounding, and the scattered light spots between the tree shadows reflected her shining eyes.

She clutched her chest and said without hesitation, "Think!"

God knows how long she waited for this moment!

If the tasks were to be graded, Si Yu felt that Lu Xi should be graded into purgatory.

This iceberg that never melts for ten thousand years is really hard to tease. During these days, Si Yu tried his best to not let the other party melt at all, and wanted to give up several times.

When she heard Lu Xi say the word "date", she was moved to tears.

God has manifested, she will burn incense when she goes back after filming!

"Ask for leave if you want." Lu Xi interrupted her thoughts and said bluntly: "At seven o'clock tonight, at XX restaurant, I will send you the address later."

Si Yu wiped the nonexistent tears from the corners of his eyes, and was stunned for a moment: "Have you arrived at H city? Have you booked a date so soon?"

Lu Xi made a "hmm".

Si Yu's ears were slightly red, bit her lower lip and said reservedly: "Why are you in such a hurry, really, don't tell me before you come, they are not ready yet."

"What else do I need to prepare for the date." Lu Xi didn't understand her logic, and said lightly, "There are a lot of things in the company.

Si Yu's expression froze, his throat tightened: "Did grandma asked you to come on a date with me?"

"Grandma wants me to come, I don't want her to be sad."


Icebergs are still icebergs, and God has not manifested.

Everything is an illusion.

Lu Xi didn't realize that she said the wrong thing, and said, "Grandma loves you so much, you shouldn't want her to be sad."


"So, tonight you and the director please..."

"I can't." Si Yu interrupted her, and said in an emotionless voice: "Tonight, there are two night scenes, one of which is a group scene. If I ask for leave, they won't be able to do it. Don't worry, if grandma asks, I'll tell her you've been here, and we've dated, so it won't embarrass you or disappoint grandma."


Si Yu spit out the turbid air in his chest, and said: "The director asked me to go over to film, if there is nothing else, I will hang up first, bye."


There was a beep in my ear and the call was hung up.

Lu Xi was slightly surprised.

She wanted to say that if she can't do it today, then tomorrow, Si Yu didn't wait for her to speak.

"Mr. Lu." After Chen Yan booked the restaurant and location, she came over to confirm some details with Lu Xi and said, "The restaurant asked, did you prepare the flowers yourself, or let them help?"

Lu Xi looked at the darkened mobile phone screen, then looked at the exquisite jewelry box at hand, pondered a little, and said, "No need to prepare, go back."

"Retired?" Chen Yan was surprised, she thought about it, and said, "Can't Miss Si ask for leave?"

"She said it's hard to ask for leave. And..." Lu Xi said uncertainly, "She doesn't seem very happy, so she hung up on me."

Anyone dare to hang up Mr. Lu? ? ? Chen Yan was stunned.

Originally, the BOSS's personal affairs should not be inquired as an assistant, but Chen Yan thought that Lu Xi hurriedly asked her to go to the mall with her to buy gifts at noon today. A Valentine's Day surprise. As a result, the date has been blown up now, and people are also annoyed?

The president of Light and Shadow, who is usually calm and composed, is highly sought after, seems to have encountered some insurmountable problem, frowning and looking slightly haggard.

Chen Yan asked carefully: "Miss Si, why is she unhappy?"

Lu Xi rubbed his eyebrows and sighed, "I don't know."

Why don't you know...

Even if she couldn't ask for leave or make a date, Nianzai left her work and ran over here specially, and brought her carefully selected gifts, Si Yu shouldn't be unhappy!

If Chen Yan has a boyfriend and he does this for her, she will definitely die of joy.

Chen Yan couldn't figure out why Si Yu was unhappy. Seeing Lu Xi's appearance, she was very confused. Based on the principle of solving problems for the boss, she asked, "What did you tell her just now?"

Lu Xi told her almost word for word the content of the conversation with Si Yu just now.

Chen Yan: "..."

"Why are you looking like that?"

Because it's really hard to say...

Chen Yan sternly said: "Mr. Lu, if I guessed correctly, Miss Si should be angry with you."


Why? ? ?

Chen Yan resisted the desire to complain, and tried her best to say euphemistically: "Miss Si should really want to date you, she should be very disappointed if she can't ask for leave, just coax more, or put A present for her. Why did you tell her that Mrs. Lu asked you to come and date her? This kind of straight-man answer is not romantic at all, and Miss Si will feel that you don't care about her, and she must be uncomfortable. "

It would be uncomfortable to be a woman. Chen Yan secretly added another sentence: "Mr. Lu, it's not right for you to chase people like this."

Lu Xi was thinking deeply, his eyelids jumped, and he blurted out, "Who said I was chasing her?"

I'm not chasing people, why are you so diligent in picking gifts and rushing over for a date? Chen Yan was puzzled.

"I thought you liked Miss Si." Chen Yan weakly and not afraid of death said the words that had been buried in her heart for a long time.

Lu Xi: "…"

The first time I met Si Yu in the elevator, Lu Xi took the initiative to ask Si Yu questions, and went to see Si Yu for the interview in person, Chen Yan felt that there was something tricky between them.

That time Chen Yan accompanied Lu Xi to the dance room to see the trainees, and when she saw Si Yu and those little fresh meat practicing dance, Lu Xi turned her head and left, and when she came back, her face was gloomy, no matter how she looked at it is jealous.

Si Yu was hacked for smoking, Lu Xi asked her for the password of her Weibo account...

As a bystander, Chen Yan felt that Lu Xi's various reactions to Si Yu were all out of liking.

Lu Xi left her job and flew over to find Si Yu on a date, not chasing, could it be that she has already caught it? Or is there a more intimate relationship?

Remembering that Si Yu walked out of the Lu family villa with a suitcase last time, Chen Yan didn't dare to think further.

Lu Xi frowned and said, "You think too much, I have no feelings for her."

Chen Yan: "…"

Chen Yan felt that her brain was not enough: "Then...Miss Si she..."

"She likes me." Lu Xi's expression was a little intriguing, and he slowly said, "She said she loves me and can't live without me."

Chen Yan: "…"

Si Yu felt irritated for no reason after answering the phone call.

She thought that Lu Xi had come to meet her for a date, and she imagined two people wearing beautiful dresses, sitting in a high-end western restaurant, listening to the romantic violin, and staring at the candles affectionately …

Go on a TMD date.

Si Yu was not angry, she felt that she had no place to be angry.

Both of them have impure motives. Lu Xi is trying to please her grandma, and she is trying to attack Lu Xi.

She should thank Lu Xi for saying it directly, at least she doesn't have to be sentimental and think that her charm has influenced the iceberg.

She was a little sad and a little dry, and the two emotions were squeezing desperately in her chest.

Before she got rid of these negative emotions, she was called by the director to film.

Chen Shuang was a gangster in high school. She was either talking back to her teacher or fighting with other gangsters all day long.

Si Yu seems to be venting today, and he is more devoted than a few days ago. When the director called for a break, she had not yet withdrawn from the role.

Xiao Xia, who came to give her water, was startled by her: "Xiao, Xiaoyu, are you okay?"

"It's alright." Si Yu covered the anger on his face and took a sip of water.

The staff began to distribute dinner, Si Yu had no appetite, picked up the phone to check the time.

It was after six o'clock, less than an hour before the date Lu Xi said.

Si Yu smiled coldly, put the phone back in the bag, and covered his face with the script to sleep.

In a daze, Xiao Xia patted her arm.

The script slipped down, Si Yu didn't catch it, opened her eyes, and saw Liang Yufei walking towards her.

Liang Yufei gave up dinner because she wanted to lose weight. She walked over with a smile and said, "Si Yu, do you have time? I want to play against you."

Liang Yufei hated Si Yu very much. Since joining the group, she never took the initiative to find Si Yu for the opposite role, but the director said that the next scene was very difficult to perform, with too many lines and great mood swings, which made her Get right with Si Yu first.

In order to maintain the good character of the original heroine, even if she was reluctant, Liang Yufei took the initiative to come over.

Liang Yufei knew that Si Yu also hated her, it would be great if Si Yu rejected her! Not only does she not have to play with Wei She and this woman, she can also use the topic to let everyone know that Si Yu is actually a difficult person to get along with, so that everyone hates Si Yu!

Unfortunately, her wishful thinking was wrong.

Si Yu picked up the script, shook the dust on it, and said simply, "Okay."

Liang Yufei's smile froze.

As a professional actor, Si Yu never brings her personal emotions to work, she generously accepts Liang Yufei's invitation.

The others hadn't finished eating yet, Si Yu tapped a shady place with his chin and said, "It's a bit noisy here, let's go over there."

Liang Yufei has a ghost in her heart, and when she walks away, make sure no one else can hear them, and say, "Today is Valentine's Day, why didn't Lu Xi have someone send you flowers?"

Si Yu is turning over the script, raising his eyes, looking at her with a smile: "What kind of flowers do old couples give me, I love money more, she transferred it to me all at once Five hundred and twenty thousand, do you understand what it means? Hey, it's just a little red envelope, you don't need to be jealous."

Liang Yufei twitched the corner of her mouth and said, "Why don't you say she will give you 5.2 million!"

Si Yu rolled his eyes and said, "Limit limit, you idiot."

"You!" Liang Yufei was agitated by her and forgot to cover it up, anyway, no one else could hear it, so she said angrily: "Don't blow it, you and Lu Xi are married by agreement, she doesn't like you at all! One day she will divorce you, you can't tie her up, she doesn't belong to you at all!"

Si Yu squinted at her and said calmly, "She doesn't belong to me, does it belong to you?"

She was originally mine, you vicious female supporter will never rob me! Liang Yufei was screaming and screaming in her heart.

Si Yu watched her innocent and harmless face distorted a little, gave a gloomy laugh, and before she could react, clasped her shoulders with his hands and pushed her to the tree trunk superior.

"What do you want to do?" Liang Yufei's face turned pale and instinctively wanted to push her away, but Si Yu's two thin arms could not be pushed like iron arms!

"Afraid I'll hit you?" Si Yu looked at her uselessly struggling.

There was a layer of sweat on Liang Yufei's forehead, intertwined with cold and heat.

Thinking that Si Yu's character is a vicious female supporting role who has planned to kill the heroine many times, Liang Yufei is really scared, and she panics a lot. She glances at the rest area to eat The crowd finally regained some confidence and said in a trembling voice, "So many people are watching, I don't believe you dare!"

Si Yu really didn't dare, so she just wanted to scare her.

Light scaring is not enough to relieve the two contradictory emotions in her heart.

Si Yu leaned forward, pressed her ear and said, "Don't you just like Lu Xi?"

Liang Yufei's eyes flickered fiercely, and he said, "You...don't talk nonsense."

"Why don't you admit it? You asked Lu Wei to encourage Lu Xi to divorce me, and you want to marry Lu Xi, I already knew about this." , Si Yu smiled wickedly, stretched out his fingers, lifted her chin, and said in a sullen voice, "I suddenly found out that you are quite beautiful."

Liang Yufei wanted to poke her hand away, but Si Yu squeezed her chin.

Liang Yufei was in pain and "hiss", worried that this vicious woman would pull out a knife to slash her face at any time, and her voice was raised in anxiety: "If you don't let go, I will call someone!"

"Shh—" Si Yu leaned forward and said softly, "Don't be noisy, let me take a good look."


After looking at it for a few seconds, Si Yu smiled satisfactorily and said, "It's really beautiful, I'm moved."

Heart? ? ? ! !

Liang Yufei's pupils slightly opened.

"Let me divorce Lu Xi, how about I take care of you?" Si Yu said to himself, "I own 15% of Guangying, and there are several hundred million in Cary. Assets, if you want to film, I will give you resources. If you don’t have resources, I will invest and let you shoot. Lu Xi’s assets are similar to mine, and he looks a little better than me. Meicheng is useless, cold and boring. rather than me."

Liang Yufei was stunned, it took a long time to digest what Si Yu said, and she said, "Do you want to take care of me?"

Si Yu threw a wink, blew in her ear, and tempted: "Yes, I will take care of you. You are my lover, as long as you are obedient, I will do whatever you want. Can I give it to you, think about it?"

Liang Yufei swallowed unconsciously.

This woman is not only vicious, but also a lunatic!

Liang Yufei pushed her away with the strength of breastfeeding, her face flushed red, and she gritted her teeth and said, "You want to be beautiful!"

Si Yu crossed his arms with a cold smile, and said sharply: "You hesitated just now, do you dare to say that you have no heart?"

"..." When she poked at the center, Liang Yufei was embarrassed and speechless for a while.

When Lu Xi came to the shooting site, he happened to see Si Yu pressing Liang Yufei against the tree trunk, and the two were very close, as if they were talking privately.

The sky is clear and the sun is setting.

Lu Xi stopped under a camphor tree.

Qian Lei was the first to spot Lu Xi, patted the grass clippings on his **** and walked over quickly, surprised: "Mr. Lu, are you here to visit the class?"

Lu Xi looked away from the two people who were too ambiguous, looked at Qian Lei, and said lightly, "Come and have a look."

Lu Xi, such a peerless beauty, CEO of Light and Shadow, and an investor, caused a commotion as soon as she arrived, and a group of people gathered around diligently.

Lu Xi didn't like to deal with this kind of scene the most, so she stroked her forehead and said, "You guys are busy with your work, don't delay the shooting, don't mind me."

Qian Lei had dealt with her several times, and knowing that she didn't like politeness, he said, "We're going to shoot, you can sit next to me and watch later."

Lu Xi nodded slightly and looked at Si Yu subconsciously.

Qian Lei also looked over there and shouted: "Si Yu, Yu Fei, don't be right, come here!"

Si Yu only saw Lu Xi when he got closer, stunned for a while, and didn't start.

Seeing that she deliberately walked around him, Lu Xi moved his lips and closed them again.

Liang Yufei was still immersed in the humiliation and anger of being teased by Si Yu, her eyes fixed on Si Yu's back, she silently delayed her hundreds of times in her heart, and she was caught off guard by Lu Xi, her heart skipped a beat After half a beat, he exclaimed, "Lu Xi!"

Lu Xi looked at her expressionlessly and nodded at her.

Liang Yufei was overjoyed when she found out that she had not corrected her title, and wanted to say a few more words to her.

"Yu Fei, come here, I'll teach you a play." Qian Lei called her over.

Liang Yufei had to suppress the turbulent emotions in her heart, waved at her with a sweet smile, and jumped to the shooting area.

Lu Xi is finally here!

With Lu Xi watching and acting opposite Si Yu, Liang Yufei did not dare to relax. She showed twelve points of concentration, and when the director finished shouting and started, she fully integrated herself into the role.

After so many scenes, Liang Yufei has never taken it so seriously. Although her natural and smooth acting skills were given by the original heroine, she just wanted to perform well, and she wanted Lu Xi to see the bright spots in her!

Today is not only the Qixi Festival, but also the day that Liang Yufei has been looking forward to for a long time.

In the novel, Lu Xi also came to visit the class today, and then rescued the heroine who was almost smashed by the machine.

Liang Yufei waited from day to evening, thinking that Lu Xi would not come, but Lu Xi appeared as the plot of the novel developed!

Her chance has finally come! !

The conflict between Si Yu and Liang Yufei is very intense. The two have a lot of lines. In order to achieve a better visual effect, Qian Lei asked for one shot to the end.

This scene is very difficult to perform. Qian Lei thought that he would have to shoot more than a dozen scenes, but he did not expect that the two actresses performed very well today. After four scenes, he achieved the effect he wanted. He stood up excitedly and said, "Very good! The actors rest for ten minutes and prepare for the transition."

After finishing speaking, Qian Lei turned to Lu Xi and said, "Mr. Lu, I have to go over and guide them to set up the machine after the night scene is filmed."

"You're busy." Lu Xi stood up, caught Si Yu's figure in the crowd, and spread his legs.

"Lu Xi." Liang Yufei stopped Lu Xi's path, bowed her head slightly, looked shy, and said in a low voice, "I want to say a few words to you, let's go there Are you okay?"

Lu Xi kept chasing Si Yu's figure and said, "Sorry, I still have something to do."

"Hey, Lu Xi—"

Lu Xi didn't even look at her.


The cold and familiar voice came from behind, Si Yu's back froze, and he turned around in slow motion: "Hello, President Lu."

"...I have something to tell you, let's go over there." Lu Xi pointed to the place Liang Yufei said just now, there is no one there, suitable for talking.

Si Yu hesitated for a moment, then smiled and said, "Okay."

The two walked under the rocker.

There is a lot of noise around, this place is so quiet that you can hear each other's breathing.

The heat was flowing between the two bodies, and the atmosphere was a little dull.

Si Yu thought that Lu Xi had already gone back, but she didn't expect her to come to the set.

There was no quarrel between the two on the phone, but the chat was not pleasant. Si Yu felt an inexplicable awkwardness in his heart, avoiding Lu Xi's gaze and looking elsewhere: "What do you want to say?"

Lu Xi looked down at her and said, "I'm sorry."

Si Yu thought she heard it wrong, turned her head to her, opened her mouth to speak, and saw something hitting the back of her head, her face changed greatly.

"Be careful!"

Si Yu rushed towards her.

"Boom-" The heavy object fell down without any deviation or slant.

Si Yu's eyes went black.

One second before fainting, Si Yu only had time to ask Xiao B in his mind: "My hero saves beauty, do you think she will fall in love with me from now on?"