MTL - The Whole Tribe Wants To Have Baby With Me-Chapter 10 Stargazing

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The next morning, the moon did not appear, Liang Yue practiced, and Liang Chuan, respectively, flew back to the palace.

As soon as I returned to my palace, Liang Yue was looking for a white baby who should sleep in the room. But now the room is empty, and the white babies are gone.

Did you go out to play in the garden?

Listening and listening carefully, from the direction of the pavilion in the garden yesterday, the faint screams of the white babies were heard, and the screams of the unclear meaning of Axiong were heard.

Liang Yue was a little worried to fly out to see.

When I came to the garden, Liang Yue saw a scene that made him laugh and cry.

The sky was still not bright. Under the slightly dim night, I saw Axiong kneeling on the pillar, sitting on his knees, his eyes were swollen, his eyes were covered with bloodshot eyes, and he stared at the grass in front.

The white babies are smashing their round green eyes, and they are scattered very open. Some climb up the top of Axiong's head, some are outside the scope of Axiong's activities, and they stretch their claws to scratch him. After hitting it, I will quickly retract my paws.

Axiong only occasionally fangs, trying to scare away the white babies with the thick and fierce face of the hair, but most of the time, they are sitting still, letting the white babies scratch him. The white-baby baby is also more scared and more brave, and more fiercely scratching him.

A baby has just hit Axiong's hedgehog-like hair. Axiong is reaching out and pointing back. The other baby is going to kneel up and scratch his knees. There is also a baby's two front paws. His side waist, jumped back as soon as he got there. Axiong was a little reacted after being hit several times, but he did not care about it. He did not move a lot with his hands and feet. He only used his fingers to gently scratch the baby.

Liang Yue looked a little strange, and Axiong was so weak that he would not be bullied by the babies who were born soon.

When the white babies discovered that Liang Yue came, they immediately abandoned Axiong, and screamed and flew over, and the two claws hugged Liang Yue’s ankles to roll and spoil.

Liang Yue squatted down, picked up a nest of babies and was busy to appease, while checking the baby for damage.

Ah Xiong whimpered and asked. "You bad guys, and the child who has no hairy old cat can climb my head and lie to me."

Liang Yue asked a little funny. "Then why are you still here."

Axiong looked at Liang Yue with a grudge and did not speak.

Liang Yue said: "These kittens, are you orcs, you are not clear? The blind date is still going on, I can't have one child first."

"Oh, is that right?" Axiong smiled and smiled. "Not early! Kill me -"

When it comes to this, Axiong slams his mouth, don't open his face and stare at his knees, and study it as if he is really studying his knees.

Liang Yue checked that the baby was unscathed, and he let go of his heart and asked. "I thought you would hurt my kitten."

"How is it possible!" Axiong looked up and shouted to defend himself. "I really didn't worry if you burned. I have no chance at all... Hey, how long will you tie me?"

"When you want to go, or I am in a good mood." Liang Yue replied.

"..." Axiong buried his face in his knee and said, "Do you want to keep the rope tied to the pillar and tie it with me?"


Not long after Liang Yuecai came back, the bird orc waiter in charge of the story in the palace came to swear. "Your Majesty is early, the No. 2 orc, White Tiger Taichen, and No. 1 orc Panda Abao, who had been intimate with His Royal Highness, were in front of the palace and brought to the Highness. Earlier, may I ask if my Highness agrees to meet?"

“Yes,” Liang Yue replied. “First take them to the star-gazing station in the east.”

The sky is still not bright, and now I can see the sunrise by the way, very good.

Liang Yue then turned and left, the white babies were far behind, and Liang Yue saw this and slowed down.

And Axiong looked at Liang Yue’s back and went away. His eyes followed the high star-gazing platform and looked at the few faint figures in the star-gazing station.



On one of the peaks of the palace, the star-gazing platform is made up of blue bricks, and the blue bricks are engraved with beautiful clouds. A Bao and Tai Chen were tall and short, and they stood still on the star-gazing platform. When Liang Yue went up, he was warmly greeted.

The sun gradually rises from the horizon, and the three people on the star-gazing platform shine brightly with soft light, and the skin looks whiter and more delicate.

Tai Chen still looks like that, wearing the gown of Liang Yue, but he is not wrapped tightly, the neckline is loosened a little, revealing a good-looking clavicle, two small pieces of chest muscles, and the shallow one in the middle. The gully; A Bao is still wearing a grass skirt, but the black fluff that was covered before his chest was shaved. Now the white and white ones are the black hairs of the eyes that are not completely shaved, but cut shorter.

When Liang Yue saw A Bao, his heart was inevitably surprised. A Bao glared at his own eyes, only revealing his own eyes, bowed his head and said with a shyness. "His Royal Highness likes no hair, so I shaved it, that is, the black hair of the eyelids is not clean, I will hold it. ""

Liang Yue opened the hand of A Bao who held his eyes, carefully looked at the black hair of a bald man in his east, and saw that there were several wounds on the eye of A Bao that had not healed. Then he said: "Don't shave, don't hurt yourself for my preference, you are very cute."

"His Royal Highness..." A Bao’s tears drenched his eyes, so he was not disgusted. He also got care and comfort. He was so touched that he didn’t know what to say.

Taichen said with a smile. "His Royal Highness, Abao will return to the Horde today. I have picked fresh bamboo shoots before it is bright. I have breakfast with me. I hope I can take him into the palace and see my highness before I leave." ""

Abao nodded and asked Liang Yue to sit at the stone table and opened a bamboo box. He said, "I have also made some snacks, please ask the Highness to taste."

Taichen also opened the iron box he brought, and took out a small bucket of delicious fish porridge from the inside and put it in front of Liang Yue.

"Thank you." Since it is the intention of the other party, Liang Yue is not welcome. A Bao and Tai Chen looked satisfied and looked at Liang Yue to eat the food they made.

At this time, the short legs of the little sisters finally climbed to the star-gazing platform, smelling the scent of fish porridge, and they swayed Liang Yue’s legs and tried to eat.

Tai Chen looked at the white babies who were arched with Liang Yue's calves, and looked at Liang Yue, who was holding the baby on the table. Then he shyly bowed his head and said, "If the Highness likes me - like this. Kind of animal type, don't have to bear it, I can accompany my Highness every day, and my Highness can do anything..."

Liang Yue heard that Tai Chen said that there was a flaw that was seen through one or two points.

But when Liang Yue imagined a big white scorpion sticking out two big claws holding his legs, using his face to lick his coquetry, imagine a big white beggar asking for help and scratching, have to say And a little more careful.

But the other party will also become a good-looking person...

However, even if you do what you do, the other party will be willing, no, even will be happy. The other orcs who are participating in the election may be happy to see it, and they are eager to have such an opportunity.

Beauty is on the side, it is difficult to control yourself.

Read The Duke's Passion