MTL - The Whole Tribe Wants To Have Baby With Me-~ 28.25.

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Compared with Liang Chuan’s drifting northward continent, he was repeatedly harassed by the mysterious turtles and divided into one body. Liang Yue’s peace of mind can be cured and the situation is very good.

Liang Yue asked the Baihu family to work hard as a ship, trying hard to catch up with the work and experimenting overnight; Liang Yue asked A Qing to send out a group of orbs and orcs to go out to inspect the sea, and also asked A Qing to personally go to the big crack of the glaciers and put the invading Western tribe's flying bird family. The orcs all fanned back with a fan of feathers; the patriarch of the cattle family, A Niu, was also suggested by Liang Yue, returned to the territory of the cattle, and confronted the invading fire cattle.

When A Niu was leaving, he also came to the seaside where Liang Yue was injured and met Liang Yue on the shore.

Liang Yue has been rehabilitated for a long time. Now he can return to the human form and can also produce thin armor. From the sea, he directly becomes a human type on the shore, and A Niu sits on two large stones.

A Niu bid farewell to this, but also deliberately brought a good gift to Liang Yue. Liang Yue opened it and found that there were several freshly picked grasses in the kit.

A Niu explained. "His Royal Highness, this is the hay."

Liang Yue.. "?"

Ah Niu said with indignation: "I heard that the patriarch of the Baihu nationality was uncomfortable for His Highness. His Royal Highness allowed them to take the boat around the clock and make a sin. These grasses have a little effect on them. The orcs of the White Tigers will not be able to help themselves. ,non-stop--"

Having said that, A Niu opened his mouth and smiled, and raised the volume, the sound channel.. "Hello ~!"

Liang Yue looked at this sweaty paper that was solid and reliable, and suddenly became a sweaty paper that would sell a cute mischief, and could not help but laugh.

A Niu saw Liang Yue’s smile and his smile became bigger. He said sincerely. “His Royal Highness, all of them are there, there will definitely be orcs who are greedy, and they will not do enough to dispose of the Highness. Just like our family, Some orcs are counting on the Temple to come to control the weather every day, and they are not willing to study the grass themselves. No matter how flooding the Horde is, the Highness is already very tired, and I want to give trouble to my Highness. However, the orcs who support His Royal High will definitely take up the majority. For example, my Highness has done a good job, I hope that His Highness will not be worse because of the patriarch of the White Tigers."

"Thank you." Liang Yue said quite comfortably.

It is precisely because the tribe has a lot of cute orcs like A Niu, so Liang Yue even met the White Tiger Patriarchs and they did not change their minds.

A Niu was aiming at Liang Yuezheng and looked at himself with a smile. He smiled shyly and said, "I want to transport some seeds from the family, plant the hay in the vicinity of His Royal Highness Palace, and the place where the white tiger orcs are haunted. Helping His Royal Highness to revenge, I hope that my Highness will be approved."

Liang Yue nodded and agreed, and said: "The orcs of the White Tigers are useful for going out to sea. These grasses should not be planted near the beach. Yes, why don't you worry about being invaded by the fire cows?"

A cow raised his head and smiled confidently. "I believe in my people, although we like vegetarianism, like and amiable, but when we encounter enemies, we are all warriors. I also believe in the people sent by His Royal Highness. Your Highness is now If you don’t move, you must have a countermeasure."

Liang Yue smiled and nodded. He was full of confidence in the powerful Aqing and the confident Axiong.


Axiong was sent to persuade the progress of the Western tribes, and it was very smooth.

Under the influence of the patriarch A Niu, when Axiong came to the Qingniu tribe in an imposing manner, the first thing I saw was that the fire beasts and the blue cows were shoulder-to-shoulder, thinking that they were opening a big food party. A happy picture of eating and eating fruits together happily!

The orcs of the flying bird family invaded by the Western tribes were all fanned away by A Qing, and Axiong was so lost that he could not find an enemy.

An orc of the Qingniu family saw that Axiong had a horn on his head and misunderstood that Axiong was also a fire orc from the Western tribes. He said that Axiong said. "Hey! The new brothers over there! Come and graze together?"


I don't know if it is because I wear Liang Yue's robe. Axiong's words and deeds will pay attention to it. At this time, I will see the friendly welcome of the other party, and I will be very tempered. I will be misunderstood and will not say anything.

Because the orcs of the Qingniu people greeted him, the beasts who were trying to graze their heads and grazes only noticed that Axiong, who had hit their elbows and hit the beasts around them, reminded each other and immediately stopped eating and eating. The brush suddenly stood up and shouted to Axiong. "His Royal Highness!"

Axiong has a bit of an imposing manner.

Because the Axiong fire-breathing ability, the animal type is very large and fierce, so the Western tribe's orcs are very afraid of him. Under the guidance of the old fire dragon, the Western tribe's orcs are very respectful to Axiong, and it is inevitable to be excited to meet.

The beasts of the Qingniu people heard it and stood up with a blank look. They thought that Axiong, wearing a white robe, was his own tribe's Qinglong Highness. However, he found that Axiong had a horn on his head, and he secretly guarded himself. Several of them looked back and looked for their own gimmicks to guard against the sudden attack by Axiong.

The fire beasts are very comfortable. In the time when the orcs of the Qingniu family took the hoes, they have already surrounded Axiong very warmly. Like the treasures, they sent the food shared by the Qingniu people to Axiong. Introducing the benefits of the Qingniu family.

The Fire Bull Orc said on the 1st. "His Royal Highness! Although the Goshawk lord came to us, we really can't be attacked!"

Fire Bull Orc No. 2 quickly offered a treasure.. "Yes! Your Highness! I have already been moved, and you should try it, your fresh green, rich and juicy, chewy and easy to swallow. We have never eaten so delicious. grass!"

The Fire Bull Orc was not able to squeeze on the third, but had to apologize to the orcs of the Qingniu tribe in the back. "It's really delicious, thank you for sharing. Unfortunately, when we came, we accidentally stepped on a lot, it was so embarrassing. It is."

One of the orcs of the Qingniu tribe heard it, put back the hoe, stepped forward and asked curiously. "What did you eat before? What are the Western tribes delicious?"

The Fire Bull Orc sighed on the 3rd. "The Western tribes have a hot climate, very little rain, no groundwater, few plants, a growing desert, and fewer oasis. It is difficult for us to find something to eat. So We all eat meat, it's too bad, and the life expectancy is much shorter than before. So we saw that the big crack in the glaciers was connected, and it was so anxious to come over. It was all hungry."

The orcs of the Qingniu tribe listened and put back their gimmicks. The leader of the Qingniu nationality pointed to the grass on the ground and smiled. "Then come here to plant together. We still have a lot of land here. No one is planting, no one is worming, no one is catching mice. The patriarch I often recite this and say that if there are orcs to help, everyone is a bull, and the patriarch will definitely accept you."

"Great! Let's help!" The fire beasts listened and cheered in an instant, jumping up and holding their hands happily, like this.. (*°°*)

However, the fire beasts were not happy for a long time. Axiong cleared his throat and slammed two times. The fire beasts stood up straight again, and their expressions were very serious. They were afraid that Axiong was unhappy and they just had too much to forget.

Ah Xiong slowly said. "I talked with the Qing tribe of the Eastern tribe. He meant --"

The fire beasts heard this, they were motionless, and no sound came out. They looked at Axiong nervously and expectantly. Now, the prairie only has the sound of the wind blowing the grass, and the sound of the bug.

Even if the patriarchs of the cattle family would agree, they did not know what the biggest leader of the Eastern tribe meant! Before the fire cattle and beasts were as big as the attacker's glaciers, there was some guilty conscience at the moment.

Ah Xiong smirked and said, "I can't say now, the future will be announced later. You all go back first, and the Goshawk lord will solve it."

"Yes--" The beasts of the Fire Bulls heard that Axiong said so, and they had to look up in frustration. Although they are very depressed, they dare not obey and are ready to go back.

The beasts of the Qingniu family saw them so poorly, and secretly stuffed them with grass and fruit, and the beasts of the fire cattle family came alive again.


After Axiong repatriated the beasts of the fire ox family, they did not stop, and quickly went to the gospel lord who sent the snails and the birds to spend the creek crack, and smashed the goshawk lord. Let the Goshawk lord withdraw the army and the scouts.

On the cliff, Ah Xiong tried to grab the arm of the Goshawk lord and threw him down the cliff and slammed it on the ground. The goshawk lord’s eyes were swollen and the nose was swollen in the air. The Axiong jumped down the cliff and stepped on the back of the goshawk lord, stepping on the sand again. in.

Ah Xiong said: "I can't easily get along with the likes of the males, but you send people to attack his tribe. Are you looking for death?"

The Goshawk lord ate the sand full of mouth, crying and begging for mercy. "Sorry, Your Highness, I don't know if you and the Eastern tribe are better..."

Axiong punched the head of the Goshawk lord and shouted. "Yes! No! Good! Up! It would have been a bad thing for you to have an egg. You know it now? If it is bad, I will take yours." The feathers are burned."

The Goshawk lord cried in a miserable manner. "It's so hard, Your Highness, the desert is getting bigger and bigger, the food is getting less and less, everyone is going crazy. It's so hard to re-close the big crack of the glaciers, and then go to a new place." Food, I can't control the strong orcs to catch the weak orcs to eat."

Axiong sighed and said, "You control it for a while, I will go to the old fire dragon and I will be able to solve it soon."

The Goshawk lord asked. "His Royal Highness, how can I solve it? Can you tell me first? Give everyone a hope to be hungry."

Axiong said: "We are going to have an egg together. If the old fire dragon agrees, then our two tribes will be unified into one. Food, clothing, hunting methods, production techniques can all communicate with each other, and there is no restriction on freedom. After that, the Qing tribe of the Eastern tribe gave it to the tribe to cure the drought and expand the oasis, but I don't want him to be too tired. This matter has to come slowly. Of course, our orcs must also work hard to help the eastern tribes move their homes. Reconstruction. If the old fire dragon does not agree, I will fight him to agree."

"You must agree! Your Highness is going!" The eagle lord came to listen to it, and the body was beaten and not smashed. He immediately asked Axiong to go. "I will not let everyone break." Great thing!"

Axiong suspiciously saw the eyes of the eagle lord, and the eagle lord repeatedly assured that Axiong flew away to find the old fire dragon.