MTL - The War Court and Lap Pillow, Austria’s Mandate of Heaven-v3 Chapter 2 Outrageous meets even more outrageous

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Fall in Love with You Read Books, War Palace and Knee Pillow, Austria’s Destiny

Vienna, Royal Academy of Sciences.

In fact, the aforementioned periodic table of elements brought some additional troubles to Franz, although the Austrian scientific community lived up to expectations and added all the elements that had been discovered at this time to it according to the law.

But due to his negligence, krypton, an element that has not yet been discovered, is also among them.

As a result, there has been a lot of discussion in the chemical community, and curious people have given their own opinions on what exactly Kr is.

Some people who don't know anything about German think that it is the abbreviation of King and Royal, which means the royal family, but the unlucky guy was quickly thrown out of the venue by other scientists.

Although flattering the royal family is not uncommon and not shameful, it is a bit too much for a scientist to be so unscrupulous.

Then the spearhead was naturally pointed at the instigator-Franz again.

When he was thinking about how to get away with it, the experts present decided that this was an undiscovered element, and Archduke Franz wanted to give this opportunity to others.

"How great, how noble!"

Some people who had been "favored" by this genius Guiwei couldn't help crying on the spot, took off their eyes and wiped the tears from the corners of their eyes with a handkerchief.

In this way, he was temporarily escaped. However, the krypton element was actually discovered by W. Ramsay and M.W. Travers in the United Kingdom in 1898. There is still a long way to go to find this element decades in advance.

New theories, new ideas and new technologies are constantly emerging on the scene of intense exchanges, which is the best way to evaluate and guide any theory.

[To be honest, I have been using Yeguo to read and read books recently, change sources and switch, read aloud with many timbres, and both Android and Apple can be used. 】

And those scientists who are arrogant in front of others and even have the heart to challenge God will listen to this great discussion of scientific truth with the most sincere attitude.

Of course, this is not only because Franz may be the future emperor, but also because almost every suggestion of his will become a historic breakthrough in the scientific community.

Of course, the church's crazy promotion is also indisputable. After all, these magic sticks still like to hug their thighs, no matter whether it is a child or something else.

The eighteenth and nineteenth centuries were magical times, and it was not uncommon for scientists to believe in religion. It would be better to say that you don't believe in religion to make people feel alien.

The most outrageous of these is Sir Babbage. After following Franz's advice, he began investigating the possibilities of binary and other bases.

But soon ran into trouble. Although Miss Ada is a talent with excellent talent in mathematics, she is not as good as a real expert.

Babbage and Ada were unable to solve the problems they encountered, so they naturally sought help from other mathematicians of the Royal Academy of Sciences.

They want to find the optimal base, but obviously these professional mathematicians are not experts in engineering.

After some research, these people came up with a so-called "perfect base", that is, e is approximately equal to 2.71828....

This number is obviously completely nonsense for mechanical engineers, but after a lot of trouble by these mathematicians, it is the closest to perfection and industrially feasible is the ternary system, and the binary system can only be used as the second solution.

During this period, Babbage's analytical machine still used gears and did not involve electricity, so he quickly concluded that in order to be infinitely close to perfection, the ternary system should be adopted and gave up the study of decimal systems.

However, the absurdity had only just begun. When the church heard that the trinary system was the most perfect conclusion, all the bishops were boiling, kneeling down and begging God for forgiveness.

Because this unintentionally fits the Catholic doctrine, the Trinity, which means that there is only one God, but it includes three persons: the Father, the Son **** Christ, and the Holy Spirit. Ever since, the church voted for Babbage's Analytical Engine project!

Babbage himself didn't know whether he was playing tricks with the magic sticks or was really brainwashed, and he actually wanted to take Miss Ada and his assistants to openly convert to Catholicism.

Afterwards, after deliberation by the top church leaders, Babbage was allowed to wear a white robe and become a theological scholar.

When this farce reached Franz's ears, he decided to add fuel to the fire by asking the wizard to design a new instrument that could help the church to count the population of the whole country.

Today's demographic velocity has the drawbacks of being very inefficient and slow, usually measured in decades, so we're seeing some ridiculous things about the current period.

It was not until the advent of the perforated tabulation machine in 1890, decades later, that this historic problem was overcome. Now Franz was ready to throw this difficult problem to Babbage.

After all, if the latter can complete this great cause, it will be beneficial to the country and the people, and it will also make his name more famous.

In the 19th century, when electricity was still in its infancy, computers, an epoch-making product, were still unattainable high-tech. Therefore, it is the right way to manufacture reliable and effective computers and statistical instruments as much as possible.

Of course, it doesn't matter even if you fail, after all, it is not uncommon for a statistics to take ten or eight years.

At the same time, Franz finally encountered the by-product of customs unions and regional economic integration-the theory of racial superiority; this is a very terrible trend of thought.

What is even more frightening is that similar arguments were very popular in Vienna at this time, and even succeeded in misleading a considerable number of scientists and celebrities, because in their subconscious they more or less had high self-esteem and believed that they were better than others.

The disseminator of this theory is a captain with mediocre combat achievements. This person has almost never won any battles, but he does not think it is the responsibility of his incompetence in commanding the troops.

On the contrary, he turned his finger on the Italians and Jews in his own army, especially the latter were simply a group of despicable thieves and dirty robbers.

Anti-Semitism is an old tradition in Europe. Although Austrian Jews have a higher social status, such remarks are still very popular.

Some wealthy and powerful Jews became vigilant the first time they heard such remarks. They have seen many such people for thousands of years, and what they want is power and money.

As long as he buys him with power and money, he will be his most loyal running However, times have changed, and people's thinking has also changed. Viscount Barron did not accept bribes.

The Jewish financiers failed in one plan and tried another. If the soft ones didn't work, they would come hard ones, and death threats were sent directly to Viscount Barron's home.

But as a poor nobleman, their family was so poor that they had no bones left. Viscount Baron's father even bought a coffin for the whole family overnight and put it in the garden.

After that, instead of restraining his words and deeds, this person intensified. He attributed various natural disasters, wars, diseases, employment, and even solar and lunar eclipses to those "lower races".

What's even more outrageous is that he also attributed the previous stock market crash to the Jews. Although he was looking for enemies in vain, he was unexpectedly close to the truth.

"It was the Jews who drove up the stock price, the Jews who sold the stock first and caused the stock market to plummet, and they are the murderers who want to murder this country.

If it wasn't for the royal family to take out their lands to save people, now we lose our property and become slaves of the Jews..."

It is well known that the more aggressive the creator of eye-catching remarks, the easier it is to gather a large number of fanatical fans, just as Kossuth, who advocates Grand Magyarism, is more popular than Szechenyi, who promotes rational reforms.

A large audience quickly gathered around him. Although most of them were brain-dead fans and speculators, there were also powerful businessmen and nobles among them.

The existence of this kind of person made Franz feel restless. After all, Viscount Barron's thinking was obviously contrary to his desire to establish a universal empire.

History has proved countless times that a country can only have one route.