MTL - The War Court and Lap Pillow, Austria’s Mandate of Heaven-Chapter 2 this is a revelation

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Stephen's Cathedral is the largest church in Vienna and the place where the Austrian emperor was crowned and buried. It can be said to be a symbol of Vienna. At the same time, it is located in the center of the center of Vienna, so it is called "the heart of Vienna".

Built in 1304 and completed two centuries later, the cathedral is both Gothic and Renaissance.

It can be seen outside the church that there are 230,000 pieces of colored glaze on the roof. Under the sunlight, the multicolored glass that forms a double-headed eagle is a masterpiece.

Pushing open the door of the church, the smell of stale and dust, followed by the smell of resin and frankincense.

Entering the cathedral, the light inside gradually dimmed, only the candlelight on the shrine shone brightly. The temperature also seems to have dropped down, making one feel peaceful and calm.

There was a solemn and sacred atmosphere far away from the human world, and Franz II's heart seemed to have calmed down.

The emperor came in person, and Rauscher, who was the archbishop of Vienna, naturally had to greet him in person.

It's just that his fat body and exaggerated clothes are out of place with this ancient and sacred church.

Franz II was in a hurry this time and did not wait for Archbishop Rauscher who was always late. He went straight to the shrine enshrined by the family, stroking the ancient characters engraved on the shrine with his fingers.

Unexpectedly, Archbishop Rauscher, who was usually slow, turned out to be extremely fast this time. In fact, as a bishop appointed and dismissed by the emperor, how could he neglect the emperor?

"Oh! Praise the grace of **** Christ, the love of God, the inspiration of the Holy Spirit, what brought the great king of the world here..."

Franz II waved his hand, "I don't need the polite words, I'm just here to pay homage to the ancestors."

Of course Archbishop Rauscher could hear that there was something in this. Originally, as the spokesperson of God, he wanted to be reserved. But he suddenly thought of His Majesty the Emperor, desperate for face and very impatient.

"Your Majesty, in God's house, you can talk about anything."

"... I..." Franz II thought for a moment, but decided to speak out. After all, he is a devout Catholic, and the Archbishop of Vienna in front of him was appointed by him, not an outsider. The most important reason is that this fat man will definitely speak along with himself, which is very nice.

(European monarchs also use special first-person titles. When the tsar calls himself, he will use мы (plural first person) to show the unique identity of the monarch. French monarchs will say je or nous. German monarchs will call themselves Wir. I mean it.)

"My grandson, Franz Jr., displayed the prophecy of Frederick III in the nursery today."

"What's that?" Rauscher asked instinctively, and the next second he realized something was wrong. Isn't it written on the shrine that he faces all day long? In order to hide his embarrassment, he could only show a very indifferent attitude, as if nothing had happened.

"A.E.I.O.U" Franz II blurted out, with a hint of pride in his tone.

"This is a revelation..." The archbishop immediately possessed himself with a magic stick.

God sticks are all the same in ancient and modern China and abroad, and Rauscher is no exception. He likes to follow the emperor's words, and he himself is a primitive school, and he has been looking for the so-called "natural saint" all his life.

"Archbishop, you mean...?" Franz II seemed a little excited, because he thought so too. It's a pity that he is not a hero, even if he has an idea, he still wants to rely on gods and ghosts to prove his idea.

Naturally, Rauscher would not let this opportunity go, and flattered him head-on.

"This is an auspicious omen, which indicates that the grand plan of the Austrian Empire will surely come true." Archbishop Rauscher vowed, as if he had really received some revelation.

In fact, if you analyze it carefully, there is no difference between saying this and not saying it. Although Archbishop Rauscher said that the hegemony of the empire will eventually be realized, he did not say when and to what extent it will be completed. So strictly speaking, it is not a lie, nor does it violate the doctrine.

It's just that this is undoubtedly a booster for the indecisive Franz II. Because it's not his idea, it's God's will. In short, something went wrong, and he didn't take the blame for it, so he immediately became happy.

Rauscher has been able to stay in the position of Archbishop of Vienna for so many years, and he still has the skill to observe the situation.

He thought in his heart, "The emperor is not in the right state today. Could it be that he wants to pass the throne to his grandson?"

Then Rauscher thought of the "Edict of State", and couldn't help feeling tense, but then he thought of Queen Teresa, the prosperity of Theresa's era, and the strength of the church, and his mood calmed down again.

"Your Majesty, I have also met Archduke Franz. He is indeed a special child. I still remember that when I baptized him, he nourished me all over."

Rauscher had a good impression of Franz, because Franz always held a Bible in his hand and couldn't put it down, so he must be a devout believer.

In fact, Franz doesn't know much German now. I like to hold the Bible because the book is big enough to be used as a footrest, and the cover is soft enough to be used as a cushion. Sometimes as a member of the royal family, Franz had to put a few extra books under his buttocks in order to maintain a majestic sitting posture.

In addition, it can also be used to beat the younger brother (Maximilian).

Maximilian is Franz's second brother. The two seem to be born at odds, and they are always fighting. Naturally, Maximilian couldn't beat Franz who had been a man for two lifetimes, but Franz couldn't really have trouble with a child. UU reading www.uukanshu. com

Then Franz thought of a way to find a book that was thick enough and big enough to press on Maximilian's back, and then sit on it himself, so that the dispute between the children could be resolved peacefully, and the book It just so happens to be the Bible.

As a result, Maximilian was often held down by Franz with the Bible on his back and only his hands and feet could move. That way, it looks like a little **** whose shell is held down.

It's just that what the archbishop saw was a devout believer who never let go of the Bible.

On the other hand, Archbishop Rauscher himself has always wanted to find a natural saint and restore the people's trust in Catholicism.

But after so many years of searching and countless failures, he made a decision.

Instead of waiting for a saint to appear, create one yourself.

Now that the old emperor is thinking about it, Rauscher will naturally not let go of this opportunity. If this child is allowed to inherit the throne in the future, then he will become the godfather of the emperor. Flow through the ages.

(Richelieu, historically famous cardinal.)

"Your Majesty, you should follow your inner choice. Your choice is God's will." Naturally, Rauscher couldn't say what he wanted to do, so he could only throw the blame to God.

"Archbishop, what do you want to say?"

Rauscher didn't expect that the always straight-tempered old emperor would say such a thing, he really didn't even want to face, and smiled awkwardly.

"May the Austrian Empire enjoy long-term stability and peace forever."

The old emperor also laughed, he is not a wise king, but he will not be swayed by a magic stick, this is his pride as an emperor, although it is useless.

"Maybe it's really a revelation..."