MTL - The Villain’s Face Slapping Counterattack-Chapter 61 06.01

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When I saw Ding Zhaolin's moment, Zhou Xu knew that the relationship between him and the protagonist could not be avoided. So he smiled slightly. He said to Ding Zhaolin: "Hello."

"Xiao Xu, is it really you? Great, your family has been worried about you, I have been looking for you." Ding Zhaolin seems to care about Zhou Xu, but watching Ding Zhaolin's dress is very different from before, it should be I have been married to Wu Mingdi, but they are now developing to the point where Zhou Xu is still unclear.

Wu Mingdi had to stand up at this time, but since it was not in the military camp, and everyone was plain clothes, he did not salute, but directly introduced Ding Zhaolin: "Admiral, this is Ding Zhaolin, my wife, empire ration My brother. Zhao Lin, he is the empire general Mu Xinhua. Also, Zhou’s school seems to you also know Zhao Lin?”

Ding Zhaolin glanced, first surprised at the man in front of this black casual wear, that is, the empire general Mu Xinhua, the other, is surprised at Zhou Xu he is a colonel?

The responsibility of the brethren is to give birth. It is not allowed to enter the military camp. Women can, because there are female soldiers, can the younger brothers?

It seems that there are no regulations that can be said. It seems that there are no regulations that can't be said. It's just because the buddies don't allow them. Because they have good physical fitness and short people, people's inertia is that they are not allowed to enter the military camp.

Moreover, brothers and younger brothers are not allowed to read military academies after they have been obliged to study. So how did Zhou Xu become a colonel?

"Xiao Xu, how did you get into the army?" Ding Zhaolin asked.

Zhou Xu smiled coldly: "Take the ability."

Ding Zhaolin's meal, obviously heard the unhappiness in Zhou Xu's tone, which is unhappy, of course, the other two people also heard it.

Because he was forced to slap Ding Zhaolin, Wu Mingdi always had a lot of opinions on him, but no matter how he had opinions, Ding Zhaolin was his wife. He heard Zhou Xu’s tone of speech, and his protection desire broke out in an instant. I also looked at Zhou Xu coldly: "What kind of skill do you rely on? Isn't it ridiculous?"

Others don't know, Wu Mingdi is very clear, because Mu Xinhua is very interested in him from the first sight of him, so he asked him to ask Zhou Xu's name too, then Zhou Xu became The logistics team, even a few months later went directly to the command, and his feelings with the generals became a secret that this military region is not a secret.

Although Wu Mingdi did not name the surname, but what does it mean, Zhou Xu certainly understands.

Mu Xinhua naturally understands, so he looks at the corner of his mouth and looks at Wu Mingdi. "Welker Colonel, I am sorry, I want to marry, but Zhou Xu’s ability is not what you have said, it is his shoulders. The epaulettes have the final say. As a soldier, Colonel Wu, you don’t think this epaulette is a joke?”

Mu Xinhua casually hit a Tai Chi, and then lost the problem, and the key is that this problem Wu Mingdi wants to refute, because he shoulders the colonel's epaulettes.

Wu Mingdi does not speak, Ding Zhaolin can only come out to play round: "Ming Di is not the meaning, Admiral, please forgive. Sorry, I don't know if this is your restricted area, can't ask, Xiaoxu, sorry, but you will Be sure to contact your family and they are all worried about you."

"My family will handle it myself, thank you for your concern." Zhou Xu looked at Ding Zhaolin and then turned his head to other places. He really didn't want to see Ding Zhaolin's face.

"That's good, then let's go, goodbye." Ding Zhaolin took Wu Mingdi away.

And Zhou Xu’s face was also envied by Mu Xinhua. “Oh, let’s go, don’t stare at the potted flower.”

Zhou Xu was so happy that he did not want Ding Zhaolin to influence his mood, so he said: "When do you want to apply for marriage?"

Mu Xinhua’s mouth is hooked, “Is it better today?”

Zhou Xu thought about answering: "Well, maybe we can assign us a wedding room in a few days."

Mu Xinhua separated from the small dining table, half-up, gently kissed Zhou Xu and said, "I hope that there will be today."

Here, Zhou Xu and Mu Xinhua continue to talk about the marriage, and Ding Zhaolin has already told Wu Mingdi about Zhou Xu’s being a younger brother.

"What? He is a younger brother? But how does he look at one meter, seventy-two meters, seventy-three."

"I don't know this, but he is indeed a younger brother. His blue scorpion is in a tearful seat under his eyes. I don't know what method he used to cover it, but when he is sexually skilled, I am at He is around, so I am very sure."

"Wait a minute, the military regulations seem to only stipulate that the brothers are not allowed to join the army. They have not said that the younger brothers are not allowed to join the army. Although no brother has ever entered the army so far."

"Yes, so I will ask that at the beginning because I feel very strange."

Wu Mingdi thought about the admiral behind Zhou Xu, and then sighed and said: "Forget it, it doesn't matter to us anyway. Right, what are you looking for?"

"I am looking for you to talk to you about your sister Sun Qingxia."

"If it’s about her, let's go, I don't want to hear."

"Let's listen, if I am wrong, I hope that you can point it out, you are my husband, aren't you?" Ding Zhaolin looked at Wu Mingdi with tears in his eyes, and he looked really good, Wu Mingdi looked Looking at him, he was silent for a while.

Ding Zhaolin feels that he must work hard, because his parents need him, and he can have children as long as he gets the heart of Wu Mingdi. A large part of the children born to the brothers are men, and then he can be a mother. Expensive.

"Yes, then you said."

"Ming Di, I know that you like Sun Qingxia, but what I want to say is that she actually thinks about revenge in her heart. She knows that her parents are killed by your parents, so she wants to kill you, she secretly buys A gun is to kill you..."

"You shut up," Wu Mingdi angrily interrupted Ding Zhaolin's words. "I thought you would say something. You didn't come to you first to smash her. Yes, I really like her, but unfortunately I have to marry you because of my parents." However, I will not like you in this life, and I will never touch you. Even if I don’t have my sister, I won’t touch you. At first you said that you will be honest, just let you stay at our house, but I didn’t expect you. It turned out to be the despicable villain who licked my sister's knife in the back. You gave me a roll, and if you dare to come to me in the future, don't blame me."

Wu Mingdi’s anger made him flushed. He did think that Ding Zhaolin was obedient, so he came over according to his parents’ feelings, but it seemed that he disappointed him.

Ding Zhaolin was told by Wu Mingdi that his tears had been falling. He was born to look good. Such a tearfulness actually made people feel more charming, but he was so charming and could not enter the eyes of the blind man.

Wu Mingdi left, Ding Zhaolin wiped his tears, thought for a moment in silence, biting his teeth, he found that he could only see evidence from Wu Mingdi, but the evidence is still as intuitive as possible, otherwise, Wu Mingdi may still remember Sun Qingxia is good.

After Wu Mingdi returned to the army, he heard the news two days later. Zhou Xu and Mu Xinhua had a marriage contract, and they were concluded under the witness of the highest emperor of the empire.

Shaking his head, Wu Mingdi thought, it seems that Mu Xinhua is crazy, no children, even if he has achieved great results, what is the use, and finally is not to let people.

Zhou Xu, in the face of the highest admiral of the empire, picked up the flesh-colored band-aid at the corner of his eye. Since then, all the people in the army have known that a younger brother has become a colonel, and this younger brother has also entered into a marriage with Mu Xinhua. .

Zhou Xu once again became a myth, this time he became the myth of all his brothers.

I don't know if it is because Zhou Xu is a younger brother, so Wu Mingdi once again saw Zhou Xushi, and suddenly remembered Zhou Xu, who was seen in the restaurant that day. Under the dark light, Zhou Xu once played the piano so intensively. I feel that Zhou Xu is a man and a little regretful, but now I see Zhou Xu again, Wu Mingdi actually feels that he hates that he hates unreasonable.

Suddenly awakened, Wu Mingdi was very upset, but he did not feel that this feeling is like, he obviously likes his sister Sun Qingxia, then what is his feeling for Zhou Xu, Wu Mingdi eyebrow lock.

I really don't understand, and in the end he can only give up.

One month after they entered into a marriage with Mu Xinhua, they finally got a new house. Just after getting the keys to the new house, Zhou Xu went on.

That's right, it's "running."

Mu Xinhua has never seen Zhou Xu so nervous. The speed of his running is even that Mu Xinhua needs to do his best to catch up.

The rapid running, so that they do not have time to speak, but Mu Xinhua knows that Zhou Xu will not be so ruined for no reason, there must be problems, so he will never leave Zhou Xu at this time.

Quickly flew to the podium, Zhou Xu quickly yelled at the people in the observation team: "Hey, can you hear it, can you hear it? I am Zhou Xu, I am Zhou Xu."

"Can you hear, Colonel, what is your order?"

"You can quickly check the interstellar dimension 23/45/397/106, hurry up, and add up and down the area. Hurry up, our radar may be blocked, hurry, man-made search!"

"Yes, Colonel."

Zhou Xuyu was quick and clear, and the observation team immediately began to investigate according to Zhou Xu. After a few seconds, the feedback was sent back: "Report report, enemy attack, Ax star's king arm team attacked, a total of three a large spaceship."

Zhou Xu’s feelings are not wrong, especially in terms of feeling dangerous. This is the lesson and the result of his death, and when he feels dangerous, he suddenly remembers that at the time of the last life, there is also such a Field war.

In the last world, because the other side raided quickly and avoided their radar scans, they suffered serious losses in the end, and there were more than a dozen casualties, and the mech was destroyed more than 40.

This time, Zhou Xu did not want to repeat this history.

"What is their speed of travel?" Zhou Xu asked.

"Light, ninety-seven hours per hour."

“Very good, the specific data for three large ships is for me.”

"Yes. The hulls of the three spaceships are the same. According to the light cube, each ship is almost 1600 light cubes."

A little bit of thought in my heart, Zhou Xu knows that this volume can carry about 50 or so mechs, which is very good, so they have a number.

Zhou Xu ordered the observation team: "Continue to observe, feedback at any time, and pay attention to the interstellar dimension 24/85/597/796. If there is any problem, report it immediately."


Hang up, Zhou Xu turned back to look at Mu Xinhua, he has the highest rank among all the personnel present, Zhou Xu naturally reported to him.

Stand upright, salute!

Zhou Xu’s voice is powerful: “Report. The Oaks star struck, attacking three warships, about 150 aircraft, and about 270 light from us. Please give instructions!”

"Take the enemy!"

The author has something to say: The author can't log in to Jinjiang, I am a friend of Achi, and she asked me to say sorry to you that I can't reply to the message.

Thank you for your support of gentle Achi.

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