MTL - The Villain’s Face Slapping Counterattack-Chapter 44 Face mermaid white lotus

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"Because this weapon is not yours." Zhou Xu cold iced out to say this.

Zhao Shuxuan stared at Zhou Xu and asked: "Who are you? Why do you say this weapon is not mine?"

Zhou Xu gave the shark a look, and the shark took a step forward, and his hands stretched out. The fangs in Zhao Shuxuan’s hand seemed to be sucked by the magnet and gradually flew toward the shark.

Zhao Shuxuan did not work hard, the fangs eventually flew to the hands of the shark.

"You are robbery."

"Then ask the people around you, are we robbing this?"

Zhou Xu said that he left with the shark. Zhao Shuxuan could only watch the figure they had gone for a long time and could not be calm.

"Book Xuan, you..." Ans asked with concern, but Zhao Shuxuan had only a heartache at the moment. He longed for the feeling of holding the spirit just now, as if he was a Buddha.

However, this feeling came too fast. The self was just a **** Buddha. In a blink of an eye, he became a grass-roots person. He couldn’t lift his hand and couldn’t mention it. He was small and humble.

The feeling of longing was too strong, and it was so strong that Zhao Shuxuan began to tremble. If he hadn’t felt it before, it was okay, but now that he felt it, he would never want to return to the ordinary.

Zhao Shuxuan began to feel sad, his life is sad.

In fact, he was born in a wealthy family. Because his mother’s status was low, he suffered from various oppressions since he was a child. Later his father was seriously ill. In order to compete for family property, his brother killed him personally, and his mother was a few years ago. It has already been hanged on the beam because it can't stand the persecution of the family.

He also thought that he had a chance to resurrection. After the resurrection, he thought that he met the most beautiful person in the world, Ans. He felt happy.

Later, he met Ke Yuanlin, and the two organized a squadron, and among all the rising teams, the people who followed them were the most and the people were most accepted.

After a heavy rain, everything was gone, Ke Yuan left, the team was half-disposed, he wanted to continue to lead, but he had to flee because he was chased.

In the process of fleeing, he heard the news that his army had been completely disbanded, and he was still fleeing.

Finally, Ans came and gave him a huge hope. He held the weapon in his hand and thought he could own the world, but what about it?

A drop of tears is not going to fall, Zhao Shuxuan feels that he can't go on like this anymore. He wants to be stronger, no matter what method.

Ans is still worried, he does not know, Zhao Shuxuan at this time is not the original Zhao Shuxuan, he changed, after repeated disappointment and despair.

"Ans, sorry, I am worried." Zhao Shuxuan returned to God and looked at Ans gently, but I didn't know why. Ans suddenly made a nap because the back began to numb.

Surprisingly watching Zhao Shuxuan, he only saw a gentle man smiling slightly toward himself.

"No, nothing, Shu Xuan, as long as you are fine."

"How can I have something, Ans, I want to thank you for saving me," said Zhao Shuxuan. "Let's go, otherwise, if there are more killers coming, we can't escape."


The two quickly left.

In a smoky room in the capital, a sly old man looked at the scene in the mirror, and a horrible smile appeared on the face full of pleats.

"Mermaid, my medicine, I finally found it, hahaha... heart relic, it was here, my last two medicines were found, hahaha..."

The smog flew out of the room and couldn't see the situation in the house, but in this smog, there was a handsome man inside.

The man smiled a little, and he couldn’t see the look of the face just now. Even the smile had no trace of horror, and it looked very amiable.

The man flew away and the smoke in the room disappeared for a long time.

Ans and Zhao Shuxuan fled together. After confirming that there was no killer, the two talents stayed in a hotel and called a little porridge. The two of them just ate a little, and this was really safe.

Just after the two settled down, Ans let Zhao Shuxuan take a break and went to the town himself, wanting to buy something to change clothes and so on.

Zhao Shuxuan sat cross-legged, he was thinking about how to become stronger, in order to become stronger, he is willing to do anything now.

Why he always wants to be manipulated by others, has already died once, he thought that it would be better to cherish life, but he found that he would cherish it any more, and others might crush himself like an ant.


Too many sources of evil thoughts are a "by what", Zhao Shuxuan reads that are so engraved;

He knows that most of the people who cultivate the immortals are more powerful than the mortals, but the person who cultivates the immortals is said to have a genius, and he does not even know what is a fairy, but he knows that even if there is no fairy, many people will It became very powerful because of some artifacts, such as the fangs that Ans gave him.

But how can I get the spirit? Zhao Shuxuan locked his eyebrows.

In the midst of thinking, a figure appeared, Lang Meixing, extraordinary.

"Who are you?" asked Zhao Shuxuan.

"Under the Nether Ghost King Luo Cang."

"Nether King?"


"What are you looking for?"

"I want to ask you for something, if you can get it, then I will satisfy you with a wish."

Zhao Shuxuan looked at Luo Cang a little unbelievable because he did not believe that one person could satisfy the wishes of another person.

"If I say that my wish is to get this country?"

"I can help you."

"Why should I believe in you?"

Luo Cang smiled slightly, his hands slowly lifted up, and the red light of the palms appeared, but the plain weather outside turned black, and then thunder and thunder, heavy rain poured.

"how about it?"

Zhao Shuxuan looked at the heavy rain outside, and then bluntly turned back: "What do you want?"

"The sardine of the mermaid."

Shaking his head, Zhao Shuxuan said: "I don't have this kind of thing."

"Of course you don't have it, but your lover has it."

"Ans? No, I won't hurt him." Zhao Shuxuan shook his head and refused.

However, Luo Cang is not in a hurry, but takes out one thing, and that thing looks like a simple dagger.

"Do you know what this is? I believe you will be interested."

"What is it?"

"Ancient artifacts, broken heavens. As the name suggests, this dagger can break the sky, can break the ground, can break any prohibitions and seals, and, he can help you grow, in less than three years, you can There are at least fifty years of training. How?"

“Is this thing compared to the shark's fangs?”

"Oh, the power of the broken blade is thousands of times the broken shark teeth."

Zhao Shuxuan was silent, but Luo Cang was still waiting in a hurry.

After an hour, Zhao Shuxuan said: "Sorry."

Ans is his last bottom line and he doesn't want to hurt Ans.

Luo Cang smiled and replied: "It doesn't matter, you can continue to think, this is a life symbol associated with me. As long as you burn it, then I can come over at any time."

Said Luo Cang left a few yellowish pieces of paper to Zhao Shuxuan, and then disappeared in an instant.

Zhao Shuxuan held a few small yellow pieces of paper in his hand, and had no moving reads for a long time.

He doesn't know what kind of feeling he has for Ans now. Because Luo Cang asked him, he really wavered. He thought that the only thing he would not waver now is his feelings for Ans. This is his last. A hint of the bottom line, but this bottom line is actually shaking.

Shaking his head, Zhao Shuxuan refused to let himself think about these messy problems, he needs to take a rest.

However, Luo Cang said that the broken blade is even more powerful than the fangs. The broken blade is the ancient artifact, the broken blade is so small, is it so powerful?

Zhao Shuxuan's thoughts drifted farther and farther, and suddenly he woke up, he found that he was still thinking about breaking the blade.

When Ans came back, Zhao Shuxuan asked unintentionally: "Ans, do you know the broken blade?"

Ans looked up and thought about it: "I heard that it seems to be an ancient artifact."

“Is it amazing?”

"Well, it's very powerful. I heard that the ancient artifacts of the broken blade are all spiritual. That is to say, if you recognize the Lord, he can even kill the enemy himself. Even if the owner is a child, the child lets him open the world, he also Can go open."


"I don't know, most of them are talking about it. If there is such a powerful weapon, if this is true, the world has not been destroyed before? Right, how do you ask about the broken blade?"

"Oh, just listen to Xiao Er and feel strange. Ask you, nothing."



When the Nether Ghost left his room, the meditation pool knew it, because he had a smoke-following curse in that room. The spell was relative to the smoke, so the ghost king could not feel it.

As soon as the Nether Ghost went out, the pool went to his room. After all the inspections, the pool found that he might be doing something extremely dangerous. If this thing is done, let alone the world, the whole world has May be destroyed.

The pool pond hesitated, took a smog, and flew away to find the red phoenix.


Zhou Xu also found anomalies at this time, because the virtual source was inexplicable, and everyone could not find it, but the virtual source was a big living person, how could it disappear from the air, and the virtual source had said it two days ago, and wanted to negotiate with the court. If the court can make a difference, no longer fish and people, he is willing to accept Zhaoan.

However, in two days, the virtual source could not change his mind and sneak away.

And the virtual source is definitely not an irresponsible person. It is precisely because of this that Zhou Xucai feels strange, and Zhou Xu has always been in the military camp. If someone wants to capture the virtual source, he will certainly feel it, but why is he? Didn't feel it?

Then there is a possibility that the person who comes to take the virtual source is not a mortal.

Zhou Xu’s idea was quickly confirmed because the pool was back.

In these days when the pool was not there, Zhou Xu was a bit strange, but Zhou Xu did not doubt him anyway. This inexplicable trust sometimes made Zhou Xu feel puzzled, because it is reasonable to say that after the virtual source was taken away, he The most suspected person should be the pool.

After all, until now, people who are more powerful than Zhou Xu and who know each other with virtual sources have only one pool.

Behind the pool is followed by two beautiful women, a flaming gauze, an emerald green gauze, and the two tall and even looks almost the same. Zhou Xu thought that the two were sisters and waited for the introduction of the pool. After that, I realized that the two were mothers and daughters.

After the introduction of the two sides, the pool and Zhou Xu finally began to talk about the virtual source, and the pool also said the things of the ghost king to read;

When everything is finished, Zhou Xucai will connect all the clues together.

"That means that the human disaster is very likely caused by Luo Cang. He first controlled the royal family and then used the royal family to achieve his purpose, such as building a spiritual palace, such as increasing his own with the grievances of millions of people. Repair. Now, the virtual source may also be taken away by him. The reason may be related to the thing he wants to make?"

The pool nodded: "I am not sure about the virtual source, but the disaster in this world is absolutely related to him, yes."

Zhou Xu thought for a moment and asked Mickey: "Give you enough time, can you understand what Luo Cang wants to do? For example, what is he making or what else?"

"I am studying, but this smoke uses too many grievances to feed, so I dare not move easily, because if the grievances leak out, it may cause other hidden dangers, and I can't make the grievances exceed, because I am the devil."

The pool was serious and the expression was serious. Zhou Xu looked at him and suddenly felt a little familiar.

"You are a stupid, stupid, you should kill Luo Cangnao at the beginning, and the result is good. You even tied him with him. When I say it, I feel embarrassed. You still demon, the king of the fart." "Red smoke said.

"Right right, mother, you are right, I think so, if he could kill Luo Cang at the beginning, now there are so many things."

"Roll, do you have a stupid stance to say him? Let you follow him for two or three years, if you don't learn, your mouth is getting worse. If you do, let me give it to you."

A red feather, immediately stood up: "Mother, no, don't have cause and effect with the world, you will..."

The red smoke slaps on the head of his daughter. "Isn't it a catastrophe? Do you think that you can't bear your mother? You, you want to intervene in the world, you can't get involved, and you can't go back to the sky with no power." You can kill you half-heartedly."

"Mother," the red feather was slightly stunned, then smiled. "I am not your own, is there such a daughter?"

The pool looked at the red smoke and worried. "But if you are rebelled by the grievances, your repairs will be gone."

Red smoke and another palm shot on the head of the pool, "I am so stupid, I am also served, I will not be careful, I will not wear a million silk, really."

Wan Sijia, as the name suggests, soft armor made of various silks, masculine, can avoid the erosion of grievances.

Eventually the red smoke and red feathers went away, with the white mist that the meditation pool got from the ghost king.

The virtual source was indeed taken away by Luo Cang, because he found that the virtual source is the reincarnation of the ten-star star, that is to say, there is a special thing in his body, that is, the heart relic.

Now that the heart relics are also there, Luo Cang only needs to get the mermaid's refined dan to create what he wants, and the world can be destroyed. No matter what is heaven, earth, people, demon, or magic, nothing can be left.

A few days later, Luo Cang discovered that his room had been touched by others because the grievances were a little less, and the smoke he made was less.

Can take away the smoke, then it must not be a mortal, Luo Cang must speed up.

Find Zhao Shuxuan, Luo Cang this time directly to him to see the power of the broken blade, that power really as Ans said, is thousands of times tens of thousands of fangs.

Swallowing, Zhao Shuxuan asked: "Why don't you ask Ans directly?"

"Because the sardines of the mermaid are not voluntarily handed over by anyone, they are not available to anyone. This is the nature of their race."

"But after I get it, will Ans die?"

"Of course not, he will only be a little weak, and his refined Dan will be remodeled after decades. Have you forgotten that they can live for thousands of years, and for decades it is not a reading for them at all. ;"

Zhao Shuxuan is still hesitating, Luo Cang said: "You get this broken blade, the aura of the broken blade will enter your body, you can live for at least a thousand years, you think that compared with the millennium, how do you prefer? One?"

Luo Cang left, Zhao Shuxuan's mood is uncertain, but when he thought of the power of the broken blade, he decided to do it with his teeth. He couldn't take it anymore. This kind of small life is like a dusty life. He doesn't want it, he wants it too. Live a strong life, not afraid of anyone.

But what do he do to get the refined fish of the mermaid?

Zhao Shuxuan went to the window. The next leg of the window was abolished. Someone passed by. Someone gave him something to eat, but suddenly, he stood up and was like the other person, and the one seemed to have scrapped his legs. In good condition.

"This kind of trick, really," Zhao Shuxuan said to himself, but half said, he suddenly figured out a way, "I can."

Zhao Shuxuan went to the medical center to get a special medicine. After the medicine was eaten, it would vomit and foam, but it did not hurt the body. It was basically used to induce vomiting, but it looked very scary.

Ans is ignorant of the pharmacology, so he will not recognize the drug. After Zhao Shuxuan saw the figure of Ans in the window, he immediately ate the medicine.

Ans entered the door, just to see Zhao Shuxuan's mouth full of white foam and twitching.

"Book Xuan, what's wrong with you, what's wrong with you?"

"Ans... I, I am poisoned..." Zhao Shuxuan pretended to speak with difficulty.

"What's going on, Shu Xuan, what's wrong, rest assured that I will save you, will definitely..."

"Ans, useless, said to the person who poisoned me... I must have someone else's Jing Dan to save my life... But where do we go to get someone else's Jing Dan... cough..." Zhao Shuxuan began to twitch again, as if he was about to die.

"No, no, I have, Shu Xuan, you don't want to die, don't die." Ans was anxious, holding Zhao Shuxuan and began to cry, crying, concentrated on the slow integration of Jing Dan, and then exhausted the whole body, Sprinkle the fine dan.

Just when Ans was preparing to feed Jing Dan to Zhao Shuxuan, there was a figure in the air, and Jing Dan disappeared.

"Thank you for your good Dan, thank you for your cooperation, Zhao Shuxuan, this broken blade gave you."

Zhao Shuxuan jumped up and took over the dagger that Luo Cang threw down. His eyes were full of excitement and anticipation.

"Goodbye." Luo Cang said that the figure has disappeared.

There was only a weak Ans in the room and Zhao Shuxuan who had just got a broken blade.

Ans looked at Zhao Shuxuan, and he couldn’t believe it in his eyes. "Book Xuan, you..."

Zhao Shuxuan immediately turned back to comfort Ans: "Ans, I am sorry, I have used you, but I really want this broken blade. I asked, your refined Dan can be reshaped, so you will not have problems, Although you will be a little weak at first, I will take care of you and rest assured."

"You are deliberate? You were injured, just lie to me?"

"Sorry, Ans, but you also know how much I want to be strong, you only need decades of practice to reshape the fine, and your life is thousands of years, because I know this. , Ans, you forgive me, and with the broken blade I can live for a long time, so that we can be together for a longer time, isn't it?"

Ans closed his eyes desperately. At this point, he finally understood how wrong it was to use other people's things to satisfy his wishes.

Before Ans did not understand, now, he finally understood, the price is that he did not have his own fine Dan reads;

Indeed, Jing Dan can be reshaped, but it is not something that can be done for decades, and even if Jing Dan reshapes, his life will only be a few hundred years away.

Ans’s tears are still falling, not because of anything else, but because of this reason he knows too late.

"Ans, don't cry, I will still be good to you in the future."

Tears finally stopped flowing, and Ans felt that everything he had in the past was a joke, or a big joke.

"Ans, what do you want to eat, my name is Xiao Er to send you up."

"No, I don't really need to eat anything, Shu Xuan, you go out first, I want to take a break."

"Well, you should take a rest first."

Zhao Shuxuan went out and loved to take the broken blade he had just got.

Ans in the room slowly sat up, and he had no strength in the weak, but even so he must fight back to the South China Sea, not for anything else, just to give a naive self a chance to repent.

The body slowly became transparent and Ans went away.

He also returned to the Dragon Palace for reasons of physical transparency. This time he only wanted to apologize to Zhou Xudao.

In fact, Zhou Xu has never been in the Dragon Palace. Ans looked around in the Dragon Palace and found it for a long time.

Ans tired, he was too weak. In a corner of the Dragon Palace, he saw a closed door. He couldn’t think too much, and he pushed the door in.

Inside, a white figure was sitting on the side of the plate, looking like asleep, and seemed to be just thinking.

Ans looked at him slyly, his body slowly slipping down, and the weak one heard the man say, "Please go out."

"Can you see me?"

"Yes, I am a dragon."

"Long prince Zhou Yang?"

"Yes," Zhou Yang got up and walked to Ans, looking at him condescendingly. "My brother, the two princes have already expelled you from the South China Sea. Are you coming back, for what?"

"I want to say sorry to the second prince, because I stole his yangdan, I still want to say sorry to the turtle, and the shark, I am wrong, I really know this wrong."

Zhou Yangxi's lower body, his fingers touched Ans's wrist, Ans stunned, because Zhou Yang's hand was too cold, like a three-foot ice.

"Your fine Dan is gone?"


"I will send you a grain of solid yang, you can temporarily restore your strength."

"Do you want me to go? No, I have not apologized."

"Do you think my two princes will forgive you, when you made another mistake? Ans, if you really know the mistake, then you should not make another mistake. Since you are expelled, then you are not a South China Sea. Member, knowing this, but still stealth in, Ans, you are smashing my South China Sea. As a South China Sea Dragon Prince, do you think I will let you go?"

Ans stunned, and he looked at Zhou Yang slyly, only to see Zhou Yang quickly open a medicinal medicine in the palm of his hand, and then the medicinal medicine turned into a white light, flew into Ans mouth.


"Give you a Guyang Dan, I am afraid that you are dead, too late to let my brother out." Zhou Yang gently smiled, giving people a feeling of peace and warmth, such as Mu Chunfeng.

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