MTL - The Villain’s Face Slapping Counterattack-Chapter 40 Face scorpion and crossing women

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"I, I listen to you."

The painting has been completely scared. I think she is a weak woman, and she is still a singer. The biggest worry in this life is to find a lesser one in a group of melons and melons. Let’s play and laugh together. Now it’s good, it’s life and death. edge.

Poor she still felt that there was finally a rich and not so embarrassing son, but this son actually came to ask for his life.

"You write two letters first, I said you wrote, and one gave Hu Yue a letter to Qin Zhong."

"it is good."

"Tonight, they should come to redeem you. Whenever you choose which one, you must give another letter to the other party. I also said that you write."

"it is good."

"In addition, after being picked up, someone may rob you on the second night. You follow the person who robbed you, as usual, keep a letter, or I said you wrote."

"Well, I listen to the son, as long as the son gives me an antidote."

"On the third night, there may be another looting incident, or there may be no, but if there is this, I will not leave. If you are suspended, I will give you the first phase of antidote."

"If, son, I mean, if they don't follow your plan?"

Zhou Xu smiled slightly, like Mu Chunfeng. "You just need to play your play, the rest, you don't have to worry about reads."


Zhou Xu and his paintings finished his plan. The white figure on the other side fell into the painting. The sword in his hand flashed, the temperament of the sword was extraordinary, and the honor seemed to be born. All in all, this mortal can't enter his eyes.

"and who are you?"


"It has nothing to do with you, it is my guest." Zhou Xu smiled and looked at the person and asked, "Why, don't worry about me?"

The Prince’s sword has been squirted, but when I saw Zhou Xu’s moment, all the cold light converges instantly. “Look at you.”

"Okay, I have never been interested in women. Come over and have a drink with me. This is the sweet-scented osmanthus of Minnan. It tastes delicious and very good."

The prince sat opposite Zhou Xu, and the painting had to be moved to the corner, pretending to know nothing about himself, because the two men, she clearly could not afford it.

The two drank a few glasses of wine and then they started to act.

First of all, Zhou Xu’s two letters written by Yan Xu are similar in content. They are nothing more than suffering from their own hands, and she is not willing to continue this life. She likes the recipient very much. She hopes that he can save himself and go out. It is a slave who will love the recipient.

Of course, there are two so-called recipients.

On the evening of the same day, Wang Nanzi of Zhennan went to Yihonglou with silver, but Hu Yue was stopped by Zhou Zonghan.

The short and fat Hu Yue is not bad at all, especially the strength, although it is slightly dull, but it can be a general in personal skills.

"General, the three emperors let me come, just let me help you, I hope you can be more strict with yourself. For a woman who is in the fence, you are ignoring the military regulations and want to go out in the middle of the night."

"Hey, the three emperors gave you a seat to look at me, I have to listen to you? I laughed at me. This is the time that the army has followed me for four years. No one dares to say anything about me. How old are you?" Also, what is the hook fence, Zhou Zonghan, don't think that I don't know, your mother is also going out of the hall, how do you say it? It's ridiculous."

Zhou Zonghan was the most hated of other people who said that he was born and gritted his teeth. He said: "General, please think twice, otherwise I will repair the three emperors. At that time, your general position may not be guaranteed."

"Oh, my Hu Yue is the first time to be threatened by a pen." After that, Hu Yue raised his hand and pushed Zhou Zonghan to the ground, and then put a foot on his chest and stepped on it. "Ha ha ha ha, think Take care of me, go to hell, hehe."

After all, Hu Yue turned and left, and Zhou Zonghan’s unwillingness was more obvious. He thought that there would be a big deal when he came to Weinan, but he did not expect that the leader of this army was actually a girl, except for martial arts. Nothing, he even wondered how the general Hu Yue was going up.

In fact, Zhou Zonghan is really doubtful. Hu Yue is the cousin of the three emperors, and he has a good relationship with the three emperors.

The three emperors are naturally clever, and they can see that Hu Yuewu is a strong martial artist and his brain is stupid, but because of this, he is better able to use it.

Hu Yue knows that he is carrying the private soldiers of the Three Emperors, but he has always believed that the Three Emperors will definitely be emperors, so when the private soldiers are not private soldiers.

Zhou Zonghan also knows everything. Hu Yue’s high-profile approach will make things here sooner or later, and he will be even more nervous. However, he can’t be able to mention his master’s shoulders. He is not an opponent of Hu Yue.

Hu Yue went to Yihonglou. It was already late. The painting was taken away by Qin Zhong, the Wang Shizi of Zhennan. He only received a letter from the painting.

After reading the contents of the letter, Hu Yue did not expect that Qin Zhong could directly grab people. He did not expect that the original paintings liked himself so much, and he unknowingly rushed to the crown, and then remembered the look of the paintings, and the heart fire was more prosperous;

Wait a little calm, Hu Yue saw the opposite side of the letter actually left a few words, some scribbled, it is obviously written in a hurry, the words are: must save me.

The heart that had just calmed down again, and the fire broke out. Hu Yue took a big knife and shouted a dozen entourages. He went to Zhennan Wangfu.

Zhennan Wang is old, basically no matter what, so the matter at home is Qin Zhong agent, and Qin Zhong is not a fuel-efficient lamp, knowing that the door is Hu Yue, so he called more soldiers, and then Only open the door.

When the door opened, Hu Yue also stunned. He did not bring more than a dozen entourages. He did not expect Qin Zhong to make more than one hundred people to fight against himself.

It’s too late to think about it. Qin Zhong’s team has already attacked.

There is no suspense in winning or losing.

Hu Yue was thrown out, with a wound on his face.

Gritted teeth, Hu Yue returned to the military camp, his temper completely out of control, thinking that he grew so big, really did not get so over.

Called three hundred soldiers, picking up the weapon will rush to the town of Wangnan, but this time he was stopped by Zhou Zonghan.

Hu Yue on the gas head kicked Zhou Zonghan away, and took the person away.

At night, Ding Junjun and Zhennan Wang fought, and the people of Minnan said that they were both angry and angry.

Hu Yue was playing with the town of Nanwang, and secretly asked people to save the paintings. When Qin Zhong discovered it, he only saw a letter of love left by the painting.

Qin Zhong held the letter, and then looked at the hundreds of dead people in the hospital, and finally made up his mind to fight with Hu Yue.

Hu Yue took a picture of Qingqing and I went. Zhou Xu and the prince found a place where the generals were in black, but they did not expect that there were others in this big account.

The two have already fallen, and the person sitting in the corner quietly inside, the line of sight hits.

The three were shocked. The corner man just shouted, and then a long sword fell on his neck. The man’s mouth was halfway and had to close again.

Zhou Xu took the masked black towel off, and the black suit set off his face to be more white and jade, and smiled slightly. Zhou Xu said: "Zhou Zonghan, I haven't seen you for a long time."

The prince also took off the black towel, and Zhou Zonghan’s face changed instantly, as if the situation was abrupt.

Zhou Xu is in a good mood, and he really likes to see people change their faces.

"Why, doesn't Zhou Gongzi say hello to the prince? For example, beg for mercy, or surrender?"

"It’s already been here, and it doesn’t matter. You have to kill it."

The prince will put the sword at the neck of Zhou Zonghan and then say: "Zhou Zonghan, it seems that you are dead and not admit defeat. If so, then the palace will show you something."

After that, Prince looked at Zhou Xu, and Zhou Xu took out a letter and handed it to Zhou Zonghan.

The letter was exactly when Zhou Zonghan came, and the three emperors sent a letter to Hu Yue alone. The letter also included Qi Lan’s hair and the bracelet he often wore.

After reading the letter, Zhou Zonghan was blind.

Zhou Xu said with a smile: "Why, I feel unbelievable? Zhou Zonghan, this is the world. Some people have the right to be born, and some people are born with nothing. Indeed, if you say honor or not, you may not agree. But at least my own life is my own. I only ask you, you have thought about this step, what was your initial wish?"

Zhou Zonghan couldn't believe it. He thought that he could borrow the three emperors to fly, but he didn't expect the three emperors to use himself completely. If something went wrong, he would have to go out to pack the bag. This kind of crime was found to be full of copies.

Suddenly remembered Qi Lan, he did not seem to have spoken to Qi Lan for a long time, even when he did not come to Weinan, it seems that he had not spoken to her for a long time.

There is also his son, who seems to have not hugged several times.

The tears suddenly fell, and Zhou Zonghan slowly squatted down.

Zhou Zonghan's transformation shocked Prince and Zhou Xu, especially Zhou Xu. He thought that Zhou Zonghan was a stone in the pit. It must be stinky and hard. It was not good. He planned to kill it directly. He did not expect that suddenly he would This is really catching off.

"In this case, should you have evidence of the three princes raising private soldiers?"

"Yes, I will give it to you now."

Zhou Xu followed Zhou Zonghan, and the two went to a shelf on the other side, "just in this dark space."

Say Zhou Zonghan, reach out and open. Zhou Xu and Zhou Zonghan are only one step away, so they can see very clearly. There is indeed a dark space behind the bookshelf. There are several books in the dark. This should be the evidence that Zhou Zonghan said.

Opening the darkness of the moment, Zhou Zonghan threw out the same thing inside, but the accident was that Zhou Xu did not believe him.

Even when the secret grid was opened, Zhou Xu had already guessed what Zhou Zonghan had to do, so what he threw was kicked by Zhou Xu to the corner of the other side of the big account.

When the round pill touches the ground, it will explode in an instant, and the liquid that flows out after the explosion should be highly toxic, because the liquid after landing has started to smoke, and even has nourishment. The sound came out.

Zhou Zonghan’s move was completely angered by Zhou Xu and his prince. He had not had time to see the situation around him, and a long sword had penetrated into his abdomen.

The long sword is a prince, but Zhou Zonghan looks at Zhou Xu: "Zhou Xu, I will never forgive you in this life."

Zhou Xu smiled and said: "When you invite the world to avenge, remember to catch up early, because the people who come to me for revenge estimate a lot."

Zhou Zonghan fell, but in fact he did not die, but he was seriously injured.

Open the dark grid, take out a few books inside, and take a closer look. Zhou Xu and the prince are silent. Here, not only the number of private soldiers raised by the three emperors, but also the Zhennan Wang and the Three Emperors are recorded. Many of the transactions, as well as the use of the state treasury, the same kind of one to take out, the three emperors are dead.

After reading a few books, Prince said: "With something, we will return to Beijing quickly."

"What about the military and the town of Nannan?"

"I can't manage that much. I will go back first. The three emperors will definitely get the news soon. If he gets the news, he may kill my father and win the position directly."

"Otherwise, you should go back first, and hand over to me here? I only gave her the antidote to the painting," Zhou Xu said.

The prince had a meal and then shook his head: "No, you can't leave me half a step, and the antidote is handed over to the night."

With a slight smile, Zhou Xu said: "Follow the orders, Your Royal Highness."

In fact, the situation here does not need to worry too much, because Zhou Xu has been arranged, the army of Ding Junjun and Zhennan Wang, they started the war on the third day they left Weinan, and the Dingjun army was negligent in training. , fast defeat.

When Prince and Zhou Xu returned to Beijing, the army of Zhennan Wang had completely conquered the Dingjun army. Therefore, Zhennan Wang will definitely break with the Three Emperors.

Here the Prince has returned to the palace, and the eight hundred miles of the town of Nanwang has been sent to the expanse, and the body of the emperor is said to be almost ready for reading.

Before the emperor's palace, the prince wanted to face the sanctuary, but he was stopped by the three emperors. The prince gave a command, and all the people who had deployed the protection of the emperor had come out and directly caught the three emperors.

In the presence of the emperor, the prince found that the three emperors were also there. The dagger in his hand was about to pierce the emperor's chest. Between the electric and the flint, the prince directly threw the long sword in his hand.

The long sword accurately stabbed the heart of the three emperors, and the blood suddenly surged.

The emperor slowly opened his eyes and a tear fell slowly. "Hello, come over."

The prince walked over and pushed the bodies of the three emperors away.

"Emperor, you first ruined the will of the third child."

"Yes, the father."

"Emperor, it’s wrong. Now I’m here to pass you. I hope that you can make this Dazujiang Mountain more prosperous. Also, don’t you know that there are locusts in the middle of the country, and you are afraid of shaking the foundation of the big left. , babe, this is really wrong..."

It seems that it is a return to the light, the emperor said a lot of words, there are remorse and resentment, disappointment and hope.


The emperor died, the prince succeeded, the three emperors attempted to be rebelled and killed, the Jiangnan corruption case was broken, Zhennan Wang said that he was absolutely loyal, and all the three emperors who had already suppressed were handed over.

The new emperor was enthroned, and he changed his name to Kangshun. In addition, he did not fear the hardships, vigorously promoted reform and reform, and promoted the development of his home country. At the same time, he used heavy punishment for all corrupt officials.

Here the new emperor ascended the throne, Zhou Xu finally returned to his hometown, and after returning home, Zhou Xu discovered that Zhou Yang had been a monk three months ago.

Chasing Jing'an Temple, Zhou Xu asked Zhou Yang, who was sitting on the futon: "Why?"

Zhou Yang has no sadness and no joy, and the quiet appearance seems to have been sitting on this futon for thousands of years.

"The dust is broken, don't investigate."

"Because you also discovered that the person who harmed you once and for all, is my mother He Yanfei right? You hate her, hate it, but you want me to forget?"

"If you forget, I will pray for the donors and remember more."

"Forget it." Zhou Xu shook his head, Zhou Yang's choice he could understand, Zhou Yang is not a person who likes to fight, even if he is in good health, he is still willing to stay in his yard. There are nine days in ten days. It is not even the door.

Zhou Xu said: "I will come to see you often, yes, I may have to be with the new emperor, remember to come."

Zhou Yang Duan’s posture is a glimpse, and the tone is not as smooth as it was just now. “Who are you going to be with?”

"The new emperor, the original Prince, Zuo Mingtao."

"You...he is a man."

Zhou Xu smiled slightly, Zhou Yang really cares about himself, but even if he cares again, he will not look back. Because of this long time, Zhou Xu found that he seems to be inseparable from the Prince.

"I know, I like men." Zhou Xu's narrow eyebrows, a slight bend, "When you will ask people to pray, blessing, big brother, blessing, it depends on you."

Zhou Yang has not slowed down, Zhou Xu has got up and left.

After a few steps, Zhou Xu saw the night seven who came to him: "The son, the master asks you to go back quickly."

"Know about reads;."

"The son, who is the monk?"

Zhou Xu also looked back and saw only the back of his older brother, a little lonely, but nothing could change.

In fact, before General Zhou, he liked a woman before he married his wife. Later, he simply put the woman into the house and made him jealous.

Later, the general was quickly arranged to marry his wife, that is, He Yanfei. After He Yanfei entered the Zhou family, he discovered that General Zhou had always liked this woman.

Later, He Yanfei discovered that the woman was pregnant, and at the same time she was pregnant too. It happened that the two had given birth on the same day, but He Yan was born with a stillbirth.

So He Yanfei ordered the kid to take the kid, and then killed it. When Zhou’s general came back from the front line, he only knew that the woman she liked was dead, and the wife of the media was born to him. Big fat son.

After that, He Yanfei still couldn't like Zhou Yang. Later, after Zhou Xu was born, she naturally hated Zhou Yang. In the end, she personally poisoned Zhou Yang.

In fact, at the beginning she was planning to be poisoned, but after all, he took him for a few years, so it was saved with a trace of conscience and left him a life.

"The son, how is that person so familiar, I seem to have seen."

Before Zhou Xu remembered, the night seven seemed to have seen the back of Zhou Yang, but he could remember the back that he had seen. The night was also awesome.

"Okay, let's go, or your master will let you sleep with White Pine."


Zhou Xu didn't plan on how to deal with He Yanfei. She was her mother after all, and Zhou Xu was able to find out the reason for this. It was entirely because of He Yanfei’s crying at night, maybe the day of the year was already The best punishment for her.

Zhou Zonghan was sent to the prison. Qi Lan took his son to see him once. The two were silent. After a long time, Qi Lan said: "Your mother has passed away half a month ago. I will take care of my son and you will die. ”

At this point, Zhou Zonghan finally found out that he really ruined himself. He thought he was hating Zhou Xu, but when everything suddenly dimmed, he found that what he hated most was not Zhou Xu, but himself.

In the second year of Kangshun, the new Emperor Ming media was in the prime minister’s Zhou Xu, and above the Shilichang Street, it was full of bright red.

The whole wedding procedure was too complicated, and when Zhou Xu finally sat on the wedding bed, he was already faint.

The new emperor Zuo Mingtao asked people to bring in the hot water, and took off his boots for Zhou Xu, gently giving him his feet. The new emperor said: "Zhou Xu, I finally found you."

Zhou Xu’s long and narrow eyebrows were slightly curved, and the smooth feet gently kicked the face of the new emperor: “No mood today, too tired, do it tomorrow.”

The new emperor is very wronged. He has been patient for many years. On the day of the wedding, he still refuses to do it.

With a slight smile, the new emperor said: "I don't listen to you this time."

After all, the new emperor has already pressed Zhou Xu on the red brocade.

When the skin was in love, Zhou Xu looked down slightly and saw a bright red dragonfly on the huge part of the emperor.

The mind is slightly flashing, the color is the same, the size is the same, the part is the same, the three worlds, is this really telling what, but Zhou Xu himself is crossing, is there anyone else crossing?


Aside from his thoughts, Zhou Xu enjoyed this wedding night.

"Come on, die with me..." Zhou Xu shouted in the process of doing love.

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