MTL - The Villain’s Face Slapping Counterattack-Chapter 35 Face scorpion and crossing women

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"Small home, all family property is confiscated!"

In the words of the emperor, everything that Zhou Zonghan and Qi Lan had had instantly became a bubble. And their family property has reached more than 1.9 million two at this time, plus almost all kinds of shops, almost 2.5 million.

Afterwards, Zhou Xu said to the prince: "Give your gift, do you like it?"

Seeing that the Prince did not speak, Zhou Xu went on to say: "Is it self-blame? Do you think you should steal his property?"

The prince still did not speak, but Zhou Xu said: "A common saying, flies are not a seamless egg, and the words are not bad. If he can say that, don't blame the emperor for copying his property. This is not the world. If so, if he can donate a part, the emperor will definitely send him a name of a business man, maybe he can make more money later, but what about him? I just want to say that he is deserving of it."

"In addition, I still have a big gift to send you." Said, Zhou Xu took out a slap, and the prince looked slightly, Zhou Xu smiled and continued: "Two hundred and nine hundred thousand two tickets, I personally donated, how is it?"

This time, the Prince did not talk, but could not speak. The person he loved was too powerful. As a Prince, he felt that he could not match it. How is it good? If he is enthroned on the day, will he give this thousands of miles to the mountains?

"what happened?"

"I wonder if I really want to be a country if he really wants to be a king."

Zhou Xuyi, this is really a gift that he didn't think of, but Zhou Xu sneered and replied: "Yes, but if I am an emperor, I have a second or third harem, don't you blame me?"

The prince's earlobe was red again. Zhou Xu was in a good mood. As a result, he did not take a half step, and then he was vigorously pulled into the arms of the Prince.

Listening to the fierce heartbeat of the Prince, Zhou Xu felt that this feeling seemed to be a bit familiar. He wanted to go to Xia Qingfeng of the first generation. The **** was called the **** of war, but in front of himself, he was always a bit awkward.

Zhou Xuzheng thought about it, but the Prince kissed his head and kissed him. His slightly sturdy technique is similar to that of Xia Qingfeng. Everything is telling Zhou Xu, this prince, Xia Qingfeng of the last life, Han Zikui of the previous world, seems to There are some places that are inexplicably similar.


At the beginning of the prince, the oysters gradually faded, and the tip of the tongue slowly became fierce and cruel. Zhou Xu began to fight back after the beginning of the shackles. He just liked the confrontation between this and the strong, and of course kissing.

At the end of a kiss, Zhou Xu’s lips flashed with water, while the Prince whispered, “I want you, now.”

"And then irresponsible?"

Prince's earlobe is red again, Zhou Xu smiled and continued: "I am waiting for you to ascend the throne, rest assured, will not run."

"A word is fixed."

In this way, Zhou Xu and the Prince went down to Jiangnan, and after the real Jiangnan, the Prince really realized what the people are not talking about.

Most of the villages after the floods are left with broken walls, the weather in the late autumn, cold and innocent, like the doomsday world, sorrowful and sad.

The whistling cold wind blew through, and there were worn pieces of cloth and clothes floating in the wind. The whole world seemed to be covered with a layer of grayish yellow, without a trace of vitality and vitality.

Zhou Xu had seen it, but the Prince saw it for the first time. He looked at everything around him silently. The great sorrow in his heart made him understand the meaning of the word "Jiangshan".

"Search it and see if there are any living people." Prince ordered.


Zhou Xu does not say anything. If you are in a high position, if you can really understand the people's feelings, can you be more diligent and more responsible? This is a blessing to the community.

The two continued to move along the broken path. The rest of the people were separated from them by a distance. Zhou Xu said: "Why did you promise to come to Jiangnan?"

"Because I want to catch the handle of the three emperors."

"The handle of the three emperors?"

"The floods and plagues in the south of the Yangtze River are good, but Jiangnan continues to go south. In the south of the country, there are three princes' private soldiers. Moreover, in the case of Jiangnan, the original five million two-grain silver was not solved. I suspect that it is also a locust. Fortunately, but in this locust, the three emperors should account for a lot."

"Do you want to uproot?"

The prince nodded, and Zhou Xu frowned. "Your father should not want you to do this?"

"His body is almost gone, and the three emperors are also anxious, so I will be assassinated in Beijing, and it will be the same, but it is convenient for me to act."

"Just like this?" Zhou Xu looked at the Prince with a smile and smiled. The Prince gave a little meal and replied: "And, I want to win the military power of Zhennan Wang."

Laughing, Zhou Xu patted the shoulder of the prince and said, "Whatever told me, I am not afraid that I will give you out?"

The prince said in a word: "I will not hide anything from you, as long as you want to know."

Zhou Xu’s heart was warm and turned, and Zhou Xu suddenly said: “There are people in the east, be careful.”

After that, Zhou Xu gave gestures to the people behind, and let them quickly follow them. They just came up, and in the east short grass, they flew out a dozen masked killers.

The prince guards who had been prepared for a long time quickly blocked the Prince and Zhou Xu behind them and fought against the dozens of masked killers.

The killers are obviously masters, and the Prince has already prepared, especially before the killer came, Zhou Xu has already given the Prince and the guards signals, so soon the Prince has the upper hand.

Soon, the killer knew that they couldn't get it, so suddenly a burst of smoke came out, and after a few seconds, the killers had disappeared.

The guards wanted to chase, Zhou Xu shouted: "No chase!"

The guards who just flew a few meters quickly came back. The Prince looked at Zhou Xu and said to the guards: "They may tune the tiger away from the mountain. Don't chase whenever."


Looking at the supplies, Zhou Xu and the prince's team continued to move forward, just walking, Zhou Xu whispered to the prince: "Don't say anything, you are in danger now, it may be the ghost inside our team."

"How do you know?" Prince also whispered.

"Intuition." Zhou Xu replied, if it is someone else, it may be that Zhou Xu is basically a shit, but the Prince has no doubts because he believes Zhou Xu.

The two continued to move forward, or perhaps Zhou Xu and the Prince had raised their vigilance, so the ghost suddenly disappeared, and even his inner killings were hidden.

"There is no danger for the time being, but there are ghosts in the team. If you want to check in the evening, I will accompany you."

"Good." Prince answered.

Zhou Xu is too sensitive to the danger. As he said, the ghost has secretly hid his own fangs because of everyone’s nervousness. However, since the tooth decay has been perceived, he can’t live much. It’s been a long time.

The village has been completely empty. They have not seen a living person, and it is just the place where the dam collapsed. No one should be normal. After all, even if there is alive, they will flee to a slightly better place.

Afterwards, the team continued to move forward. According to the map, they could meet a small town about two hours, but they had not yet reached the town. They encountered a second wave of attacks.

The attack was fierce because they took the most primitive weapon and used the most primitive attack. After the prince saw the person, he opened his mouth and asked his bodyguards: "Don't hurt them, uniform."

The scent of a scent is not there. This wave of attacks is completely subdued, but this wave of attacks is a civilian, not a powerful killer.

However, in the past ten people, they were all ragged, all unkempt, and some even wore light clothes. Obviously, there was no thick clothes to wear. They were shivering, but hunger was a more horrible thing. It was too long. Hunger made them look gray and skinny, and even their eyes were empty and godless.

"Who are you?"

A man in his forties was also pressed and fell to the ground. He was a little scared. He said: "We are the villagers of Dadianzi Village. We haven’t eaten for too long. We ask our officials to spare our lives, our family. There are children, if you can live, you will never come to robbery, and the officials are forgiving..."

The man began to gimmick, and the others followed the hoe. They were scared and scared. People couldn’t help but feel sad. What kind of world and officialdom can they make them so afraid of the official?

A glimpse of the whole leopard, the expression of the prince's original alienation, has become colder at the moment.

"Don't be afraid, don't you say, this is the prince who is the prince. This time he brought food. Even if you are robbing the road, come over and make things clear, the Prince will understand." Zhou Xu did not laugh and took a three-point smile. This calm and gentle tone made this group of people immediately put down their defenses.

Zhou Xu saw them put down their defenses, so they then asked people to come over. One person sent ten kilograms of rice. These people were holding rice, all of them were stunned. When all of them reacted, a group of mobs had become a group because A child who is happy to dance with ten pounds of rice.

"Cough, people we are not pursued, you have also got the rice, but also to thank the Prince." Zhou Xu smiled and said to them.


More than a dozen people, continually squatting, one by one grateful to express their words, "Xie Taizi's Highness."

Very satisfied with the performance of Zhou Xu, the Prince helped them up and said: "All up, this is a lonely thing to do. In the past, I asked them to sign up. Before the harvest next year, I can get the corresponding rice by the head of the month. Coarse grains, you can also get winter coats and quilts."

A dozen people who had just stood up and smashed through, and a few teenagers began to wipe their tears. Prince and Zhou Xu looked at each other and finally believed. The five million two that were originally sent may be one. The points are not in the hands of the people.

On this day, they did not continue to move forward, but followed the dozens of people to the place where they were hiding. It was a broken temple on the hillside. There were several straw houses behind the temple. Although it was worn out, it was still after all. There is a roof, their own houses have long since collapsed, and there is no money to repair them, so they can only stay here, there is a place to shelter from the wind and rain.

In addition to these dozens of people, there are still seven children and eight children, five women, and two old ladies. Adding more than 20 mouths, they have not eaten for three days and three nights.

After seeing the rice, the children were happy to dance, and the women cried and cooked the water to cook. The old man touched the rice bag, and the dry eyes were moist.

Zhou Xu noticed the expression of the prince. It was a kind of sorrow. This sorrow probably entered the heart of the prince for the first time.

When they were eating, Zhou Xu and the prince also had a bowl of porridge. The oldest old man yelled at the two of them. The prince quickly picked up and said, "We can do it ourselves."

The old fangs are almost gone, and the scorpions are also dumb and sturdy. "His Royal Highness, you have saved the lives of our entire village."

While the prince was drinking porridge, he took the opportunity to chat with the old man. They had never heard of the disaster-stricken silver. They had never received any help and compensation from the government. Even after the disaster, they still had to pay taxes. This made them have a life of stretchedness, and when they reached the bottom of the valley, the rest of the village’s food was not enough to pay enough taxes.

The old man went to the county to ask for it, but he was beaten out by the servant. Finally, the government even sent people to search their homes and took away the last piece of surplus food.

The more the Prince listened, the more angry he was, the indifferent expression was not seen by others, but Zhou Xu knew that he was angry.

Pat a prince on the back of the hand, Zhou Xu gestured to him to calm down, Prince looked at Zhou Xu, nodded, and continued to listen to the old saying that this neighborhood.

At the same time, Zhou Zonghan, who had been ransacked, became completely crazy. He wanted to retaliate. Why did Zhou Xu have anything? He didn’t have anything. Zhou Xu, what is he, relying on his nephew’s identity?

Qi Lan is also desperate. Zhou Zonghan is not a good person he wants. She just wants to raise her children. As for Zhou Zonghan, she even hopes to stay as far away as possible.

Zhou Zonghan was connected to a person by the relationship with the first beauty of the capital, and this person happened to be the hand of the three emperors.

The three emperors on the other side were Zhou Zonghan, and they were very happy. After all, the theory at that time was praised by everyone. If there was a later Zhou Xu’s article, Zhou Zonghan could definitely ask the champion, but unfortunately, after being compared The emperor did not even give Zhou Zonghan the second and second place.

Zhou Zonghan knows that the person he relies on is the three emperors, and he is not happy, because he swears that the three emperors must be enthroned. No matter what method is used, anyway, as long as he can avenge, he does not care.

Moreover, history has always been a defeat of the king. If he and the three emperors succeed, then he is a hero. It is not impossible to be a government official.

Thinking of this, Zhou Zonghan said coldly, "Zhou Xu, I want to fight with you."

Read The Duke's Passion