MTL - The Villain Just Wants To Make Money-Chapter 173 The King of Zombies (9)

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It's time to trade with Xie Gu again.

During this period of time, the originally peaceful atmosphere of the base in City A has changed a little, and the high-level quarrels have been fought several times. It cannot be tolerated and must be acted as soon as possible, but the other side feels that Xie Gu is not without room for communication, and the so-called murder for no reason may be a misunderstanding.

The old man Bi Mao was so angry that he tapped the conference table with a cane: "I'll say it again! There must be something wrong with this Xiegu! He is a zombie, and killing is his nature! Do you know what it means to be easy to change and hard to change?"

Another young woman, Xiang Rui, opened her mouth, and her soft voice revealed a firm and unyielding meaning: "This matter has not been investigated yet, there are too many doubts about Zhan Zhao, you can't directly The conclusion of this matter is that Xie Gu is indeed a zombie and does kill people, but he also gave us a large amount of materials! Help more people survive! I am sure that he has his own rules and bottom line, He is very strong, what we should do is to win over instead of hostile!"

Bi Mao knocked on the table again: "Do you want to believe a zombie and not believe our compatriots! He kills! Cannibals! We can't control it!"

Xiang Rui's attitude is still gentle and firm: "I only believe the facts I see, and my mother taught me since I was a child that a murderer may also be a dutiful son, just like a philanthropist, maybe a rape-rapist, not to mention Xie Gu was also a human, and he is not necessarily different from us in terms of wisdom, memory and even emotion."

Bi Mao said angrily, "How do you know he's not pretending? You can believe whatever he says? In short, I don't agree to continue trading with him. We can't let him continue to be strong!"

Rong Shuanglin pondered for a while, then bent his fingers and knocked on the table: "I think, Mr. Bi, you may have overlooked a problem."

Bi Mao glared: "What am I ignoring? Xiaorong, didn't you stand in line before? Are you going to stand on Xiang Rui's side now?"

Rong Shuanglin laughed and shook his head: "Although I do tend to Xiang Rui from a personal point of view, the danger of shedding bones is self-evident, so I'm not on any side, just what you just said, I There is indeed a bit of a difference of opinion."

"You said that we can't let Xie Gu be strong anymore. If this can be done, I agree very, very much," he paused, and his tone was filled with a strange emotion, "but the problem is, can we do it? ?"

Rong Shuanglin spread his hands: "The first time I met him, he could easily kill me, and now nearly a year has passed, I have also led the trading team and met him several times, I'm sure The thing is that he has been growing rapidly, and the speed of evolution far exceeds the speed of our progress, even if you give an order to annihilate him, can we really beat him?"

"Frankly, I think our win rate is zero."

As soon as he said this, Bi Mao's face immediately swelled red.

Because he knew very well that what Rong Shuanglin was telling was the truth! They can't beat the bone.

But the last stubbornness still supported Bi Mao. He snorted and insisted: "Even so, we can't continue to limit him without restrictions."

Xiang Rui got Rong Shuanglin's support and looked much better. Hearing Bi Mao's words, he didn't insist on peeling off his last layer: "Old Bi is right, it's better than this, this transaction will be handled by me. Lead the team, I will communicate with Xie Gu in person."

She is a high-level ability user of the water system, and she also served in the army when she was young. There is no doubt about her strength, but because of the limitations of the female body and the weak attack of the water system, she is not as strong as Rong Shuanglin in a head-on confrontation. In fighting and defending, Rong Shuanglin is not as good as her.

Bi Mao frowned in disapproval: "Just you a high-level combat power? Isn't it safe?"

Xiang Rui smiled helplessly: "Old Rong also said it, anyway, he can't beat his bones. If he wants to do something, it will be useless to go to many people. It is better to leave more vitality in the base. Besides, I advocate communicating with him. Of course I should be in charge."

She moved her gaze slightly upwards, and looked past Bi Mao to the young man standing silently behind him, with a cool smile: "But Kou Nian should strengthen his training, you are a rare gold-type ability, and you are here on your own. Intermediate, we will do our best to provide you with crystal cores, and I hope you can work hard."

"After all, if something really happens, we can't say that our future hope is on you."

Zhan Koonian's face turned pale, knowing that although Xiang Rui didn't say it clearly, he was actually dissatisfied with his behavior of encouraging Bi Mao and others to resolutely fight against Xie Gu.

But Xie Gu killed his mother!

He lowered his head and clenched his fists quietly: "Well."

Bi Mao took Zhan Koonian out of the conference room.

"Kou Nian, I did my best on this matter," Bi Mao sighed. "Thinking about it carefully, what Xiao Rong and Xiang Rui said is not unreasonable."

Zhan Koonian paused and said slowly, "Is there really no way to check and balance him?"

Bi Mao thought for a while: "Maybe there is, but I can't do anything about it."

Zhan Konian's tone was a little eager: "how can you be powerless?"

Bi Mao said: "After the establishment of the Federation, our ancestors destroyed all weapons of mass destruction, sealed up relevant information, and greatly strengthened the control of guns and other weapons. However, it is said that there is still a nuclear bomb that has not been destroyed, but As the last trump card is sealed underground, I think, if the nuclear bomb is activated, Xie Gu will not be able to resist."

"It's just that the cost of using the nuclear bomb is too high. By then, the entire area of ​​human beings will be killed, and even the soil, air and water sources will be polluted. It will not be suitable for human habitation within ten years," Bi Mao shook his head and vomited. With a breath, he laughed, "What am I talking about? In fact, no one knows whether this nuclear bomb really exists, let alone where it is. Even if it is found, it is still a question of whether it can be used."

He looked back at Zhan Koonian: "Kou Nian, you don't need to worry about this matter. I know it well. I can understand your mother's feelings, but maybe this is really a misunderstanding."

Zhan Koonian had no choice but to nod, but he didn't think so.

Although he didn't understand why his father didn't let him tell his kinship with Xie Gu, could those people still be killed by Zhan Zhao? It must be Xie Gu's hand!

His parents raised Xie Gu for ten years!

For now, the only way is to improve your strength as soon as possible.

At the beginning of the apocalypse, Zhan Koonian awakened the gold-type ability, and soon reached the intermediate level. The gold-type ability is the most aggressive ability, and it is extremely difficult to upgrade, but Zhan Koonian's evolution speed is very fast. Quick, like Feng Yunhe, who is also a gold-type ability, he was born in the army, but he is still a junior.

Therefore, the base in City A has focused on and cultivated Zhan Koonian. Since the discovery of him, a series of trainings have been carried out on him. Resources such as food and zombie crystal cores are also given priority. He didn't go home often, and even after Zhan Zhao fled back in embarrassment, he knew that Xie Gu was the zombie who traded materials with the base's top management - he hadn't deliberately inquired about the name before.

He has always felt that his progress is very fast, and his strength is considered to be the best in the base, but it is only now that he feels that his ability is weak, and he can't even take revenge.

Zhan Koonian respectfully bid farewell to Bi Mao, secretly taking all the words he said to heart.

Xiang Rui took the team and waited for three days at the place where they usually trade with Xie Gu.

According to the previous habit of shedding bones, he should have rushed here as soon as he sensed Xiang Rui and the others arriving. The longest time was only two days, and the nearby zombies would also respond.

But this time they have been waiting here for three days, not to mention the shadow of Xie Gu, and the zombies nearby have no response. If they hadn't attacked, Xiang Rui would definitely think that Xie Gu was really going to tear his face. .

"Team Xiang, shall we continue to wait?"

Xiang Rui took a deep breath, suppressed her uneasiness, and said in a low voice, "Continue to wait, half of the team will be withdrawn after one day, and the entire line will be withdrawn without movement after two days."

The food and water they brought out were not that much, and it had been three days. Xiang Rui had to plan for everyone.

Fortunately, after waiting for another day, when Xiang Rui was about to order half of the people to go back, the zombies finally arrived late.

A team of dozens of mid-level zombies came from afar, carrying a lot of things, but not all of them seemed to be materials, and the leading zombies were not real, but from a distance, they were not. Xie bone.

Xiang Rui had doubts in her heart and instructed the convoy to prepare for being attacked—without seeing Xie Gu, she was not sure whether the enemy was a friend or an enemy.

After a while, the zombie team arrived, and the leader was not Xie Gu, but a pale-skinned teenager. His pupils were very dark, and he didn't look like a zombie with wounds all over his body. There was still a sense of stagnation when walking, but Pretty fast.

Xiang Rui took a step back vigilantly, having a not-so-good guess in her heart.

The young zombie took a step forward, showing sharp teeth when he spoke, and the sentence was intermittent: "Wang Zai...evolving...dealing with"

Although the voice was a little vague, Xiang Rui could still hear it clearly, but he was even more astonished.

The boy in front of him must be a high-level zombie, but what is he talking about? king?

Xiang Rui thought of the information they had obtained from Xie Gukou - there is a king level above the advanced zombies, the zombie king is above all the zombies, and the individual strength is several times stronger than that of the advanced zombies.

However, Xie Gu also made it clear at the time that it was much more difficult to evolve from an advanced level to a king level than an intermediate level to an advanced level, and only one king level zombie could exist at the same time. There are only a few high level zombies now, let alone the king level. ?

But now, a high-level zombie that I have never seen before has appeared, and it claims to be here to preside over the transaction. Obviously, it is Xie Gu's subordinate, and that "king" may refer to Xie Gu!

Xie Gu has evolved to the king level?

Xiang Rui started brainstorming frantically, and then she quickly came to the conclusion that what this zombie said should be true.

In fact, there is no need for Xiang Rui to believe anything, because the young zombie has spontaneously walked to the convoy, found the truck storing jewelry and gold, unloaded the entire cargo box skillfully and violently, and then said bluntly: "... ."

I can't figure out what happened to Xie Gu, of course they won't put more things!

Xiang Rui took a deep breath and wanted to ask the young zombie about Xie Gu and Zhan Zhao.

However, the other party did not give Xiang Rui this chance. With a wave of his hand, the intermediate zombies behind him came out, thumping and dropping two large boxes and five sturdy zongzi.

"You can only give... half... supplies," the young zombie said slowly, "this... the king said... your... you are not allowed... to eat..."

His gaze towards one of the zongzi was darker than normal, obviously he wanted to eat it, but soon the young zombie returned to normal. After staying for a while, he turned around and left with the zombie team.

And the five zongzi on the ground have already cried out, "Ouch, where is this place?"

Xiang Rui's expression was complicated, and she didn't expect Xie Gu to throw people, but when her eyes swept across the faces of these five people, she was really shocked.

"Team Xiang! What's wrong?" a subordinate shouted at her.

Xiang Rui stared at these five people: "Lu Yubo, Yan Guanghe, Niu Linghui, Lu Xian, Yuan Ta?"

It was the names of the five hapless people who were said to have died at the hands of Xie Gu.

The author has something to say: I asked you to play Niubi, not the public screen! Wrong person! Public screen he is very painful!

He needs your nutrient solution to heal! do you know! ! (crazy hint JPG)

The next update is 21:00 at night? If I finish writing~


Thanks to the little angel who voted for me or irrigated nutrient solution during 2020-08-08 21:56:41~2020-08-09 10:01:35~

Thanks to the little angel who irrigated the nutrient solution: 50 bottles of rice bugs;

Thank you very much for your support, I will continue to work hard!

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