MTL - The Villain Just Wants To Make Money-Chapter 164 Star War Prisoner Marshal (17)

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When Ed woke up again, he had been bound by Wuhua Da into a small and dark room.

It's not all that small. In fact, this room should be... very long, but it's not wide enough, just enough for Ed to lie down and put one hand at most. It seems that it's more appropriate to call this room a corridor.

Ed wanted to go out and see what this place was, but his whole body was tied into a zongzi, and it was difficult to even sit up, let alone stand up and walk.

He could only look far with his naked eyes, and saw a small window in the distance in front of him. In the hazy brilliance, he could vaguely glimpse the outline of the universe. Although it was not real, he should be on a moving starship now.

…How is this going? What about Xiegu? In the end what happened?

He struggled desperately, flapping his small body in the dark, and the body and steel plates kept making a thumping sound.

Let's go back 48 hours to when Ed fainted in the council chamber.

To be honest, when Eddie fell, everyone was stunned for a moment - why did everyone fall after just saying a few words? Shouldn't it be dead?

Xiegu's reaction was slightly faster than theirs, so he reached out and tried it, and he was sure that he was still breathing. Then he called a doctor, and while waiting for the diagnosis, he sighed with emotion: "Ed's mental quality is not good, this is the case. Out of breath?"

Everyone else was embarrassed and didn't speak, thinking that it might not be much better than Ed's performance.

The doctor quickly gave a diagnosis and said that Ed was indeed fainted by anger. As the emperor of the Galaxy Empire, his body was absolutely first-class under the care of professional nutritionists and doctors. Cerebral hemorrhage The situation is basically impossible.

The doctor employed by Xie Gu also calmly reminded his boss that although Ed is in good physical condition, according to his mood swings today, it is not impossible for him to have a brain hemorrhage two times.

Xie Gu said "oh" indifferently, and then asked the other party to inject sedatives and nutrients into Ed, to ensure that he could sleep for two days.

The soldiers present were silent, but many of the auxiliary ministers were shocked: "Two days? What are you going to do?"

Looking at several faces that were either angry or worried, but also vaguely mixed with guilt and unease, Xie Gu chuckled and laughed again: "I think it's more appropriate for you to think about your own situation."

He pointed to one of them and instructed the guards behind him: "Tie up Bazel, too, for two days."

Bazel was shocked: "Why do I...?"

Before he could resist any more, the guards next to him had already come up to surround him, knocked him unconscious, and bundled him into a zongzi. The doctor came over with the medicine box and quickly injected an equal amount of Tranquilizers and Nutrients.

"What are you doing?!" Another Deputy Minister roared, "We have all listened to you! Why are you doing this to Bazel?"

Xie Gu still had a smile on his face: "What do you say I do? I gave Ed the words just now. Do you know what the parents mean?"

His fingers tapped the armrest rhythmically: "Bazel doesn't want to be obedient, so I'll send him and Ed."

Someone's voice stagnated: "...Bazel?"

Xie Gu's fingers were still tapping on the metal handrail, and the soft patter sounded quite oppressive at this time: "He is a good patriotic minister, and he wants to be against me? It's a pity that he is smart, and now he can only put himself Also pay for it."

He explained the reason in a few words, and his eyes were still curved: "Do you want to try too?"

The Regents were hesitant.

They are either coerced or lured, or they don't need to stand up when they see so many colleagues joining them, but to be honest, everyone is actually using their own little ninety-nine. If you want to say that Bazel is It's not impossible to try to play Infernal Affairs, but Bazel and himself are also colleagues, so it is inevitable that they will feel sad if they fall down so directly.

More importantly, Xie Gu is obviously not going to make Bazel feel better, and what will happen to Ed who has the same two-day sedative treatment as Bazel?

That is His Majesty they have served for so many years!

"Of course not," a clear female voice sounded, "Following the Marshal is more promising than following Ed."

A red-haired woman stood up. It was the model pacesetter who had just come out to appease Ed.

Her smile was natural and charming, not like these hesitant ones at all, and there was even a bit of willfulness in her demeanor.

Some people were half angry and half sarcastic: "You are a wink, Eddie relies on you to pull you to this position, and now he has found the 'Mingzhu' in a blink of an eye."

Hillie's smile became more and more provocative: "Pop, you may have made a mistake in some things. I have never been loyal to Ed."

Her voice seemed to be an understatement, but she dropped a heavy bomb, causing countless waves to explode in this quiet political hall in an instant.

Pope almost screamed: "How is that possible! Aren't you...?"

His voice stopped abruptly after the second half, like a rooster with a throat cut, and lost all fighting power in an instant.

He finally remembered that more than half a year ago, Xilie was still in a state of no one in the empire. She was able to climb to the position of the deputy minister today because Edd appreciated her well, but Edd appreciated her because of the reason. It is Xi Li's in-depth research on the so-called "flower gardener culture".

So, Xi Li was actually a spy that Xie Gu had placed in early in the morning!

Xie Gu looked at Pop and smiled: "Want to be with Bazel?"

Pop Deng shook his head, then walked unswervingly towards Xie Gu: "Marshal is wise!"

He also wanted to understand after such a fuss. Xie Gu could be a spy inserted by Xie Gu, but she had never been very close to Bazel, but how did Xie Gu know that Bazel was doing tricks behind his back? Even stopped all of Bazel's movements?

There are only two possibilities, either, Bazel's trusted subordinates are Xiegu people, or there are spies inserted by Xiegu in the auxiliary minister.

No matter which answer it is, Pop knows that it is impossible for him to find the water in the palm of Xiegu's palm.

Xie Gu has also promised a reward, and it is not worth it to stand stubbornly. He can also fully see that the group of guards who are now rushing into the government hall are all people who have thanked their bones, maybe they are soldiers of the Vast Sea Empire in disguise. Also a possibility.

And the deep meaning of this is that the entire palace of the Galaxy Empire is now under the control of Xie Gu.

Then what are you playing? Finished calf?

Of course, in addition to Pope who defected in time, there are also two or three who are not very clear, and want to hold on to talk to Xie Gu.

Their reasons are also very high-sounding: we are people of the Galaxy Empire after all, we thought you were just asking for something from His Majesty Ed, but I didn't expect you to be so mad that you would kill His Majesty Ed, as courtiers, we really can't just sit back and watch Ignore it, the people of Xinghe will never be slaves!

Of course, Xie Gu read their subtext—unless they were covered with food.

Of course there are loyal and patriotic people, Prince Ella is, Bazel who has just been brought down, and the minister who was sent to the border and finally killed, the lower-ranking nobles and officials of the Galaxy Empire. , including the officers in the army, there are loyal people - but these people have been eliminated in this year's time, and then replaced by people who can be controlled by the Vast Sea Empire.

It's cruel, but Xie Gu will not sympathize with them for this, because this is a life-and-death war, just like if everything develops according to the original plot, these people will not hesitate to attack those who are loyal to the Vast Sea Empire.

But it is clear that these guys who are asking him now do not belong to the category of "loyalty".

So Xie Gu didn't show much mercy, tied the person together with two days of tranquilizers and nutrients, and left them together with Ed.

After doing all this, he smiled and looked at the rest of the people: "Are you really going to stop resisting me?"

The assistant ministers, who were still standing still, shook their heads frantically.

"Okay," Xie Gu lowered his eyelashes slightly disappointed, "I was looking forward to it."

After all, by tying one more, he can give less money, and he can also reap the family property of this person. It is exciting to think about it.

"Okay, bring Ed here," Xie Gu stood up from the chair and instructed the guards to start. "Half an hour is up."

An officer of the **** came out, dragged Ed from the ground roughly, then held his hand even more roughly and pressed the start button of the communication system.

Then Xie Gu sent a voice to the military through this communication system - exactly the sentence he recorded just now.

"Okay," Xie Gu finished sending the message and turned around refreshed, "Let's go."

The guards immediately dragged the dumplings out, and Xie Gu also took a few auxiliary ministers out of the council hall, walked a small road, and then boarded a small starship.

Pope noticed sharply that the road the **** took with the dumplings was in the direction of the Royal Starship dock.

It was obvious that three of the remaining four intact ministers had puzzled expressions. Only Xili knew the situation, handed a small shielding device to each of the three, and smiled: "I think you don't need it. Are we rough?"

The three of you look at me, I look at you, and finally took over the shielding device resignedly and equipped it on their own intellectual brain peripherals - this shielding device does not affect anything, mainly to cut off the possibility of the user's contact with the outside world.

Xi Li also installed this shielding device, probably because she didn't want to reveal her "undercover" identity.

Pop finally couldn't help but said: "What's going on now? We are all on the same boat now, and there is no way to communicate with the outside world."

Pop doesn't think he's a fool either, but since Xie Gu contacted him until now he took the initiative to embark on this small starship, he didn't understand the purpose of Xie Gu's every move.

Hillie glanced at Pop, didn't speak, and abide by the duty of a subordinate, but Xie Gu also glanced at Pop and smiled: "There will be a chance to know."

He gave the order to the people on the small starship, and soon the starship set off, but did not make a space jump.

This Pop can roughly guess the reason - now the entire Galaxy Empire has opened the detection of space jumps, if it is a jump in a less prosperous place, it is fine, but if it happens suddenly in the palace, it is obvious that you want to die.

After the starship set off, Xie Gu turned on the communicator. He turned on the hologram, and Pop, who was sitting not far away, could clearly see a pale face on the opposite side.

—Isn’t this riding a horse Chaco’s face? He was also inserted in by Xie Gu?

Pop was so taken aback that he could put two fists in his mouth, but he soon realized it wasn't impossible.

Chaco is one of the auxiliary ministers, a hereditary duke. He is handsome and kind, and handles things prudently and caringly, but his background is actually not very glorious - Chaco's mother is just a lover of his father, and even Mingmei is married. It's not like that, and Chaco was only able to ascend to the throne because his father had no other children, otherwise he would not have any inheritance rights according to the protection of marriage under the current Interstellar law.

Ed used him so reassuringly because Chaco's background was not glamorous, his personality was soft, and he was easy enough to control.

So if I really want to say, Chaco is also a half of the related households among the auxiliary ministers.

Compared with those proud guys who have been high above and enjoy the power of the imperial aristocracy since childhood, Chaco's loyalty to the Galaxy Empire is not so strong at all.

In addition, Ed sent the three of Chaco to the Vast Sea Empire before. One of the three was killed and two injured. Only Chaco was awake. He also reported the situation to Ed, and even offered a strategy - Pope knew very well that the heart was broken. The half-healed man actually took refuge in Xie Gu, but why are the two people who are Xie Gu, but have completely different treatment?

Pope thought that both of them were pretending, or they were casting lots, and whoever was unlucky would play the role of serious injury, but now it seems that the seriously injured one is probably also because Xie Gu is unwilling to expose too much before he succeeds.

What about them now?

The more Pope thought, the more frightened he became.

Xie Gu turned around and glanced at them at the right time, and suddenly said: "Oh, I forgot that you are still here, Xili."

Hillie got up at the right time and took Pop and the others to the resting room.

Xie Gu also stood up and walked in the direction of the main control room, while asking Chaco: "How is it?"

Chaco's face was still pale, and he nodded lightly: "Everything is going well, Connor has been caught."

Xie Gu said: "That's good, Connor will keep it for now, use his communicator to notify the military, and transfer the troops to the border."

He smiled: "Get ready, Lianrong is coming."

Chaco nodded: "Yes."

Another battle.

The sky is full of dust, and the dazzling light shines in the distance, and now this galaxy has been reduced to a dead zone.

Lian Rong stood in the hall, the mecha on his body was marked with mottled marks, and his face was exhausted. It was obvious that he had just experienced a fight that made him a little embarrassed.

"They're all lunatics." He frowned.

He had always been chasing and killing those rebels before, but after changing his strategy, he just added another goal to contact these potential helpers. After all, Lian Rong knew that he could not always guard a certain consul or take people away, he just Trying to form an alliance so that we can help each other in the future when things go wrong.

This strategy is also quite effective. At least the consuls he has allied with have not had many accidents, and even effectively intercepted two enemy attacks. Recently, the traces of those rebels have become more and more secretive, but every time everyone relaxes their vigilance. The time suddenly appeared, like the gangrene of the tarsus, bit by bit nibbling away the power of the Galaxy Empire.

Even those consuls who agreed to join Lianrong's alliance were actually dubious about "the culture of the flower family is a conspiracy".

But it's all good. What Lian Rong values ​​most is actually the army. Although the consuls are not cooperating enough, the troops stationed in these star fields have gradually stopped contacting the "flower family culture", and some of the senior generals also promised. Now that he will help Lian Rong at a critical moment, it can be said that everything is developing in a good direction.

But what made Lian Rong uneasy was about seven days ago.

Originally, he was tracking a rebel army, and the other party was also very cunning.

But when Lianrong found the other party's trace again and rushed over, the other party changed his original strategy and mercilessly attacked the main ship where Lianrong was in a direct suicide-suicide attack!

Although under the command of Lian Rong, the army of the Galaxy Empire escaped the attack, but the other party refused to let go and directly greeted them. Bai, Lianrong had not completely transformed for a while, suffered two small losses in succession, and finally paid the price of a secondary ship, completely wiped out the army of the Vast Sea Empire.

But what followed was the army of the Vast Sea Empire one after another.

Every army seems to be dying. The appearance of one after another, every blow is a momentum of death. If the reinforcements came in time, it is estimated that even Rong couldn't help the tactics of the sea, and he had to explain it here.

Even so, he only eliminated all the enemies at this moment.

The movement of the battle even turned this galaxy into a dead zone, and the remaining radiation could not be quickly eliminated in the interstellar era, and it would take at least a hundred years to regain its vitality.

But what's going on?

Lianrong couldn't think of the reason for the moment, but his intuition was related to Xie Gu. He habitually opened his brain to check the communication information, only to find that Ed had sent him a message.

Ed? !

Lianrong quickly read Ed's information, and finally couldn't hold back a scolding, turned around and ordered his adjutant: "Quick, go back to the Xinghe Star Region!"

The author has something to say: It seems that the writing is a little long accidentally, and the next chapter can be finished, and it is estimated that it will be sent tomorrow morning!


[Note] "Xinghe people will never be slaves" comes from the stalk "Orcs will never be slaves", it seems to be from World of Warcraft? ? can search

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