MTL - The Villain Just Wants To Make Money-Chapter 162 Star War Prisoner Marshal (15)

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It looked like an understatement of the report, and even the riots mentioned have been suppressed, and all that needs to be done is the aftermath work, but in fact, there are quite a few twists and turns.

The aftermath of the two words is easy to say, who will find the missing consul? If a person dies, who will be transferred to make up for it? Why did the Archons disappear? How did the army fight infighting? What was the cost of the riots? Is there any part that needs compensation? How to switch defenses later?

The most terrible thing is that Lian Rong should take care of the problems of the army behind him, but he is not in the Galaxy Starfield at all, and Ed is still not daring to let him continue to be in power - "Mooncake Raiders" The tragic end of the Emperor Li is still vivid in his mind, and he is really not at ease enough.

Soon Eddard received another inquiry from the minister. Sure enough, he reminded him to quickly deal with the matter of the Blau Starfield.

Ed rubbed his head and felt a headache. He dealt with all the other unimportant things first, and finally found a few ministers to hold an urgent short meeting to discuss the issue of the Blau Starfield.

But what he didn't expect was that the headache was just the beginning.

The five auxiliary ministers, who usually deal with things in a good manner, at this time they encounter a real major event, but they start to quarrel again. They disagree with each other. The aunt of the market market was fighting, but in the end, the problem was not solved, and he still had a headache listening to the quarrel.

In the end, after pulling for a long time, I finally found a candidate to replace the missing consul. This person was also given the important task of investigating the whole incident. Before the matter is clear, Gray will stay in the Blau Star Field with an elite army to help suppress it. The issue of damages and reparations was sent to a separate Minister of the Treasury to try to stabilize everything within a month.

In this way, only the problem of the army switching defenses remains.

The deputy commander of the military, Connor, was also called over. Now that Lianrong is not in the galaxy, Connor is the supreme commander, but to be honest Ed is not absolutely assured of him - in fact, whoever holds the military power, he It's not enough to be at ease, but anyway, Connor's rank is not that high, so it's better to use it than Lianrong.

Who knew that Connor was a little embarrassed after hearing Ed's story: "Although this minister really wants to share His Majesty's worries, but this kind of abnormal event caused the army to change defenses in a whole star field, according to the regulations, the company commander-in-chief is still required. Approved, but speaking of..."

In fact, when he mentioned Lian Rong, Ed's expression was already very unhappy, but Connor is, after all, a person who is close to pedantic, so he still bites the bullet and said: "Even the commander-in-chief seems to be not quite right recently. ."

Not quite right? !

This was almost the news that Ed was most afraid to hear.

He instantly said angrily: "What happened to him?!"

Connor said "uh": "The commander-in-chief of the company has completely deviated from the clearing and suppression route originally planned by the military since last month..."

Before he could finish his sentence, Ed interrupted him first: "What about the troops? Didn't they raise any objections? What did he want to do? Is he trying to rebel?"

This idiot made Connor speechless for a moment, but he quickly explained dutifully: "Even the commander-in-chief, as the highest commander of the military, has the power to mobilize an army, which does not violate the laws of the empire. , he said that the traces of those rebels have been found and are now being traced. It should not be a rebellion, but his route of travel has been slightly different from our arrangement since several months ago, but because the general route has not deviate, the military This is just to remind him to report to you in time... Didn't he tell you?"

"He..." Ed just wanted to roar, but suddenly remembered that he seemed to have blocked Lian Rong a long time ago, and then started chasing dramas later, and he forgot to let people out because of his obsession.

So even if Lian Rong reported it, he wouldn't see it.

Connor is a person who is almost stupid and loyal. Seeing Ed's expression at this time, his nerves are also a little nervous: "Is there anything wrong with him even the commander-in-chief?"

Ed frowned and said nothing, embarrassed to say that he had blocked Lian Rong until now.

Connor didn't have the time to ask any more questions, but just boldly stated his true opinion: "Actually, I think that even the commander-in-chief is not as scary as you think."

After all, if people want to kill you, you don't have much resistance.

The first opening was opened, and the rest of the words were much easier to say: "Also, you are addicted to the videos of flower-growing culture these days, and you really don't feel it... Is there something wrong?"

He bowed again: "Although this minister is only the deputy commander of the military department, it can be seen that a lot of things have happened in the empire recently. Tyre is only one of the consuls who have had accidents in the major star regions. The number of high-level nobles and high-level officials who died under the 'star thieves' has caught up with the number of abnormal deaths of nobles and officials in the past few decades, but the local army has not had infighting, and subsidies and compensation are all normal processes. You probably didn't notice."

"But these things," Connor paused again, "is it really normal?"

Ed was silent, and even the remaining five ministers were silent, arguing with each other from an angle that neither Connor nor Ed could see.

[Will the trough be exposed? 】

[Don't panic, calm down. 】

[Yes, calm down, the big deal is to push the pot out. Anyway, the five of us are all on the same pirate ship, and it's not a big problem. 】

[I have stopped these people for several months, and finally they are still exposed]

[Let me go back and tell you, let's get rid of Connor too, this person is too annoying]

Finally Ed waved his hand and said, "This emperor knows, I will check it again."

Connor hesitated: "...the question of switching defenses?"

Ed said: "Isn't Gray going to be stationed there first? Let him stay first, and other arrangements will be as originally planned. The rest will be discussed tomorrow. Let's go first."

The six bowed to Ed and retreated.

After the people left, Ed sat back in his chair.

He turned on his brain habitually, and then found that Dai Lan had sent him a greeting message very presciently, and highly recommended a new game from the video of florist.

Ed looked at the introduction and found that this game is nothing else. It is a role-playing simulation game. Everyone has their own identity cards. They are the emperor, a few courtiers and some civilians. Except for the emperor, the rest People will also have hidden identity cards, representing the royal camp and the rebel camp. The rebel side needs to "kill" the emperor's identity card and eliminate most of the royal camp's people, while the royal camp needs to eliminate the rebel camp.

The game also released a demo, which invited many virtual idols to play different roles and played a real game. They also claimed that every choice of these virtual idols was actually chosen by the audience team instead, and there was no script.

At first glance, this game should be quite interesting, but when a little doubt was planted in his heart, Ed looked at Dai Lan's chat page and felt a ghost, let alone such a game with a vague sense of sight. ?

And why did Dai Lan know that he just wanted to ask him for a recommendation? And why are you recommending these kinds of movies and games?

Thinking of Connor's words, Ed finally opened the communication interface with Lianrong and released the person from the blacklist.

A lot of stranded information immediately poured out.

Ed's brain was very intimately displayed from the first message Lianrong sent after he blocked Lianrong. Obviously, Lianrong didn't know that he was blocked at this time, and was still reporting the situation on a daily basis.

These information are not long, there will be one after a few days, Ed took a cursory glance, it should have been reported by the military, but soon he found a long one in these short sentences. Unusual messages - or letters would be more appropriate.

The date of sending this letter was half a year ago. After a little calculation, I knew that it happened to be the date when I rejected his request to return to the debriefing.

Thinking of this, Ed slammed, and suddenly realized that if it was calculated normally, Lian Rong should return to the Galaxy Starfield to report his work recently.

A few days ago, he was very worried about how to reject it, but because he was addicted to chasing dramas, and Lian Rong had never sent a request again, he even left it behind. Now it seems that the problem here is really serious. very big.

Ed was habitually vigilant for a moment when he thought of this, but he patiently continued to read the letter.

【Your Majesty's Respect... 】

It was the letter that Lianrong wanted to remind Ed to be wary of the so-called "flower gardener culture".

At that time, Lian Rong knew that Ed would probably not read it, but because he also asked other officials and nobles who could speak for help, the letter was not written too eagerly, but later Lian Rong made it up after learning the truth. Several messages were posted, all of which were attached at the bottom. Although Ed had been blocking Lianrong at the time, after receiving the messages again, all these contents were presented in front of him.


Ed was gasping for breath, but he didn't react for a long time, just stared at the name above, and his anger went straight to Tianling Gai.


He cursed loudly, and immediately called the assistant minister with trembling hands—although Lian Rong was eloquent and Eddard himself had such doubts, as a king, he was subconsciously reluctant to admit that he had made such a mistake. , and out of an abundance of caution, he must re-investigate it all.

There are more than five co-ministers coming this time.

In the regulations of the Galaxy Empire, there are sixteen auxiliary ministers, similar to the prime ministers of the ancient earth and the ancient flower family. These sixteen auxiliary ministers are of extremely high status, and many people have concurrent positions - in fact, Lian Rong is also an auxiliary minister. One of the ministers, but now people are not in the Galaxy, and some of the responsibilities are led by Connor, but the main voice is still in the hands of Lian Rong.

Among the sixteen auxiliary ministers, four including Lian Rong are currently not in the Galaxy Star Territory or are suspected of being alienated by Ed. There are four auxiliary ministers handling government affairs, and now Ed has issued an emergency edict, whether these twelve people are sleeping at home or working in the official residence, all of them rushed over.

—And that was the worst thing Ed did.

As long as he can calm down a bit, read Lian Rong's report carefully, and think about it, he will realize that Lian Rong actually asked others to speak, and even issued an announcement in the military department - but no one has ever been there. received these words.

So who made the move?

Or to put it another way, will Lian Rong not have access to officials and nobles at the level of the Regents? Then why did the words spread to this level, but no one came to remind Ed?

Of course, even if Ed is vigilant, it is estimated that there is no way to reverse this matter - out of the twelve assistant ministers trusted by Ed, ten are now either forced or voluntarily on the pirate ship of the Vast Sea Empire. It was almost impossible for Ed to precisely avoid the remaining two of the ten.

But if you can delay the delay, maybe there is still room for things to turn around.

Too bad there is no if.

At this time, Ed was already sitting on the throne, announcing all this in a majestic voice, and then "secretly" appointed these auxiliary ministers to investigate secretly, and even sent three of them to visit the Vast Sea Empire. figure out.

Unfortunately, two of the three were mortified people.

All in all, Ed carried out the orders with "thunder speed", and also notified the Vast Sea Empire very quickly, but he didn't contact Lianrong in time because he "wasn't mentally prepared"—this was his last one. The opportunity to get closer to the truth, unfortunately, under Ed's snakeskin, he still missed it.

In fact, to be precise, he didn't hesitate for too long. After half a day, Ed sent a message to Lianrong, but he didn't get a reply.

- Xie Gu, who has received news from the Deputy Minister, issued an order to the army scattered in the Galaxy Star Region, and entangled Lianrong at all costs.

Five days later, the three assistant ministers who were sent to the Vast Sea Empire sent back a message that they were intercepted and killed on the way. One of the assistant ministers unfortunately died, and the remaining two were slightly injured and the other seriously injured. They are now in emergency. receive treatment.

Ed's face was ashen as he looked at the two assistant ministers lying in the treatment room - one of them had a broken heart at the time, and he was rescued only after danger. because of the contract, he could not even declare war again.

What should I do?

The slightly injured assistant minister seemed to have thought of something, and said softly: "Your Majesty, although we have not yet reached the Vast Sea Star Region, we have found out that the Queen Molly and Xie Gu of Vast Sea are not in the Vast Sea Star Region. It’s better to strike first, and then there will be civil strife without the Queen and Marshal of the Vast Ocean Empire.”

He didn't finish his words, but Ed had already understood: "When the time comes, we will send troops under the pretext of helping to pacify the chaos?"

The assistant minister nodded: "Empress Molly is the only remaining bloodline of the Hanhai royal family. Originally, Hanhai has promised to submit to you. If she dies, it is only natural that Hanhai will belong to you directly. , and quickly take Hanhai into the bag, even if others guess, it won't affect anything at all."

Ed immediately said: "Then we must also step up our actions, the emperor will send someone over as soon as possible."

The auxiliary minister smiled, his face pale and awkward: "Your Majesty is wise."

The author has something to say: I originally wanted to write the second watch, but I fell asleep while writing, and then sat up in a dying dream at four o'clock in the morning...


After writing the first update last night, I chatted with my friend. I told her that I had read an article. The heroine was reborn. When she died in her last life, she was indescribable with the hero, so cough, cough, and it was very exciting.

She was silent for a long time and asked me if this was a sand sculpture

I said this is a sweet pet text

Then she asked me again, how can I write so that I can die when I cough and cough so sadly instead of being a sand sculpture

I said I'll teach you (bushi)

【First of all, you must have a picture in your mind】

So I started to have two people in my mind (the rest are omitted)

[Then, add some emotional descriptions]

Then the long suona version of "Tears from the Iron Window" bgm sounded in my mind

Then I couldn't stop, and now there are only two people in my head... "Tears from the Barrier Window" will be played in sync

[…Okay, I admit, it’s really a sand sculpture]

Read The Duke's Passion