MTL - The Villain Just Wants To Make Money-Chapter 142 Celestial Family Cultivation Waste Materials (10)

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If the resentment of the evil spirit dissipates during his lifetime, it is indeed possible to dispel the evil spirit and dissipate on its own. The soul will disintegrate naturally, and at most the so-called true spirit will return to the underworld, waiting for the birth of a new soul. This is also the best possible end for evil spirits.

For the Celestial Master, being able to save an evil spirit and let it disintegrate without resentment is also a great virtue. Of course, Xie Gu can also feel the merits entering the body at this time, so it is clear that the system is really not lying.

Only when the resentment dissipates will there be great merits, and only when the resentment of the other party dissipates will it be considered as resentment. If the resentment is gone, isn't that relieved?

But that doesn't make sense.

Tao Yuan's evil spirit was so heavy, and she died in such a tragic way. Generally, she had to recite two Buddhist verses when she was overwhelmed. When her confidant brother and sister said, "I feel sorry for your evil spirit, I still care about your evil spirit." How could she just say "wasting time" on the kite, and she thought about it?

Xie Gu understands people's hearts, takes advantage of interests, and claims to be in awe of feelings even though they don't understand, but Tao Yuan's reaction is really beyond his expectations. , It doesn't look like it can be relieved that I want to eat human flesh.

Although the system is the product of the so-called high planes, and it can also take the tasker to shuttle between different planes, it is obviously not better than Xie Gu in this regard, and can only answer according to the situation of its own scanning: "Before the Tao Yuan's resentment is very strong, but after the host entered her memory core, her evil spirit slowly dissipated, and when the host finally answered her, she really just... looked away."

How to see this specifically, it is not written in the plot of this world! The original villain never made it to this last step. Si Yiming didn't make trouble here. He carefully laid a trap. It wasn't that difficult to kill an evil spirit. Where did he escape?

Xie Gu didn't understand the key points, but obviously Tao Yuan dispelled his grievances and left, which was beneficial to him, so he stood there calmly and at ease, watching the mist dissipate. Most of the Si family's juniors who have been exposed completely have already inspired their imprints, and only a few of them with well-preserved strength are standing in a daze, their eyes wandering back and forth between Xie Gu and Si Yiming.

At this time, the two of them were in the deepest part of the original fog. One of them was standing and put his outstretched hand in his trousers pocket as if nothing had happened. The other was sitting on the ground. It was extremely embarrassing.

It seems that it is not in line with their usual status?

But think about it carefully, Xie Gu is the only son of the head of the family, and Si Yiming is just an illegitimate child. If you really want to talk about status, that's quite appropriate, right?

Seeing Xie Gu Zi Ru's expression in the arena, the younger Si family suddenly began to doubt themselves, why they thought that Si Yiming was the one who was so proud.

"You did a great job." Si Lan's voice sounded suddenly.

Everyone snapped back to their senses.

Deeper, Si Lan walked out with a few elders.

When the juniors of the Si family came, there was also a sound of footsteps, and other elders walked over with the juniors who had inspired the imprint before.

I just finished reading Tao Yuan's seventeen years of memories in the core of Tao Yuan's memory, but in reality it was less than three quarters of an hour.

Xie Gu smiled and bowed slightly to Si Lan: "Patriarch."

I didn't call my mother, because now is the assessment of the successor of the head of the family, so there is no relationship between mother and child, only the patriarch and the heir.

Si Lan also had a smile in his eyes, and his eyes were full of brilliance, and he was a little surprised: "I didn't expect you to be able to do this."

The chief elder of the Si family also coughed, with a hint of approval in his voice: "I thought that you would have to go through a hard battle to have the opportunity to work together to kill this evil spirit, but I didn't expect your kid to be able to directly succeed in eliminating this evil spirit. The grievances, this assessment, you should be the winner, this is the position of succeeding the head of the family..."

Xie Gu immediately wanted to thank him, but a loud cry came from behind him: "I'm not convinced! Xie Gu must have cheated!"

Everyone looked at the prestige, and found that it was one of Si Yiming's dog legs, Si Wenbin.

Si Wenbin is also a sidekick who is not taken seriously. Because of his good relationship with Si Yiming, he also gained a good position after Si Yiming gained power. However, this person is weak and has no brains, and is most vulnerable to provocation. To put it nicely is blood, to put it badly is an idiot, but if he really has a smart brain or outstanding talent, Si Yiming will not keep this person by his side - Si Yiming's exercises are harmful to others and selfish, smart people can do it. If you notice it, you can't stay. People with good talent are excellent furnaces, and you can't stay.

In short, seeing that Xie Gu was about to be announced as the final winner, out of concern for his future resources and the idea of ​​being unfair to Si Yiming, Si Wenbin stood up and questioned quite mindlessly.

He didn't even think about it. Saying Xie Gu so directly was cheating, he was just slapping Si Lan and the elders of the Si family in the face - isn't this clearly saying that they are favoritism? Or they are scolding them for their bad eyesight, and they can't even find out if someone is cheating.

But I have to say that being so straightforward is the best.

Si Yiming's eyes darkened, realizing that this was an excellent opportunity, he immediately covered his chest and coughed twice, feigning anger, "Brother Wen Bin! Are you questioning the elder and the head of the house? Although Xie Gu is the head of the house The son of the Si family, but as the head of the Si family, how could she be such a favoritism?"

Si Wenbin is an idiot who explodes in a flash. Hearing Si Yiming's intentional or unintentional hint, he immediately said loudly: "Of course I'm not questioning Patriarch Si Lan! It's just that Xie Gu is not the patriarch! And his surname is Xie! Who knows him Do you have any bad intentions! Please also ask the elders to investigate!"

The elder's face sank suddenly: "Nonsense! Are you saying that our old eyes are dizzy?"

Si Wenbin was frightened in his heart, but he didn't turn back his arrow when he opened the bow, he still bit the bullet and said: "It's not that the elder is dazzled, it's that this evil spirit dissipates too strangely, and Yi Ming has tried his best to destroy her, so why thank you Bone can do it? He can't even store spiritual power in his body!"

The elder's fingertips flew out a spiritual power, illuminating the ground where Xie Gu was standing: "Look carefully, what kind of magic circle is this?!"

Although Si Wenbin didn't have any talent for cultivation, he still had some basic knowledge. He immediately replied, "Isn't it the magic circle of illusion? There is no direct attack power at all! To deal with this evil spirit..."

His voice stopped abruptly.

The first elder sneered: "I finally remembered? The most vulnerable true spirit of the soul is hidden in its memory core. If you want to enter, you must first disturb your mind. We thought that setting a miasma here is enough to remind you. In the end, only Xie Gu remembers it!"

Si Wenbin shrank his neck, still a little unconvinced: "But that evil spirit is so fierce, even if she enters the memory core and finds the true spirit, will she obey Xie Gu's persuasion and be spared by Xie Gu?"

The first elder scolded: "You really think we don't give any chance at all? If the true spirit of this evil spirit is as fierce as its performance, none of you can resist to save her! If you want to save her, you don't need any means, just accompany her to save her memory. Just go!"

Si Wenbin was at a loss for words, but the Great Elder scolded in one breath like a bamboo tube pouring beans: "I usually teach you to learn from the belly of a dog? Being a human being is based on virtue, and being a celestial master is to understand the feelings of all things! Do you really think that the evil spirits are only full of killing and revenge? If so, wouldn't they be freed immediately after killing their enemies? Or their enemies are dead, can they never be freed?"

With a wave of his sleeve robe, the handwriting appeared in the air, which was exactly what Tao Yuan wished in his life and life.

"This evil spirit is Tao Yuan. Before his death, he suffered from rumors, so he had a mental breakdown and made irreparable things, but he just sat on it. After his death, he was blamed and could not be relieved. , resulting in sudden resentment, devouring new souls and then killing, eventually becoming an evil spirit.

"It doesn't matter if she didn't do other evil things during her lifetime, but when she started the killing spree, she had already killed all the enemies she had identified. According to your understanding, she should have been freed by herself!

"All the enemies are dead, so what does she want?"

When the first elder said this, Xie Gu was the first to react: "I have suffered from rumors before and after death, and I naturally want to wash my grievances and get recognition, but the world has changed, and the world has long forgotten about this, so I can't take it seriously. The only way to go is to be recognized."

Although she didn't say anything of approval, she didn't say that Tao Yuan was vicious and damned. Even Tao Yuan's last moments before her life were full of quarrels and resentments. What she wanted was probably a moment of company and quiet.

So she will be relieved directly after Xie Gu reads the memory and answers the question, because this is what she has been pursuing all her life.

Therefore, her soul will turn into the appearance of a six-year-old child, because six-year-old is the happiest time in her life, and the younger siblings who are beloved by her parents are also the cutest age.

There was a look of satisfaction in the eyes of the first elder, and he glared at the younger Si family who was present: "Look at your comprehension! You keep saying that you can't store spiritual power is waste, I think you are not as good as waste!"

Having said this, he seemed to have forgotten that he had looked down on Xie Bing before.

But Xie Gu didn't say much. First, he didn't care if others looked down on him, and secondly, Tao Yuan's various reactions made him feel very novel.

After experiencing so many worlds, Xie Gu has also seen all kinds of people, most of them are full of selfishness and resentment of human nature, morality and kindness cannot convince him, and feelings are sincere but often not pure and lasting, only interests are eternal.

There are many people who have been wronged like Tao Yuan, and most of them have used the greatest malice to avenge the world. The strong can live, such as Shi Hao Xing, and the weak are eliminated by the laws of nature, such as Fang Hao Ting, but their anger and hatred will last forever. not calm.

Xie Gu doesn't think there is anything wrong with this strong obsession. Isn't it also an obsession that he likes money? As long as it is used properly and is not attacked, obsession will only make you stronger.

But when I personally came into contact with a guy like Tao Yuan who decided to take revenge and left, he felt that his worldview had been refreshed a little.

The system felt the vibrations and changes in the host's mood, and was a little nervous: "What's wrong with the host?"

Have you finally realized what kindness is? Have you finally understood what tolerance is? Have you finally understood what love is?

Xie Gu sighed: "Sure enough, it's better to make money."

Some people are leaving, what's the matter with them? Unless let him receive the inheritance.

And although Si Wenbin was scolded by the first elder, he was still not convinced and said stubbornly: "We don't know, how can Xie Gu know? He didn't learn these before? Maybe he just stole the question! "

"Oh right," he seemed to remember something, and grabbed a little more accusation, "He even plotted against Yi Ming! If he hadn't picked up Yi Ming's leak, how could Xiegu's physique be close to that evil spirit!"

The first elder was so annoyed by Si Wenbin's appearance. During the whole assessment process, the senior members of the family saw it in their eyes. Si Wenbin said this as if they were all blind. If it is normal He suggested that Xie Gu's move was indeed a bit damaged, but Si Wenbin's appearance of "it's all your faults" made the elder very dissatisfied.

He glared at him angrily, and said sternly: "We watched the entire assessment process, Xie Gu did not harm the same clan, and this is the selection of the successor of the patriarch, the assessment is not only the cultivation base, but the overall strength. Who can lead the way? As the Si family moves towards a better future, who will be the future owner of the Si family."

It is almost impossible to say that Si Yiming is not as good as others.

Not to mention that Si Wenbin choked, even Si Yiming's face swelled to the color of pig liver.

The first elder immediately snorted coldly: "Are there any other questions?"

Xie Gu, however, raised his hand yoyo.

He wouldn't let go of such an opportunity to attack Si Yiming—although Tao Yuan's experience just now brought Xie Gu a very new experience, it didn't prevent him from thinking that Si Yiming was an extremely tacky protagonist.

In terms of moral appearance, it is not comparable to Xu Yucheng, in terms of ruthlessness and ruthlessness, it is not comparable to Liang Yu, in terms of forbearance and planning, it is not comparable to gratitude, in terms of playing with people's hearts, it is not comparable to Wan Zhai Linlang, in terms of miserable and pitiful, it is not comparable to Shi Haoxing, and in terms of Taoism, it is not comparable to Yang Qiu. Ming, he is simply the original protagonist!

Therefore, when dealing with ordinary people, there is no need for any new means.

The first elder looked at him, Xie Gu covered his heart with one hand, like a sickly handsome man: "Brother Wenbin's words really hurt my heart, but I did it because of respect for Yi Ming!"

Si Yiming's face was about to change from raw pig liver to mature pig liver.

He gritted his teeth and smiled: "How do you say?"

Xie Gu was slow and slow, and directly opened the loose mountaineering bag that he had been carrying on his body, turned it upside down, and shook it lightly.

Clap la la la.

In a moment, Xie Gu's feet were filled with spells.

The kind that are bundled up.

People with bad eyes looked at it and probably thought it was paper money prepared for ancestor worship at Qingming Festival.

But the people present except Xie Gu are all people who use spiritual energy to quench their bodies all the year round. Their eyes are surprisingly good, and they can naturally see what the pile of spells poured out by Xie Gu is.

This bundle is the fire talisman, the other bundle is the meditation talisman, as well as the heart-clearing talisman, the light-body talisman, the gravity talisman, the ice talisman, the dream talisman, the gathering talisman, the rejuvenation talisman, the family portrait, the dedication to work... No, I read it wrong .

In short, these spells are all calculated using bundles.

Xie Gu threw away the bag as if nothing had happened, and took it out from his trouser pocket: "Just now those were relatively cheap, so I just bundled them up and packed them in the bag. These are more precious and not many in quantity."

While digging out, he recited something: "Ah this, a dozen of the Nine Heavens Thunder Talisman, a dozen of the Ten Thousand Wood Rejuvenation Talisman, a dozen of the Nine Star Thick Earth Talisman..."

After taking out the talisman in his trouser pocket, Xie Gu looked at Si Yiming apologetically and sincerely: "It's not that I hide my strength, the main reason is that I'm afraid that if so many talismans blow down, you will be gone, Yiming."

The corners of the mouths of the first elder, Si Lan and others were twitching wildly—let alone Si Yiming, if Xie Gu dared to blast down the twelve Nine Heavens Thunder Talismans together, the mountain would probably be gone.

Si Yiming finally couldn't hold back, and a mouthful of blood sprayed on the protective shield created by the imprint.

Xie Gu walked over quickly, and stuck a Wanmu Rejuvenation Talisman on the person's back: "Yi Ming, don't do this, it's not good for your health if you get angry."

Feeling the reversal of his body state, Si Yiming's face became complicated.

He looked up at Xie Gu: "You..."

Xie Gu said with a smile: "500,000 pieces, thank you very much for your patronage."

"..." Si Yiming began to hate that what Xie Gu was selling was not fake and inferior, because he couldn't even vomit blood if he wanted to.

The author has something to say: make up the little tail, four thousand words are alive today!

(begins to be lazy to fish)

Thanks to the little angel who voted for me or irrigated nutrient solution during the period of 2020-07-1123:58:25~2020-07-1223:58:36~

Thanks to the little angel who threw the mine: 3 small sugars;

Thanks to the little angel who irrigated the nutrient solution: 3 bottles of misty;

Thank you very much for your support, I will continue to work hard!