MTL - The Villain Just Wants To Make Money-Chapter 115 Xianxia world evil repair devil (1)

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Xie Gu still spoke in an orderly manner, with a confident smile on his face.

"Although it's impossible to accurately speculate on your specific plan, I think it's nothing more than that you took the initiative to reveal the truth of your life experience to Xie Gu through a third party, and then directly seized the counterattack when the other party took the initiative to attack. What's more, it is also possible to directly incite Xie Feng to deal with this 'fake son'.

"After all, Xie Gu is just a **** and can't play with you at all. If that's the case, why are you showing mercy to him?"

Xie Gu leaned forward slightly and got closer to Shi Haoxing, but his tone was inexplicable: "Right?"

Shi Haoxing didn't move, but from the ugly level of his face, Shi Haoxing also agreed with this logic.

He gritted his teeth and asked, "Is this what you saw in those dreams?"

Xie Gu didn't deny it: "That's right."

It's too much trouble to explain what possessions and tasks are.

Shi Haoxing said sternly: "You still didn't tell me why you lied to me now and then told me the truth."

He paused and continued: "Although I don't know what happened to you, I don't think you need to help me. After all, I should be a potential enemy from all aspects, right? Wouldn't it be better to just eliminate it when it's weak? That's the most worry-free way."

"Don't underestimate yourself," Xie Gu said, "be confident."

Shi Haoxing's eyes lit up slightly - he didn't realize it at this time, he was still secretly seeking Xie Gu's approval and appreciation.

For example, at this moment, he was very much looking forward to Xie Gu saying something like "I think you are quite worthy of being a friend".

Unfortunately, Xie Gu just smiled kindly and said: "I think you are quite smart, although you are not far from mine, but you can barely see it. If you can be a little brother, if you can run errands for me, why do you want to? Kill you? In the end, I have a bunch of other things to deal with."

Shi Haoxing's expression management completely collapsed.

Xie Gu finally called out the progress of the counterattack, glanced at the 99% progress bar, and decided to add another fire at the end.

"Is it a breakdown? Is it incredible?" The smile on Xie Gu's face was a bit provocative, "Want to hit me?"

At this time, the system that was sitting in the corner watching the play silently was almost startled and garbled again - is the host trying to complete the task? Isn't it provoking the other party?

Although it doesn't quite understand it, the host of this world treats the protagonist as warm as a spring breeze, but the progress of face slaps has been increasing. By now, the system has become accustomed to this mode, and almost thinks that it has transformed into a rescue protagonist. When the system was running, the host suddenly made such a request like a shaking M?

Is it a little too perverted?

However, at this time, the system keenly found that the progress bar of the face slap went forward by 0.1%!

Xie Gu waited for a while, but he didn't wait for Shi Haoxing to start, and his expression suddenly became complacent, as if everything was in his expectations: "So, in fact, you don't have any hatred in your heart, do you?"

Shi Haoxing was silent.

Xie Gu said sharply: "Because you are no longer immersed in pain and resentment like before, you believe that there is a real bright place in this world, so you will not despair no matter what."

Shi Haoxing tugged at the corners of his lips mockingly: "It used to be true, but now I know it all, aren't those so-called salvation and light all your elaborate deceptions?" , and the punishment of Zhuang Yuen Long in the back, and even now it is still the case that Shi Bozhi is counted in the police station!

"Yes, I did it all," Xie Gu nodded without denial, "but I did help you, and I did punish the person who killed Fang Haoting, and Shi Bozhi's fate was all well-deserved, didn't he? Judging from the results, salvation exists, and light also exists."

"It's like you think I'm cheating on you, but you can't hate it at all," Xie Gu said with a constant smile, "Sometimes darkness and light are not so important at all, because there is no absolute in the world. Justice, the rules are made by the strong, the road is split by oneself, what you said about my deception is actually just that I am doing things according to my own interests, just like you are not angry, it is just because my behavior complies your interests."

He stood up and patted Shi Haoxing on the shoulder and said, "Self-interest is also a human instinct for survival. In fact, there is no need to struggle with right and wrong. The unfair rant is just a whitewash for the weak to resist, and morality and law are not for the sake of Bound people's words and deeds, but to allow the strong to gain greater freedom, if you are strong enough, no one will say a word to you."

Shi Haoxing's throat was dry, and he didn't know what to say for a while.

Darkness and light don't matter at all? No absolute justice?

In fact, this is not something Shi Haoxing recognized before. Because of his own experience, he is always used to tying himself in the framework of morality, just like the teacher asked him why he did not choose the direction of academic research. In fact, he likes academics and wants to absorb more knowledge, but he always feels that Xie Gu needs his own help.

Xie Gu likes money, he helped himself, and he should return it.

But after listening to Xie Gu's words, Shi Haoxing couldn't help thinking - for the so-called help, should he really choose a path he doesn't like?

From a moral point of view, Shi Haoxing thinks it should, but if it starts from Xie Gu's egoism...

He suddenly felt that the things that had bound him before were slowly dissipating.

At the same time, Xie Gu's mind sounded the system's automatic prompt: "Congratulations to the host, the progress of the task has reached 100%, and it is about to leave this world."

When the darkness came again in front of him, Xie Gu also got the complete information of the previous world.

In fact, the original trajectory was similar to Xie Gu's speculation. The original body was stupid, poisonous and arrogant, and was finally imprisoned by Shi Haoxing. He was beaten to death in a dispute in prison within two years - of course, There are also hints from Shi Haoxing pushing forward.

After Shi Haoxing killed the original body, he recognized his ancestors and returned to his ancestry and changed his name to Xie Haoxing. Of course, Shi Bozhi and Li Zhi were also designed by him to take every penny away by ruthless means, and it was only a few years. In the time of mutual complaints and torture, conflicts broke out. Shi Bo was very ambitious and directly killed Li Zhi, but before he wanted to escape, the people who were sent by Shi Haoxing to stalk them first Called the police.

Oh, and Xie Feng's illegitimate son, also under the design of Shi Haoxing, was accidentally pushed out of the window and died on the spot when he was fighting with his classmates at school.

As soon as this illegitimate child died, Xie Feng's mistress naturally lost her support, and soon became mentally disturbed in the confusion and torture day after day.

In general, Shi Haoxing in the original track was completely blackened after Fang Haoting jumped off the building. God blocked and killed God and Buddha, and everyone who blocked his way was used by Shi Haoxing in the most ruthless way. Kill them all.

Shi Haoxing no longer believes in anyone, everyone can be used and betrayed. To a certain extent, he has become the type of person he once hated the most.

Xie Gu is actually noncommittal about Shi Haoxing's methods. If he is really ruthless, he is not worse than Shi Haoxing, but for Xie Gu, using the rules is far more cost-effective than violating them.

Anyway, this world can finally be successfully completed under his own fierce chicken soup Dafa. Besides, after the task is completed, the bones will be gone. He can kill or bury him completely, only the system responsible for wiping his **** sends out a deep message. Doubt: "Why didn't the host rub the protagonist's face on the ground this time?"

"Your mission requirements didn't say to rub him on the ground," Xie Gu said suspiciously, "Tong ah, what's the matter with you? You don't know how your own program counts?"

The system was silent for a moment, and decided to change the subject: "Is the host still happy in this world of Shi Haoxing? Isn't it easy to not have to worry about state affairs?"

"No," Xie Gu's face was ashen, "I didn't expect that raising a younger brother would be so tiring, and I even lost the chance to be the richest man."

He sighed bitterly: "If I'm not too tired, wait until I leave in the last ten or eight years, then I must be the richest man."

The system was silent again. It originally thought that after Shi Haoxing had salted the fish for a while, Xie Gu would be tired from now on, but he never expected it.

Xie Gu continued to sigh: "Sometimes it is good to try more. After all, if I don't try, I will never know that making money is the happiest, and being the richest is the happiest."

The system said: "The loading of the new world is completed, and it will be launched soon. The countdown is three, two, and one."

Obviously, even the system was so poisoned that it didn't want to speak.

The shuttle time this time was much shorter than the last time, and Xie Gu quickly opened his eyes.


The cold wind whistled past.

Xie Gu felt cold and aching all over his body, the heat on his body was fading away, and the strong wind was cutting through his body like a knife, making him extremely uncomfortable.

An inexplicable cognition appeared in his mind.

[If you don't want to do anything to heal your wounds, within a quarter of an hour, you will lose too much blood and die]

He opened his eyes suddenly.

In front of him is a cold and frozen wasteland, a corner of the iceberg suddenly extends to the sky, the sky and the earth are white, and there is no difference in color.

Oh, except around myself.

At this moment, he was lying down, and the biting coldness beneath him meandered, and he was so cold that he hurriedly sat up.

Then Xie Gu realized that he was actually lying in a pool of blood, surrounded by scattered corpses, and the state of death was very ugly.

what's the situation?

Fortunately, Xie Gu has a strong psychological quality and has seen many dead people in the world of the God of Light and Tyrant. Otherwise, if he changed his defense line, he would have been scared to death before he lost too much blood.

But the wounds that haven't healed on his body and the cold wind blowing are reminding Xie Gu - if he doesn't think of a way, he should be gameover before he sees the protagonist's world.

But now he has just possessed himself, so Xie Gu knows nothing about this world, and there is no living person other than himself at the moment, so he doesn't know how to heal at all.

Obviously this world is not a normal world, otherwise in terms of the outdoor temperature of Xie Gu's body and the severity of the wound on his body, Xie Gu feels that he has no chance to open his eyes, and considering that he and their clothes are like ancient costumes. , Xie Gu believes that the ancients should not have the ability to jump around in the Antarctic wearing a single shirt, and kill such a large number of people.

If Xie Gu's speculation is correct, he thinks that this should be a world similar to the God of Light, with some strange cultivation methods, but the cultural background should be similar to ancient China.

According to the rule that the villains are all possessed by him and the situation of this sea of ​​corpses and blood, it is obvious that the original body is not a good person, and most of the fallen corpses are made by the original body.

Xie Gu's face was frozen blue, and then he called the system twice in his mind.

The system didn't respond at first, but it quickly said as if it had been frozen awake: "Host, wait a moment, because the host in the previous world sought a certain convenience from the main system, so all relevant information of this world will be released to the host, But you have to go through a test to have access, and now publish the test - survive a quarter of an hour without any prompts."

Before Xie Gu could react, the system preemptively said, "The timer starts."

The countdown ticking has already sounded in his mind, and Xie Gu's complexion also sank suddenly - the system is playing first and then playing.

But right now he really doesn't have time to spend with the system. The thought in his mind just now clearly told Xie Gu that if he didn't take any measures, he wouldn't be able to live for a quarter of an hour at all.

Obviously the system also knows this, and only publishes the task.

It seems that the situation is very bad. I have lost too much blood and I can't live for a quarter of an hour. There is no prompt now. Under the premise of no knowledge of this world, it is obviously extremely difficult to persevere. .

But Xie Gu is not in despair. He is very clear that the system cannot release tasks for the purpose of killing him - although it is not too clear now, it is obvious that the system needs to complete the task by itself to achieve some kind of Xie Xie and Xie Gu. purpose not understood.

Therefore, if the system releases this task, there is bound to be a possibility of surviving.

Xie Gu first glanced at himself, then quickly glanced around, then strode his long legs, walked to one of the corpses in gorgeous robes, squatted down, and started to strip.

The system was shocked: "Master, why are you getting more and more perverted?!"

Is this hobby too heavy?

Xie Gu slammed the corpse for a while, probably because he wanted to complain about the system, but considering that his time was very precious, he didn't say anything, and then speeded up again.

His movements were already extremely fast, but he could see that he was still not very skilled, but what I had to say was that Xie Gu was very clean, and this gorgeous corpse soon only had a pair of trousers left, even the neck. The necklace on his back and the ring on his hand were violently ripped off.

Xie Gu didn't have any ink marks, so he simply checked the things that the gorgeous corpse was carrying, and then tore the clothes to see if there were any interlayers. After confirming that there was nothing to be found, he decisively pressed the ring that he took off to the bleeding place on his wound.

After a swipe, an illusory space faintly appeared in front of Xie Gu's eyes.

A smile finally appeared on his face: "The novel does not deceive me."

Although it is a waste of time and life to read some unnutritious online novels as a tyrant with millions of dollars every minute, but in the previous world, because the body was not an adult and the schoolwork was too simple, it was boring. At that time, Xie Gu still had a simple understanding of such things as novels.

If nothing else, at least he has heard of a thing called a "space ring" that appears in many fantasy novels.

Although Xie Gu didn't understand the specific operation method, but he had experience in the Western Fantasy World and some understanding of the magic cultivation system, Xie Gu decided to try the simplest "blood drop recognition" first.

No, it was an instant success.

Xie Gu quickly checked the contents of the space ring, and found a few bottles of what looked like healing medicine.

But do these bottles and jars have what they need?

Xie Gu carefully sorted out his thoughts again.

First of all, the relationship between myself and this pile of corpses is not very clear. It may be teammates, but if this is the case, it makes no sense that I am still alive, so there is a high probability that it is the relationship of the enemy.

Secondly, he just looked at these corpses. Years of experience in dealing with money told Xie Gu that the person he just picked up should have the highest status, because his clothes are the most expensive and gorgeous. If there is any chance of healing the injury, the biggest Maybe it's on the boss on the opposite side.

Finally, although I don't know what the world looks like, everyone still looks like a human being. The most basic human physiology should still exist. My biggest problem now is excessive blood loss, so the most important thing is to stop bleeding.

Xie Gu shook the bottles briefly, and first threw away the ones that didn't make a sound - who knows if there would be poisonous gas or other harmful things in them, and finally three bottles were left.

But how to determine the function?

In the end, Xie Gu pondered for a while, found three corpses that were still bleeding, and used the most simple and rude experimental method.

The liquid in the first bottle, Xie Gu dripped a little on Corpse No. 1, and then Corpse No. 1 smoked and burned a big hole out - it is estimated that the bottle is probably concentrated sulfuric acid.

The second bottle contained medicinal pills. Xie Gu was split in half, half was stuffed into Corpse No. 2's mouth, and the other half was directly pasted on a wound of Corpse No. 2. Seeing that Corpse No. 2 did not move, Xie Gu didn't bother. Wait again and open the third bottle directly.

The third bottle was also filled with liquid, and Xie Gu also dripped a little bit on the wound of the corpse No. 3. According to the naked eye observation, the bleeding speed of the No. 3 corpse obviously slowed down—it should be No. 3.

Xie Gu no longer hesitated, and directly put all the stuff in the third bottle on the wound on his body.

Tick, tick, tick.

"Congratulations to the host, you have successfully survived a quarter of an hour and completed the task!"

The next moment, a lot of information crashed into Xie Gu's mind.

Although the bleeding speed of the wound has slowed down, it has not completely stopped. At this moment, there is a huge amount of information impacting Xie Gu's brain. Under the two-phase attack, Xie Gu's eyes rolled over and he fainted.

Before he fainted, the last image in Xie Gu's mind was an old man in a blood-colored robe descending from the sky, and then hurriedly rushed towards him, with a suppressed sad cry in his throat: "—Young Master!"

To be honest, Xie Gu originally thought that he could still hold on, but the voice of the old man who rushed over was too loud, and his fragile spirit could not bear it, and finally broke with a bang.

When Xie Gu opened his eyes again, he found himself lying in an extremely simple cave, no one, surrounded by solid ice, but the strange thing was that he didn't feel cold, but a faint warmth. spread.

He digested the information just passed to him by the system for a while, found the old man's name in his mind, and called softly, "Grandpa Xiu."

In a breathless time, Gong Yixiu appeared in front of Xie Gu, knelt down on one knee and pleaded guilty: "It is not good for the subordinate to protect the master, so please punish the young master."

Xie Gu shook his head and said directly: "Get up, it's not your fault, after all, after my father's death, our Gorefiend Castle has declined to the extreme, whether it is a serious practitioner or an evil cultivator who wants to step on it. One kick, I've been lucky enough to be alive so far."

In order to be realistic, he smiled miserably: "Actually, after my father's death, the Gorefiend Castle was even scattered. When he was there, how strong was my Gorefiend Fort? There are also numbers of powerhouses at the level of demons, but it's a pity..."

Gongyixiu didn't get up, but hurriedly said: "The lord of the castle has also been calculated, and he left a will before his death to let me protect the young master. I believe that with the young master's natural resources, he will definitely lead my blood demon castle to comeback. , even stronger than before!"

Xie Gu supported his body and sat up, looked at the empty and humble cave mansion, and sighed: "But now, you are the only one who has been following me with sincerity."

Gongyixiu was at a loss for words, but he didn't know what to say to comfort Xie Gu—in fact, Xie Gu was right. Some of the strong men who had been ordered by the castle master turned out of the Gorefiend Castle at that time, and the rest There are still some swaying, only a small part is firmly following, but after being hunted down to this day, it is really only myself left.

Xie Gu looked at this desolate and miserable cave mansion, which was bigger than the four walls of the family, and couldn't help sighing with sincerity.

These mission worlds are getting more and more ruthless. Although the villains in the previous worlds are either stupid or poisonous, they all have strong and powerful backgrounds, and pretending to be forceful is not a problem at all, even in the worst e-sports world. After all, there is still a cheque of 7 million handed by Liang Chengxin at the beginning!

Look at this world, in terms of life experience, the original body has fallen from the young master, one of the most powerful forces in the evil cultivator world, to a wanted criminal on the run. In terms of money, the family has been demolished, obviously nothing will be left. As far as cultivation talent is concerned, this is not bad, but in this place where resources must be paid attention to everywhere in cultivation, it is obviously impossible to have no money.

He suddenly remembered the corpses before he fainted, and hurriedly asked Gongyi Xiu, "Grandpa Xiu, where are those people's corpses? Did you get their money back?"

The author has something to say: catch up! Thank you to the little angel who voted for me or irrigated nutrient solution during the period of 2020-06-2023:48:12~2020-06-2123:59:10~

Thanks to the little angel who irrigated the nutrient solution: 10 bottles of orange;

Thank you very much for your support, I will continue to work hard!