MTL - The Villain is Outrageously Beautiful-Chapter 95 Finish peace

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The wind screams, the gravel is filled, and the thick fog that the tiger fleas perennial is blown away, revealing the clear sky. A four-legged little monster named after a name smashed a bone that was eroded by the wind, running forward with a white belly like a bag, and the empty belly pulled down hit its dirty and powerful foot. .

The wild things are busy with death, and no one can see who they are.

Tao leisurely discomfort, but seeing Qu Chi eager to check the expression of Wen Xuechen's situation, he smacked him, and followed without a word.

The giant tower needs someone to look after, so all the disciples who came back from the land outside the land were left in the tower. Xu Xingzhi and others were lightly dressed and went straight to the direction of the tiger's flea, which is the place where Zhou Xian's bones were buried.

The tomb of Zhou Xian stood in the leeward side of the side of the cave.

Thirteen years ago, Zhou Xian was buried here by Tao Leisure and Qu Chi, because they did not know that they would have a stable home in a few months.

After they settled in the tower, no one proposed that the Zhouxian body should be taken out and reburied to the side of the tower. However, everyone discussed it and gave it up.

If you enter the soil, you will count as An, why bother to disturb the dreams of the dead.

The tomb is flat, because in the savage winds of the wild, building a grave, it will be leveled by the wind in half a month. Fortunately, she is lying on the ground, can not be alone, at least there is a top companion.

The fog was scrubbed and the wind and sand were rough. The wooden monuments set by Qu Tao were not ruined for half a month. Later, Zhou Beinan recovered here, and Dangdang made two sets of stone tablets for them.

At that time, the memory of Zhou Beinan had not recovered. Therefore, he only hated that he was in a wild land and could not find his sister in time, but he did not know that his body was lying outside a hundred steps, carrying a layer of flying dust.

After Zhou Beinan resumed his memory, Xu Xingzhi and his wife came to worship Zhou Xian.

There was no scent available in the wild, and Xu Xingzhi’s original mana was not enough to make things like sandalwood. He had to fold three well-formed branches and put them in the lonely grave with flint. It was ignited, and it became a smoky blue smoke of three scorpions.

At that time, Xu Xingzhi had not recovered his memory, but he stared at the grave that was covered with rain and watched it for a while. He also saw some inexplicable sour tastes.

Judging from the heavy and chaotic footprints on the ground, Wen Xuechen apparently exhausted all the spiritual power from a hundred miles away. He should have folded a thick wood as a walking stick and walked here.

Even so, because he escaped early, he came at least three days earlier than them.

Everything that Wen Xuechen has come here has a trace.

He did not know the exact location of the tomb, but advanced the sheltered caves, coiled around a circle, and had no gains. Therefore, the entrance to the cave was followed by two lines of footprints, and the pace was still stable.

The tomb was not hard to find, so he quickly got around the lee and saw three graves standing side by side.

Two old graves, a new grave.

The new grave is written by Zhou Beinan’s surname. He and Chengding’s stone monument are on the side of his beloved sister, like the most loyal guard.

In order to explore the truth, Wen Xuechen began to dig the grave, and the tools used should be wooden sticks accompanied by all the way. But knocking it to half, maybe it was dug up the stone, the wooden stick was broken, the wood chips were splashed, and he dropped his hand to the side, kneeling on his knees and began to excavate himself.

Wen Xuechen was troubled at the time, because several dry blood fingerprints were condensed on the gravel stone that had been turned upside down.

Something dug up will probably disappoint him. It was just a bone, and the worm had bitten her wrap-around clothes with flesh.

After a long hard work, he didn't get anything except a face that was difficult to distinguish.

With the temperament of Wen Xuechen, I will probably yell at myself in the heart of an idiot.

Even so, he should have been sitting at the tomb of the excavation for a long time. The tomb can see the traces of the sitting, the traces of the fingertips irritatingly on the dirt, and even the patterns of the yin and yang rings are engraved in the mud. trace.

The noble man who has always been picky is sitting in a graveyard, sitting for a long time, and then he found something.

When he was buried in the same year, Qu Chi wanted to pick up a few trees and plan a coffin. Unfortunately, the wild land was malnourished. Within ten miles, there were short trees and dead branches, and the fly ants were born. The tallest tree he found. Cut down the dead branches and leaves, the dead wood is bad, and it is only enough to be a clean long braid.

Therefore, the rifle with Zhou Xian was placed on her side, and she made the most convenient short gun and a small object on her body were placed in the shackles, free from insect bites.

The blind man was obviously opened by Wen Xuechen. Because there are piles of angular pieces in the grave, it should be buried in the ground for a long time, it is fragile, and now it is winded, seeing the light, and being carried out. When it is not careful, it immediately collapses into a damp Wood residue.

Xu Xingzhi relies on his own memory to know that the gentle and sturdy woman always carries a clean handkerchief and a jade bell. Unlike the bells that she is arrogantly arrogant, she even has a gentle tone of tenderness on her body, and the sound of her voice seems to be a clear spring, flowing through the hearts of the people.

However, Yuling was taken away and worn on Zhou Wang. The only thing she had buried was the handkerchiefs, sachets and other girls. Zhou Xian has always been simple and simple, and the things he brought are not expensive. They should all be the accessories of ordinary women. It is nothing special to think about it.

However, these small, insignificant things, but this has opened the heart of Wen Xuechen has been dusty for a long time.

Wen Xuechen's memory is a falsely fabricated thing. With his wisdom, once he notices something wrong, then even the memory sand castle that is carefully constructed and maintained will collapse in an instant.

...he remembered. Then he is crazy.

Anyone can see from the traces of his stay in the cave to death, he is crazy.

The ground in the cave is bloody, full of dirt mixed with blood and internal organs.

He used all the tools he could find to kill himself over and over again, cut his heart, dig the liver, cut his throat, cut the veins, tried his best, tried his best, and he made one after another wound on his own body. All are bigger than the child's mouth.

However, he is painless and has no death.

No one can let the dead die to die again, and no one tells him why he is already cold and why he still feels so painful and wants to die.

Wen Xuechen’s fingers were caught in the air, trying to catch the soul that had disappeared for thirteen years, but he couldn’t catch anything, and he couldn’t catch anything by flipping his nails. No one knows how long he has been tumbling on the ground, nor how much he thought about what he was thinking about.

The only thing left for Xu Xingzhi is the blood, scratches, nicks, and rushed words in the cave.

Xu Xingzhi walked down the cave and passed through the blood river flowing out of Wen Xuechen's body. His fingers slid slowly over the rough stone wall.

The cave is full of pits and valleys, all of which are mad words written in gravel and blood.

Wen Xuechen first took the stone and scratched it on his wrist. He immediately cut and danced. He repeatedly wrote the name of more than a thousand Zhouxian in the cave, but he was ashamed to engrave a name between the name. "Wen Xuechen", accompanied by it.

After thousands of times, Wen Xuechen’s consciousness should be more and more clear, because his handwriting has gradually become organized.

Zhou Xian, Zhou Xian, Zhou Xian.

The blood word has been extended from the hole to the depths of the cave.

He used three sunlight scenes to frantically chase his beloved.

In the end, he was careful and with a little secret, unknown desire, carved a different name in the corner of the cave.


These two words are engraved very small, very meticulous, very meticulous, and hidden in the bottom of the dark cave, if not the eyesight is excellent, you can never see these two words.

This is the dream he wrote for himself. It is like a dream of quietly writing on a note when he is praying for a new year and flying a kongming lantern. Only the sky, the birds and himself know what was written on it.

At this point, Wen Xuechen has calmed down.

Wen Xuechen is a person who is cold and lonely, but he has a lot of ideas. He has gone crazy and has to revenge and hate for a proper return.

The blood of the corpse is not delicious, and even poisonous, not to mention a 13-year-old corpse, and even the bloodthirsty worm beast is not willing to practice this blood hole.

Therefore, when I saw a few things stored at the end of the cave, Xu Xingzhi was not surprised.

... He let go of his blood and protected the secret he wanted to leave them.

Lu Yujiu followed Xu Xing's body and saw the **** hole in the inside. His knees were soft and he fell into a blood channel.

At the end of the cave, on the boulder board, he painted a detailed and detailed picture of the blood painting, marking the place where each sect of the magic road is located. The sect of the sect of the sect, the number of people is geometric, and Wen Xuechen has always been strict, and every one can take care of him. The details of the arrival are clearly marked.

However, the place where Lu Yuji looks at is totally different from Xu Xingzhi.

The snow jade roulette used by Wen Xuechen, the fan fan, the yin and yang ring, are all piled together and placed on a piece of green rock.

He walked up the knees, picked up the same thing, and shuddered and put it down. Finally, he wrapped his arms around the sapphire roulette and put it in his body, shaking and crying.

Wen brothers remembered.

But where can the gentle brothers who leave all their belongings go?

Lu Yujiu's tears fell on the roulette, and the roulette seemed to be inductive. The warm and clear light that was scattered inside turned into an invisible, cold-hearted arm, and the whole of Lu Yujiu was embraced silently. Patted his forehead.

Lu Yujiu was not aware of it. He only looked at tears. Xu Xingzhi stood in front of him, and he did not notice it.

There are a few letters placed under the boulder.

Said to be a letter, but also a few pieces of folded bark, with the blood to write a certain respect.

Wen Xuechen has always been a human face, fearing that he has never used such a pen and paper. But for him, there are many things that are not important anymore.

There are three recipients, Meng Zhongguang, Xu Xingzhi, and Lu Yujiu.

Xu Xingzhi bent over and started his own letter. The inner handwriting is still written in blood, 寥寥 eight characters, Zhu color rendering, stabbing his eyes and pain.

OK, sorry. Don't look for me.

Just at this time, Tao leisurely entered the hole, and the **** suffocation of the hole made his cheeks paler.

He held a slightly clean place and whispered, "Xu Shixiong, Xu Shixiong. Qu Shixiong, they found Wen Shixiong."

Lu Yujiu took the green jade roulette and rushed out, looking left and right, but found that several people stood in front of Zhou Xian's grave, no one was shaking.

Xu Xingzhi stepped out of the hole and heard Lu Yuji anxiously shouting: "Where? Where?"

Zhou Beinan’s look was hard to hide, and he held out a finger to signal people to be quiet.

Lu Yujiu rushed, the eye circles were red, but it was hard to hold back the cry, holding the wheel of Wenxuechen slyly, listening to the ears.

After a long while, his eyes suddenly widened.

He heard a faint breath of breathing, not from the ground, but from the ground, diluted by the layers of the newly turned out soil, similar to none.

Xu Xingzhi’s left hand holding the letter hangs down, and the light is heavy.

... he guessed it early.

After leaving three letters and his own tokens, Wen Xuechen had nothing to do and climbed out of the cave with his blood. He used his hands to dig out a tomb and found a place to return to the dead body 13 years ago.

- Wen Xuechen and Zhou Xian, different from each other, the same point of death.

Wen Xuechen lie in the soil and use the ten fingers that have been dug up to re-cover the graves that have just been dug out to the two.

Wen Xuechen does not feel pain, and actually does not need to breathe. Therefore, he has done a good job in the work of burying himself.

After a long period of labor, he mobilized only a small amount of mana remaining in his body, and his world was completely quiet.

Lying next to his string girl, the dark earth mother embraced him mercifully, and Wen Xuechen felt the peace of mind that he had not experienced in the past 13 years.

He whispered in the sacral ear and sent out a love poem that he could not send out at one time: "... sit and watch the world, see the clouds, and fly into the Qing."

After that, he clenched his fingers and closed his eyes.

He has already died, and he has developed a body that will never die. Then he will always be here with his string sister.

When Wen Xuechen entered the tomb, in addition to a shackle, he only held a pen in his hand and wrote the word "string".

Zhou Xian has a thin bone, and he also holds a par in his hand. He wrote the word "dust".

If the life is a string, it is full of dust.

String dust two people, together here, never separate.

The people on the ground looked at a flat grave on the ground, and no one mentioned anything that would bring Wen Xuechen out.

Only Qu Chi whispered: "Snow is inside."

Zhou Beinan hangs his head, and a slightly messy hair hangs down, blocking his eyes: "...don't say it."

Qu Chi said: "I will unlock the spiritual seal for him. He will be more comfortable inside."

After the first acquisition of warm snow and dust, Meng Zhongguang remembered the faint Xu Xingzhi, so the spirit of Wen Xuechen was sealed by Qu Chi.

This time, no one stopped him, so Qu Chi picked up his heart and broke the bond attached to the roots of Wen Xuechen.

In an instant, Huaguang was flourishing, but the light did not come from the ground, but from Lu Yujiu.

Lu Yujiu, who holds the roulette, feels like he was washed once. When his knees suddenly fell to the ground, the gods felt clear and light, all the way to the top of the nine days. Being quiet and imaginary, pure and sturdy, Lu Yujiu’s body is wrapped in pure and incomparable spiritual cocoon, just like a newborn child.

Rao is Xu Xingzhi, and seeing this scene is also a moment of attention, only to have a very painful meaning, dumb voice: "Snow dust ah..."

This is the last gift Wen Xuechen gave to Lu Yujiu.

——Wen Xuechen took the root of the roots, melted it, and integrated it on the wheel.

He counted that Qu Chi will release his spiritual power, but also get the cool valley up and down, only one Lu Yujiu is eligible to touch his roulette. And he can inherit this spiritual power, and there is only one Lu Yujiu who has a ghost and a double repair.

Nowadays, the seal is a solution. He has cultivated his skills for decades and has poured into the body of Lu Yujiu.

And his sapphire roulette, after completing his own mission, slammed into a few pieces of jade tiles, and the spiritual power dispersed, and the Lord went.

Lu Yu Jiu Tong's body light drifted away, like a long light, but the skill surged, did not make Lu Yuji feel half-happy.

He opened his mouth and cried out, and the voice evoked in his mouth trembled: "Warm brother..."

... His gentle brother is lying awake in the floating earth in front of his eyes, but he has been separated from them by the mountains and the sea.

Everyone was immersed in their own emotions, and even Qu Chi was in a daze. For a time, no one found out. Tao Yu stayed in the cave and did not come out.

The letter that Xu Xingzhi saw just now, he also saw it, so he picked up the remaining two letters and planned to hand it over to Meng Zhongguang and Lu Yujiu. However, when he glanced at the word "Meng Zhongguang", he could not help but lag. Living.

In his limited cognition, Tao Xian knows that this gentleman is very disgusted with the non-doing people, and he is not guilty of Meng Zhongguang. Why is there no words in this separation for the better-skilled brothers and Zhou Shixiong, would you like to leave a message to Meng Zhongguang?

Moreover, I don't know where it came from, and I feel that this letter must be taken apart and looked at.

After a brief embarrassment, he whitened his face, twitching his hands and opening the folded bark.

Although Tao Leisure is not very literate, the words above are not difficult. Every word can be understood.

After a short while, he was violently picked up.

"The wilderness, the three devices. The world book is divided into two, half is a pottery, half is a line. Must kill the pottery, keep it."

Pottery wrinkled the blood-stained bark and hid it in his sleeves, as if he was eager to hide a purulent wound that was unsightly.

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