MTL - The Villain is Outrageously Beautiful-Chapter 91 Mellow

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Xu Xingzhi has always had abnormalities since he entered the wilderness, and he always fainted. When he suddenly fainted with a white complexion, Zhou Beinan and others were just chaotic. A moment of foot.

Seeing Meng Zhongguang holding him into the bedroom, Zhou Beinan couldn't help but take a cool statement: "The body is soft and soft, like the sister in the flower building."

However, who thinks that this sleep is a dozen sunlight scenes, no one can call it up, lips, face, forehead are sweating outside, when there is a squeaky voice, face looks like paper, but the meridians flow normally, I can’t come up with it.

On the third day, Zhou Beinan had anxiously wanted to go to the house to expose the tile. After half a tea time, it would be like a fire to see if Xu Xingzhi woke up. Although Qu Chi was softly appease him, there were eight in ten times. The second is to go with him.

On the same day, Wen Xuechen, who was detained, asked Xu Xingzhi, knowing that he was still not awake, irritated and fell into a pottery cup.

Ten days later, Xu Xingzhi finally woke up.

After confirming that he woke up, Meng Zhongguang did not call people, but poured water and drank him.

When he was drinking water, Meng Zhongguang’s eyes stayed on his smooth and squirming throat for a long time, and then moved up to the **** lips. It seemed to be confirming something, full of greed, and fascinated.

The world is very quiet, only the brothers are swallowing water.

Xu Xingzhi calmed the dry pain in the throat, and put the cup down. He asked, "Is they all in Beinan Quchi?"

Meng Zhongguang, who is immersed in the myth of the exclusive brother, heard the names of others from the mouth of Xu Xing, his face changed slightly, and reluctantly said: ""

Xu Xingzhi used wooden hands against the edge of the bed and wanted to push himself up, but just moved a little bit, and then the bones fell softly.

He said: "Tell them, I woke up."

Meng Zhongguang should have passed, and went out with his head down.

Xu Xingzhi looked at his back and thought about it.

When he was about to open his door and open the door, Xu Xingzhi screamed: "Wait. Don't call people first."

I haven't spoken for more than a dozen days. Even if I say more than one word, it is like a pain in swallowing nails. Therefore, Xu Xingzhi tries to reduce the words he wants to say to a minimum.

"Come here." He stretched his left hand and leaned forward.

Meng Zhongguang looked at Xu Xingzhi’s hand to him, as if he had not woke up from depression.

Xu Xingzhi's tone is hoarse and gentle, just like warm water and sand: "Come, let me hold for a while."

Meng Zhongguang wakes up like a dream, and quickly ran to the bed, slid the shoes and socks, smashed into the quilt, wrapped around the waist of Xu Xingzhi, and excitedly bite the lips to white.

He has long legs and long legs. In order to accommodate Xu Xingzhi's sleeping position, he will curl up his hands and feet as much as possible.

From the direction of Xu Xingzhi, Meng Zhongguang, who is so awkward, is quiet like a domestic animal.

Since entering the wilderness, Xu Xingzhi and Meng Zhongguang’s ridiculous things have turned upside down and indulged in sensuality, but he never thought that it was his wish.

Now he remembers all the dust, and his heart is quiet, just want to hold Meng Zhongguang, and he is lying quietly with him.

After a long while, Xu Xingzhi raised his left hand and slowly hooked Meng Zhongguang's right finger tip, and a root held his fingers and his own.

He is cold all year round, and Meng Zhongguang is hot like a small stove all year round.

Xu Xingzhi holds his small stove and bites his ear: "...warm me?"

The touch of the fingertips made Meng Zhongguang start to shake.

He didn't say anything, holding Xu Xingzhi's hand and sticking it to his heart. Immediately, he put his head on the side of Xu Xingzhi's chest and used his ears to capture the inner sound and focus on serious appearance. The **** is itch and hot.

Xu Xingzhi asked him: "What are you listening to?"

Meng Zhongguang did not answer, and continued to listen to the heartbeat from under the layers of flesh and blood.

Hey, hey, hey.

He carefully collected this day and didn't want to call Xu Xingzhi.

Just like the countless reincarnation, he never wants to, and will not let his brother know.

That is Meng Zhongguang’s own secret. He is willing to let them slowly fester in their own hearts, and they don't want to let the pus out, and they are contaminated by Xu Xing.

After a long time, Meng Zhongguang said: "I am listening to the heart of my brother."

Xu Xingzhi followed him and asked, "What are you talking about?"

"It said that there is Meng Zhongguang in a day, it will not stop." Meng Zhongguang smiled particularly innocent, the peach-like eyes are swaying in the light, the light is not its own, or Mapped from Xu Xingzhi.

Xu Xingzhi asked: "Does it say that I always like Meng Zhongguang?"

Meng Chongguang looked up at Xu Xingzhi, Xu Xingzhi was also watching him, two people look at each other, just like the lover's fingers touched the fingers, naturally brought together.

After a short while, two people laughed together.

Xu Xingzhi proposed: "Are you?"

So the two people kissed each other and separated them.

The lips seemed to be smeared with drugs that could make people sleep. After the kiss, Meng Zhongguang felt a small plumb bob on the eyelids and tapped it up and down.

Sleeping is trying to take away his mind.

He remembered that he had not closed his eyes for a second after he set off from the land of foreigners.

As for how long it has not been a good night, he can't remember it.

Xu Xingzhi easily saw his sleepy state, let go of his hand and grabbed his eyes: "If you are tired, sleep."

Meng Chongguang shook his body invisibly.

Just as I don't know how many times he spent his reincarnation, Xu Xingzhi did not know that Meng Zhongguang is now afraid of black.

As soon as he closes his eyes, Meng Zhongguang feels that he is running, slamming into another darkness from one darkness. If he is wide-eyed and looks down on the endless black, he will see Xu Xing's various bodies.

He occasionally woke up from such a nightmare, and saw the sleeping cheeks of Xu Xing on his side, and even gave birth to terrible thoughts.

- If it is like an ordinary demon, killing the brother and then eating it and letting him live in his body, how safe he will be.

However, Meng Zhongguang couldn't bear to even put his hand on the neck of Xu Xing. Because he knows too much what is dead, what is pain.

Now again shrouded in darkness, Meng Zhongguang struggled with fear: "I don't sleep."

Xu Xingzhi slowly brushed his hair with a wooden hand: "Is it a nightmare?"

The eyelashes in his palms slowly swept, like the birds were carefully feeding.

For a long time, Meng Zhongguang told the truth: "I am afraid that my brother will leave."

Because of the ill-health, Meng Zhongguang did not dare to mention the word "death", even if it made the word turn around in the heart, it felt terrible.

Xu Xingzhi had a meal, his knees curled up, and he resisted the lower abdomen of the person in front of him. He borrowed his power to turn over and came to Meng Zhongguang. The slender arm was on both sides of his head and said: "If you are afraid, it is better to lock me up."

He looked down at him and looked at him, and his mouth swelled upwards, sending out a light smile that was soft and soft: "And, don't lock it on the bed. Lock it here."

After all, he took Meng Zhongguang's hand and put his wrist and his wrist together, letting his pulse collide with his pulse.

As a result, Meng Zhongguang bound a vine on his wrist, and the head was connected with a Xu Xingzhi, and slowly slept in the mixture of woody and agarwood.

He didn't dream of anything this time, and he slept happily for two hours.

In these two hours, Xu Xingzhi was lying with him in the air.

He should have taken this opportunity to think more about the situation at hand, but combined with the content learned from memory, Xu Xingzhi already had answers and guesses about some things.

Therefore, he left all the distractions and only let Xu Xingzhi, who was single-minded, stay with Meng Zhongguang.

After about two hours, Meng Zhongguang in his arms stumbled and opened his eyes. He looked around in a circle of rooms, and the light and clear Ling Ling, with his scattered Wufa, was soft and lovely, and he could not wait to raise two small fish in the clear channel in his eyes.

Xu Xingzhi was amused by his own thoughts.

Hearing the laughter, Meng Zhongguang looked at Xu Xingzhi slowly, and licked the wrist tied with him, and asked slowly: "...who are you?"

Xu Xingzhi observed his eyes for a while and came to the conclusion that he should not sleep for a long time. He woke up and slept.

Meng Zhongguang looked at him with a sly look. He looked like a little milk dog in the early days. He was timid and curious to see this person who was closely connected with him.

Xu Xingzhi had some bad feelings, and he whispered in his ear to whisper the wind: "I am your wife."

Meng Zhongguang’s eyes widened and he looked at Xu Xing’s face in detail and suddenly laughed.

His smile is like falling into the sun, warm and soft: "... is it? Is my wife so beautiful?"

After all, he hid his face in the arms of Xu Xing, instinctively looking for the heartbeat that would make him feel at ease.

Even if he has been rolling in the dark for many years, as long as he can hear this sound again, he will have the courage to live again.

His Meng Zhongguang is in Xu Xingzhi, and he will always come and linger.

The news of Xu Xingzhi's awakening was about half a day late.

Let's turn around and see if he is well. And seeing every face, Xu Xingzhi has to stay for a long time.

Qu Chi was careful and saw something wrong. He asked him: "What do you look at me like this? Is it uncomfortable?"

Xu Xingzhi shook his head.

Qu Chi put down his heart, gently touched his hair, and learned the words of the older child: "Go faster soon. Well, I will reward you for sugar."

Xu Xingzhi’s smile: “I’m going to eat now.”

Qu Chi is serious: "The sugar in the disease, the bad appetite, is not good for recovery."

Xu Xingzhi just cooperated with his frustrated expression, and Qu Chi felt distressed. After confirming that Meng Zhongguang was cutting the fruit, he carefully untied the kite that he had sewed for him at the waist, opened the belt and took out one. The clean little pebbles, stuffed in the palm of Xu Xing, solemnly said: "Give only one, no more."

Xu Xingzhi was sneaky, and he took it with cherishedness and squatted in his mouth.

Zhou Beinan soon came. He lifted his leg directly to the bed, taking advantage of the fact that Lu Yujiu couldn’t touch it. Da Ma Jindao sat on the side of Xu Xing’s body and half of his legs directly into Xu’s body. : "Sleep and sleep, if you have the ability, you will not sleep."

Meng Zhongguang stared at him.

Zhou Beinan also felt the sight from the back, his face was tight, and he changed his mind and said: "Xiao Lu said that he wants to see you, and I am going back."

Xu Xingzhi asked: "Is it a small injury to Xiaolu?"

"It's like a slap, don't matter. There is still Awang to accompany him." Zhou Beinan whispered, "But he is not very comfortable."

Xu Xingzhi knows that it is not just Lu Yujiu. Everyone here, including Zhou Wang, is afraid that he will not be able to get anywhere.

Zhou Beinan said: "Xiaolu told me that when the cool valley was broken, the snow dust corpse... The snow dust was stolen by the magic road. At that time, the situation was chaotic, and no one even tried to test the snow and dust, so he always I felt that the snow dust was not dead, but I was imprisoned by the magic road.... Now think about it, he is better to die."

Immediately he laughed at himself: "We are a few people, a disabled person, a fool, a dead one, a half dead, and whoever to talk about."

Xu Xingzhi straightened his body: "When we go out, we can find someone who can reason."

Soon, he asked again: "... Where is he?"

Who does this "he" point to? Needless to say.

When Xu Xingzhi entered the small room where the animal skin was imprisoned, Wen Xuechen was facing away from the door and bowing his head.

His green blouse has faded because of the blood. His body is covered with a cool valley robe, which is not a fit. It is probably from the disciples who have inherited the cool valley service.

Wen Xuechen's green silk is all white, and there is no restraint on the crown. It flows down calmly, and there is a ringing ring from his palm. It is not like the sound that he usually makes when he licks the yin and yang ring.

Xu Xingzhi watched him for a long time, only to call: "...snow dust."

Read The Duke's Passion