MTL - The Villain is Outrageously Beautiful-Chapter 87 Nine Death Regret (1)

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When Xu Xingzhi walks, the cloud bed is still running, and the water is still there, but the thousands of spring insects are all gone.

There are not a few disciples in the Fengling Mountains. At this time, none of them said anything, shouted, and all of them were soft, cold, and dry. They felt that the air around them was evacuated, as if there was something invisible. The monsters are eroding their will without pervasiveness, and they are easily destroyed into ash.

A magical night of the night patrol fell on the avenue leading to the road to the Green Bamboo Temple. The lanterns were like him, and the mud was generally on the ground.

Looking at Xu Xingzhi's step by step approach, he was like a golden paper, but earning his full strength, he can only clasp his toes, snoring like a dead dog.

Xu Xingzhi did not pay attention to him, just like seeing a piece of rotten wood on the road, even looking at it was boring, and he walked straight through the top of his head.

In the still life, the only nine lights that can move are in the green bamboo swaying in the shadow of the lamp, and the glow traces the faint Phnom Penh around his body.

He wore the costumes of Fengling Mountain, and even held a roll of bamboo slips in his hands. Everything was like the teenager in Xu Xingzhi’s memory. It was clean and clear, like a blue light that quietly burned in the night.

Young young voice standing on the stage: "Brother, you are here."

Xu Xingzhi did not have a word, turned his wrist and raised his arm. The sword pointed to the cross, and the sharp front of the three-pointed moon was wrapped in a very killing, sweeping the throat of the nine lights!

On the order of the youth, it became a residual image. When the step stone burst open, the sword front changed to a thousand light nails and scattered around!

When the youth re-condensed into a fixed shape, the Jianfeng had aroused his long hair, and there were many cracks between the rolled sleeves, and there was a mottled red ooze.

Xu Xingzhi did not swear with him, and he took the lead and took the key.

He wants the life of this person! Immediately, right away!

The light nail wheel turns into a fan and automatically turns back to Xu Xing's palm. Xu Xingzhi's left hand picks up the closed fan. The bamboo bones are unfolded and turned into a hardened red knife. Several prancing, the blade and the nine branches are horizontal. The scabbard collided in one place, and a fire broke into the height of three feet!

Xu Xingzhi's blood is getting thicker, his wrists are flipped, and the horizontal blade is slashed to the tail of the scabbard. All the way to the white rainbow, the nine branches of light avoid the edge, light flashing.

His body is light, and the pace is three steps, and it is the footwork in Fengling swordsmanship.

Xu Xingzhi clenched his teeth and shouted: "... pull the sword!"

The young voice cleared the road: "I don't draw swords with my brother."

Xu Xingzhi only felt a hot eye, a splitting headache, and aroused the brilliance of the chest. He stepped forward and shook his left hand. He held a silver gun with a fire, and opened the youth to block. The scabbard, pressed down, the left foot to follow the trend, a boot will step the scabbard under the foot, suffocating, silver gun self-propelled snake spear, out of thin air, a mammoth to nine lights Chest!

He doesn't need to explain, and he doesn't need a reason. He only needs the life of nine lights!

However, the Jiuzhi lamp has been practicing swords against him all the year round. He knows the strengths of Xu Xingzhi. Once he is close to him, he is a dead end. He simply walks away from the sword and dissolves into a broken light.

When he was about to fix his pace, he couldn't take a breath and felt cold in his chest. He instinctively lifted his foot back.

Xu Xingzhi has already captured the direction of spiritual flow, and immediately changed his mind, moving like lightning, and it has already pushed him in front of him!

Nine branches of light backed up, Xu Xingzhi approached, two dazzling white figures clinging to the side of the party, causing all the way to the shadows, lights swaying.

The infuriating Yuan Ying period of the spirit, so that those who fell to the ground of the magic disciples closed their eyes, the skin was shrunk to a place, only hate to turn into a mud tire puppet, avoiding the two people.

Before retreating to an oak tree, the nine branches of lights leaped onto the trunk, and Xu Xingzhi chased the spear.

However, when he was in the air, the vision was steep!

After Xu Xingzhi was six feet away from the ground, countless cold lights came out in abundance. The three-sided long cones, which were condensed by transparent spiritual power, accurately bypassed his limbs and interspersed with each other, trapping him in a dead frame!

... Has he actually buried the law here?

The nine branches of the lamp fell on the treetops, and the figure slowly shook with the sway of the treetops: "Senior brother, don't act rashly. I don't want to hurt you."

Xu Xingzhi did not want to pay attention to his eulogy, and his whole thoughts were concentrated on this strange array of methods.

Ordinary arrays are often located on the ground, walls, etc., this method is actually set in half space...

Between the electric and the Flint, Xu Xingzhi suddenly recalled that in the old years of Chang'an Taiping, one person always liked to slap him and Quchu or North-South when he tried to quietly set a simple array in the air, and put a rope in the cold. Come, let's take a look at their strengths.

Xu Xingzhi's eyes quickly dyed a thin layer of red.

... How can the Jiuzhi lamp follow the technique used by Wen Xuechen in the past? He also has!

He clenched his teeth and slammed his right arm. Regardless of the dozens of wounds that were cut by the long cone at the elbow, tiger's mouth and waist, he waved the "right palm" and smashed one of the lightsabers.

The spear held by his left hand is also turned into an iron shield, such as a long wind, a moment of swaying, a meteor splash, a broken cone!

Not a moment, Xu Xingzhi is tearing the arsenal of cages erected by this volley!

Although I knew that Xu Xingzhi’s right hand had been broken, but I really saw the wooden hand that was replaced, the Jiuzhi lamp was still shrinking, and he did not seem to expect that Xu Xingzhi would be so determined and would rather self-destruct and self-injury. Breaking out of the cage, when he noticed that it was wrong, and then wanted to avoid it, it was already slow.

Once Xu Xingzhi is close, the Jiuzhi lamp is somewhat unsustainable, and the left branch is right and the war is retreating. Xu Xingzhi has exhausted all means, only wants to take his life, all kinds of soldiers, thousands of changes, silver snakes dance Snow practiced Xiao Su's disciples, who saw the swordsman like a shuttle, but couldn't see the face of Xu Xing's palms changed a few times!


Soon, the sword shadow knife, added a line of scary scarlet.

A fish-intestinal sword penetrated deeply into the left chest of the Jiuzhi lamp. From the front, from the back, the leaching blood poured out and fell into red.

In the middle of the party, the violent spiritual impact gradually subsided.

The nine branches of the lamp hang down to the wound.

It seems that the wound that runs through the heart does not make him feel pain. His look is not worried, and even raises the mouth of the blood flow a little bit: " it."

After speaking these two words, he swayed and smashed. But his eyes and chicks were like a bottle of water, and he followed him tirelessly, as if there were countless words to talk to him.

Xu Xingzhi looked at his child who raised his own hands and looked at him like this, his face gradually turned pale.

He thought that he was numb with his own heart, and whoever wants to come to the end of his life will still feel so bad.

Xu Xingzhi did not think about why he would call himself "going", kneeling down to hold his shoulder, but for a moment he did not know what to say to him.

The Huaizhong people did not send out a single word, closed their eyes, and the lips were cold and there was no heat exhaled.

Xu Xingzhi hugged his body, only to feel that every inch of skin is cold and biting.

A breeze came, and the two people’s bundles of 缥 发 发 飞 , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , ,

Xu Xingzhi couldn’t tell the reason why this kind of heart seemed to be caused by the pain of a piece of life. He had to look up and relieve the sorrow and sorrow of the throat.

At the next moment, Xu Xingzhi’s synapse came from under the cheekbones on the right side of the cheekbone. It hurt so much that he was sore, his body was soft and he fell backwards, but he just fell into a pair of warm arms. .

A cold voice that made his scalp numb sounded in his ear, but he did not scream at the flat thunder, and he was shocked by Xu Xing's hands and feet: "... Brother, you are too impulsive."

When Xu Xingzhi’s eyes widened and he couldn’t rest on his back, the nine lights behind him clung to his shoulders carefully, lest he be contaminated with dew at night and cold.

In the touch of the body, his nose tip inadvertently sniffed in the neck of Xu Xing, the familiar aroma of scent called him slightly red face: "Long time no see, brother."


Xu Xingzhi’s horrified intersection looked at the body that was lying on his back and squatting down. He flashed a thought in his head and thundered him.

——From now on, the “Nine Branch Lights” that walked out of the Qingzhu Temple are a fake!

The Jiuzhi lamp used the magical obstacles of the magic road to repair its beauty and sound its sound, and just as he only evaluated, he was too impulsive, and he was angered and attacked. Without careful inspection, he would have to take his life, even if he did not pay attention to it. Does the branch light use any tricks!

Now falling into his hands, Xu Xingzhi only feels that the blood is like boiling water: "Nine lights!... Hey!..."

Jiuzhi Deng reached out and held his cheekbone, and injected a spiritual force. Xu Xingzhi’s body was locked in a few moments. The weaknesses were shocked for the monks, and Xu’s pain was painful. Soft, the body smashed up, and fell into the arms of the nine branches of light, biting the teeth, but still inevitably oozing intermittent low-lying.

Hearing the squeaking sound between his lips and teeth, the nine branches of light breathe slightly unsteady, slightly turning his eyes away, restraining the road: "Brother, offended."

After all, he took care of Xu Xing as in the case of copying, and he hugged him and walked toward the Green Bamboo Temple.

Different from that time, Xu Xingzhi is now sane, and the heartache that only saw him "body death" has long been turned into a thousand needle cones, and he can't wait to pierce this person into a sieve.

However, he had just tried his best to fight a battle, and he did not intend to receive the blow. The spirit was sealed and his body was too soft to support. His left hand held the nine-armed arm and tried to force it, but found that his fingers were soft like tofu, and even his tongue was stiff: "Nine... nine lights..."

The Jiuzhi lamp held the middle of the arms tightly, and opened the door of the temple.

The spirits were scattered, and the disciples of the Devils were only able to climb up, and watched as Xu Xingzhi was hugged into the temple by the nine lights, and the jaws were screaming.

Only the corpse of Xu Xing’s sword was replaced by the nine-segment lamp. For example, the worms of the hundred feet have arched their bodies and sent out a hoarse voice: "Go... brother..."

- In the blood, not struggling with adulthood, Xu Pingsheng!

The two neighbors of the Jiuzhi lamp wiped the sweat and hurried to the side of the person, watching him struggle through the ragged, unanimously revealing the color of disgust.

One of them said: "How is this person disposed of?"

Another star who stared at the back of his neck and hesitated, hesitated: "He is also the corpse of the Lord's hand, we are not private..."

The voice was not finished, and the door of the Qingzhu Temple opened again.

Jiuzhi Lan thinks that there is something outside that can't be cleaned before I go back.

His gaze passed through Xu Pingsheng, who was on the ground.

Before the brothers came, they had already ruined this person into an inferior waking body, and temporarily marked him in him, and part of his soul was in his body, so that he would temporarily make his own line.

He was originally born in Fengling, and his footwork is the number of Fengling Road. As long as he is dodging with the brothers, he will not do the sword, and the 70% of the brothers may not see the flaws.

Jiuzhi Lan used this person to waste Xu Xing's physical strength, looking for opportunities to sneak into the air and subdue him; and Xu Xingzhi stabbed him with a sword, and he reported that he had personally reported that he had lied to lie and died. .

The value of this person’s use has been completely gone.

Jiuzhi Lan said in a simple and concise manner: "Throw him away."

With this sentence, Xu Ping’s temporary red seal at the back of his neck turned into a cloud of smoke and disappeared.

... He didn't need to wake up on the side of his body, and he was sick and sick.

The long sword inserted into his chest lost the support of Xu Xingzhi and returned to the appearance of a bamboo fracture fan.

Jiuzhi lamp raised his hand, and the folding fan was extradited into the palm of his hand. The thin belly of the finger was carefully wiped off the blood beads stained on it. He turned and said: "Meng Zhongguang is also coming, you are ready to go. ""

Although the body was not painful, the heart was hurting a lot. Xu Pingsheng's mind was still unclear. The two legs were dragged by the two neighbors, and he dragged the dog and took him to the back hill.

He blinked his eyes and looked at the sky, his expression numb and unsolvable.

He doesn't remember why he wants to go up the mountain.

——It seems that they went to Danyang and Fengling’s appointment with the disciples of the mountain, and the master did not show up. When the disciples were at a loss, they took the initiative to propose a return to the vicinity of the Fengling to inquire about the situation. Quietly look at Yuan Ruyi, who volunteered to stay in the mountains, if he was killed by the Devils...

How was he being jealous?

——It seems that I have neglected for a while, and I forgot that the Jiuzhi lamp has also lived in Fengling for many years. I know every secret path of Fengling Mountain, and set a special whistle to guard...

But who is he? What is your name?

Can not remember.

... What is the name of the "Master" he came to look for?

Do not remember.

Fengling, Danyang, Yuanshi sister...

All the memories in his mind were like the bamboo slips that were cut off by the knives after the mistakes were copied. The text gradually became thin and thin, and finally only a snowfield that was uninhabited and uninhabited.

The two magic disciples who dragged his legs and feet would not care about the thoughts of the four people, but only talked about themselves.

"This person is clear that he is looking for death! I heard that the Lord has been looking for this surname Xu, who wants him to cast his own net and send himself to the mountains."

"Do you respect the Lord and this person?"

"No! I heard that this surname Xu is the brother of Fengling Xuxing, hating his brother, hating that the eyes are green, and privately, there is no less scorpion to Xu Xingzhi. What is the relationship between Xu and the Lord? You know it too."

After squinting at each other for a while and pulling Xu Pingsheng out of the distance, one of them began to complain: "It’s really dead and dead. Where to throw?"

"Throw it in front of the mountain."

When the speaker left this, he looked back inadvertently and didn't feel stunned and shouted.

I don't know when Xu Pingsheng's eyes were round and round, staring at him, tired and gentle and repeating the name he just heard: " it."

He was surrounded by two frightened Demon disciples, kicking for a while in the rag pocket, and was dragged to a hillside where the grass was not born, bare and clear, and the cliff fell down. bottom.

The two disciples walked away slyly.

Xu Pingsheng is dead, so even if he breaks the bone, he will not feel pain.

When the ants smelled the **** smell and squatted around, Xu Pingsheng looked up at the moonlight between the cliff and the cliff alone. It seemed to think of a lot of things, but it seemed to be just lying quietly. What? Did not think, do not think about anything.

While a corpse was lying on the bottom of the scorpion and looking up at the spring moon, under the same moonlight, Meng Zhongguang was wrapped up in a sigh of relief, pushing a palm, and angrily shattered the Fengling Mountain Gate.

He is really miscalculated!

Meng Zhongguang thought that the brothers might go to Qingliang Valley and Yingtianchuan to check the situation first, then go to the magical altar to find nine lights, but he ran through these three places, but they all emptied!

If you are not rushing to find a brother, he will never just kill a hundred people and will easily close his hands. He must be able to stir up the sacred corpse of the demon, and the blood can not drift!

Seeing that the gates of Fengling were unguarded, Meng Zhongguang’s heart was confirmed, and the Jiuzhi lamp was definitely here.

However, he figured out the relationship, but he was more worried.

... If the brothers come here earlier than themselves, how can this be the calm scene?

Brother is not already...

This terrible conjecture was thoroughly confirmed when he saw the innocent nine lamps.

Since he stepped into the mountain gate, he was not seen in the semi-human shadows. Only when he slammed the scorpion on the treetops, he screamed several times, and his voice was strange. He was immersed in the cool moonlight between the moonlight. The color.

Until he walked to the front of the Qingzhu Temple, he saw the Jiuzhi lamp alone sitting alone in front of the temple, looking up at the moon.

Behind him, there is a semi-circular light door with a gray-green color. The inner vortex is staggered, the darkness is difficult to distinguish, the moonlight is bright, the light gate is overcast, and the two are interlaced, casting two shadows of yin and yang on the Jiuzhi lamp.

In the hands of Jiuzhi Lan, I am playing the "free pen" fan that Xu Xingzhi never leaves!

Meng Zhongguang turned his face, and the muscles on both sides of his cheeks horribly squirmed. The sound sounded like a beast warning the police: "...the nine lights, where is the brother?"

Hearing him talking, the nine branches of lights only looked up to Meng Zhongguang.

Compared with the cleft palate of the person in front of the eye, the Jiuzhi lamp looks quite gentle like a gentleman: "Sister?"

He raised his hand and pointed to the side of the light door. A: "...the brother is here."

Although Meng Chongguang has always been lazy and unwilling to learn, but following Xu Xingzhi's mission, the demon has been demons for many years, he has also seen the appearance of the door of the wild.

Meng Zhongguang took a step toward the light door, and his heart seemed to have a pot of fire, steaming him to have a fever: " put the brothers into the wild?"

The Jiuzhi lamp slowly leaned forward and calmed down: "After I caught my brother, my brother refused to surrender to the magic road and injured many of my demon disciples. In order to show disciplinary action, I will stop the spirit of my brother. The bones are broken and put into the wild, so as to serve the public."

... the spirit is stopped, the bones ... broken?

The eight words couldn't fall into the ears of Meng Zhongguang, like eight small hands, rushing into his chest and tearing the things that were beating into pieces.

Fortunately, Meng Zhongguang soon woke up and looked at the nine lights, slowly pulling away the lips: "You are less fooling me. Nine lights, you have hidden your brother."

... Yes, it must be hidden.

Jiuzhi Lan has always had a loving affection for his brother, although he is only delusional, but how can he wait for his brother?

But if it is... If he finds that he can't surrender his brother, he can't ask for it, he will complain, he will gradually hate it, and he will invest his brother in the wild, so that he can retaliate against his brother. What should he do?

Jiuzhi Lan does not care about his guilty guilt, only quietly unfolding the "free pen" fan face, carefully traces the Zhang Yang cursive on the dragon and phoenix dance: "...what is the scene in the wild, the brother is against you to me I have said, I will ask you, how long can a mortal who is completely spiritually and seriously injured be able to stay in it?"

Meng Zhongguang: "..."

He tried his best to abandon those horrible conjectures, but it was difficult to conceal the gradual breathing and heartbeat: "Bring the brothers back."

Nine lights: "I told you that the brothers are in the wild."

Meng Zhongguang hurried his voice: "He is not inside!"

When the voice fell, his demon had already started, and the tail of the eye was covered with scarlet, and the palm of his hand was transferred to the spirit. At the same time, the Jiuzhi lamp came out with a demon, and the blood was full of blood. The language also brought out a very ironic meaning: "Meng Zhongguang, I know that your repair is at least Yuan Ying, but it is also Yuan. Infant repair, can you guarantee my life immediately?"

Between the suppression, his tone turned low, it seems to be a whisper: "The brother is seriously injured, in the wild, you have to wait for a second, the brother is more dangerous inside. You do not go to help, but here to correct with me Fighting, can you be worthy of your affection with him?"

Meng Zhongguang forcibly suppressed the feeling of acupuncture in his chest, struggling to rebut with reason: "He is not wild!"

The Jiuzhi lamp suddenly screamed: "What if he is?!"

Meng Zhongguang only felt that the heavenly spirit had covered a heavy hammer, and the back was sweating down. The neck seemed to be hanged by the five words into the noose.

...if he is there?


At this time, the nine branches of light and sleeves waved, the light door disappeared, turned into a streamer, and fell into the cuffs of the nine branches of lights: "You don't want to go, then I don't need to force you. Such things you take Go ahead. The left and right brothers will not need it in the future."

Having said that, the Jiuzhi lamp throws the "free pen", and the fan sends out the vibration of the pigeon feathers, and flies away.

When Meng Zhongguang changed his light, he instinctively jumped to win, but when he discovered that there was a thin foreign light with the "free pen", a semi-circular light door had opened the net silently, one bite. Engulf him with the "quick pen"!

He even failed to make a cry, and he fell into the wild.

The temple returned to the silence.

Nine lights looked at the whirlwind of the rotating light gate in the void, and the red color of the fascinating faint slowly faded away. The light door gradually narrowed down, condensed into a light spot, and returned to the nine-segment sleeves again.

He licked his sleeves and it was rare to have a light smile.

The nine lights are clear, and Meng Zhongguang is much better than the brothers.

There is only one Xu Xingzhi in this person's heart, and nothing else can be filled.

Then he only needs to take the brother, and then a little bit of provocation, chaos his mind, Meng Zhongguang is destined to become his cage bird.

After taunting Meng Zhongguang, who was in the wild and ignorant of it, Jiuzhi Deng looked up at the moon for a moment, and recited the emotions in his heart.

... Should he be happy?

The four gates descended, scattered, and died. The brothers were jealous of him, and Meng Zhongguang was deceived by him.

He is now sitting in the position of the Lord of the Magic Road. The next step is to gather four doors, clean up the magic road, keep the ring, follow the heart, and lead the magic into the sun.

From today, the Tao will merge and there is no difference.

He eventually became the master of the door from the fallen proton.

Thinking about this, Jiuzhi Deng explorer into the sleeve, from which he took out the wild key of the glory, let the light-like spirits float in his fingers.

In those days, Xuan Feijun fell into the hands of his own monks as a keyless key, and painstakingly set a ban on this key, so that the key can only be used within the four jurisdictions, opening the door to the wild.

However, Xuan Feijun was afraid that he had never expected that one day, the evil invaders, the yin and the sun, the magic road will actually sit in the four orthodox position.

Regarding all kinds of knowledge about the door of the wild, he learned it in four doors. Today, he is handy to use this as a medium to collect the four people who are unwilling to surrender.

... Yes, he should be happy.

After the key was removed, the nine lights turned into the green bamboo temple.

There is no figure in Xu Dian in the temple.

He naturally would not put Xu Xingzhi in a place that everyone can see.

Step by step on the high platform in the temple, Jiuzhi lamp robes sit and hold the shallow mouth of the cinnabar used in the table.

In an instant, things changed for the stars, and he appeared in a clean room.

Numerous wrist-thick iron shackles, Xu Xingzhi's hands, feet, waist, joints, neck and death lock bite in it, his eyes covered with a white scarf, cross tied behind his head.

Xu Xingzhi's hands were opened obliquely above, knees apart, folded outwards, sitting on the ground, like a butterfly accidentally caught by a spider web.

The nine lights looked at the man, and the emotions in his eyes rushed, and he wanted to touch, but he retracted his hand.

Xu Xingzhi has already noticed the smell of a person in the small room. Zhangkou asked: "...have heavy light?"

After calming down, Xu Xingzhi smashed the whole thing from beginning to end. Fang Jue was a well-prepared trap.

I have already entrusted me to take care of nine lights.卅 其 其 其 其 其 其 其 其 其 其 其 其 其 其 其 其 其 其 其 其 其 其 其 其 其 其 其 其 其 其 其 其 其 其 其 其 其 其 其 其 其 其 其 其 其

He and the light are in one place. Hearing the four things, he will come in any case, but in terms of heavy temperament, since he had previously concealed the destruction of the Qingliang Valley, he will not be allowed to come.

Once the two were separated from the German, they were in the trap of the person in front of them.

After he rushed in and sneaked in, the Jiuzhi lamp left quietly for so long, and it is not difficult to see who he is going to deal with.

Nine lights replied: "I sent him to the place where he should go."

Xu Xingzhi’s left fist slammed, pulling the chain and making a shattering sound.

"The demon temperament is uncertain, leaving it a scourge." Nine branches of light, "I think, the wild is just right for people like him."

Although I thought that such a thing might happen, after hearing it, Xu Xingzhi still had a sad heart, and a white face clenched the iron rope: "... nine lights!!"

After calling his name, Xu Xingzhi was so painful that he could not say anything.

Why did he become this look?

Nine lights looked at the man who was kneeling down, his neck and shoulders trembled, and the soft flesh between his chest was hard to suppress.

Although repeatedly reminding myself that I can't think more about my brother, I didn't find out about Xu Xingzhi's people.

... I think he is afraid of himself.

He cried: "Brother..."

"Don't call my brother." After Xu Xingzhi slowed down the pain, he showed a smile almost desperate. "I can't afford it.... I can't afford it."

The nine lights are silent for a long while.

He didn't know how to comfort the young man who was shaking in front of him. He had to walk around the layers of chains and walk to his side, kneeling down and slowly depicting his facial features with his fingertips.

The youth who used to appear only in his dreams have finally appeared in front of him.

Xu Xingzhi does not hide or sneak, indifferent: "Nine lights, if you still have shame, you have to humiliate me. I don't want to fall into the magic road, put me into the wild."

"Do not."

The answer to the Jiuzhi lamp was quite different from Xu Xingzhi’s imagination, so that his eyebrows wrinkled gently: “‘No’?”

"No." The fingers of the Jiuzhi lamp stayed on the lips of Xu Xing's lips, and pressed the soft and full lips into a depression. "Brother, you have to stay with me."

Xu Xingzhi’s face changed, it’s hard to set the channel: “...What do you say?”

And the response is actually a pair of thin lips!


When the matter came to an end, the Jiuzhi lamp finally found out that at this time, he himself could completely monopolize his brother.

He is the Lord of the Magic and the Lord of the Four Doors. However, from beginning to end, Xu Xingzhi is the only light in his life, the only person he really wanted to get.

Nowadays, this light is locked in the place where he can find only. Why should he easily navigate through? !

With the lips that don't belong to Meng Zhongguang, Xu Xingzhi's body hair will blow up!

Now he can no longer be calm, white face, and try not to open his face: "What are you doing?!"

His chin was caught by one hand, fixed between the thumb and the index finger, and the thumb moved up and down on his chin, and stroked his lips with impunity.

In the cold voice of the Jiuzhi lamp, there was some emotion that made Xu Xingzhi sound numb: "Brother, if you don't understand, I will do it again."

Xu Xingzhi’s throat was tight, regardless of his chin pain, he wanted to avoid him, but he didn’t want his chin to be lifted up, and his bulging knuckles that were rolling up and down were smashed into the entrance and played with me.

Because it was invisible, all the subtle touches were magnified innumerable times. Xu Xingzhi’s long sound was low. “Hmm,” he was angry and shocked, and his cheeks were white.

Being so tempted by this, where does he still understand the mind of Jiuzhi Lan?

He... is it like Meng Zhongguang? All……

At this time, Xu Xingzhi couldn’t tell what he felt in his heart. He just wanted to kill him and just fell clean.

His struggles touched countless chains and screams, and the screaming resentment and Xu Xing's humiliating look provoked the deepening of the Jiuzhi dynasty, accumulating a whole year of emotional volcanoes boiling out and stirring. The ash that was turbid and hot, swallowed him and Xu Xing.

He pulled his lips away and slowly slipped through Xu Ning's neck and collarbone with a fingertip. He whispered: "Brother, you are thinking, I have done so many wrong things, how can I still face in front of you, how can I still You whisper, can you?"

Xu Xingzhi was inevitable, and the body's spiritual veins were sealed. He had to endure such a gentle and gentle care, and he silently said nothing.

"I confess, I think all of them. I was not determined to do it when I was determined to do it." Jiuzhi Deng turned and said, "...but the brothers are now regretful."

Xu Xingzhi still does not speak.

Like treating a piece of smashing treasure, the nine branches of light gently remove his belt: "Brother, the biggest mistake of your life, is that when I did not let my blood awaken, I blew myself."

Xu Xingzhi wanted to struggle again, but he could hear him say this, but he was quiet.

The Jiuzhi lamp continued: "...or it was the time when my meridians were abolished, so I would not repair the body of Yuan Ying, and I will not have four disasters today."

"And, what happened to the seal of the snake. Why do you want to save me? I am dead, isn't everything clean and dust-free? It is not going to cause the scourge for the brothers later."

Layers of clothes, slipped to the ground with the words of the nine lights.

"Brothers, things are now, are you the same as all of them, I feel that I was born to die?" Jiuzhi Deng's mind is chaotic, and the cold eyes are dyed with the color of bloodthirsty madness, "...must be Ok? Ah?"

Xu Xing’s upper body was not in the air. He was kneeling in the same place and his lips were white.

The Jiuzhi lamp did not know what kind of answer he wanted to hear from Xu Xingzhi. Yes or no, he felt that he would not care.

As the saying goes, he simply spills the secret that has been suppressed for a long time in his heart and is maliciously dumped: "Brother, you said. You hate me. I knew someone who had a snake print on you. There is Meng Zhongguang and me. - It is me, I have revealed the secret, including the death of Master, and I can't get rid of it with me!"

It was from that incident that the nine lights were crazy.

Both Master and the brothers were ruined in his hands, and those who could design such a serial meter only knew the secrets of the snake seal.

Therefore, the Jiuzhi lamp will never be forgiven by the brothers, and it will never be possible to return to the right path. Who made him bear the life of a quiet monarch and the broken name of a brother and a right hand that was cut down.

If this is the case, then he will be a complete magician.

Shouting out the fullness of the teeth, the Jiuzhi lamp almost happily waited for Xu Xingzhi's possible hysteria, accusing him of resentment.

He knew that the anecdote was made by Liu Yunhe, but he took all the blame on his head, but he was distorted to let Xu Xingzhi hate himself again.

If you can't love, then hate it. At least, you can still leave a seat in your brother's heart.

Can things still get worse?

After a long silence, Xu Xingzhi finally spoke.

"I will not regret things I have done." Xu Xingzhi said, "And, before the four disasters occurred, I never suspected that the seal was revealed to you."

Nine lights laughed.

He felt that the comforting words of the brothers were both funny and cruel.

... never doubt?

how is this possible?

If it is not the only person in this world who really hates him, if he does not cut off all hopes and hopes, how can he do the following things?

He embraced Xu Xingzhi's shoulder and sneered again and again: "Senior brother, do you trust me so much?"

He won't believe it. In this case he will never...

Thinking like this, his sight moved down and he suddenly found out that after Xu Xing, the place where the snake was printed on the back was smashed with a large piece of flesh. The wound was extremely fresh, and the blood soaked in the coat did not even dry up. .

The nine-lighted face suddenly turned pale.

"Before I came to see you, I always thought that there was a snake print on my back. It was unintentionally revealed by the fourth. After all... Jurassic and Yu Si are uncles." Xu Xingzhi’s voice is as watery as water. "...I never thought you did it."

Having said that, he looked up and pointed the white cloth's tight eyes at the nine lights that trembled with his lips: "...I never regret to block this snake print for you. But I know After that, this snake print stayed on me for a while, and I felt sick."

... The Jiuzhi lamp almost fled from the small room.

Sitting on the high level of the main hall, he trembled and buried his forehead in the palm of his hands, and his lips were strangely on the ground.

Read The Duke's Passion